I'm find myself feeling sorry for Bob


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Apr 22, 2005
After listening to the Podcast for about two months now, I find that I feel sorry for Bob being the brunt of many jokes. Bob's limited vebiage gets him into many positions where he's poked fun of. I don't mean that anyone does it maliciously. Absolutly not, he's just such a target sometimes. ;)

Am I the only one that has a pang of guilt every once in a while?

Thank you Bob for taking it all in stride. I'll keep my eyes out for you on our Jan 1-7 trip.
I agree Bob is a very good sport. Sometimes he slips something pretty funny in there and it gets ignored but it still cracks me up :)
Yes, I feel alittle guilty for laughing too. SOMETIMES. But, mostly, it's just fun, fun, fun.

I wonder if his family listens and gets frustrated with the others? I tend to think not, because his son likes to come over when Pete edits, but I wonder.
I am going back in archives big time these days :goodvibes

I heard one this week, I think it was the 8-7 one on AK tour, that made me feel that way too. For some reason he was getting it more than usual and I did feel bad. I didn't think it was funny myself. It was like he was really having something to say and everyone was still talking and laughing about what he said before. Correct not intentional, I think us listening to it is so different than them doing it. :goodvibes
Aren't we all a little Bob sometimes? I have never been an eloquent speaker and at 42 it's not going to happen, so I can relate. I think some of things he says are quote worthy and will call innoventions, interventions from now on. Imagine a ride based on the DT's.
Aren't we all a little Bob sometimes? I have never been an eloquent speaker and at 42 it's not going to happen, so I can relate. I think some of things he says are quote worthy and will call innoventions, interventions from now on. Imagine a ride based on the DT's.

:lmao: and Yes. I have been known to flub a few words :rolleyes1 And my DH never misses it either but I try to be a good sport like Bob.
I cringe a bit when he flubs, but it's his choice to pursue a career in communication so it's really hard to feel too bad for him. I figure he takes it all in stride and lets it roll off his back.
Yeah, I kind of feel the same. But he seems to take it all in stride...not sure I could be so charitable! :)
I think that's why we are such Bob fans. Everyone cheers for the underdog. He's lovable, and funny, and adds r's in places they don't belong just like my mother who still has her NY accent. The show just wouldn't be complete without Bob!
:lmao: and Yes. I have been known to flub a few words :rolleyes1 And my DH never misses it either but I try to be a good sport like Bob.

Yea, I think that is it. I relate because I have those Bob moments. Just before I left work, one of my female employees told me that she left her other bag in the car and was going to get it. I retorted; "Oh, you have a deuce bag". I said that because she always carried only the one. Deuce meaning two, like, "you have two?". try saying deuce bag three times fast. I turned blood red in the face.

Needless to say, I find my foot in my mouth more than most...I'm left handed and am convinced that my left brain was malnourished in the womb leaving all stuctured "right brain, sense making" cells starve and thus not properly function. :rotfl2:
I can see why everyone feels bad for Bawb, but if you go and listen to the 10th Anniversary Show (6/19/07??) and listen to how Pete talks about Bob and the heartfelt, sincere praises he heaps upon Bob, you know that any teasing Bob gets is truly all in fun and friendship. They are all truly wonderful people and how they came to be together is a really wonderful, mysterious little journey. They are FAMILY.
listen to the 10th Anniversary Show (6/19/07??) and listen to how Pete talks about Bob and the heartfelt, sincere praises he heaps upon Bob, you know that any teasing Bob gets is truly all in fun and friendship. They are all truly wonderful people and how they came to be together is a really wonderful, mysterious little journey. They are FAMILY.
That is really the whole story. :thumbsup2
I notice it, too. Bob seems to not notice, but I really like to listen to Bob talk and not because he sounds funny. He really knows what he is talking about. I still need to listen to that anniversary episode. I'll do that later toady.
I think some of things he says are quote worthy and will call innoventions, interventions from now on.

Me too! I have been referring to it as Interventions since that podcast. Love that.

Really, who isn't a member of the Bawb Fan Club? :love:
Yea, I think that is it. I relate because I have those Bob moments. Just before I left work, one of my female employees told me that she left her other bag in the car and was going to get it. I retorted; "Oh, you have a deuce bag". I said that because she always carried only the one. Deuce meaning two, like, "you have two?". try saying deuce bag three times fast. I turned blood red in the face.

:lmao: That sounds like something I would do. Sometimes my brain and mouth aren't on the same wavelength.

I notice it, too. Bob seems to not notice, but I really like to listen to Bob talk and not because he sounds funny. He really knows what he is talking about. I still need to listen to that anniversary episode. I'll do that later toady.

Yeah I agree, you can tell he loves Disney and the people who listen to the podcast. I think all the podcasters do :) And I have to listen to the anniversary podcast too. :headache:
I must confess that while passing by Innoventions at Epcot last week on several occassions I called it Interventions. And while my mother didn't seem to notice my mistake I did chuckle to myself each time and thought fondly of Bawb. :hug:
I too don't think they mean to be mean to Bob but it does come across that way sometimes. I think he chooses to be "in communication" for our benefit, to share his love and knowledge of Disney. I think his silence speaks volumes after they make fun of him for lack of a better term. I say "lighten up"! We know what he means so just let it go if possible! :)


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