How to fix a little hole in a knit shirt


DIS Veteran
Feb 7, 2005
I'm hoping someone can help me. I was attempting to load one of my cats into a carrier and he whipped around and sank his claws into a fairly new pique knit (LL Bean calls it "honeycomb" knit) polo shirt and made a couple of very small holes. (I usually wear an old shirt when taking my cats to the vet... what was I thinking?!?!) I can see that threads were actually torn so I would like to keep these little holes from getting larger since at the moment you wouldn't really notice them.

I used to sew and I remember there was a product called Fray Check (or something similar) and I was thinking that might work, provided I don't use too much of it. But I thought maybe someone here might have a better suggestion. It's been so long since I did any sewing or crafting, maybe there is something else that would do what I need.

Thanks in advance for any suggestions!


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