"I love you" , "I know!": A Star Wars Weekends Disneymoon - Update 7/12 pg. 3

Ha Ha! I remember when Stitch's Great Escape used to be Alien Encounter as well and it was pretty scary! I remember the first time I went on it, I got freaked out and kind of sunk down into my seat. Then my shoulder bar for some reason started moving and squished me even farther down and stayed there. So I was literally squashed into my seat and had to remain like that until the show was over. :scared1:Ah, good times! But yes, Stitch is definitely much friendlier now and not as scary as it was back in the day.

My dad wanted to ride it one year, and my mom kept telling him she heard it was really REALLY scary and probably not a good idea. It was TERRIFYING! My mom and I were pretty mad.
It's been a busy week and I am so glad it's Saturday. :cool1:

Its been a frustrating week at work. Not to mention Game of Thrones. Wooo that was a doozy. I'm looking forward to sitting down and writing more posts.
okay I know I saaaaid I would have a post up by last weekend. However, I'm super busy at the moment. I will have something up very soon.
When we last left our intrepid travelers, Kristin had been captured by the evil Emperor Zerg. But Luckily Steve came to the rescue and saved her in the nick of time.

All the shooting aliens and getting captured can really make a girl hungry, so even though we we're about 40 minute away from our ADR time, we decided it would be too soon to try to get on another ride, so we stroll over to Main Street towards our first dinner in Disney: Tony's Town Square. We took a detour through the Emporium on the way there to kills some time. I swear I could spend about a million dollars in that store! I really loved all the new retro 1971 logo merchandise. I was tempted to get myself a t-shirt but held off. I also really loved the really colorful Kitchen stuff. Can you tell I really love color? Steve was also really tempted by a Walt Disney World baseball Jerseys but also held off. We were just window shopping at the moment.
By the time we can out of the other end of the Emporium we we're right across Main Street from the restaurant and we still had 20 minutes. I guess we didn't kill as much time as we thought we would. We decided to take a chance and see if we could check in early.

Steve and I have to different opinions about what transpired next.

We walked in to find the waiting area PACKED. Granted it was Memorial Day. But then again I expected the parks to be mobbed and they weren't. The family that had just checked we're saying the wait was an hour. I look over to Steve and tell him we'll probably be waiting for a while, good thing we got here early. The couple decided that their kids would NOT wait for an hour so they took their name off the list. We let them go ahead of us and they we're very grateful. We stepped up to the desk, clad in my Bridal Ears and our "Happily Ever After" Pins. The waitress found our reservation and confirmed that we we're on our Honeymoon. She told us that since we checked in early they couldn't guarantee we would get a table any earlier than our ressie time. She was a really nice CM, made some small talk with us asking if we got married in Disney or back at home, yadda, yadda. We stood around for waiting for our names to be called. I was a little nervous it would be hard to hear so we stayed close to the hostess area. Not even 5 minutes later we we're called to be seated.


Now Steve thinks that all the other people waiting in the lobby did not have reservation. Which could be entirely true. However, I seriously believe that because we were on our Honeymoon we were ushered to our table waaaay before everyone else. This is what I choose to believe is true, and I'm sticking to it. :snooty:

I had originally had an ADR for O'hana and cancelled it because I really wanted to see Wishes our first night. I thought "how cute would it be to have dinner at the restraurant based on Lady and the Tramp??" However Steve's not a huge fan of Italian food, mostly Tomatoes and tomato sauce (So basically most of the menu). But I noticed there was steak. BINGO! My man is a meat and potatoes kinda guy. So I knew he'd at least order that.

We started off with an Iced Tea for myself and water for Steve. One thing he always orders if it's on the menu whenever we go out to eat is Calamari. It was indeed on the menu! I was really tempted by the Parmesan Bread but I knew it would fill me up, so I decided to forgo an appetizer. When the Calamari came, Steve dove right in. Normally I don't like fish. And fact that this was squid turned me off even more. But was feeling adventurous and decided to try some. It actually pretty good with a little lemon juice, dipped in the marinara. When I looked at the menu before the trip I went back and forth between Chicken Parm and Spaghetti and Meatballs. But Once I got there, I HAD to have the Spaghetti and Meatballs.


Steve threw me for a loop and decided to order the Cannelloni, which is pasta filled with ground beef, sausage, mozzarella, and ricotta served with Marinara and Alfredo.
(source: http://www.wdwinfo.com/wdwinfo/dining/diningdetail.cfm?restaurant.id=134)

This is not what I thought he would order. But he enjoyed it and that's all that matters.

Here's a blurry food pic. (Steve doesn't really "get" the whole food porn thing. But he humors me.)

When I took this picture I didn't realize I actually got a pic of our awesome waitress, on the right side of the picture. I was just taking a picture of the restaurant. But I'm glad I did because he was a really great waitress. She was VERY attentive and very nice.

Since it was our first dinner on our Honeymoon we decided to splurge and get dessert. I had to go with Tiramisu, my favorite, and Steve had chocolate gelato. No food pics, we were just enjoying ourselves and relaxing.

On the way out I really wanted to get a picture of the Lady and the Tramp fountain. Lady and the Tramp is one of my Disney movies (Which is as why I really wanted to eat here) As I was setting myself up, one of the waiters asked if we’d like a picture together, to which we happily obliged.


We thanked him and he wished us a "Belle Notte" which just made me giddy. (And now I have the song in my head "….And they call it Beeeeeelllllllla Noooottteee"):goodvibes

After dinner we headed out toward Fantasyland to explore more of the Magic Kingdom.

What will Steve and Kristin see and do next?
What new obsession will they discover?
Stay tuned for more…..

Hi Peeps! Life has been a crazy busy. I haven't had much time to post lately. Here is a very short post. I plan on posting more tonight. PROMISE!!!
When we last left the Honeymooners, they had just finished their first dinner at Tony's Town Square Italian Restaurant. They we're off to explore more of Magic Kingdom.

After dinner I was went back down Main Street for the 3rd time that day. I got extremely giddy as we were finally going under the castle for the first time. We entered Fantasyland and I couldn't believe how different it looked. New Fantansyland to our Right, No Dumbo. It was kind weird. We stopped in first shop off to the right, the Mickey and the Beanstalk shop, my mind if blanking on the actual name of the shop. I was kind small but cute with all the princess stuff.

After window shopping for a bit we decided to check out Mickey's PhillarMagic, since the wait was only 10 minutes. Last time I was here this was still the Lion King show, I believe. I've heard this show was really good, so I was excited to check it out. I loved all the posters in the waiting area. This show was amazing. I could not wipe smile off my face the whole show. The 3D was so immersive. I think my favorite part was during the Be Our Guest sequence, they pump a scent of baked goods or something! I loved how they really tap into all your senses.

We exited through the dump shop and I got a little creative with some of my pictures.


And Mickey <3

I didn't want to explore too much more of Fantasyland this day since I plan was to do Fantasyland the next morning. Also I had my heart set on riding my favorite ride in all of WDW - The Haunted Mansion!! I've always loved all things spooky and ghoulish, so Haunted Mansion has been my favorite since I was a kid. And what do you know, it was practically a walk on. We decided we queue through the cemetery and went a little picture crazy.






I haven't ridden this since the refurb and new queue. The interactive queue is so cool. My favorite part of the queue was the Headstone of Madame Leota! It's sooooo creepy. I love it! This ride is even better then I remember it. The technology has advanced by leaps and bounds since I last rode it.

Next up....Kristin and Steve explore the Magic Kingdom even further and find a new addiction.

Continue on to the next post
After exiting Haunted Mansion, I was absolutely A-Mazed. That I can't stress enough how much I love that ride, and it's only gotten better since I remembered it.

Moving on.....

So we explore more of Liberty Square, and continue moving. We took a quick stop in the Christmas Store. I love Christmas Decorations!! Once again I was just looking....for now. (That's not foreboding at all). We went under Columbia Harbor House and moved into Frontierland. We thought about stopping to ride Big Thunder Mountain, however we were still pretty full from dinner, So a rollercoast probably wasn't the best idea at the time.

We press onward to Adventureland. We rounded the corner and found my second favorite ride in Magic Kingdom – Pirates of the Caribbean. And it wait time was only 5 minutes! We we're having some really awesome ride mojo today! This ride is basically the same from how I remembered it, aside from the addition of Jack Sparrow. It was kind of funny going through one of my favorite rides and seeing Animatronic Johnny Depp peering around the corner or popping up from behind a barrel. I think it may have been a bad a idea on the imagineers part to put Jack Sparrow next to some of the older pirates. You can really tell how OLD the old one look in comparison. The attraction was great as always and had me singing “Yo-Ho Yo-Ho, A Pirates life for meeee.” We explored more of the Adventureland, we we're just having a good time walking around and soaking up the atmosphere. That's when I found it! The holy grail of snacks. Aloha Isle! And what do they sell at Aloha Isle – Dole Whip!! I stopped in my tracks and stared in amazement at people lined up for their treats. This is one thing that I never experienced at Disney as a kid and only found out about it from the Dis. If I wasn't so full, I would have hopped in line. But we decided to wait and get a cone first thing in the morning. It was only the first day and I didn't want to do everything all at once. We stopped over at the little stand by the Magic Carpets Ride. Steve's favorite Disney movie is Aladdin but unfortunately they had mostly Jasmine merchandise. Steve wasn't in the market for a Jasmine Costume today. We followed the path through Adventureland that looped back to Liberty Square.

This is where Steve noticed at sign that says “Sorcerers of the Magic Kingdom. Looking for recruits.” He looks at me and asks “What's Sorcerers of the Magic Kingdom?” (being that I am the resident Disney Expert). I remembered hearing something about it on the Inside The Magic Podcast and said “I think it's some kind of interactive collectable card game that you play throughout the park. And I think it's free.” That's all he needed to hear. This is sort of what his face looked like:

Quick Aside – For those of you who haven't figured it we huge nerds. We love to play games. Particularly, games that involve collectable cards like Magic the Gathering. So this sounded like an awesome time.

There was a little kiosk behind the Christmas Store in Liberty Square, next to the Tiana and Prince Neveen meet and greet area. The CM's explain that we each get a set of starter cards, a map and a card with a key on it. The story is as such: The Disney Villains have taken over the Magic Kingdom and we have to help Merlin defeat Villains and take back Magic Kingdom. You look for the Sorcerer's seal on the ground and a Keyhole next to it.

Seal on the Ground


They directed us to an unassuming shed next to Tiana and Prince Neveen. Steve stood on the seal and held the key card up to the keyhole and the window on the shed door came to life. Merlin appears, giving us further instructions on what to do and where to go to Save MK. The games takes you all over Magic Kingdom. We played mostly around Adventureland, Frontierland and Libery Square. They are all in little nooks, corners and hidden areas. Someone who isn't playing the game wouldn't necessarily notice anything out of the ordinary. The images I have is from a portion of the game in Fronteirland. Below, the game screen shows up in a wanted poster behind the DVC booth.


Other interactive things around the screen while the game is playing:

Here's Steve with his cards:

Here are some video of the components of the game and some of the game play

Vlog 4 – Sorcerer's of the Magic Kingdom

Socrerer's Game Play;

As you can tell from this video it was getting pretty dark. We also noticed people lining up for something. I remembered Wishes where at 10 but I had forgot all day about the night time parade. I even had to stop and check the MyMagic app and double check when the parade was suppose to start. I have to say that app was a life saver at times. Even if the wait times weren't entirely accurate.

I was also getting a bit thirsty at this point. So we stopped by Westward Ho and grabbed a Frozen Raspberry Lemonade. It was delicious. :thumbsup2 It reminded me of the purple Flintstone's push-up pop they used to sell when I was a kid.

Looking back we really should have just stayed there but I had a bright idea to watch the parade and the fireworks from the train station. I didn't realize that the MSEP went through Liberty Square and Fronteirland. I thought that if we got to the station we would be able to beat the crowds to the bus and get right out of the park. I thought I was soooo clever. Once we got to Main Street, the crowds we're packed to densely we could hardly get throug. I kept pushing forward towards the Station, thinking we'd get a great spot. Once we got to the middle of Main Street and the Station came into view, I realized that great mind think a like because the whole station was filled with people.


My grand plan had failed. So we stopped around where Tony's Town Square and found a spot to stand. Luckily there we're a bunch to kids in front so still had a pretty good view between the crowd.

The lights go off down mainstreet, the music starts playing and the floats start emerging. I was so giddy. Seriously, I felt like I was floating. :goodvibes

Until the dude in front of me pulled out his ipad and proceeded to record THE ENTIRE PARADE, blocking the window I had between heads to see.:furious:

:offtopic:I just have to vent a little here. Bare with me.
If you take pictures with an ipad or record something and hold it up and eye level, YOU LOOK LIKE AN IDIOT!!!! I guess I just haven't traveled very much in the past few years because this was the first time I really encountered this kind of thing. Why? WHHHYY?? Just use a phone! or maybe a camera!!! Or just don't record the whole thing. I know you probably want to keep it for prosperity, but it's distracting to the people around you. I may get flammed for this but this isn't directed towards anyone in particular.Well maybe the guy with the ipad I just don't get it. :confused:

Then a crowd of very rude people push in front of me and the rest of the people who had been waiting for a while, and BLOCKED MY VIEW EVEN MORE. They kept yelling and waving at the characters, and passing their baby over my head to their family members behind me. I am very petite, only 4' 8”. This is basically what my face looked like:


Needless to say I was extremely annoyed. I hadn't really crossed over to mad because, well, I was in Disney!!! I wasn't going to let Ipad Dude or the people playing musical baby over my head spoil my time. I could still majority of the parade. The large crowd of rude parade viewers left the area after about 10 minutes I could see even more. The best part was watching Steve's face. He'd never seen the MSEP and he was in awe. He thought it was so cool. It just made my eyes get all misty!

After the parade everyone moved closer towards the castle. I was still sticking to my plan to stay near the Train Station (it will NOT be all for naught). We so popped a squat against the station, next to the Mickey Ears cart. I have to say when I first heard about the projection show, I wasn't super immpressed with it. But you really have to see it! The minute they started “I See The Light” from Tangled, the waterworks started. I love that song, it get me every time. I also really like the Wreck-It Ralph sequence!

Then Wishes started. I think I was just overwhelmed by everything. I had just got married, I was FINALLY in Disney after trying to plan 3 trips and failing for one reason for another. I had been waiting for this exact moment for so long. It was finally here. I just watched the firework show as tears silently rolled down my cheeks, with my husband's arm around me. It was the absolute best way to end our first day in Disney.

My plan did work slighty, because we we're able to get through the station and out to the buses quickly and made it on the the first bus back to Coronado Springs.

You may not remember since it was so long ago, but Bell Services has only brought over one of our bags from DME.

When we opened the door to our room the second bag was there waiting for us. It was quite a relief. I decided I was waaaay to tired to unpack the clothes in there, and just pulled out pajamas for ourselves.

The next day we we're having our Garden Grocer order delivered between 8-10am. I was so tired I got right into bed and was out like a light.

Next on “I love you”, “I know”.....
How much food did Kristin and Steve order? Will they have enough? Will Kristin get to have her precious Dole Whip? Find out this and more next time.....
A disneymoon and SWW... what a combo! Congratulations!! I have to say, you are the first person I've encountered who has had anything nice to say about the Stitch ride. Maybe I should try it. Like you, I haven't been on it since it was Alien Encounter.

Glad you had pixie dust at Tony's. :)

Oh, and what IS it with the ipad picture taking?????????
A disneymoon and SWW... what a combo! Congratulations!! I have to say, you are the first person I've encountered who has had anything nice to say about the Stitch ride. Maybe I should try it. Like you, I haven't been on it since it was Alien Encounter.

Glad you had pixie dust at Tony's. :)

Thank You! and :welcome:

I know there are people who really can't stand the Stitch ride. So I was little weary going on in the first place. I wanted to give it the benefit of the doubt. Ya know?

Oh, and what IS it with the ipad picture taking?????????
I know right!?! :sad2:

Anywho, Thanks for reading along.

I'm in. Still reading but I'm intrigued!! Haha

great start to your thread - and congratulations on your wedding!

I love your little teasers at the end of each post and I of course love your thread title referencing the most romantic exchange in movie history (I assume you know that Harrison Ford totally ad-libed his part)

and I am right there with you with the iPad photo/video taking ... are these people thinking "hey, I know those people behind me paid a lot of money to be here in person, but watching the parade on my iPad is basically the same thing as being able to watch it live"?
Wow not to crowded on Memorial day !
I was equally suprised when we got there!! I had originally planned to avoid the parks all together on our arrival day. I'm glad I decided to risk it.
great start to your thread - and congratulations on your wedding!

I love your little teasers at the end of each post and I of course love your thread title referencing the most romantic exchange in movie history (I assume you know that Harrison Ford totally ad-libed his part)

and I am right there with you with the iPad photo/video taking ... are these people thinking "hey, I know those people behind me paid a lot of money to be here in person, but watching the parade on my iPad is basically the same thing as being able to watch it live"?

Thank you! I had a hard time coming up with a title for this trip report but this one kept sticking in my mind. I knew Star Wars fans would get the reference. :thumbsup2

I'm beginning to see I'm not the only one who is annoyed by the Ipads! I think phones and ipads are making people loose sense their of courtesy, You know what I mean? From things like what I talked about to people talking VERY LOUDLY on their phones in public (most of the time about things I couldn't care less to hear.) Also from teenages being on the phone constantly rather than interacting socially with the people around them.

Sorry I'll put my soap box away now.....
Just joining in! I love your TR and your GIF usage haha! Throwback, loveeee the Zurg picture! That's so funny! Your writing cracks me up, I love it! I can't wait to read more!


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