How many times will you rain on my parade?-a wet (and sometimes funny) first ever TR

Hahaha a sunny day, finally. I can't believe your weather luck! And all the while we had sun in whatever park we were in! :lmao:

Ahhhh Le Cellier. We had an early reservation and I really wanted to get there in time to hear (and sing along with) O Canada but Johnny wanted to stop at Mission Space first and we missed it. :( Oh well. Another time.

We loved our Behind the Seeds tour too! I`d do it again.
I will one day try the Behind the seeds tour maybe when my kids are older, it looks like a lot of fun!

And YAY!!! A sunny day finally! :cool1:

It really was a great tour :)

The funny thing about the weather is Wendy and Johnny were there at the exact same time (usually in a different park) and it would rain where I was at and not where she was. Weird!

omg you look so cute! and yum Le Cellier!!!!

Le Cellier was awesome. I'm not sure that I'm happy with it changing to 2 table service credits. It's good but that's a bit insane. It will make me think twice to go there again.

Lunch at le Cellier sounded yummy. Sounds like a nice day so far.

It was an awesome day so far. WAYYYY better than my first trip to the World. Le Cellier was great :) Very yummy and the dessert was especially good.

Hahaha a sunny day, finally. I can't believe your weather luck! And all the while we had sun in whatever park we were in! :lmao:

Ahhhh Le Cellier. We had an early reservation and I really wanted to get there in time to hear (and sing along with) O Canada but Johnny wanted to stop at Mission Space first and we missed it. :( Oh well. Another time.

We loved our Behind the Seeds tour too! I`d do it again.

I know the weather was just freaky. The rain followed the three of us around, I swear!

I didn't know about the O Canada tradition but I was happy we were there for it :)

The Behind the Seeds Tour was great, especially since we had just done the boat ride through the greenhouse, so it was all familiar and fresh in our minds.
So jealous that you just got back! Hope it was awesome!!!

It was lovely! Now I need to get to work on the pictures (between camera and cell phone, I took 8900, and I don't know how many my sister and her hubby took. His dad is in the hospital in NB and I will need to wait until they are back before I can get theirs.) Then I will begin the TR. ;)
It was lovely! Now I need to get to work on the pictures (between camera and cell phone, I took 8900, and I don't know how many my sister and her hubby took. His dad is in the hospital in NB and I will need to wait until they are back before I can get theirs.) Then I will begin the TR. ;)

:eek: I thought we were bad. I think between me, mom, David, Wendy, and Johnny we had probably between 5000 and 6000 pictures. Have fun going through them!
:eek: I thought we were bad. I think between me, mom, David, Wendy, and Johnny we had probably between 5000 and 6000 pictures. Have fun going through them!
Haha nope. Between Johnny and I alone we had about 10,000. :P

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First of all, I have to start off by saying that the world lost one of it's funniest comedians yesterday. Robin Williams has always been one of my favorite actors and comedians. I can't think of a role he played that I didn't like. Of course, the Disney community will mourn the loss of the voice of our beloved Genie.


Robin Williams
Rest in Peace​

Day 5: Part 2: You wanna do what? (times two)/Don't be a stick in the mud

True story… my brother can be a real stick-in-the-mud sometimes.

Also a true story... he's not afraid to be a pain in the Mickey shorts.

When I left off last time we were having a little rest at Sunshine Seasons while making a game plan. Well first of all we were definitely staying at EPCOT. But did we miss anything in Future World? Was it time to head around World Showcase?

Nope, we missed a couple things I wanted to do. I was going to be selfish for a bit, after all, this was originally supposed to be my solo trip. Don’t get the wrong impression, I LOVED that my family was there with me, but there were some things I needed to check off the to-do list.

Number 1: Captian EO
This was David’s first “You wanna do WHAT?” moment.

I’m a child of the 80s, grew up in the 90s and always had a love for MJ’s music, God rest his soul. Whether you love him or hate him, he was very talented from a young age. I’m not here to discuss anyone’s feelings about him as a person, I just wanted to see the attraction.

My brother was so not interested in doing this. When we got to the entrance, the CM told us a show just started and it would be about a 20 minute wait. I shrugged and said “oh well” and Dave was not very good at hiding his elation. Not an ounce. So I gave up on thinking about the other one on my to do list and we headed to World Showcase… but we stumbled upon….

Number 2: Journey into Imagination with Figment

David’s second “You wanna do what? Are you serious?” moment. I think I just gave him a death stare and mom joined me.

Cue the 6 year old Amy, again.

Cut me some slack, I didn’t get to visit this adorable purple dragon on my first trip, so now was my time.


I know this isn't a picture of Figment, but none of those were clear.

I liked it! It was really cute! I was in awe of a lot of things I probably shouldn’t have been in awe of on this trip but come on now, I was enjoying myself! Again, my brother was not so happy about some of my attraction choices but he would have his chance. I was in Walt Disney World, of course I could be a kid again.

After Figment we wandered around for some reason. :rolleyes1 Not really. I wanted to see how much time until the next showing of Captain EO and what a better way to do it than pretend I'm lost.

What? The pre-show is starting in under 2 minutes! :cheer2: Count us in!

Was David excited?!

Absolutely not!

Did I care?

Not a chance!

I wanted to see it so I drug him whining and complaining into the pre-show area.

I thought it was corny but I expected it to be (I found the pre-show really sets this up well). Come on, look at when it was produced. It’s old and cheesy
...and I think I caught my brother actually smiling through part of it... I was cracking him, slowly.

Alright World Showcase… here we come!

Back to Canada we go, only this time, we headed straight to O Canada and Circlevision 360. I like Martin Short. He’s cool! We went into the Trading Post and spoke to one of the cast members there, looked around a bit. We talked to a cast member here for a while about the costumes that they had and how they are so not Canadian looking… she said that all the countries were supposed to get updated costumes soon (YAY!) and that they are all looking forward to that. The Canada ones didn’t have a date yet to look forward to but she said it was a start!

Then we headed through the UK Pavilion.


He was starting to come out of his shell a bit at least.

Then we headed to France to watch the movie. It was wayyyyy toooooo hotttttt. Today had to be the hottest day and I was sweating from places I didn’t know I could sweat from. I will be the first one to tell you I hate the heat. Florida may not be the best idea in that regard but I love Disney.
This is where we noticed that the France costumes were wayyyyy nicer than our lumberjack Canadian ones. Ugh. Anywho….


“….I’m a lumberjack and I’m ok, I sleep all night and I work all day….”

Forgive me if you are also now singing Monty Python. Someone has to suffer with me ^_^

OK back to the trip...

So While we waited for the film to start we decided that after it was over, we needed food or we would probably start hurting each other… figuratively speaking of course… (well unless David continued his stick-in-the-mud ways)

Movie is over. Beautiful scenery but I admit I got a little too relaxed in there and wanted to sleep lol now I was hot, hungry, had a pounding headache and cranky. I need food.

We ended up going to the Liberty Inn. The man that took our order spoke to us for a long time (the place was empty) and was super super nice. He was telling us about his family and heritage. I wish I remembered it. He was awesome!.

My Chicken Flatbread was the most delicious thing on the planet. Maybe that’s cause I was starving?


The apple pie was pretty good too.

Tonight was dessert party night so we decided to make our way slowly to the front of the park back the way we came.

Something caught my eye though. Something I REALLLLY wanted to do. In Morocco, I spotted a sign for Henna tattoos. I had to get one. I looked through the book to pick something. I loved them all of course but I picked one I really loved… Inspiration


From where we were at we could see Aladdin and Jasmine walking by to head backstage. The lady who was applying the Henna told me it would take 20-30 minutes to dry and try not to touch it at all for at least that and not to get it wet for 6 hours if possible.

We tried... but Mother Nature had another idea in mind.... More rain.

Just as we were coming up to Spaceship Earth the sky opened! So mom, David and I tried to get a poncho on me not touching the Henna, and I tried not to hold the Henna close to my body, and it was all a big confluffle. We hopped on the Monorail to the TTC and then they stopped running the Monorails temporarily; so we had to take the ferry over to the Magic Kingdom which we were totally ok with.


I think this is a perfect spot to stop for this edition of getting wet in the world and pick up at the Magic Kingdom for our meet up with Wendy and Johnny and our reservation at the Wishes Fireworks Dessert Party.

Day 5: Part 3: Why are they all over there? How does that make sense?
It's such a bummer when your family doesn't want to do things! (Believe me, I know, especially after this last trip! I ended off on my own a lot.)

But I will be honest, I have no interest in seeing Captain EO. I'm glad that you liked it and I do agree that he was a very talented!

I love Figment, it's just adorable!

I haven't been up in the Canadian Pavilian in a bit. I will need to get up there again soon! I still have never seen Off Kilter.

And you took the boat to the MK! That's another thing I've never done. Crazy.
It's such a bummer when your family doesn't want to do things! (Believe me, I know, especially after this last trip! I ended off on my own a lot.)

But I will be honest, I have no interest in seeing Captain EO. I'm glad that you liked it and I do agree that he was a very talented!

I love Figment, it's just adorable!

I haven't been up in the Canadian Pavilian in a bit. I will need to get up there again soon! I still have never seen Off Kilter.

And you took the boat to the MK! That's another thing I've never done. Crazy.

We agreed before the trip that we would compromise and do things the other(s) wanted to do, but sometimes it's almost like doing some things embarrass my brother? Maybe that's not exactly what it is but that's the feeling I get from him anyway. But afterall, it's DISNEY WORLD! I look at it this way, I will try it all once. At least that way I can say I did it and if I didn't like it I don't have to do it again.

Except Tower of Terror... that scares me. :sad2:

As with everything else in life, it's all personal choice. I didn't say that mom and David had to do Captain EO, but I wanted to. They just came along for the ride.

Something about WDW that I feel keeps people going back time and time again, is the fact that there's so much to do and there are always changes (even if it's subtle changes) so there's always something new to see or do.

One of the coolest things ever... taking a boat from MK to Fort Wilderness... when you look out and see the roadway and cars going UNDER the river. WOW!
We did Eo... just to say we did. It was funny and horrible and corny, I probably won't do it again, but at least I can say I did it!
I actually hate Figment... the ride, not the character. The skunk smell is so bad and stays in my nose for days after. I absolutely can't stand it for that reason! But again, at least I did it!
Love your henna!
We did Eo... just to say we did. It was funny and horrible and corny, I probably won't do it again, but at least I can say I did it!
I actually hate Figment... the ride, not the character. The skunk smell is so bad and stays in my nose for days after. I absolutely can't stand it for that reason! But again, at least I did it!
Love your henna!

Well that's just it. I don't know that I'd do it again *(unless maybe I had some spare time or someone with me wanted to see it...) but at least I can say I did it.

I know your great dislike of the Figment ride. I thought it was hilarious. Although I can also say that as long as Stitch's Great Mistake is open and I'm going to Disney World, I'll probably do it every trip. I like just laughing at everyone screaming when Stitch jumps around and spits at you hahahahaha. I can't help it! :rotfl2:

I know, right. Two days in a row! I go in spurts, apparently. I just thought I'd give you guys something else to read.

Before I continue with my Trip Report, a short story.

At work the other day I waited on a girl who saw me put my Minnie Mouse purse under my desk. She told me she went to Disney World for the first time in December and talked for a minute about it. She told me the one thing she hated was Disney World food. Since there was nobody waiting in line I asked her why she hated the food so much and she told me that burgers and fries and chicken nuggets for 10 days was gross.

I have to say that if I ate just burgers, nuggets and fries for that long I would hate it too. But I assured her that the food isn't all that bad and if she goes again, there are not only table service options but you can get things other than burgers and nuggets so the QS plan doesn't have to be just those two options. Two of my favorite QS options were a Chicken Flatbread and Meatball Sub. mmmmm... my mouth is watering and my lunch isn't for an hour and a half. Darn it!

Ok, now onto:

Day 5: Part 3: Why are they all over there? How does that make sense?

When I left off last time we were on a ferry heading over to the Magic Kingdom to meet up with my lovely cousin and her lovely husband because poor Phantom was sick so she couldn’t make it (backstory here)

When we got to the Magic Kingdom we were soaked and by the time we made it up Main Street and found a bathroom, we were even more soaked, though I think at this point the rain had almost come to a stop.

We saw where the line was starting for the Dessert Party and we just hung around a bit until we felt like lining up.


While waiting in line we spotted Wendy and Johnny coming towards us from Tomorrowland. We talked for a second but they went to the back of the line to get checked in too. We got our wristbands and were shown to our table. We were on the closest end to the castle, and right next to the buffet. NICE! Wendy and Johnny were seated a bit further over but came over to say hello. The desserts were awesome… I just wanted to eat all of it (Maybe I should have skipped the Apple Pie that came with my Chicken Flatbread?:confused3)

Wendy and Johnny came down our end to set up the tripod for the fireworks. Wendy wanted to make sure she got a good spot. We took some pictures and laughed and joked around. A Photopass Photographer came by and took some shots too which was awesome!



I KNOW, my eyes are closed! >.<

and for a group shot:

We also photobombed a couple times LOL



MSEP was delayed to 8:30 due to rain but that didn’t dampen our spirits. Get it. Dampen. I crack myself up sometimes.

The fireworks started a few minutes late but not too bad.

To my surprise, most of the people at the Dessert Party were all huddled down the far end… think more of a side view of the castle than front facing. You can see from the pictures above that we had a fairly good view of the castle.

That’s when I asked “Why are they all down there? How does that make sense? Wouldn’t you think that they would all want to be up here closer to the front view of the castle?” Anyway, they weren’t crowding me in so I was happy.

I took probably 300 or more pictures of the fireworks and this is one of the clearest:

Mom approved of the event:

She looks a little stunned... shhhh don't tell her!

One major flaw of the Dessert Party: there was a smoking area directly below us. But I guess when you consider that’s the ONLY flaw and when the breeze moved the right way you couldn’t really smell it, it was pretty good. I was loving the fact that Tinkerbell flew directly above us! It was awesome!

Side note: you can read Wendy's account and see some other pictures here

After the dessert party we took a slow walk down Main Street (in and out of shops, of course) and to the bus stop. Despite the mass exodous we didn’t have too long of a wait for our bus back to Pop Century.

When we got back to the resort we called Dad at home back in Nova Scotia. He was leaving in the morning for Halifax where he would catch a plane the next day to New York City with some of his friends. They've been travelling together for years; going to concerts, sporting events, etc. I don't remember what the main reason for this trip was, could have been to see some ball games.

It was then bed time for us.

Until next time on my next adventure:

Day 6: Part 1: What is this, a water ride?
Holy crap! I clicked on the link to my old TR just for kicks and I see "I have just two shifts left at La Senza!" :scared1: Omg don't remind me of that hellhole! And Oscar pictures when he was just a teeny tiny baby! Awww!

That was a really fun dessert party. I loved that one. Poor baby Phanny was sick for it though. :lmao:

Um yeahhh I can see why you might hate "Disney food" if you only ate burgers and fries. There are so many other options, even for quick service! Poor girl. Little more prep next time, honey.
Holy crap! I clicked on the link to my old TR just for kicks and I see "I have just two shifts left at La Senza!" :scared1: Omg don't remind me of that hellhole! And Oscar pictures when he was just a teeny tiny baby! Awww!

That was a really fun dessert party. I loved that one. Poor baby Phanny was sick for it though. :lmao:

Um yeahhh I can see why you might hate "Disney food" if you only ate burgers and fries. There are so many other options, even for quick service! Poor girl. Little more prep next time, honey.

HAHAHA When I went to find it to use as a link I was pretty surprised, myself. But those Oscar pictures are pretty darn cute and distracted me right away.

It was an awesome party and it's something I would recommend people trying that's for sure. It wasn't too expensive but it was a nice relaxed way to enjoy the fireworks and have some yummy treats :)


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