I can do this...Karyn's journal to lose 20!

Excellent job on your excellent day! Doesn't it feel great to finally be in control of what you are eating?!? This is just the start of many great days to come!

Try to stay warm and get some exercise in! :cool1:
Another pretty good day. It is so cold here! :cold: :cold: I'm already tired of snow. We are supposed to get more tonight. BRRRR!!!!

I spent the day with Jack again. He seems to do better when I'm there with him. I hope that they can provide him an aide soon.

Breakfast-none...can't seem to get all of us ready in time!

Lunch-2 pcs wheat bread (1 pt)
2 pcs chicken (1 pt)
mayo (0 pts)
Crystal Light (0 pts)
pretzels (2 pts)

Dinner-3 small pcs ham (2 pts)
baked beans (2 pts)
mac and cheese (8 pts)

Snack-small apple (1 pt)

Total...17 pts...I may have counted too few points for the mac and cheese, so it probably puts me closer to 20 pts for the day. I'm doing pretty good up until dinner time. I just need to watch it and not go overboard.
Thanks for the note in my journal. I took cook very frugal and also try and stay away from process foods as much as possible. I know that I eat less when I use real food.

I am a measurer too. Some people hate it but it is such a way of life to me. I do not mind putting food on the scale and making sure my portions are in check.

I hope all is going well with you. DS is feeling better and going back to school tomorrow. I am prepared for the cold to be worse the next few days. I cooked extra meals so I don't have to worry about food and can just rest.
Just stopping by to say hi. You've been doing a great job in spite of all the stress in your life. Hang in there & try to stay warm!
Your day looked great! Don't forget to get some veggies in! Make some more veggie soup! That'll keep you warm...

Are you able to exercise again? What about those classes at the Y? I bet once Jack get the help he needs in school you will have all kinds of extra time (and less headache).

Keep it up, you are doing great! :cheer2:
Okay, I need to get caught up! I can't seem to get everything done in the evenings anymore since I am spending the day with Jack. By the time I get them home at 4:00, start dinner, and give baths, the evening is gone! Eating has been not so good. We got McDonald's on Thursday night and I ate way too much. I did great yesterday until dinner. Spaghetti on a cold night is SOOOOO tempting. Again, I ate too much. :guilty: I've got to really watch it today. I have a lot to do today to get cleaned up around here. We put up all of the Christmas decorations last night, and we have a mess! Jack is on a new medication for ADHD (Adderall) and it seems to be working **fingers crossed!**, so I hope to get a lot done!

Breakfast-potato (3 pts)
sour cream (2 pts)
cheese (2 pts)
bacon bits (2 pts)

Nine points for breakfast is TOO MUCH!! :earseek: got to get back on track!
I did it again. Went over points...again. Today I will get back on track. We have leftovers for the last 2 days, so I'm not going to cook a big Sunday lunch. I think I'll try to stick with a Lean Pocket or cereal. Wish me luck!!

From yesterday.....

Breakfast-baked potato (9 pts...yikes!)

Lunch-hash browns (3 pts)
cheese (1 pt)
ketchup (1 pt)

Dinner-Zaterain's rice (4 pts)
smoked turkey sausage (6 pts)
green beans casserole (made with 99% fat free soup) (3 pts)

Total...27 points...7 over what I should have had...it could have been much worse. Back on track today!!
Thank you for remembering today was my weigh in day! That really made my day when I went to post it!

I lost 10 pounds! WOO HOO!

Have you used concerta for your son. My son use to take it. We have been able to take him off all meds for the ADHD. His behavior is 100% BETTER! I went from him getting suspended all the time to NOT ONCE this school year. That is a HUGE improvement.
I have done better (so far) today. I didn't have a chance to eat breakfast. Sunday mornings around here are hectic. My stomach was really growling during the sermon! DH took care of all of consuming the leftovers, and I made some hashbrowns (4 pts) with cheese (1 pt) and ketchup (1 pt). I'm trying to talk DH out of ordering pizza for dinner. I don't need any extra temptations today!

I haven't tried Jack on Concerta. He is on Zoloft everyday and now he is taking Adderall. We tried him with a blood pressure medicine called Tenex to calm him, but it made him way too sleepy. I don't know how much of my journal you have read, but Jack is autistic with OCD and panic disorder. He is having major problems right now with ADHD caused by the panic disorder. Poor guy is going through a rough time right now! Thank you so much for your concern!! :flower:
Well if you get pizza...go for cheese on your part only! I love cheese pizza ok FINE I love all piza...well not pepperoni (gave me such heartburn and I swear sent me into labor)!

I know it is so hard to have a child with special needs. Not many understand. My son has ADHD and so many people label him as a bad kid. But he is not! Don't get me wrong he has his moments but his heart is in the right place. I am thankful Jack has a mom like you willing to put in the effort and fight for him. Not all kids have that! I don't know what OCD is? We did the ritlain and concerta. The concerta was so much better than the ritlain for B.

Ketchup is 0 points unless you are using 1/4 cup. Not telling you how to count your points ...just an FYI!

Good Luck tonight with dinner! We are on a no eating out lifestyle. One I don't have a job and we can not waste money on eating out. My son does not care as long as he eats. Have you tried making homemade pizza. More control over the points! I might have to do that this coming week for us.

Have a good night.
I am just about to the point of total exhaustion, so this may be brief! Again, I did super with eating until dinner. I have got to do better. I just get home and I am mindlessly eating. Now I'm too full and I'm miserable. I'm just too tired to care right now!

To answer your question, Savin4Disney, OCD is obsessive/compulsive disorder. It goes along with the autism. It's not a whole lot of fun when Jack puts his mind to doing something and you can't change it. For example, we went to Magic Kingdom in June, and all he wanted to do was go to Cinderella's castle. When we walked in the gate, we had to head straight there. Well, of course, they had the part that he wanted to see closed off for Cinderellabration. Jack had a meltdown right there on Main Street. Meltdowns are pretty violent temper tantrums. Jack's are bad. I spent most of my energy trying to avoid a meltdown with him. He had one at school today because his math problem on his test didn't work out like he thought it should. It made for a LONG day.


Lunch-2 pcs bread (1 pt)
2 pcs turkey (1 pt)
cheese (1 pt)
pretzels (2 pts)

Dinner-shepherd's pie...didn't measure, but it was more than 15 pts, I'm sure.

I'll try again tomorrow!
I hope things start calming down for you soon! I hear ya about the stress eating! Today at work I was having SUCH a busy day I just lost my mind and ate a chocolate chip cookie that was about as big as my head... :confused3

Hang in there, you will get back on track soon! It just takes one good day to get things going back in the right direction. Tomorrow will be it! :cheer2:
Again, I did very well until dinner. I didn't actually go over too much in my points, but I ate too late in the evening. I'm not even going to get on the scale in the morning. Pre-TOM weight has set in for a week and I don't want to think about it!!

Breakfast-I actually had a minute to eat!! I had half of a Tontino's pizza (7 pts)

Lunch-same thing that I have everyday...sandwich and pretzels (5 pts)

Dinner-grits (2 pts) and 6 Tyson chicken tenders (6 pts)

Total...20 pts...wow, I didn't go over at all!
See, you didn't do so bad afterall!! Have you tried a late afternoon snack? Maybe that would help you not overeat at dinnertime. That is the worst time of day for me as well.

You will get back into the swing of things, you'll see! :banana: :banana:
Yesterday was a free-for-all, but miraculously, I didn't gain weight. The kids were sick and we stayed in. Do I really want to tell everything that I ate? I might as well...

Breakfast-grits and chicken tenders (8 pts)

Lunch-leftover shepherd's pie (probably about 10 pts)

snack-cereal and milk (6 pts)
pretzels (2 pts)

I know that I ate other things, but I really don't remember everything!

Today started out better.

Breakfast-4 pcs wheat toast with a little jelly (3 pts)
Don't worry about yesterday. Today is off to a good start, you can do it! It is hard when the kids are sick and you can't get out and do anything...

Remember, one bad day doesn't ruin everything - take it one day (or one hour if you have to) at a time. :cool1:
Today was better. We woke up to another 5 inches of snow this morning, so I got my exercise in early shoveling snow off the driveway! I burned off my breakfast before I even ate it!

Breakfast-4 pcs wheat toast with a little jelly and spray butter (3 pts)

Lunch-same lunch as all week (5 pts)

Dinner-rice (6 pts)
ham (2 pts)
peas (2 pts)

snacks-grapes (0 pts) and 5 hershey's kisses (4 pts)

Total...22 pts...only a few points over, but I did exercise some this morning. Not too bad!
HI Karyn,

Glad to hear that today was a better day.
Even though you are having good days and bad days, as we all do, you are still doing a great job!

Keep up the good work and I hope that you have a wonderful evening!
Your day looks great! Now that you have a good day under your belt, I bet you will have no problem having another one, then another one, etc.

You can do it! :cheer2: :banana: :cool1:
Hi Karyn,

Hope you had a wonderful weekend!!!!!

Keep up the good work and I hope you have a great day!


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