How fast it all changed.

I am so sorry you are going through this. I have been exactly where you are now and it really is a journey into hell.

My advice is to remember to take care of yourself because this is going to be very tough on you. Accept offers of help. You can’t do it all alone.

My heart goes out to you. I will keep you and your family in my prayers.
I'm so sorry you have to go through this. You and your family are in my prayers. I've been where you are and you are right. It is indeed hell. The only advice I have for you is to stay in today. Don't think about tomorrow. Just keep putting one foot in front of the other. You will get through this. God Bless you and yours.
I had a pancreatic tumor when I was 21. It turned out to be non-cancerous, but the only way to find that was to remove most of my pancreas so life was pretty gnarly for quite awhile.

The pain, it's serious business. I was mostly dealing with family medicine doctors who didn't know or understand the pain I was experiencing. The heavy-hitter, extended release narcotics caused my heart to race and my blood pressure would go through the roof. Combing Vicodin or Percocet with Benadryl made things tolerable. The one thing that did help position-wise was leaning forward over something, like an kneeling over an ottoman or sitting at a table and leaning forward putting weight on my forearms against the object. I don't totally understand the mechanics of it, but I think it just simply takes pressure off your abdominal organs and lungs (my grandfather did this to help breathing with emphysema).

Best wishes to you and your family.
Oh my - you are all in my prayers. Wish you were closer to just give you a hug and let you know so many of us are here for you. Thank you for keeping us up to date. Deep breaths and live in the moment. We are all here for you!
I'm just heading back to the hospital now where my husband was admitted on Wednesday. He went in with back pain, radiating around to the stomach. Suspicion was appendicitis - family doctor suggested he go directly to ER when he called for an appointment, as that's where they would send him. He had been dealing with it for a few weeks after he ran backwards into my car hard enough to dent it while snow blowing (don't ask) but after repeated visits to the chiropractor didn't change anything he finally went to emergency Wednesday morning.

Instead - scans have found a 1.4 cm mass on his pancreas, nodules on his liver. Today he is getting a bone scan because the x-rays showed nothing that could be causing the pain in his lower back. Could be the enlarged liver, but doctor 'suspects' more going on. They have said they 'suspect' cancer. Well yeah - me too given the findings so far. We've been assigned a social worker who has yet to put in an appearance two days later, and I doubt they send a social worker for a likely benign issue. However - we have to wait two weeks for the results of the liver biopsy done yesterday. I have missed the doctor each time I've gone home to deal with a sick kid and let our dogs out, so I'm getting pieces of information from rotating nurses and my loopy husband. I'm not budging today until I speak to one of his doctors.

They said they're discharging him today, but he can't stand without his heart racing - he's on a floor where they are monitoring his heart and they all come running every time he moves around because he starts dinging at the station. And his pain is not adequately managed. He can't tolerate the narcotic pain relievers so I'm not sure how they're going to tackle that. Especially if we hear the news they're alluding to and we start down that path.

Overall - completely spinning right now. And yeah - life changes in an instant.

I am so sorry. I am in my own kind of heck with my older dd.

Get the business cards and start making phone calls.

You can also call a patient advocate and/or Chaplin for the hospital to get answers.
Thank you all for your support. Biopsy results came back today. Cancer. Pancreas and liver. That's all I know right now.
Rodeo, I am sorry for your pain. I have been and will continue to pray for you and your family.
Thank you all for your support. Biopsy results came back today. Cancer. Pancreas and liver. That's all I know right now.
I’m so sorry. I just went through that with my dad last yr. Exact same diagnosis. I wish I could say something that was more helpful, but it’s just one of those things that sucks.
I'm sorry to hear this. You all will be in my prayers. :grouphug:

Rodeo65, I am so very sorry to learn this news. There are no words that can adequately comfort or sustain you right now, but please know there are folks out here sending prayers and positive thoughts for you and your family. It’s a lot to take in I know. If some of us can be your sounding board, your on-line outreach group, please keep reaching out. We’ll be here for you.


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