I have VERY sad news, friends...

Oh brother does this put things in percpective!!I have the family in my thoughts!!Thank you for letting us kno!:(
I am grieved to learn Sylvia has left us. It gives me some comfort to know that our cards and sentiments proved helpful to her family and Sylvia as she fought her last struggle with cancer.

Tomorrow afternoon I begin the cancer society's relay for life. 24 hours of walking with my coworkers on a relay team to help fight this terrible disease. It seems fitting somehow that I am participating in that event - after so recently losing some cyber friends and because I have a SIL who is also fighting this battle. Our team (the Voltswalkers) raised $7,500 together to help fight cancer. A mere drop in the bucket - but maybe that 7,499th dollar will be the magic one. I hope so. As I walk the late night shift I will occupy my time thinking about Sylvia, Ross Ann (Lynn CC's little sis), Marie (a survivor), and my SIL.

My heart aches. :(
I didn't really know who Sylvia was, but I am so, so sorry to hear this:( . My prayers go out to her family and to all of you here on the Dis that were close to Sylvia. It sounds like she had some wonderful friends in all of you.
:( That is terribly terribly sad news... :( I am speechless. My heart is with Nick and all of Sylvia's Family....

Rest In Peace.
I was almost afraid to open this, I knew what it was. I'm at a loss for words right now, I really am. This is so heart wrenching. I never had the pleasure of meeting her, either, but still I can't stop my tears for this very courageous woman. My prayer's and my deepest sympathy goes out to Sylvia's son, Nick and her family.
Thank you, Dan, for letting us know. {{{hugs}}}
<font color=navy>Dan,

I am in tears reading about our friend, Sylvia. I am glad that the love of fellow DISers reached out to her, and I hope that we offered some measure of comfort to Sylvia and her family. At the same time I am so sad that I will never be able to meet her in person on this planet.

Thank you for letting us know, Dan.

God bless you, Sylva, and may He watch over your little one, Nick.

:( :( :( :(
My heart is breaking for a mom who won't physically see her little boy grow up. My heart is breaking for Nick who is going to miss his Mom. Sylvia was very young, my friends, Nick is only 6 or 7.
Dan you have been so kind to her and her family. God Bless you.
I got to know Sylvia through her posts and she posted that she wanted to start scrapbooking some of her memories for Nick. There are no words to describe how I felt when I read that and the fact that she knew w/o a miracle she would not be here for her son. I collected some supplies and sent them to her and I hope she was able to do a few pages for him. He will treasure them and her memory forever.
Tonight and everyday, hug your babies, Moms (and Dads). Sylvia has taught me such a life lesson.
"Godspeed" to Sylvia, and thank you for bringing just a tiny amount of her kindness and history into my life.

SSB shall not forget her.
I guess I knew deep down in my heart that she had left us. I kept waking all night to pray for her....

Sylvia will always be NicksMom to me - my first friend on the DIS. We got admonished a few times for our posts about Brad Pitt and chocolate sauce, giggled over our scolding, and emailed each other about our lives and similarities.

Dan, you have been terrific in keeping in contact with her and her family and then for keeping us posted. Please let us know if there is a fund set up for Nick - how hard this must be for him, at age 7 to go through.

The following is a Native American Prayer that I love and feel is what Sylvia would say to us:

I give you this one thought to keep -
I am with you still - I do not sleep.

I am a thousand winds that blow,
I am the diamond glints on snow,
I am the sunlight on ripened grain,
I am the gentle Autumn rain.

When you awaken in the morning's hush,
I am the swift, uplifting rush
of quiet birds in circled flight.
I am the soft stars that shine at night.

Do not think of me as gone -
I am with you still - in each new dawn.

Go with God, Sylvia,
My deepest condolences go out to Sylvia and her family. Having lost people I knew to this disease, I know how hard it is to experience something like this.

Nick, stay strong. Your mother is now looking above you in heaven. She will always be there for you.
My sympathies to Sylvia's family: both "real" and "cyber".

This is so sad. :(

My prayers and condolences to Sylvia's family.

I remember Sylvia's posts, and like Teri said, she was always so positive and friendly.

Peace be with you Sylvia.

I know Sylvia is finally at peace, and I am praying for her and her son who now has to grow up without his dear mom. Words cannot express the sorrow I feel....
My heart goes out to her family and the many who loved and cherished her. I never met Sylvia and did not have the chance to ever correspond with her. Yet, I felt a kinship in her fight because she was part of our community. Her passing should again remind all of us of the very FRAGILITY of LIFE; we ALL are only a HEARTBEAT away from mortality.
Dan thanks for letting us know, I am lost for words.

My thoughts and prayers are for Sylvia's family. I have a very sad empty feeling.
What sad, sad news. I always enjoyed reading her posts.
My sympathies go out to her family.


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