I must be crazy! - An October-November 2016 Solo PTR - Update 10/9 2 Weeks to Go - That's a Wrap

We don't joke about delays around here...

Whoops! Disregard that last comment.

I did five weeks in France with carry on in the fall. I would be able to do it this trip probably if it weren't for the cruises.

:worship: Teach me your ways oh wise one!

Sort of true. But I'm going to be receiving for one person. I've had to pack for 9 other cabins with an average of four people per cabin. I figure I should come out with about a quarter to a third of what I took over in return gifts.

Ah! Plus if some of it's chocolate you could eat it instead of packing it.

I read that as pancakes for a second and got excited...

:lmao: You're a nut! :goodvibes:

Let's just say one lady works above the shoulders and one below ;)

I literally cannot say anything in response to that without getting into trouble now, can I?
Whoops! Disregard that last comment.

What comment? ;)

:worship: Teach me your ways oh wise one!

Pick a neutral colour palette and stick to it. Only bring clothes that have a least two different outfit uses. Find one pair of comfortable boots, wear them on the plane and stick with them. That's about it.

Ah! Plus if some of it's chocolate you could eat it instead of packing it.


:lmao: You're a nut! :goodvibes:


I literally cannot say anything in response to that without getting into trouble now, can I?

Well you could. All I said was below the neck. Which pretty much means anywhere on the body you know like arms or legs...
I have just followed you on Facebook! Safe travels - look forward to reading about it!
Have a great trip! looking forward to reading about it! I'll follow you on your social media links as well!
What comment? ;)

No idea what you're talking about...

Pick a neutral colour palette and stick to it.

Neutral colour?
You know I'm a guy, right?
We only have three colours.

Only bring clothes that have a least two different outfit uses.

Outfit? Uses???

Guy. Remember?

Find one pair of comfortable boots, wear them on the plane and stick with them. That's about it.

Okay, that part I get.

You are ever mysterious, oh wise one.


Well you could. All I said was below the neck. Which pretty much means anywhere on the body you know like arms or legs...

Oh. Okay then.
What are the "..." for?

WHAT ARE THEY FOR?!?!?!?!?!?
I have just followed you on Facebook! Safe travels - look forward to reading about it!

Have an amazing trip. Can't wait to hear all about it.

Safe travels!!!

Have a great trip! looking forward to reading about it! I'll follow you on your social media links as well!


I can't believe I'm finally down to one sleep left! Just have to make it through the next eight hours of work and then I'm free!
Neutral colour?
You know I'm a guy, right?
We only have three colours.

Well let's see I'm guessing black, navy and brown? But what about white or green or red? Surely you wear those colours as well?

Outfit? Uses???

Guy. Remember?

I remember. I also remember the incident with the Shave Ice and the shorts so maybe you should have had more outfits....

Okay, that part I get.

You are ever mysterious, oh wise one.

I try to be.

Oh. Okay then.
What are the "..." for?

WHAT ARE THEY FOR?!?!?!?!?!?

They are to reinforce the point that you have a mind that lives in the gutter. I've kept the conversation perfectly clean.
Well let's see I'm guessing black, navy and brown?

Brown? Never.
My mom forced me to wear brown as a pre-teen. Never again.

But what about white or green or red? Surely you wear those colours as well?


I remember. I also remember the incident with the Shave Ice and the shorts so maybe you should have had more outfits....


They are to reinforce the point that you have a mind that lives in the gutter. I've kept the conversation perfectly clean.

You're taking the fun out of this!

79 minutes of work left before the trip.

I'm not excited at all.

That’s right – it’s time to wrap this sucker up and actually go on vacation!


Hopefully not too exhausted. You have an epic vacation to get to and enjoy.

True Dat!

Have the most awesome and magical birthday adventure. Enjoy every moment.
Can't wait to read all about it (and live vicariously through you) when you get back.
I'll stop posting soon I promise but I'm one leg down of the epic journey over to the States.

Just waiting to board the next flight which is the long one (14+ hours).

On the plus side I'll be going back in time and will get to repeat the 12th of October!
You must be exhausted.
Or is the adrenaline keeping you going?
You must be exhausted.
Or is the adrenaline keeping you going?

I'm currently both exhausted and running on adrenaline. Some interesting stuff has happened already - and now I'm just filling in time to my final flight of the day!

I'm currently both exhausted and running on adrenaline. Some interesting stuff has happened already - and now I'm just filling in time to my final flight of the day!

Get there, have fun, get some sleep.
Can't wait to hear all about it!
I missed seeing you off thanks to that silly hurricane evacuation! But that's okay, because I'll be seeing you for lunch in a little over a week! Keep the photos coming on Facebook, I'm loving them, and enjoy your CRUISE! You know I can't wait to hear all about that!


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