I don't know a word of Japanese! - A COMPLETED TR!

I just showed DH your post about the urinal game - he says "Oh I am having a go at that" :rotfl:
Next we made our way to Akihabara because I wanted to see if we could pick up some cheap electronics.



We wandered in and around a few shops, but nothing really caught our eyes. We were a bit disappointed with Akihabara, I’m not sure what we were expecting, other then more I guess…



We ventured into a few shops that just seem to keep going up


– so many levels and each level with something different on it. I could have probably spent more time here and done some shopping, but DH wasn’t that interested.



More cute things filled with paste...

We then made our way back to CST. We decided to try the noodle place on the 2nd (or is it 3rd) floor of CST. Well we thought it was noodles, but when we saw the menu we realised it was Korean. We used to love a Korean place when we lived in Sydney, but Japanese Korean is nothing like Australian Korean. How this for a kicker too – DH managed to order the pork in lettuce leaves again! Don’t know how, he wasn’t that big a fan of it the first time around, but it gave us something to laugh about. I ordered some form of beef noodle soup, which was pretty yummy.





This was another one of those restaurants where the smokers sat amongst the non smokers, which wasn’t very nice, but we managed.

After the meal we were offered what was either a fortune or a discount voucher. We’re not sure, as it was in Japanese, it was folded up like a fortune though… :confused3

We grabbed some ice cream from the lobby store and then we headed up to our room for bed.

Thank-you again! Still enjoying your updates!

What on earth were those instructions,? Its funny how things get translated !
I know - I took a couple of photos of the "instructions" on how to eat meals :rotfl2:
Was there any where in Japan where there weren't smokers mixed in with the non-smokers?

Another great update. :thumbsup2
Yeah I think there were a couple of places, but not many spring to mind :rotfl:

McDonalds or KFC and those sort of places were generally smoking upstairs, and non smoking downstairs, so they were pretty good.
Today was our last full day in Tokyo. We had missed out on doing a lot of things, but I wanted to buy some souvenirs to take home, and knew I’d have better luck finding a 100Y store here, compared to in Kyoto, so we decided we’d just spend the day around Shinjuku. We all know what it means when you miss things on holidays - it's just an excuse to go back! :thumbsup2

We slept in again, and headed out around 11am. First stop was the JR shop at the station so we could purchase our Shinkansen tickets, as well as our Narita Express ticket back to the airport when we got back to Tokyo. These ended up costing us double what I thought they would, and I think that’s because while I was researching the trip I may have only looked up the price for one adult and not two… Anyway, the return tickets to Kyoto and the Narita Express tickets all up costed somewhere over $700 for the two of us. :scared1:

After we had considerably lightened our wallets we started wandering the narrow streets of Shinjuku to find a suitable 100Y store to spend our money in.


There are cosmetic like shops all over the place, and originally I thought that they were the 100Y stores, but they didn’t really have what I wanted. Regardless, I bought a bunch of fake eyelashes for me, my mum and my sister. Fake eyelashes are all over the place. I also was tempted to buy some concealer, as I’d seen an ad for it during the week and thought how amazing it was. In Australia I’m smart enough to know that the ads are lying, but for some reason when I saw an amazing feat happening on a Japanese ad – it had to be true!! :lmao:


Luckily DH reminded me that ads are ads regardless of what country you’re in, and I didn’t spend a heap of money on the concealer, knowing full well that I’d never use it. :sad2:


If you are into cosmetics though you will love Tokyo! :love:


Eventually we found the right sort of 100Y store. This was really handy, it may have just been a cheap crappy store, but there were plenty of souvenirs for me to buy people back home. I bought a whole heap of Disney hand fans, as well as a few that weren’t Disney, and I bought some cool looking chop sticks with holders, and some face washers – because they had Mickey Heads on them – no other reason :laughing:.

I thought I took photos of inside the 100Y store, but it doesn't look like it :confused3
After I was satisfied with my stash we found ourselves near a BIC Camera store, and made our way from the top floor down to the bottom. It was here that I decided that while Japan didn’t seem to be a huge leap forward in the way of technological advances, they definitely had way more variety then what you would hope to find in Australia, or even the US. I spent over half an hour just deciding which types of earbud head phones I wanted to buy, and could have bought a completely different type for each day of the week, or whatever pair suited my mood. I ended up purchasing some that were shaped like Mickey heads.


How pretty! :cloud9:

This dude just set himself up at one of the pianos and started playing. He was awesome.


There’s a fair bit of Disney merch all over Tokyo, so don’t worry if you think the prices are too steep in the park, because you’ll find more out and about.





I think these were golf club covers


Hello Kitty Zombie :lmao:

We also came across this Sony thingamy whatsit. Basically they’re like 3D glasses, but the TV screens are built into the headset, so it’s almost like virtual reality. These would be amazing for a plane ride. You’d just set it on what you want to watch and sit back and enjoy. It would block out the sounds and lights from a plane cabin like you were all by yourself. I want a pair, but they didn’t even look to have them for sale there. I think these were just a display.


We were also a bit surprised at the cost of alcohol. DH saw a 1L bottle of green lable Johnnie Walker for maybe $50, where as in Australia if you see it for around $70 you buy it as an investment!




We discussed heading back into Isetan to try something else for lunch, but couldn’t quite navigate through the station to get to the other side. We found several restaurants all together and decided on a nice looking tempura bar. We both chose different selections of tempura and rice. The meals also came with some miso soup (most of the meals over there do) which had something like clams or pippies in the bottom of it.



More instruction manuals :rotfl:


I love those pretty skinned washing machines....and the Disney merch. Sounds like a great day.
Yeah I know right? I want some funky looking washing machine with matching dryer and mini fridge :scratchin

Ooh, or maybe one with interchangeable skins, so you can change it to suit your mood!! :yay:
So many of those Shinjuku streets look so familiar to me; I probably have the same photos. :lmao: (One of them shows the building housing the Cat Cafe I visited)

And yeah the washing machines are super nifty looking. :)
Really? You mean we were so close? :lmao: I love my furbabies :goodvibes

Yep. It's in the 2nd Shinjuku picture (in post 193), in the building in the center that also has the word "Zoo" on it. I love my furbabies too- although we call them furricanes since they're such mischievous little things! (they're about a yr and a half) :lmao:


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