How scary is Tower of Terror?

We got a friend of mine to ride it with us - she has a fear of elevators. :scared1: Her response... "thanks guys. Now I'm pretty sure I will never go in another elevator again in my life!" :eek: Actually, I think she kind of enjoyed the thrill, but because it was in an "elevator" that made it fearful for her. Not to worry though, she's still my friend! :hug:
Its a family favorite and I fully intend to take my 61 year old mother on it. The ride portion is not all that scary, its the psychological game they play with you before hand. Waving good bye to yourself is a little eerie. Even if you decide to chicken out you should walk through the que. It is worth the time and effort. They have an exit for those that can't quite face the actual ride.
I rode it once at WDW, and that was enough for me. The story and special effects didn't scare me at all. Actually that was the great part of the ride. I just HATED the drops!!! And no, I'm not afraid of heights.

I can't say I will never ride it again. I probably will get talked into riding it again at some point, and I'll go if I'm in the right mood (and maybe after a beer or two).:goodvibes

My DH loves this ride! Go figure....

Our DS 8 rode this for the first time a couple of weeks ago with DH, and he HATED it! He said he never wants to ride it again! The picture is hilarious. He's the only one in the elevator that looks like this.....:scared1:
Everyone else looks like this.....:woohoo:

Oh well, maybe he'll try it again someday.

Our DS 4 hasn't been on it yet. Probably a good thing at this point.:rolleyes:
I had never heard of it, so on our last DL trip my husband told me it was like the Haunted Mansion one of my favorite rides. So after we get all strapped into this thing, and just as I start thinking that something isn't shoots us up into the air. Needless to say when the ride ended I was in a full blown panic attack. Yeah not letting my husband live that one down anytime soon.:rotfl:
I rode the ride at WDW which I know is a little different, but I hated it. I have a huge fear of heights. I can't even ride the ferris wheel at our local amuzement park - my heart rate speeds up and I can't breath while I'm at the peak. I think you'll have a lot of fun if you aren't afraid of being high. Good luck!!

This is interesting... I seem to have a fear of heights too, and yet, read on...

I found out last week that I really don't care for the Sun Wheel - we rode it at night, and it stopped a lot near the top (I think I thought we were getting stuck, LOL) and I felt so sick/scared/queasy the entire time. I had no clue I would feel so queasy on a ride. I do know that I was thinking... "What if this falls down, what if it tips over?"

For some reason though, despite being able to only go 3 or 4 steps up a ladder without getting queasy, and despite the new found fear of the Sun Wheel, (that was my first time to ride that ride) I can ride California Screamin' and love it - I can ride the maliboomer, and think it's great. The tower of terror, the same thing. I can also ride splash mountain no problem. So even if you do think you are afraid of heights, you never know, you may be able to deal really well with this type of ride. And because you are enclosed, it feels almost better than the jumpin' jellyfish ride, which, I also find makes me feel a bit queasy, LOL!

Our 5 year old rode the TOT once, and liked it, but did not like it at all when they say 'Wave goodbye....' even though she knew it was all fake, it was still a little too spooky for her, and understandably so.

I think you should try it, OP... everyone in our family (all 4 of us) generally liked the cool tummy ticking feel. I also have to add, it does NOT feel like an elevator dropping out from beneath you - somehow, it feels nice and controlled, not the way one would imagine a real elevator falling down unexpectedly. The only thing we didn't like??

The ***SCREAMERS*** - It hurt our ears so much! It isn't scary enough to scream about. It's not bad at all. If you try it, please post your thoughts on the ride, we'd love to hear. :)


New edit - one more thing - day 1 at the parks, we felt every dip, drop, curve, turn and swirl on every ride, in the pit of our stomaches. By day 3 or 4, I felt a noticeable difference in my ability to go with the flow, LOL. Suddenly, I didn't feel lurching in my stomache as we dipped down in the PotC ride, nor for some of the dips on BTMR or on Splash Mountain (the dips, not the big drop, I mean.) So... if you get a day or two in first, to 'condition' yourself, it might help - on the other hand, I was afraid to go on the Maliboomer and California Screamin' for the first time, so I did the old 'just walk on in and don't think about it' trick, as soon as we saw the rides. I didn't stop to look at them. I was afraid and nervous, to be sure, but because I had taken myself by complete surprise, it worked for me, and I didn't have to worry and fret about what the ride might be like. I think everyone should try it once, at least...
I am afraid of drops, rides like Splash are not fun for me.

My family finally convinced me to go on Tower the last day of our trip last year.

I was so afraid of this ride I was in tears when we loaded and was laughing when it ended, it was that much fun. :rotfl2:

Can't wait to do it again!
we are going in 25 more days and there will be 5 of us and my hubby's cousin is a pretty large guy and was wondering if he will have any trouble fitting into this ride or buckling a seat belt?
He probably won't have any problems with the ToT. It seems to fit larger guests just fine. :)

I like the queue part the best actually. I didn't like the feeling of dropping. The drops aren't that bad but they are unexpected. And I'm a screamer, I scream on it every time! Actually the second time was almost really bad....I was seriously starting to panic and freak out, my DD7 saved me, she said "Mommy, look at my legs" and for the rest of the ride I watched her legs flopping up and down. LOL That was hilarious and I think it was probably my best experience on that ride! LOL I say go on it......I do have a massive fear of heights/falling but I did it and will do it I said, not every time but I will ride it! LOL
My 3 year old went on it and loved it. If you don't go you'll regret it, it's the funnest ride! I didn't go the first time we went to DL and TOTALLY regretted it and felt like a wussy.

I'm afraid of heights and falling yet I LOVE it now!

You'll especially like it if you've watched the old black and white Twilight Zones.
It's a TRIP!

Remember- It's only scarry the first time! Go twice! Trust me!
utah mama- thats grate im tryign to convince my fionce to go on it again he did once for me but says not again lol but now my 5 year old kinda wants to go on it lol

also were in AZ now and been looking in to moveing to utah and you'll name just made me and him both say..well its offical every where we look utah sticks out..
less unenployment rate and snow
Personally, I am not a fan. I've been one it twice. The first time I figured I'd be scared but it wouldn't be too bad. I am afraid of heights, dropping, and elevators. I think the worst part is when you're at the top and the ride vehicle bounces a bit before it drops you. I hate not knowing exacly when it will drop. I also hate not knowing what the drops were like.

My husband had been on it one time before and he said the drops were small and unscary. But then when we went on it...the drops were long. He even said it was scarier that time. i screamed during the first drop but then I was so scared that I was unable to scream anymore. I actually was worried I'd pass out. In the photo...everyone looked liked they were having fun and I looked like I was dying.

A year later I decided to try it again. And I still hated it. It's my husbands favorite ride so I always try to work up the courage to go on it, but I just can't.
Looks like I am going against the majority here but I'll throw in my opinion. TOT is one of the few rides I will never ride again! The entire time I was on it I think I held my breath wishing it would stop. Never again! My DH and DS both agreed they did not ever care to ride it again either.

I will say that the building, the queue line and the theming was really cool but not enough to get me back on it. :crazy2:
I wish I could be one of of the brave souls to be able to tell you all about it, but I chickened out on it last year. I mean talk about embarassment, I got on the ride, got buckled in and said "screw this". My heart was pounding soooooooooooo fast I was so afraid I was going to put myself into a heart attack. Of course there were a few that had smart *** comments to make as I stood up and left and many young kids stayed to ride it. I thought that was pretty tacky, but oh well it amused some and maybe me getting off was tacky but it scared the jeebies out of me just leading up to it. I really want to do it someday.......but, well you go first k? :scared1:

I can't believe people made comments about you getting off the ride! That is not nice. I can understand (a little) my daughter is deathly nervous of heights although she is five. Its a can be a disability . And just stop ya.

I want to go on it this time, a little nervous specially since I have to go by myself. hehe
OK so I am scarred of heights, free falling, and the random unknown...... all that said that ride was SOOOO much fun! It kept you entertained throughout all the ups and downs and stops. I did scream and freak out but I have been on it many times since.
:banana: I adored it!!! I was very nervous, and still feeling a little skull-rattled from screamin', but went anyway and thought it was a fantastic ride. I was shrieking like a 4 year old myself....sooooo fun!!

I found the maliboomer to be a completely different ride, and not comparable at all...a completely different sensation. I much prefer ToT. I was completely freaked out by BOTH rides, but thought "I will kill myself if I drive over 500 miles to get here, and I don't try these rides!"

just try it......:thumbsup2

You can also go through the line, and experience the queue and theming without actually going on the ride. I saw several people do that. There is an exit just before the final ride lines. my 75 yr. old FIL went on the ride, and enjoyed it. He's pretty young at heart!!:woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo:
I have never ridden TOT. I have a huge fear of heights and do not like the feeling of being dropped. My fearless 8 year old DD *loves* this ride! If people like thrill rides, then of course they will think it is fun. Most of my family goes on it and *loves* it and thinks it is a total blast. However, no one gives me a hard time for not going on it (they know better LOL). It is not like I have ever felt I have missed out a true Disney experience by not going on it. But if you are brave and up for a thrill, who knows -- you might love it!!
Well Really it depends how scared you are of straight down drop rides. I am 11 and tower of terror is my least favorite just because Im a little scared of roller coasters myself. But, every time I get off I realized that it wasent half bad. Then I probably get back on :cool1: . PS: The back is the best cause you can put your feet up and scrunch your self up that way your tummy dosent feel all knotted up. Hoped this helped and by the way if you do go on make sure 2 SMILE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:thumbsup2:)::yes::
I love ToT! Have to agree that the fear factor is largely pyschological. The ride itself isn't intense (in my opinion) and it's over pretty quickly.

That said, DF, who is at least willing to ride everything else once, won't go anywhere near it. I always have to ride alone!

My favorite ToT story: Several years ago we took a couple of extra friends with us for our annual Gay Days strip. One had never been to DL before, but she was game for any of the thrill rides. She was quick to join me for ToT while our other friends went shopping. We walked through the whole queue, hotel lobby, study, boiler room, and were being lined up to enter the elevator when she finally turned to me and asked, "What does this do, anyway?"
I've gone more than once. I didn't scream like a little girl. I moaned, closed my eyes, and clenched my teeth the whole time. Hey if there are little kids who can do it and white-haired grannies that come back laughing why not me? It's always a lot of fun even if I walk off in the end shaking.


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