How do you feel about pulling kids out of school?

This is Kindergarten!! Let's face it, they aren't splitting an atom!!! What they miss they can make up and do work while they are away. I have a child in pre-school now and she will be in full day Kindergarten next year and we have taken her out twice during pre school for WDW trips and we plan on taking her out next year as well during the fall. I will not let anyone dictate to me when my family should have our quality time together. It's what works best for us as long as our child is not suffering from it. For example, I would not take my child out for extended periods in higher grades when the work is more and/or they have state testing, etc. It really erks me that we as parents are made to feel guilty about doing a positive thing with OUR kids. I say don't feel guilty, go and enjoy!
This one has been quite tame to some I have read but the bottom line is you need to do what is best for YOU AND YOUR CHILDREN. Just because so and so thinks that taking your little darlings out of school should be a crime punishable by law shouldn't dictate your decision in the least and on the other hand just because so and so drags their kids out of school 4 or 5 times a year doesn't mean it's ok to do it. I think a lot depends on your situation with home, work, school and finances. I also think it may or may not depend on the age, grade and edcational success of the child. I have a 14 year old daughter in 9th grade (jr. high) and a 5 year old son in Kindergarten. We travel for 2 weeks every year in February and I always take my daughter out of school. She is an honor roll student and has never had any problems maintaining her grades or catching up once back. Next yeat she will be a sophomore in high school and we will not be able to take her out that long during the school year (already having withdrawals) so we are making the most out of our upcoming trip in February and following up WDW with a lazy 5 days on the beach in Cancun (Playa Del Carmen). Maybe when DD is in high school Hubby and I will decide to be selfish and take that trip to Tahiti. Last year we went on a 2 week caribbean cruise and her teachers thought is was great for her to go and see different islands and cultures. Her Geography teacher almost fainted when she told her she had been to Haiti. She thought it was the coolest! Anyway, don't let one negatively influence you either way. Do what is right for your family.
Thank you all for your posts. I don't read the Disney for Families threads often so I didn't think I would get this many responses. I know it is only kindergarten but this school stresses the importance of good attendance. My DD received a letter congratulating her on perfect attendance in the month of September. Her name was also put on the wall for perfect attendance. The letter she received states "Since Kindergarten sets the foundation for the rest of the child's school career it is especially important to promote positive attendance patterns." This is why I am feeling guilty. Before this school year started both my DH and I said for sure we would take her out for 2 weeks in May for a nice vacation. Now I'm feeling so torn. I love Disney and can't wait to go but If I take her out, I hope the fun will out way the guilt. Who would have thought you may ruin your child's school career by taking a family vacation!
MarriedtoGrumpy, Relax! Your daughter is only in Kindergarten. I felt guilty once, up until we arrived at Disney. Then, magically, the guilt went away. Go and have fun - remember you are the parent and you know your child best. Life is too short not to take the time together.
We are taking our son out of school for 2 1/2 days (mon & tue folowing Thanksgiving and and a school 1/2 day on Wed) to go to WDW.

His school too said it would be an illegal absence. SO WHAT!! This is the first family trip we are taking since my MIL survived having cancer for the second time. Who knows if and when we'll be able to go again.

I told his teacher and school twice already and will tell them again next week and then 1 week prior to leaving. His teacher said she can't give us his schoolwork in advance "the school won't allow me too" (Which is Bull). She asked that we make a journal each day to say what he did and saw.

I found the following website which has a great journal section to download and print. His journal will be 100 times better than she expected since it asks educational questions (" Where is the Kilimangaro Safari") as well as fun questions ("what was your favorite thing about today"). We are also bringing our polaroid to take pictures which we weill add into the journal each night so it is all ready for school when he returns.

I just need to understand this better....

Could one of the teachers explain to me the purpose of "illegal absences"? I understand that there are some parents that might abuse school policies but most of us are just normal folks (sometimes my DH and I wonder though).

Sickness, Dr appts, those are can a school tell you which absence is ILLEGAL!? Too much gov't?? Just imagine how much worse vacation spots would be if EVERYONE waited until holidays to take their vacations!!!!! I understand that absences can be difficult for both students and teachers. What can be done/changed to help this out?

Sometimes homeschooling looks better and better!
I would think there would be less stress on the teacher if as much work as possible was completed before the child returned than having to make it up when they got back.

My sister, who is a teacher, has taken days off to go Xmas shopping - would that be considered a legal or illegal teacher absence!!!
MomtoNicknTink- Thanks for the link. That journal looks great. I know we will end up going and having a great time. Being a parent is the hardest job. I just want to do what's right for us without making enemies at the school (principal). I'm sure lots of kids will be out this year for vacations and illnesses. I will do the best I can to be sure my DD doesn't miss much school prior to our trip and I will try to make it an educational trip as well.
I was very disappointed with my 3 girls' teachers. We are taking them out of school (grades 9, 6 & 4) for 2 weeks. I was sure at least one teacher was going to give me a difficult time and I was ready with my rebuttal based on last year's 3 week teachers' strike. Alas, every teacher was accepting of our decision. The real purpose of our trip is not to visit Disney but to celebrate my parents 60th anniversary. Each vacation spent with them could be the last as they are obviously getting up there and that is much more important time than classroom time. Every parent needs to make a decision for their family and I would not hesitate to remove my children from a school where the teachers attempt to bully the parents (imagine what they say to children) about "illegal absences".
This thread is very mild after some others that I have read and commented on.

My DH was a middle/high school teacher for 16 years, my mom just retired after teaching 2nd grade for 18 years, and I am a certified teacher and former administrator. A lot of educational background...and I will take my DS out of school for a week each year for our trip to DW until at least high school. Then I will re-evaluate it. He starts kindergarten next year and the charter school we are sending him to has already been "forewarned." Their response - perhaps in a few years you might want to change your trip response...not likely.:bounce:

As far as illegal absences ... I have seen ... all too often...just how rules can be adjusted .... exceptions made. There are parents out there who would abuse and misuse a liberal attendance policy. However, many parents are responsible and have the best interest of their child in mind. And, when the state starts telling me what I can and can't do in that area we will home school... not something I really want to do but always an option in my mind.

Enjoy yourself. Don't worry. Treasure that very precious family time together. It is special. I wouldn't feel at all guilty about doing what you know is right for your family.
oh, i just can't pass this one up! my intent is not to insult/offend anyone, so i'll offer my sincere apologies beforehand.

being the first one on mom's side of the family to ever graduate high school, let alone college, i am extremely 'pro-education' (never know it by my lack of capitalization-pure laziness!). dd, 13, does not ask to stay home from school unless noticeably ill and ds, 3, will not be permitted to do so either. to my knowledge, our local schools do not have a strict attendance policy, but we have never had reason to check it out.

my problem with this whole issue is one that has been mentioned briefly...these are my children and my tax dollars and i resent the 'big brother' mentality that allows governmental entities to tell me what i can or cannot do with my kids.

as a social worker, i know all too well the damages that many kids suffer at the hands of their parents/other adults in authority. laws can and do exist to protect children from atrocities that occur every day in our own neighborhoods (although they fail often, they set a standard that allows professionals to mandate intervention). i am 100% in agreement with this and am, in fact, a 'mandated reporter', being required by law to report any suspected abuse or neglect.

but a line has been crossed when rational adult decisions, such as whether to take our kids out of school for a family vacation, are taken out of our hands and a blanket edict is pronounced by people who have no knowledge of my family, my kids, my schedule, my finances, etc. i resent the notion that 'the powers that be' have license to issue 'rules', when i have shown no irresponsibility and my kids have not been identified as being 'at risk'.

ii'll be taking my dd out of school in february for 7 days and plan to do so as long as she wants to vacation with us and doesn't feel overwhelmed by making up work. as much as i value education and encourage my kids to think of education as a lifelong process, i value my family also and that comes first!
Our school views family holidays as such a positive experience. We aRE SO Fortunte. They do stipulate that the children must keep a daily journal that is marked by the teacher. The parents keep up with the work missed. For three years now, we have not had a problem.

All the best to you. Nothing can replace your family experience. Nothing.
The only reason that schools have these strict attendance rules is money $$$$. The school district is paid a certain amount of money for each student per day. If your child is not in school they do not get paid.
Both my parents were teachers and me and DBF will both be teachers, so I have never worried about taking kids out of school. But not everyone has that luxury. I think family vacations are very important. And if it is in moderation (not 3 wks every yr) then i dont see a problem with it. I can also say that I can see a difference between people who did take family vacations and those who didnt. My friends never did and they are not as close with thei family, and the only memories they have are their parents sitting around at home! This was also a facto in me becoming a teacher, they pay is not all that great, but I love how I was raised. And even with their pay, I never wanted for anything!!
We are taking our DD who is in grade 4 out of school for two weeks in February. Her teacher is giving us some work to do over the Christmas holidays that can be done out of sequence (won't follow January's curriculum) so that she can get as much work done before we leave. He will also give her some extra work to do throughout January. Last year, we took her out of school for two weeks. We happened to get lucky and be in Florida during a shuttle launch. Our DD decided to do a report about it and shared it with her class. The kinds of experiences you can have on holidays are so enriching for children, and enhance anything they will learn in school. The memories will last a lifetime...Believe me, in 20 years your kids won't be talking about what they were doing on a particular day at school, but they will be remembering what they did on their family holiday...
I am in agreement that you should do whatever you like with your child. I wouldn't advocate taking children out who are in danger of flunking. We took our daughter out of school for 7 days this past Sept. I didn't bat an eye at that.

Here's the dilemma now. She's in the 6th grade. She is in advanced classes and makes all A's and B's. We were thinking of going again in March for her b-day. But are really hesitant to take her out for another week. So, we are looking at going doing her Spring Break which is Easter week. UGH.,..the prices are outrageous. So, what do you think about taking a child out for 2 vacations during the same school year?
We also take our children out for WDW! DS is in 7th and DD is in preK. I never ask if they can miss school, I just inform them they will be absent for the week of xxx. I ask for work, if they give it, they give it. If not, oh well.

Pooh girl 71, we have taken them out for 2 weeks also. I probably wouldn't do 2 weeks in a row but spread out I have not problem with. We did Dec and Feb last year.

Education doesn't mean as much without a healthy family.
I just remembered something that I thought would go along with this post. When I was in high school the local newspaper ran an article about my school and its school vacations. This was in NH so we had Xmas vacation, a week in February and a week in April. Well this article talked about how parents were irresponsible for taking their children on vacation when they have sporting events during the vacation. Our lacrosse team only had half the team during april vacation. They made it look like these parents were horrible and the children were going nowhere in life because they had no responsibility! I was apalled at this article. Why dont they NOT schedule games during VACATION? All schools in the state have the same vacation!! The worst part. They focused this article on the girls lacrosse team only having half the # of girls they should have. And where were most of them you ask? On a school sponsored trip to Italy and Greece!
I am a kindergarten teacher and I don't have a problem with a child going on a family vacation. I do encourage parents to do this only in the lower grades because it can be very difficult to catch up with all the missed work. My son is in high school. If we had taken him out of middle school or high school it would have been unexcused and he would have received ZEROS for all the work missed and even though he is an A student it would have hurt his grades a lot.


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