

May 5, 2002
Is there any ID you can get so you don't have to carry your passport around with you?
the only "official" thing I can think of is the DVLC's photo license.
Which of course is only of any use if you have a driving license! (But presumably you could get a provisional one)

This is gradually replacing our normal driving licenses.

It is like getting a passport though - you need to send in all sorts of documentation and your signed photo.

It costs £18 (I think) to get one if you already have a driving license

Check out the web site:

Jackie :)
I'm waiting for my new photo licence to arrive any day now (I think it cost £17).

DD is also in the middle of filling out forms for a provisional licence, and I'm sure I have read amongst all the various bits of paper :rolleyes: that a <b>provisional</b> DL is <b>not</b> considered to be an 'official' form of ID.

I'm not 100% sure, as you still need to produce passports / birth certificates, etc., as Hamther has said, so I can't see wht it would be different from a full licence, but I just seem to remember having read something about it recently.
I think that in the UK it's deemed unofficial, yet in the States I don't think they even know the difference (anyone out there correct me if I'm wrong). As long as it has a photo (of the person producing it!) and age it will do. When I was at college I used my NUS card (it had dob on it) and it was accepted in most places (that was 1993 though). The NUS card though is not guareented to be accepted and a driving licence is the best form of ID other than passport.
Claire :)
You can change your licence from a paper one to a photo one for free if you move address or change your name!!
Claire :)
Thanks all!
I'll send my get my license updated to a photo one then. Unfortunately the person I'm going with doesn't drive (doesn't even have the passport yet:eek: ). We'll look into the provisional, can't hurt to try I suppose.

If you change to a photocard driving license it costs £18 (£22 if you get the Post Office to check it so you don't have to send your passport off).

Provisional licenses don't have photos so that will not work i'm afraid.
Is photo id needed to get into parks or buy things on credit card etc or is it only if you intend drinking alcohol and don't look over 21?
I have the old type driving license and will be driving and going into the parks so do I need to carry my passport and also do other family members need theres? don't really want to carry 4 passports everywhere.

If you have vouchers to exchange for park tickets (I'm thinking in particular AP's), or if the magnet strip on the back of the ticket is damaged, then they will ask for ID to let you in/replace the ticket.

The drinking alcohol thing...I can honestly say that you can be ID'd regardless of what you look like, I got ID'd in the R&C last trip and I can only dream about looking like I was 21 :rolleyes: so if you don't have ID, be prepared to be refused a drink, they are unmoveable on the subject if you can't produce it.

Never been asked for ID using my CC. I did here once of someone being asked for ID for a $100 TC offsite though.

Lastly, I alway carry my passports on me. Every day, every where I go. I keep them in my bum-bag and so are virtually touching me at all times and there is no risk of me leaving a bag behind somewhere with them in. I worried the first couple of days I did it, but now I don't.

Penny :)
In all my seven years of visiting Florida, I've never been asked for ID outside of the airports. Not to cash Travellers Cheques, buy anything (apart from our house), write a cheque, never!!

I used to carry all our passports with me everywhere, in a bum bag, like Penny, but I don't bother now.
Going back to the driving licence thing ALL driving licences are photocards including provisional. The difference with provisional is that they are green and have a 'L' plate on them somewhere.
Claire :)
Whoops, they have obviously changed provisional licenses in the last couple of years as our daughter's did not have the photo then (I think).
When we flew feb 2002 we needed photo id at boarding gate. In NY at Xmas we also needed it to go up the Empire State Building.
We also needed photo ID to get into Contemporary for our dinner PS.
A lot has changed since Sept 11!
Virtually every year we have been I have been asked for ID when buying a drink - and I am 38 now!!

We ahve only ever been asked for ID once at a park and I think that was Seaworldwhen we first handed over our flex tickets.

Last October we were asked for ID more than we ever have before. I wouldn't like to be without it now, with the stricter security everywhere.

Good to know you can now get the photo licences at the PO and not have to part with your passport. I nearly got one a couple of years ago, but there was no chance that I'd have trusted the DVLA with my precious passport, not with a Florida trip every year :p
Anyone know how long they take to come? I might do that ready for our next trip.
Carole, I've just had my photo driver's licence, it only took about a week to arrive (I was expecting it to take longer).

I didn't want to part with my passport to get my licence, so I opted to send my birth and marriage certificates instead. They were returned separately and came a day before the licence. If you don't submit your passport you have to have your photo 'authorised' as you would for a passport application.

One thing which surprised me was that when the new licence arrived it was in two parts (which I was expecting) but the blurb said I should keep the paper and 'credit card' bits together, and would need to show both parts if asked for my licence. I had assumed that the paper part would be okay somewhere safe at home and I'd only need to carry the 'credit card' bit with me. I was hoping to avoid carrying the paper part around!

i never carry round the paper part at home in the uk but the credit card bit fits in my wallet so tend to have that on me..........

i've been told it's probably safer to take both parts to orlando with me though as they might require them both when hiring a car

Carole, the PO said they should come in 2 weeks. I took ours in a week ago today so we shall see. The forms still go off to DVLA but the PO check your passport while you wait so you don't have to leave it with them or get your photo countersigned (but you do have to pay £4 for the privilige on top of the £18 for the new license).

By the way you have to go to the PO personally, you cannot get someone else to take it in as they check you against the photo.
we were only asked once for ID - when we went to Dinner at the Poly - I only had my ordinary Driving Licence (no photo), but when the guard found out we were British there was no problem at all


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