I Want to Sell Tee-Tee to Other People!!! - July 2013 TR *UPDATE 4/29 pg. 73*

Popadon has no fear at all...... He used to jump out of perfectly good airplanes.... :rotfl2::rotfl2:

Bahahahaha. I always forget he says that!

Alright, first off, congratulations on the weight loss, it is seriously impressive!! Good on ya!! Secondly, you ROCKED that bikini girl!! Awesome!!

I have never been to a water park, I really do love reading your tr's recently, they're filled with places I've never been! Lol. I'm sure I'll get to one during this next year!! Bahahaha They do look like an awesome time. I feel like I'll have to invest in a waterproof camera though!!

I feel like 1900's was a little lackluster for ya'll….I've always had the time of my life there, at least with one or two characters rockin it, and the food being perfect, even if the rest wasn't! I feel like the characters were not as great as they should have been for you guys! Lol.

What a lovely night in MK, that really is a great ending to it all!

Thanks hon! I still have a ways to go, but I want to celebrate my journey as I go along.

Having a waterproof camera makes a huge difference with going to the waterpark, and I'm glad that I decided to buy it. I don't regret the investment at all.

I was expecting more and it was a little meh! I'm not the kind to just write it off though, we'll definitely go back at some point.

Haha, don't knock it Dani, pink is an awesome colour. :thumbsup2

I love the idea of character meals, but this one in particular would be hard to pass up JUST because of the Tremaines. Ahhh Cindy's ok, but I love me some Anastasia and Drizella.

YAY, glad you decided to hit up MK. I so agree to the maximum degree. BTM at nights RULES!!!

Hehehe. Oh I know it's an awesome color, I've been pink forever. :lmao:

YES! That's exactly what makes the meal worth it.

I actually don't like riding BTMRR any other time of day. I mean, sure it's fun during the day, but it's amazing at night.
Looks like you guys had a blast. One of these days I am going to fit the water parks in on our trip. I can just never seem to get there.

Those sundaes look delicious and are super cute!

Congrats on the weight loss! You Rock

When I built our schedule for this trip, I purposely put waterparks in. Otherwise, we would never make it truthfully.

The sundaes were so yummy! One of my favorite treats of the trip.

Thanks so much!

We love 1900 Park Fare, especially at dinner! We're not doing it on our next trip because we want to try some place new but its a fave for sure. The stepsisters and evil stepmother are the best.

It's so much fun with the Tremaines there. We would go back for sure.

"Hey! Come check out my pink!" :rotfl: That made me laugh out loud. Blizzard Beach looks like a lot of fun!

Aw man, the last nights at Disney are always so bitter sweet :( I'm like you are and notice my pictures get less & less as it gets closer to the time we have to leave.

The picture of the boys with the Stepmother is great! I love how they look like they're on their best behavior :thumbsup2

YAY for riding BTMRR at night! I totally agree with everyone about it being so awesome in the dark.

Haha! I feel like telling people to look at my tan is useless, because it doesn't qualify as a tan. :rotfl2:

It's like my head goes into a depression already and I just stop taking as many pictures. I need to be better with that.

They really did look like they were on their best behavior. We need to keep her around.
Our final day had arrived. This trip had been on of my favorite trips I'd ever been on. It had some downs along the way, but it was to me the representation of a perfect Disney trip. And sadly, our final morning had dawned.

This morning, I didn't take tons of pictures. I think mentally, because it was departure day, I was sad.

Ommi and Poppy left early that morning. We had packed up the car the majority of the way the evening before. We packed up the remaining items before leaving, and left very little with ourselves to return on the plane. We had to check the remaining items in the bell services before heading out for the day.

We said our goodbyes to Ommi and Poppy. Gavin and Joaquin were pretty sad they were leaving and wouldn't be there with us for the day. We had to explain to them again that they had to drive back, but that we would all see each other at home.

The rest of us spent a bit of time packing up the little bit we had left, and then put them in our carry on bags. We did one final check on the room and then headed down to bell services for them to hold our bags. I made sure I had all of our ME vouchers in my bag, and then we were on our way out.

Our destination was Epcot again. The boys really wanted to ride Test Track again. Jeni, the boys, and I hopped in line for Test Track, while Jason went to Soarin' to grab us some fastpasses. This was the second time on the trip that we encountered an obnoxiously long wait at Test Track. It had been posted at 35 minutes, but we waited 60 minutes in all. Ugh. That line is horrendous.

Eventually, we made it in the design. Here is the car I designed.

Jeni, Joaquin and I were in the front seat. Jason and Gavin were in the back.

Please remember to not dance in the vehicle.

By the time we finished at Test Track, it was time for lunch and almost time for our Soarin' fastpasses. Yup, the wait was that long.

We decided to head to Sunshine Seasons for lunch. It was incredibly hot that day (I mean, it's July, what did we expect right?), so being outside at all to eat was not an option.

My lunch. The boys shared this too. Actually, I think we all got something like this.

And the best part of my meal. The whoopie pie. I mean come on. It was called whoopie pie, how could it not be the best part?

It was super yummy. I can't even describe what it tasted like. I just know it tasted really good!!!!

After we finished lunch, it was time for us to ride Soarin'. Definitely one of my favorites, and the boys had been talking about riding it again.

After Soarin', Jason and Jeni talked about wanting to go into World Showcase to do some shopping. We didn't have a ton of time left before we had to hop a bus to get back to catch our Magical Depress back to the airport. I told them that they would be faster with just the two of them, and that I would take the boys on some rides in Future World. They agreed with that, and we parted ways.

I asked the boys where they wanted to go, and they said they wanted to see Figment again. So of course, I obliged.

Gavin wanted to take a selfie.

Just use your imaginaaaaaatttiioooonnnnnn. (You know you're saying it in his voice).

Best house ever!

After the ride, we played around in the exit area and the boys made themselves some Figments.



After we rode Imagination, we headed to The Seas. We had just enough time to ride and see Turtle Talk with Crush.

I let the boys ride in their own clam.


In the big blue world.....

After the ride, we headed to Turtle Talk for our last attraction of the trip. Joaquin was waiting patiently to go in.

The boys got seats right up in front. You can see them sitting next to the kid with the green shirt.

What's up bra?

The boys really enjoyed this. I was sure that Joaquin would do or say something really clever. Nope. He didn't. I think he was a little shy. That's okay.

After this, it was time for us to meet back up with Jason and Jeni. I had told them we would meet at the front of the park by Spaceship Earth. We got there first, and Jason and Jeni arrived a few minutes later. It was around 3pm at this point. Our Magical Depress bus was arriving at 4pm, so it was perfect timing. I could tell the two of them were really hot from their trip around the World Showcase. Jason said that he always forgets how big WS is until he has to walk around it really quickly. Truer words have never been spoken.

We made it back to the hotel with plenty of time to spare. We collected our items from Bell Services and then picked up a few things in the store. Just some drinks and snacks. Drinks because we were all incredibly hot at that moment, and snacks for the plane ride back. We were still planning on eating at the airport though.

Finally, the time had arrived for us to board.

I was not happy at all.

We made it to the airport, and TSA was jam packed as usual. They typically are. But it took us almost 30 minutes just to get through. We got through and then headed to our terminal. We were pretty hungry, so we stopped at McDonalds.

I don't know where the time went, but while Jeni, Jason, and the boys were still sitting there finishing their dinner, I headed to the bathroom. I had brought a shirt to change into, because I had sweated throughout the day. I came prepared. As I headed to the bathroom, there was an announcement that they were boarding our flight!

We were flying back Southwest, and I didn't want a bad seat! I hauled back to the group and told them we needed to get to the gate. Everyone grabbed their stuff and we ran.

What a way to end our trip! Hustling to the gate. We made Gavin and Joaquin go to the bathroom really quick, and just as they were coming out, we were able to line up in our zones for boarding. Whew.

We boarded no problem and the flight took off on time. I texted Mom before we left that we were all good and on the plane. They had made pretty good time so far, and I told her I would text again when we landed.

Our friend Guillermo from work was picking us up at Milwaukee Airport, so I texted him too before we took off that we were on time.

Nothing exciting to report on the flight. We landed on time, but Guillermo was actually late picking us up. Hahaha. No worries, I chewed him out.

We were all pretty worn out by the time we made it home, but it was a good worn out. I couldn't have asked for a better trip.

Up next: Final Thoughts

No more Poppy pictures.

No more silly Joaquin pictures.

Tell me it's not over!!!!

A fun last morning and you got quite a bit done. And, yes, I was singing in Figment's voice and loud and proud too I might add.

Danielle, I always enjoy your trip reports, but this one has to be my all time favorite. Thank you so much for sharing with us.

We have to talk some time over the summer. Once baseball season is over (late July), Mark and I will be heading up to Gurnee Mills and we have to try to coordinate so we can hook up for lunch or something.
I asked the boys where they wanted to go, and they said they wanted to see Figment again. So of course, I obliged.

You're so nice!!
I let the boys ride in their own clam.

I bet they loved that.

What's up bra?
I thought you spelled "bro" wrong, until I looked closer at the picture!

Our friend Guillermo from work was picking us up at Milwaukee Airport, so I texted him too before we took off that we were on time.

I love the Milwaukee airport! We're flying out of there in June :cool1: Even the TSA is friendly in MKE!

No more Poppy pictures.

No more silly Joaquin pictures.

Tell me it's not over!!!!

OMG! I know! Tell me its NOT over! :sad2:

I really enjoyed this TR. It was super entertaining. You know how much I enjoyed seeing the littles smile (and cry) and Popadon was a star as usual.

Do you all have plans to travel again in the future?

Final thoughts?
Yall were able to get a lot done on your last morning! :thumbsup2

Aw man, the good 'ol Magical DEpress. It's crazy how the same thing is so exciting at the beginning of your trip and then so depressing at the end. I just always tell myself that we have to leave in order to come back again!

Looking forward to hearing your final thoughts! I'm so glad all of you had such a wonderful trip!
I was one update behind. Got 'em all now.
Your meal at 1900 PF looks so nice, I love the pics of the boys with all the characters (especially Lady Tremaine!!)
I love that you guys went and had a blast at MK that night, a great way to spend your last evening.
Glad you got some Epcot in on your last day too.
I can't believe it's over! I've loved reading along, what a wonderful family trip. :lovestruc I am looking forward to your final thoughts!
Come to think of it, I tend to not be in a picture taking mood on departure day too. I guess I just want to breath it all in without a camera in the way.

Oh God when you finished off at Turtle Talk I was convinced Joaquin was going to to steal the show. Bummer. At least he made an awesome Figment. :thumbsup2

You know something Dani, I have seen people's "Leaving Disney" photos and, while I'm absolutely sure they're legit sad, you can always tell they're "putting on a sad face" for the photo. Your eyes look genuinely on the verge of tears. :hug:

As much as I hate to see this end, considering you're headng back again SOON, and the other TR is still running, I'm sure I'll manage. Thanks for sharing your humour and family!!
Thank you for sharing your wonderful family with all of us! Sad to see this end but looking forward to meeting you next month :goodvibes
OMG!!! While reading about your last day at Disney, I started to get that feeling of "my vacation is over" and got tears in my eyes... NOOOOO!!!! I don't want leave!!! :scared1:

Good thing we (meaning you) are headed back to Disney in a few weeks!!! :thumbsup2
Finished another one!! :) Your last day looks fun but a little sad. :( Jason's right about walking WS though; it looks so manageable until you're in a hurry to get to the front or to the other side.

Will you be doing a TR for your next trip in May?
it was such a great vacation. I loved staying at the Treehouse Villas and the two bedroom Villa at the Kidani Village. Even though it was July and hot it was really fun going to the pool and the waterparks. The food, the rides, the kids all of it was just fantastic. And your TR as always is awesome and hilarious.

three weeks and we are back to WDW YEAH so excited
Oh nooooo not the last day :(

Oof, sorry the TT line was so long. I like your car!

That whoopie pie looks AMAZING!

Joaquin's Figment is quite buff. He's like a Gaston Figment.

Thank you so much for this awesome trip report! I loved getting to know you and your family. You guys are among the most entertaining people on the planet and I love how much fun you guys have together! Hope you go on another adventure together soon :thumbsup2

No more Poppy pictures.

No more silly Joaquin pictures.

Tell me it's not over!!!!

A fun last morning and you got quite a bit done. And, yes, I was singing in Figment's voice and loud and proud too I might add.

Danielle, I always enjoy your trip reports, but this one has to be my all time favorite. Thank you so much for sharing with us.

We have to talk some time over the summer. Once baseball season is over (late July), Mark and I will be heading up to Gurnee Mills and we have to try to coordinate so we can hook up for lunch or something.

I know! I can't believe it's over myself. It's been almost a year!

Thank you so much Kathy. This was definitely a favorite of mine to share. I truthfully don't know if I could top it.

Absolutely!!! You just let me know and I'll be there. :thumbsup2

You're so nice!!

I bet they loved that.

I thought you spelled "bro" wrong, until I looked closer at the picture!

I love the Milwaukee airport! We're flying out of there in June :cool1: Even the TSA is friendly in MKE!

Hahahaha, that's awesome you thought I spelled bro wrong. :lmao:

OMG! I know! Tell me its NOT over! :sad2:

I really enjoyed this TR. It was super entertaining. You know how much I enjoyed seeing the littles smile (and cry) and Popadon was a star as usual.

Do you all have plans to travel again in the future?

Final thoughts?

Unfortunately, yes it's almost over.

Pop has to keep up his game. He's got quite a following.

We do actually have plans! It's much sooner than everyone might think. Jeni and I are running the Princess Half in February, and so is her sister. So it's going to be a big family event. I think we'll have some good times and more great stories to share!

I'm going to do a wrap up just to share my final thoughts on the trip and share my favorite pictures. :goodvibes
Yall were able to get a lot done on your last morning! :thumbsup2

Aw man, the good 'ol Magical DEpress. It's crazy how the same thing is so exciting at the beginning of your trip and then so depressing at the end. I just always tell myself that we have to leave in order to come back again!

Looking forward to hearing your final thoughts! I'm so glad all of you had such a wonderful trip!

I know. The ME is so exciting when you arrive, and then you absolutely hate it when you leave!

I was one update behind. Got 'em all now.
Your meal at 1900 PF looks so nice, I love the pics of the boys with all the characters (especially Lady Tremaine!!)
I love that you guys went and had a blast at MK that night, a great way to spend your last evening.
Glad you got some Epcot in on your last day too.
I can't believe it's over! I've loved reading along, what a wonderful family trip. :lovestruc I am looking forward to your final thoughts!

It really was a great family trip. It exceeded all of the expectations that I had for it.

Come to think of it, I tend to not be in a picture taking mood on departure day too. I guess I just want to breath it all in without a camera in the way.

Oh God when you finished off at Turtle Talk I was convinced Joaquin was going to to steal the show. Bummer. At least he made an awesome Figment. :thumbsup2

You know something Dani, I have seen people's "Leaving Disney" photos and, while I'm absolutely sure they're legit sad, you can always tell they're "putting on a sad face" for the photo. Your eyes look genuinely on the verge of tears. :hug:

As much as I hate to see this end, considering you're headng back again SOON, and the other TR is still running, I'm sure I'll manage. Thanks for sharing your humour and family!!

I think you're absolutely right. You just want to take it all in and not get distracted by the picture taking.

Dude, I totally thought Joaquin would do something too! But I'm telling you. When you expect that child to zig, he zags.

I was pretty sad in that picture. It was such an amazing trip.

I'm sure you'll handle it just fine. :lmao:
Thank you for sharing your wonderful family with all of us! Sad to see this end but looking forward to meeting you next month :goodvibes

Thanks for following along!

I'm definitely looking forward to meeting all of you too! It's going to be such an amazing trip.

OMG!!! While reading about your last day at Disney, I started to get that feeling of "my vacation is over" and got tears in my eyes... NOOOOO!!!! I don't want leave!!! :scared1:

Good thing we (meaning you) are headed back to Disney in a few weeks!!! :thumbsup2

I know! I was reliving it too, and it was depressing!

Yes, it is a good thing we're heading back.

Finished another one!! :) Your last day looks fun but a little sad. :( Jason's right about walking WS though; it looks so manageable until you're in a hurry to get to the front or to the other side.

Will you be doing a TR for your next trip in May?

I know, it was fun and sad at the same time! I always try to book late flights, to get my last bit of time in. But sometimes, I don't know if that is the right choice? :rotfl2:

I will be doing a TR for May. I think it's going to be a great trip.
it was such a great vacation. I loved staying at the Treehouse Villas and the two bedroom Villa at the Kidani Village. Even though it was July and hot it was really fun going to the pool and the waterparks. The food, the rides, the kids all of it was just fantastic. And your TR as always is awesome and hilarious.

three weeks and we are back to WDW YEAH so excited

It really was a great trip. I think we all had a great time. It will go down in the family history books.

I know!!!!!

Oh nooooo not the last day :(

Oof, sorry the TT line was so long. I like your car!

That whoopie pie looks AMAZING!

Joaquin's Figment is quite buff. He's like a Gaston Figment.

Thank you so much for this awesome trip report! I loved getting to know you and your family. You guys are among the most entertaining people on the planet and I love how much fun you guys have together! Hope you go on another adventure together soon :thumbsup2

Thanks so much for following along! It's been so great meeting so many new people throughout the trip reports. It's one of my favorite things about the DIS.
The last day of an amazing trip is always the worst!

Your car looks very cool! Mine are always the ugliest cars :rotfl2:

Your lunch at SS looks soooo good!

Good choice from the boys!!

Sounds like a great trip! Thank you for sharing it with us!
Thank you for sharing your trip with us Dani, I've thoroughly enjoyed it and it was good to see what the July crowds were like :)

Your Pop is so brave at BB and well done you for wearing a bikini (good job you didn't go on the big slides :rotfl2: )


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