If Grandma's riding it can't be too bad... 12/20 Wrap up: Travelling home, souvenirs

Yhea for making the decision to put the camera down and enjoy the trip . I, myself, have that problem as well & feel I miss so much of the experience itself by trying to 'capture' the experience.

Looks like a good start to the trip at Legoland!
Just joining in. We're planning our first universal trip (I've tried to plan one before, but we always end up going to Disney instead for free dining or something. This time I'm determined that we will actually get there!) I just caught up on your PTR and thoroughly enjoyed all the details and planning so I'm really looking forward to your report! We went to LEGOLAND in early 2012 and it sounds like they have added quite a bit since we were there. I remember feeling sort of "meh" about it and I'm not sure why, my kids are Lego freaks too and they had a fun time. I guess I expected them to have a life-changing-I-can't-believe-we're-really-here moment and instead they just thought it was "fun." The shuttle sounds like a great value.
Hi Hope! I'm enjoying your TR so far :-) My sister and I are going to UO for a long weekend in November. I can't wait! We went to visit our parents in FL this past spring and my sis and I went to Legoland for a day. We had so much fun! We went on almost every ride (they're all so cute, but way too short), and had fun looking at all the set-ups. Looking forward to reading more!
Joining in!
We've yet to get to Legoland or Universal. My kids are 14, 11 and 6 I'm hoping that we can do at least Legoland on our next trip before my 14 y.o. ds pronounces it too babyish for him.
I'm interested to see what your kids thought of it since they are older ;)
Yhea for making the decision to put the camera down and enjoy the trip . I, myself, have that problem as well & feel I miss so much of the experience itself by trying to 'capture' the experience.

Looks like a good start to the trip at Legoland!

Yep, I've been there with missing out on the experiences. It was a really good decision for me to just enjoy the moment. :goodvibes

you've got me....hook, line and sinker :thumbsup2

Yay! :welcome:

Hi Hope! I'm enjoying your TR so far :-) My sister and I are going to UO for a long weekend in November. I can't wait! We went to visit our parents in FL this past spring and my sis and I went to Legoland for a day. We had so much fun! We went on almost every ride (they're all so cute, but way too short), and had fun looking at all the set-ups. Looking forward to reading more!

Yes, I agree, the rides are fun but much too short! Probably the perfect length for the 8-10 yo crowd. ;)

Joining in!
We've yet to get to Legoland or Universal. My kids are 14, 11 and 6 I'm hoping that we can do at least Legoland on our next trip before my 14 y.o. ds pronounces it too babyish for him.
I'm interested to see what your kids thought of it since they are older ;)

My kids loved Legoland. Kya was happy with one day because it was plenty of time to see and do everything we wanted. Jace said he wished we'd had another day. My kids aren't big on thrill rides and the theming and experience of the park is as important to them as the rides so for us it was a good fit. :thumbsup2
I'm working on updating later today. Karen and I took our girls and their friends to the zoo yesterday. It's about 2 hours away so it was a long day so no time for an update yesterday. This morning I've gone through the pics I want to include in my next Legoland post but still have to upload them to Photobucket. Unfortunately we live in the middle of nowhere so our internet can't support uploading pics and watching Netflix at the same time. Which Kya is doing right now. :rolleyes:

So, as soon as I can get those pics uploaded I'll have my next LL installment. :thumbsup2
After a (delish) lunch at Fried Chicken Co. we headed over to the Big Test Live Show. The premise is a cast of stereotypical characters (nerd, jock, ditz, etc.) are taking their final test to join the Lego City volunteer fire department. There are choreographed dances and acrobatics along with lots of groan worthy, corny jokes. It's a cute show and even includes some fire safety for younger kids.

Btw, there's a pole in the middle of some of my pics. As a family we generally agree that perfect seats aren't worth wasting precious park time to get. :confused3

And I took a pic of the sails covering the outdoor theater just because they reminded me of Epcot. :rolleyes:

We enjoyed the show despite the cheesiness and then moved on to explore the rest of Lego City that we'd seen briefly as we walked through on our way to lunch. There's a Lego driving school that we couldn't do, the maximum age is 12. But the boating school is for anyone that wants to give it a try so we headed there next.

I rode with Jace and Kya rode with my mom...

There are several sea/water themed builds to look at through the short boating course including beach goers, pirates and seagulls.

The Rescue Academy was also closed so we moved on from Lego City to the Build and Test area...

There's a restaurant here in addition to various play areas. The first play area is a place to build Lego race cars and race against others, pine wood derby style. Jace had done this at the Lego Discovery Centers in Kansas City and Chicago as well as at the old Lego store at DTD (we haven't been to the new store so I don't know if it's still available) so he wasn't interested in trying again. We headed back to the WB Game Zone where various video game systems were set up with Lego video games.

This was a nice break from the heat- it's kept really cool because of all of the game systems and we just kicked back and enjoyed the cool temps for a bit before moving on. :thumbsup2

We were close to the historical Cypress Gardens, a holdover from the previous life of the park, and decided to check out this area next. As we made our way toward it we noticed several fun builds...

I was excited to see the gardens and knew my mom would love it but I was not prepared for just how amazing the area was. The only word that comes to mind when I think of it is LUSH...

Of course there were Lego builds incorporated into the existing gardens...

But the highlight of the garden was the banyan tree...

Honestly, I have no pictures to do it justice. It is considered ONE tree as it is a single root system and everything is connected. This pic is of one side and we were standing in the middle of it with more trails going off to the sides. It was breathtaking.

On a side note, there were signs warning not to approach or feed ALLIGATORS throughout the gardens. :scared: Honestly, who needs to be told this?! Uh... maybe my mom. Every time we saw a sign she would comment that she wished we'd see one. Insanity! :crazy2:

As we left the gardens we were HOT. It's a beautiful area with lots of shade but it was the heat of the day and we were basically in a rainforest. We stopped for a cool drink and a short break at a food stand outside the garden entrance.

It was nearly 2:00 PM at this point. We were near the water and the entrance for the ski show so after our break we made our way toward the outdoor auditorium for this show. Up next, the details of that show(including some audience participation from the kids).
Aw man, that tree...think it's worth it to pay to get into Legoland JUST to see it when I don't even care about Legos? ;)
The gardens looks amazing!!! Wow!

We actually did see a large gator once doing a hiking trail in the Keys. Honestly, my kids thought it was the coolest thing ever. Me- eh- not so much. Although I got some great pictures! (with my zoom!!!).
The gardens looks amazing!!! Wow! We actually did see a large gator once doing a hiking trail in the Keys. Honestly, my kids thought it was the coolest thing ever. Me- eh- not so much. Although I got some great pictures! (with my zoom!!!).

Day seems to be going ok at LEGOLAND.

How were crowds? I'm going to guess not too bad based on the time of year you were there.

Good to hear that there are a few shows in addition to the rides and exhibits and other interactive things to do.

The Lego builds and structures are just so amazing! The master builders are incredibly talented!

I have been to Cypress Gardens once or twice. I know Mark and I took my parents on the vacation my dad thinks should be called "The trip where we almost killed my parents with commando touring"

Two Disney-loving 20-somethings and Two 60-somethings who are not typically very active are not a good match!

The gardens are gorgeous and that Banyan tree is amazing. I remember the ski show, too.

Audience participation, huh? Look forward to reading that.
Day seems to be going ok at LEGOLAND.

How were crowds? I'm going to guess not too bad based on the time of year you were there.

You guessed correctly. We didn't wait more than 5 minutes for anything and the shows always had plenty of seating even though we'd arrive as they were beginning. :thumbsup2

Good to hear that there are a few shows in addition to the rides and exhibits and other interactive things to do.

The Lego builds and structures are just so amazing! The master builders are incredibly talented!

Yes, they are! Jace commented a few times about the talent behind the builds but also felt it wouldn't be fun if it was your job. :confused3

I have been to Cypress Gardens once or twice. I know Mark and I took my parents on the vacation my dad thinks should be called "The trip where we almost killed my parents with commando touring"

Two Disney-loving 20-somethings and Two 60-somethings who are not typically very active are not a good match!


The gardens are gorgeous and that Banyan tree is amazing. I remember the ski show, too.

Audience participation, huh? Look forward to reading that.

Coming right up! :goodvibes
Okay, I'm going to try to wrap the day at Legoland up with this update (which will have to be split into two posts due to image limits). :rolleyes1

It was a LOOONG day without breaks so it's just a lot to share. We left our hotel room at 8:15 AM and didn't return until about 8:30 PM. I also wanted to be sure to share the details of this day because there isn't a lot of info about LL on the boards for people who may be interested. So, thanks for bearing with me! :goodvibes

After cooling of with some shade and icy drinks it was nearly time for the ski show- but not quite. I went back to my notes after my previous update and realized that we had some time to spare- about 45 minutes- before the ski show began so we headed back up to the nearby build and test area. We hadn't been into the Hero Factory yet and Jace wanted to try this out. The Hero Factory used to be called Bionicles and they were one of Jace's favorites when he was younger.

This is one area that could be larger. There was a small room with stools and work areas lining the walls. When we arrived it was pretty empty but began to fill up quickly and they were rushing kids out so others could come in. This was an EXTREMELY slow day for crowds so I'm not sure how anyone is enjoying this area when it's busy. :confused3

Anyway, both of the kids worked on building a hero...

Kya was just killing time while Jace worked so hers was just a hodge podge of whatever pieces she could find. Jace really wanted to build a specific looking hero though and couldn't find the pieces he needed to do it. He was mildly disappointed because he'd heard you could buy the hero if you wanted to (though we didn't ask since he decided not to).

There was a hero factory character outside the room when we came out with no lines but neither of my kids wanted a pic so we moved on to the ski show.

We arrived as they were making announcements about flash photography, video taping, etc. The kids chose seats and had some light banter with one of the workers who was helping people find seats. As they show began they needed volunteers and the man they'd been chatting with chose them. They were as embarrassed as anything- my kids don't really like being picked from the audience. :confused3 But they were good sports about it and happily demonstrated what audience members should look out for in case pirates showed up...

You can't see it well in the pic but they're standing on one leg... peg leg, hook hands, eye patches. The show MC talked for what seemed like a LOONG time while they were trying to stand there. It was quite amusing. :rotfl:

When they came back to their seats they were really in the spirit of things and danced along with the crowd...

More groan worthy jokes and corny stunts followed and finally it was time for the skiers...

At this point some really dark clouds had rolled in, the wind had picked up and it was starting to rain lightly. Just a typical Florida afternoon shower and the show kept going...

Until they couldn't. The show was cut short due to the weather. We did see a few flips and jumps before they called it quits (which I didn't get pics of because it was raining at that point and I'd put my camera away). It seemed like a fun show and I wish we'd seen more of it but I was happy with what we did see.

A lot of people were huddled under the show pavillion but we decided to make our way back to the build and test area to see if we could wait the rain out there. It was a warm rain and not pouring so the short walk wasn't bad. We went back into the WB Game Zone with the video games but lots of people had this idea and it was pretty crowded. The rain was slacking off so we just kept walking. Jace hadn't shopped yet and we figured if it kept raining we'd just find a shop to duck into when we wanted an escape from the rain. No way was a little wetness keeping us from having fun. :thumbsup2

As we passed through Lego City on our way into the Lego Technic area we noticed that a few rides were still running in the rain (which was slacking off at this point). The Technicycle was running so the kids hopped on (again no pics because of the rain). The best way I can describe this is a Dumbo type ride that you power yourself by peddling to make the cycle cart rise instead of simply pulling a lever. They have them in the LL Discovery Centers in Chicago and Kansas City so the kids had done it before and thought it was fun so they hopped on to try it here, in the rain. :goodvibes

As they left this ride the rain had nearly stopped completely and they hopped onto the Aquazone Wave Racers.

At this point Kya was ready to try again on one of the very mild coasters. Project X was nearby with no waiting (so no time to get nervous) and she and I hopped on. It was fast, small and JERKY but she had fun and had finally gotten to do a coaster, even if it was only a kiddie coaster. :thumbsup2

As we left the Technic area we had two choices... back to Lego Kingdom to try out the dark ride that had been closed earlier that day or straight into Miniland. Kya briefly toyed with the dark ride idea but seeing Miniland just waiting for us was too big of a draw so we skipped the ride and dove into exploring the AMAZING builds of Miniland. pixiedust:

Continued in next post...
We entered Miniland from the back side so the first thing we saw was Star Wars. There were a few large builds to greet us...

But of course the minis were the main attraction...

There were about 5 scenes from the movies on the scale of the above pic, each one equally detailed and amazing. Many of the areas had interactive features so when you pushed a button or walked by a sensor it would cause something to happen- a light to go on, a piece to move, a recorded voice to speak to you, etc.

After Jace had his fill of Star Wars we moved on to Miniland USA. It consisted of New York, San Francisco, Vegas, Washington DC, and Florida (including Cape Canaveral and Daytona in addition to some other less touristy Florida sights).

The back side of New York, overlooking all of Miniland...

The Golden Gate Bridge

Lombard Street...

Crazy cat lady, pink curlers and all, on the roof of a San Francisco apartment building...

Washington DC...

Daytona 500...

As we approached Cape Canaveral and the Space Center it was drizzling so no pics but there is a shuttle and a countdown clock. We waited and you here the countdown starting at 10 seconds leading up to... smoke coming out of the boosters. That's it. I thought it was going to actually lift on a bar or something but just smoke. I was a little disappointed. :rolleyes:

After we'd had our fill of miniland we worked our way back toward the front of the park. It was about 4:40 and a 4D World of Chima movie was supposed to begin at 4:45 so we went in to watch it. It was okay and I could see that a lot of people were really impressed. But it's no Philharmagic or Muppets so for us it was a little, meh. :confused3

We only had about an hour left so it was time to shop... and shop we did. Jace looked around for just the right sets. I don't have my souvenir pics uploaded to Photobucket yet so you'll have to wait to see those but he selected a Lego City Space Shuttle, The Leaning Tower of Pisa from the Architecture collection, and a grab bag mini fig. You can see that he's pretty happy with his purchases...

Kya even got in on the fun and bought some very small things... a Dobby mini fig key chain and a small scene from The Hobbit that includes Bilbo Baggins, Gollum (her favorite character) and The Ring.

We spotted this sleeping tourist outside of a shop and Kya remembered getting a pic with the exact same build in Chicago so she insisted on another...

Finally we wanted a snack before heading back for the long shuttle ride. I'd read a lot about Granny's Apple Fries so we decided to share an order...

These were GOOD! They are granny smith apples rolled in coating that is similar to a pie crust, deep fried, and served hot with fresh whipped cream. DELICIOUS!

We made it back to the shuttle at exactly 6:00 PM and left LL at 6:15. They played World of Chima episodes all the way back to Orlando. Jace watched, Kya slept, mom played on her phone and I called Robbie. I was really tired at this point and glad we'd chosen the shuttle so I didn't have to do the drive back to Orlando.

When we got back to the outlet mall we found an A&W very close to where the bus dropped us so we decided to eat dinner there...

Standard burgers and fries for everyone. I had a diet root beer, mom and the kids had regular root beer which they have on tap. They said it was really good. Jace also got some ice cream before we headed back to the room.

We all needed showers so it was pretty late by the time we actually got to bed. The long travel day before, early morning and full day was taking it's toll on the kids and especially my mom. I decided early entry just wasn't worth it. We set our alarm to try to get there close to regular park opening at 9 AM the following morning.

Up next... Hogwarts!!!!!!
Great update! Sounds like you had lots of fun despite the weather!
Great update! Sounds like you had lots of fun despite the weather!

Thanks! :goodvibes

Yep, this good attitude about rain arose from experience. I wasted a day at WDW in 2010 because of rain and I still regret it. No way was I making that mistake again. :thumbsup2


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