I just got a FREE hotel stay in NYC!!! (Disney Hotels Coming Up!)

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It feels like when I was in HS (before internet was as big and my Mom wouldn't let me go too early to Ticketmaster outlets) and I wanted tix to the Giants/Dolphins game or Pearl Jam concert.
I'd get on the phone & start calling, only to hear a busy signal, and try again. Now it's refreshing a page HOPING to see a clock or video pop up only to get the same hotel page. Ahhhhhh....but at least it makes me feel young again in a trange way.
Me and my boyfriend just got back from WDW 3 weeks ago...it is too soon to book a trip (if its for $1!!!) again for March? haha I haven't been ahold of him to find out when he could go...March is the only time I know he could go lol
My Southwest "Ding" just went off and I almost went through the roof. My co-worker looked at me like I was crazy.
So far I've got two beds made and one load of laundry to the dryer, anyone else get anything done today?
:rotfl2: More than me! I'm still in my "lounge pants" and sweatshirt. I HAVE to shower and leave the house for a dentist appt.

Does anyone know how to get around the 25 minutes of inactivity button on Chatango? It says something about creating an account, which I did, but it still happens?
Refresh and you'll be signed in
I just got back from errands and I'm super glad I didn't miss it! I called DH at work and told him to keep a look out. :lmao: I'm sure he's real excited for that...I guess I should call him and tell him I'm back now? :rotfl:
Does anyone have an opinion if enounce will void the deal?

this had better happen before stinking noon
It's hard to say, really. In their Terms & Conditions it states * Company may void any Dollar Booking made by any Traveler who uses any automated system to make a Dollar Booking.

Now, I don't know if they would consider speeding up the videos as a violation. I work in a Computer Science dept. at a University and I went and asked one of our computer guys how they would know. He said, generally, they wouldn't know except that if they're using FLASH to play the video, flash could be reporting information back to them. :confused3
I'm not a computer person, it's just what our computer guy said.

I'm really afraid to take the chance.
I'm so glad I've got you guys....my DH thinks I'm slightly loony....ok, maybe a bit more than slightly...

I just don't let on to my DH how hooked I really am. I'll hide my actions just like I hid the ice cream bar I ate last night.
;) I don't know why, but I waited until he was in the shower to eat it.

Ok, that's really for another discussion, another time.
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