I think we should all say Hi to Anthony

Hi Anthony and Zack....

Eventually it will become clear that the two of you have it right and everyone else has it WRONG! Disney represents the truly important things in life...happiness, pursuing your dreams, special times spent with those who mean the most to you....and the list goes on. You are just lucky that you figured this out at such a young age!
HI Anthony & Zack...and all you other Disney fans :)

from Newcastle-upon-Tyne - UK
Hi Anthony.....
Hi Zack.....
Don't let other people tell you who you are.
You are who you are for a reason, so hold tight to your spark until things get easier, and they will get easier.
Hi Anthony! Hi Zack! Quick story: when my daughter was 4 years old, she stood in the middle of EPCOT and declared that she could live there and thus began her Disney dream. All through middle school and high school she was kidded about her obsession/devotion to Disney. But she didn't let it bother her (too much) because she knew she "got it" and they didn't. She is now a cast member and living her dream (and now she does basically live at EPCOT!). Hang in there and know that you are a better person for having a dream and one day your dream will come true! All the best and "have a magical day!"
Anthony is an almost teenage young man who's Mom wrote to us telling us about his love of all things Disney.

She tells us that he was excited to hear that people actually might find jobs where their love of Disney turns out to be an asset and that he'd like to be an Imagineer when he grows up.

Anthony is at that age where your peer group is not always understanding of anything unique or different and we all know how that can be.

Anthony's story touched the 6 of us and I have decided that whether Anthony continues to listen to our show or not.....and I dont know for sure if he does or not.....that he should be part of each and every show we do.

In my mind, Anthony represents each of us that has had to explain our love of Disney to someone who just doesnt get it.

I always want the Anthonys of the world to know that we get it.....and we think it's cool. :cool1:


Very Cool and a real nice thought Kevin.

Hi Anthony:dance3:


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