How bad would this be...


DIS Veteran
Aug 19, 1999
I have to book four rooms next month (3 studios and 1 2Bdrm) for a mini- family reunion next year (that's assuming of course I can get all the rooms!). We don't want to be near the rest of the family (too confusing, too much tension, etc.). Would it be really bad of us to request the 2 Bdrm NOT be near the other rooms? I know it sounds bad, but until you spend time with some of them...ugh!!
Speaking from experience, no, it would not be bad. It may save your trip in the long run. :D Maybe you could request separate floors. I know "togetherness" can wear thin and having your own room to retreat to is a great stress reliever. Don't beat up on yourself, either. As much as I love my extended family and friends, we don't see eye-to-eye on much. Whenever we travel together, it is nice to be able to unwind and get some privacy!
We did this once about 5 years ago when we went with a whole bunch of family. Originally we were right next to my wifes aunt and her family. However, their children are older and stay up much later than our kids. So, we asked to be in the same building, but not right next to them. We ended up in a room that was around the corner (this was at CBR before we joined DVC). This worked out great in my opinion. We were still close, but did not feel overwhelmed.
Depending on which members of our families were with with us, we'd want the same request as you want - not to be near the others. ;) I just wouldn't tell the others that we had requested a seperate location. :D
I know exactly what you mean. Have you thought about getting your room at a different DVC resort? That would make sure that you had a nice buffer zone. You could blame it on some obscure DVC restriction, or on the point structure or something like that. No one would know what you were talking about anyway.

Sounds like you're feeling a little guilty about your idea of a little space between rooms.

Here's another vote that says do it if you think it will make a better vacation for you. Don't feel bad about this, and my guess is you are more worried about it than the rest of your group.

Don't worry that they'll think you don't love them....after all, it sounds like you're the one make this fantastic reunion possible through your DVC membership!

Like Mary Ellen said, I'd make the request and if anyone asks, just say that this is what the DVC gave you.

Have a great trip.
Thanks for the support. I know I shouldn't feel guilty - especially considering that we are basically footing the room bill for all of them! I did think about other DVC resorts, Jimbo, but because of the 11/7 month window I'm not sure if I can make that work...If at 7 months we can book our room over at VWL, I just may switch ours from BWV's to VWL! :D . Too many people (23 if everyone goes!) in too close of a proximity does not, IMHO, make for a very relaxing trip - LOL! I do feel better knowing I'm not alone on this! Afterall...I'll be giving up some of our 2003 Points to make this all work...why should I feel bad :tongue:
We had a major two family, 26 people reunion this past summer. We were very lucky to get two OKW Grand Villas side-by-side with a studio around the corner in the same building. We had a ball. There is so much to do that everyone was able to do their own thing. We saw some at the bus stops. We did plan three meals together that worked very well. One evening the old folks stayed with the kids while our young folks went to Wolfgang Puck's and some continued into Pleasure Island.

My personal feeling is that if I couldn't stand being with someone at WDW, I'd never give up almost three years of points to have a reunion. Just my two cents. One mind-set that may help is that you are not responsible for their happiness or activities. You do what you would like to do with whomever you choose. Relax!!

By the way, Disney Group will work with you if you would like to do anything together. They were very helpful as we planned our trip. We were a little limited because of the wide age difference of the children - 2 months - 13 years, but they offer a lot of group events and/or dining reservations.
I believe that the name of the department is Park Catering and Event Services. The CMs there could not of been any more helpful and patience if we were booking a 1000 person event.
After a lot of thought and consideration for the difference in ages and WDW experience, we decided to plan just 3 meals. My first goal was to have a "kick-off" get together. We decided to meet at the Crystal Palace for the character lunch buffet on the first day. Everybody got there on time, and had a great time. The food was surprisingly good. It was our daughter's birthday, so we surprised her with a cake - delivered by Tigger. She has the two youngest grandchildren, 2mo and 18mo. It was nice for her to get a little attention. Her family flew in from MN. Monday night, we met at the Cape May Cafe for a fun time. They seated us in the alcove in the rear of the cafe. It was perfect for our noisy group. On Thursday, we planned a private cookout on the beach near the Storm-A-Bay. Unfortunately a bad electrical storm forced us indoors. It worked out very well, and the food was plentiful and excellent. The hit was the ingredients to make strawberry shortcake.

One consideration in dealing with the group folks is that everything must be prepaid 30 days before the event.
hi: maybe it worked out well for me, but when i needed 3 rooms (2 studios and a 1br) at bwv in may, 2000, the 2 studios were to the left of the elevators and our 1br was to the right. i had requested the rooms be close to one another and got just the opposite. oh well, it was a nice trip and gave all involved a bit of space.
JoeT -

Thanks for the info on group planning. I e-mailed Debbie Johnson last evening and there was a response from her already this morning! I just gave her details of our trip and she gave me a few ideas. She will have a more formalized plan which she will e-mail me on Friday. Great timing since I am seeing a lot of family members for Labor Day picnic and we can talk about it then.

Thanks again.

Margaret in CT


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