I think we should all say Hi to Anthony

Hi Anthony! (I crack up every time he says that, don't know why, its just funny the way he says it!)
Anthony is an almost teenage young man who's Mom wrote to us telling us about his love of all things Disney.

She tells us that he was excited to hear that people actually might find jobs where their love of Disney turns out to be an asset and that he'd like to be an Imagineer when he grows up.

Anthony is at that age where your peer group is not always understanding of anything unique or different and we all know how that can be.

Anthony's story touched the 6 of us and I have decided that whether Anthony continues to listen to our show or not.....and I dont know for sure if he does or not.....that he should be part of each and every show we do.

In my mind, Anthony represents each of us that has had to explain our love of Disney to someone who just doesnt get it.

I always want the Anthonys of the world to know that we get it.....and we think it's cool. :cool1:

I'm so thrilled you answered my question Kevin!! I'm going to email this thread to my sister immediately as we both LOVE the podcast and talk about it frequently! Thank you and the others for the hours you all give to make so many others so very happy!!

p.s. Hi Anthony!!
First, HI ANTHONY! :wave2:

And second, I am so excited to see that my sister's question was answered by THE Kevin! We absolutely LOVE the podcast. We've been listening since we found it a couple of months ago and we have been catching up on all of the old shows while remodeling our house. It has made the work much more enjoyable - THANK YOU!

My family has been so awesome to help us with the remodeling, but they soon got tired of my sister and I booming the DisUnplugged through the stereo. They are so strange...they just don't get it!?!?!?! :confused3 So now although we both have to use the earbuds/iPods to hear you while we work, we keep each other posted about which podcasts we are listening to that day, etc.

The show is so much fun and I look forward to Tuesday each week. And I have to tell you that you've made our night so great - we are like a couple of giddy teenagers right now! :cheer2: Thanks for making all of our painting, cleaning, and soon-to-be-moving so much more fun! We appreciate all the work you guys put into the show!
Hi Anthony! I grew up just like Anthony until now I say it with pride "I LOVE DISNEY and DisUnplugged!"

I sat in a coffee shop today listening and the third time I literally laughed out loud the man across from me had to come over and find out what I was listening too! He could not believe it was a Disney Podcast and promised to check it out!
Hi Anthony! My 16 year old DS is going through the same thing. The problem started in elementary school when kids would tease him for wearing Disney shirts. So....he now wears them only on weekends and to WDW.

However, because his e-mail was read he is the proud owner of a DIS-Unplugged t-shirt which he plans to wear proudly to school. :thumbsup2

Hi Anthony!

I have a 12-year old Nephew in the same boat. Our family just tells him to come talk to me since I get it! :rolleyes:
Hi Anthony!

I'm a 26 year old EMT who proudly wears his Mickey t-shirt in public on a regular basis! I also have a brand new Pod Squad t-shirt that I will be wearing in public. I've learned that caring what other people think about you is a very stressful way to go through life.

P.S. In the interest of full disclosure, I drink malternatives and I cry during sad movies too! See, it's liberating!


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