I got my braces off!


Disney Princess
Oct 22, 2000
Yesterday, i got my braces off! I had them for about 2 1/2 years! I'm glad they're gone. Tomorrow I have to go in to get a retainer. Oh boy. There are 2 not so good things about my teeth though. Well, 3. The first one is that I have a pit in my tooth. Kind of like a hole in the side. I also have a cavity on that same tooth. I've never had one before so I'm kind of nervous about going and getting it filled. I also have some decalcification on my teeth. Basiclly, I didn't brush well enough, so I got these white spots. Thats not to good either. But, at least the braces are off!
Congratulations!! It's a great feeling, isn't it? I took mine off myself my first semester of college :)
WOW...that is great news about getting the braces off. My DD has them on for the second time...and they will be on for 2 years. You can get the teeth whitened I think and make the white marks go away...Good luck with your brand news smile...and do not forget to wear that retainer!!!
Congratulations! I was one of the lucky people to get braces twice.:rolleyes: I had them the first time for 1 year and again for 2 years. It definitely wasn't fun, but it's so nice to get them off. I know it's not fun wearing a retainer either, but it's definitely not as bad as braces!
How exciting!

My daughter, 11, just got hers last month. She's NOT very happy about them (she says they hurt a lot when they first put them on). She's not very good about brushing her teeth either.

I'll have to show this to her! She'll be happy to know that there is an end for the braces!

I can still remember that incredible feeling 22 years later. I think I walked around for 2 days doing nothing but rubbing my tongue over my teeth! :p

I've had mine off for a week & a day. I still haven't stopped rubbing my tongue across the front of my teeth! ;)
Congrats! I remember what a great feeling that was. Don't worry too much about the filling--the deaden it first and you don't feel a thing.
oh! :(
I want mine off too!! lol
I think I have like 9 or 10 months left

congrats though!! :Pinkbounc :Pinkbounc :Pinkbounc

a bunch of people get their teeth whitened afterwards...so maybe you can look into that! :)
Congratulations on a wonderful new smile....:D
Cool! I always wanted braces when I was younger. Cause I had a retainer. ANd I hated the thing. So nasty!!!


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