How many more days until your trip to WDW - Part 8

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20 DAYS! Under that 3 week mark. And I only have 13 working days before we go. I will say we are little worried now that my mother has injured her foot and has a walking boot and soft cast, but hopefully she will get those off on the 27th when she goes back to DR,.
Yes, we did! Part one of FP booking done. More to do in 5 more days for the next part. :lmao: It was actually easier than I thought - no Olaf in sight anywhere (had his page come up several times when I did my practice runs).

This was my experience too. Really easy and no Olaf! My dining ADR's were crazy with 'someone ate the page' constantly coming up, but FP booking was easy. Every FP we wanted was available around every time we wanted except for DHS on 60 + 3 we couldn't get Slinky Dog in the morning (but we could have had an afternoon time if we'd wanted; however, it interferred with our plans for the day). Glad it went well for you too:-)
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