I'll bawl if I go see those dang birds, but might regret if i dont...


Feb 20, 2009
I'm so excited for our upcoming Feb trip. But heartbroken at why its possible. My sweet Grandma passed last year and left us some money. My memories of her have a lot of Disney magic, so it feels right to do something joyful with the money, but also is a really sad feeling to know that it's her not being here that makes it possible.

Without the money, I'm not sure when we would be able afford to go back. We have been saving since our 2009 trip, but life emergencies keep cropping up. So it's not like we go a lot. Anyway, she's been on my mind a lot while planning the trip...and just generally. I keep remembering visiting her winter FL home when we were kids and how she took our whole family (5 rowdy kids) to Disney multiple times. And we stayed fancy! Rooms at the Poly, table service for every meal, more treats and souvenirs than we would ever have dared ask for. The only "catch" was my mom said it would be a nice gesture for us older kids to go to her favorite attractions rather than splitting up to ride big rides. Which we didn't really mind b/c of course we loved her and wanted to spend time with her, too.

But that meant aaaaal the movies in Epcot World Showcase, the Hall of Presidents, the peoplemover, some other slower attractions, and the Tiki Birds, for which she would inevitably say, "that was so good! Let's watch it AGAIN!" The dang Tiki Birds! I think I saw that show about 20 times growing up. But I actually grew to love them because of my Grandma. She would prance around her kitchen singing, "let's all sing like the birdies sing..." in this silly voice. It was her favorite thing at Disney World.

So thanks for your patience in reading all that. It's nice to share the memory. My dilemma, do I do the Tiki Birds with my family, knowing that I might totally lose it-like full on ugly cry, lose it...or skip it? I haven't seen that attraction since the last time I was there with her in my 20s. Since the only reason I would see the show is to honor my Grandma's memory, and since I'm crying just typing this, and since it's kind of a long show, I don't think I'm capable of keeping it together for that long. I don't want to ruin anyone else's vacation. But I think I'll feel really bad if I don't go...

Any advice from those whose Disney memories are tied to a loved one who has passed away?
I think that based on the way you asked your question, you already know what the answer is. It sounds like you have a lot of great memories of your Grandma, many of which were made in Disney World. I think that it is a great way to honor your Grandma by using the money that she has left you to take a trip back and recall all of the wonderful memories that she made for you. I would definitely go to the enchanted Tiki room and let whatever feelings come, happen without shame or embarrassment. There is nothing wrong with having a good cry once in a while. Go ahead and have a good cry, but also don't forget to remember the good times as well and have some laughs along the way as well. Have a great time.:)
Sweet memories of your granny. I say play it by ear depending on how emotional the rest of the park makes you feel. Maybe you could stand in the tiki queue and say a prayer or have a silent moment for her. If you do decide to go in, choose the least crowded show and sit in the back row for a little bit of privacy.
I think you should go in and let whatever emotions happen happen. I think if you didn't it would be like a cloud hanging over your head and you would think about it the whole trip, and if you skipped it you might regret it once it's too late. It's a nice memory you have of your grandma and I think it would give you happy feelings more than just sad.

14 years ago was the last time I got to go to disney world with my grandma and she loved the Pirates of the caribbean ride, specifically seeing the dog with the key in its mouth, she would laugh and laugh and we rode it so many times just to see that dog. March of last year was the first time I had been back to disney world and when I rode the ride and saw the dog yes it made me sad because I can't experience that with my grandma anymore but it also made me laugh and smile to the point my boyfriend asked me what was so funny and I just said nothing it's just that dog.

After we got off the ride I saw they sold a little stuffed dog with a key in its mouth and I was gonna buy it but didn't at that moment and then I totally forgot about it and didn't get it. I was there this past May and they don't sell them anymore and I regret just not buying it when I could because it was something I could've had to remind me of that dog and my grandma.

Make the best choice for yourself but don't leave with any regrets, if you go in and cry than great and if you don't go in thats great too, you'll always have that memory of her either way.
Thank you so much everyone. I think I needed permission that if I end up crying it won't be super weird for others. The last thing I want to do is interrupt other people's happy times. But maybe it's ok even if it is super weird. I mean, it hopefully wouldn't be the weirdest thing people see at Disney. I like the idea of sitting in the back. And I'll bring Kleenex. And my husband will be there and know why I'm sad. And even with tears I will definitely smile thinking of my Grandma. I'm going to do it.

To the above poster, I'm so sorry about the gift shop item. But you're right, even without those physical touchstones we always have our memories. I totally get it about the special thoughts and smile when you saw the dog with the keys. I hope your memories always make you smile.

I can't tell you what the replies meant to me. I've tried to describe to a few people about this, and no one really gets it. Maybe you have to be a big Disney lover to understand how powerful those Disney memories are.

Wishing peace and happy memories to everyone who has lost someone.
Disney is a really special place, at least to some people, and the memories you make there really do last forever. I agree that some people just don't get it.

Next month I'm going again with just my boyfriend, the first time ever without my parents going also, even though I'm a grown adult I'm already having a hard time thinking about doing certain things without my parents, things I know they enjoy doing there and now I'm gonna be doing it without them.

It's just those disney memories that you always carry with you and when your making new memories and some of those people from the past aren't there now it can be really hard. Just let yourself go through the emotions and everything will be fine!

I hope you have an amazing trip!!
I agree, I can't imagine going and not doing the Tiki Birds..

Can you picture your trip without it? I doubt it.

Grandmothers are the most special gift we get in life, besides our own children. (in my opinion).. Make your memories, even if it brings tears..:goodvibes


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