I was not allowed to use rocking chairs at Baby Care Center

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I believe you are purposely avoiding the point of HOW it was said so you can be right.

I will say it again. There is a nice way and a rude way to say the same thing.

So NO "sure go ahead and use the room" wasn't the only thing that could have been said. A kind and understanding word goes a long way.


For all we know the Cm's involved were "kind". No one likes to be told "no". Especially on a subject already sensitive.
I give up ~ you all are right. The OP wasn't spoken to rudely. She was sensitive and read it as rudeness.

*shrugs and moves on*

The OP admitted she was sensative. None of us were there, so none of us knows for sure how it was said or who was in the wrong. Me, I'd like to give the CM the benefit of the doubt and think that she didn't intend to offend the OP.
"It was her tone and attitude that I found to be rude, and her lack of empathy when I stood there crying in front of her. Did I expect to be coddled and cuddled by the CM at the BCC? No - but there is a little bit of Disney magic missing when someone is crying in front of you and you just shrug at them."

What I mean is, the tone and attitude may have been rude, and I am ASSUMING OP didn't start crying until AFTER she was told no, but what did OP expect the CM would do, if not "coddle or cuddle" her (just using her own words) instead of shrug at her? Did the CM even know why OP was crying?

If I were the CM, I might have said:

Is there something wrong/are you okay?
Is there someone I can call for you?
Do you need first aid?

Should the CM have given OP a chance to explain why she was crying? Not that it would have made any difference other than that OP felt she wasn't being shrugged off.

I guess if I were that CM and I gave OP the opportunity to explain (hopefully short and to the point) why she was crying, I might have said, "Sorry, but those are the rules". Maybe that is the answer.

But then again, is it really the BCC CM's job to be a shoulder to cry on or counselor?
there is so much...you said...I said ..yammer yammer on this board.....time for mods to shut this down....
"It was her tone and attitude that I found to be rude, and her lack of empathy when I stood there crying in front of her. Did I expect to be coddled and cuddled by the CM at the BCC? No - but there is a little bit of Disney magic missing when someone is crying in front of you and you just shrug at them."

What I mean is, the tone and attitude may have been rude, and I am ASSUMING OP didn't start crying until AFTER she was told no, but what did OP expect the CM would do, if not "coddle or cuddle" her (just using her own words) instead of shrug at her? Did the CM even know why OP was crying?

If I were the CM, I might have said:

Is there something wrong/are you okay?
Is there someone I can call for you?
Do you need first aid?

Should the CM have given OP a chance to explain why she was crying? Not that it would have made any difference other than that OP felt she wasn't being shrugged off.

I guess if I were that CM and I gave OP the opportunity to explain (hopefully short and to the point) why she was crying, I might have said, "Sorry, but those are the rules". Maybe that is the answer.

But then again, is it really the BCC CM's job to be a shoulder to cry on or counselor?

I agree I mean what do you want a CM to do when a grown woman starts crying over something so minor? These aren't trained counselors they are min. wage theme park workers, I wouldn't have known much more to do than shrug myself in that situation, she probably was lifting her shoulders as in "I don't know what else you want me to do" "those are the rules that I have to follow" Also give the poor worker a break this happened to you once!! She may have to tell people this rule 20 times a day, makes a difference.

It also was probably the first time anyone started crying over it.
I have to say, I think nursing moms should get preference (whipping a breast out and popping a bottle open are slightly different lol), but if there are empty rockers, I don't think any nursing moms would have a problem with a bottle feeder in the room. Next time, just avoid the CMs like other posters have suggested and check the room out yourself. Even if the rockers are all taken, just sit in a corner and relax.

Personally, if I was a bottle feeder, I would just stick with feeding in attractions like Hall of Presidents, Universe of Energy, etc.....much more convenient than lugging you and your baby to the Baby Care Center every time.
OP here.

I love how I'm being portrayed as a frail little kitten, who OBVIOUSLY must have just had my panties in a bunch and the CM couldn't have possibly been rude - it must have just been me being sensitive. Yes, not being able to breastfeed is a sensitive subject for me, but it was the tone & lack of empathy from the CM that I found rude, not something I was reading into.

As for me crying, I wasn't snotting and blubbering and bawling all over the CM - I was tearing up. Whether you think I should have been upset or not isn't the issue. Keep in mind, it's Disney, I'm stressed out already just being on vacation with a baby (though I tried not to be!) and my kid is hungry. I knew I had to feed her, and went in with months and months of expectations about the BCC. So when I was told no, I couldn't use the rocking chairs, it kind of shattered my vision of how 'easy' it would be to be at Disney with my baby.

As for the CMs, I've been around people in enough social situations to understand when someone is being rude to me or not, and I almost always give people the benefit of the doubt. These 2 CMs were, in my opinion, not as polite to me as they could have been. Did I expect them to break the rules for me? Heck no! It isn't their fault at all what the rules are. And I certainly didn't get rude back with them. I let them know that I didn't agree with the policy, and that I felt it was unfair (to not have rocking chairs), and then on the 2nd instance I escalated my complaint to Guest Relations.

And now that I've typed all this out, I don't know why I'm sitting here defending my character to a bunch of people who are just going to nitpick and bully their way around everything I've just said, or will twist it around to serve their own agenda. It's almost comical at this point.
OP here.

I love how I'm being portrayed as a frail little kitten, who OBVIOUSLY must have just had my panties in a bunch and the CM couldn't have possibly been rude - it must have just been me being sensitive. Yes, not being able to breastfeed is a sensitive subject for me, but it was the tone & lack of empathy from the CM that I found rude, not something I was reading into.

As for me crying, I wasn't snotting and blubbering and bawling all over the CM - I was tearing up. Whether you think I should have been upset or not isn't the issue. Keep in mind, it's Disney, I'm stressed out already just being on vacation with a baby (though I tried not to be!) and my kid is hungry. I knew I had to feed her, and went in with months and months of expectations about the BCC. So when I was told no, I couldn't use the rocking chairs, it kind of shattered my vision of how 'easy' it would be to be at Disney with my baby.

As for the CMs, I've been around people in enough social situations to understand when someone is being rude to me or not, and I almost always give people the benefit of the doubt. These 2 CMs were, in my opinion, not as polite to me as they could have been. Did I expect them to break the rules for me? Heck no! It isn't their fault at all what the rules are. And I certainly didn't get rude back with them. I let them know that I didn't agree with the policy, and that I felt it was unfair (to not have rocking chairs), and then on the 2nd instance I escalated my complaint to Guest Relations.

And now that I've typed all this out, I don't know why I'm sitting here defending my character to a bunch of people who are just going to nitpick and bully their way around everything I've just said, or will twist it around to serve their own agenda. It's almost comical at this point.

You shouldn't need to defend yourself, it's unfortunate that it's turned out like that. It's sad that instead of general indignance about your rude treatment or a call for the policy to be evaluated logically and compassionately this conversation has turned into such a Donnybrook.

I totally understand your frustration! You plan and count on something and expect a situation to be one way and it ends up totally different...throws one for a loop. And then to come back here to vent your frustration and to pass on the information and to be raked over the coals...blerg.

I hope you can set this all aside and have a great week.
ok. I admit, I havent read the thread, just the OP. I'll go back and read it.. but..
what difference does it make if you are nursing or bottle feeding? :confused3 bottlefed babies don't like to be rocked? esp, if you're trying to get them to sleep.
feedibng a baby is a bonding experience, breast OR bottle.
And now that I've typed all this out, I don't know why I'm sitting here defending my character to a bunch of people who are just going to nitpick and bully their way around everything I've just said, or will twist it around to serve their own agenda. It's almost comical at this point.

na, it was comical about 10-15 pages ago. Now its just redundant, bordering on superfluous really...
Ok DH has the perfect solution.

We could get three witches to create an Ectoplasmic Reconstruction of the incident ~ then we can find out if the CM was really rude or if the OP was just being overly sensitive.
Maggie's mom - most of us have your back, and completely empathize w/ you. But as you read these threads, it seems that no matter what the topic, there will be those who have to pick apart whatever is said in to the minute particles to show that the statements made are false, demanding, unrealistic, etc. etc. etc.

You are a mom. You got your feelings hurt for good reason. I can't imagine any mom who hasn't been there for one reason or another (I once asked for advice on breastfeeding while at the hospital and was told my baby probably had gotten his pneumonia b/c I supplemented ONE bottle a day instead of 100% breastfeeding him. This was told me at a point when I had been up for days w/ a sick baby who turned purple each time he coughed up the junk in his lungs and I was sick myself as well - and it was told to me by a NURSE at the hospital where we had been admitted). The point is, there are some insensetive jerks in the world who love to kick others when they are down, no matter the subject, instead of offering the comfort they seek. The bright side is the majority of the world is NOT like that, so please don't let the naysayers bring ya down.

it became a discussion that was about feeding rather than rules and privacy. I'm sorry that you were hurt. been there, done that. i count on things, and don't like being disapointed, either. I'd ignore this conversation if it continues, frankly, because of the change in direction. take care.
OP here.

I love how I'm being portrayed as a frail little kitten, who OBVIOUSLY must have just had my panties in a bunch and the CM couldn't have possibly been rude - it must have just been me being sensitive. Yes, not being able to breastfeed is a sensitive subject for me, but it was the tone & lack of empathy from the CM that I found rude, not something I was reading into.

Granted I only got to page 20 or so of this thread before I lost interest, but I just wanted to point out that there are TONS of very supportive posts here! I agree that this is a sensitive subject, not just for you, but most moms, no matter which side of the fence they are on. For that reason, you're bound to get people going off on tangents and expressing their own opinions on the subject that barely even relate to your original post! But again, just wanted to express that if you are looking for them, there are lots of kind posts from people who feel for you! ;)
I finally just finished this entire thread and boy does it make me feel sad!!

What I have really got from it is that whether or not you bottle or breast feed us women and mothers are made to feel judged. Bottle feeders are not giving their child the best form of nutrition and breast feeders are flashing their bodies and meant to feel that when they are feeding in public that it is "gross".

At the end of the day why aren't we as mothers and women standing up for each other.

The OP was meant to feel less than for bottle feeding her baby. That is probably not what the CM meant by enforcing Disney policy but that is how it made that mother feel. You can't tell me that Disney would not be aware of what a hot issue this can be. Do breast feeding mothers need a private place to pump and feed, absolutely. Do SOME bottlefeeding babies need private non distracting places to eat, absolutely. As women and mother's lets write to Disney and ask for an area for bottle feeding mothers to feed as well. I realize that Disney can not please everyone but you are a company that supposedly caters to families.
I've read most of this and posted a few times, but have come to this conclusion which goes against what I posted before. When I was in the BBC **** room with a bottlefeeding mom, I didn't even think twice about the fact that I was bfing while she was bottlefeeding. If a CM came in to tell her to leave while I was bfing, I would have gotten up myself. We are all moms, and should support each other not bring each other down. An open chair is an open chair. If you get to the BBC and all the chairs are taken by moms feeding their children regardless of how they are feeding those babies, you wait for a chair to open up. End of discussion for me.
I've read most of this and posted a few times, but have come to this conclusion which goes against what I posted before. When I was in the BBC **** room with a bottlefeeding mom, I didn't even think twice about the fact that I was bfing while she was bottlefeeding. If a CM came in to tell her to leave while I was bfing, I would have gotten up myself. We are all moms, and should support each other not bring each other down. An open chair is an open chair. If you get to the BBC and all the chairs are taken by moms feeding their children regardless of how they are feeding those babies, you wait for a chair to open up. End of discussion for me.
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