I'm Going To Mickey's House Update 9/3


Earning My Ears
Mar 4, 2010
Hi All! :wave2:

Welcome to my very first pre-trip/trip report!

Trip Dates? September 5th--14th
Resort? Pop Century
Dining? Regular Dining Plan (1TS 1QS 1S)

My name is Jessica and I will be your guide to all the craziness that is my mother and I. We've always been close and my recent engagement has made us even closer. Just a little intro with pictures...


Here's the only picture I could find of me and my mom in the same frame..she hates pictures.(not sure why she's beautiful!) It's from 2010 when my family picked me up from my CP.

On the left is my wonderful mommy :-) She's my best friend and I'm going to miss her terribly once I'm married which is the reason for this last amazing Disney trip! It's been super last minute but hey..we're always a little random.

Next to her is my amazing fiancé Thomas. He's currently serving overseas in the military and won't be home for this trip. However we are going back for our honeymoon in April of 2014 :D He's a little jealous he isn't going on this trip. haha Guess that means he will just have to drag me kicking and screaming back to the Mickey's house...:rotfl2:

That's me, Jessica, on the far right. A little about me you ask? I'm 22 and always up for an adventure. I love pin trading, crafting, photography, and of course trip planning! I'm A.D.D. & O.C.D so everything must be perfect but only if it's currently on my mind. My mom is just like me...which is scary. We are always goofing off and sassing each other, so please excuse our craziness. My favorite movie is currently Wreck it Ralph. I just love Vanellope and can't wait to meet her!

A little back story on the title? Why not. When I was little we went to a theme park some of you guys might know about called Dollywood. If you don't know what this is google it. It's really a fun place. Doesn't compare to Disney but its a fun place to visit if you're in Tennessee. well it was around Christmas time and there was a Santa dressed up and doing a show on stage in one of the theaters...and the story goes like this. I was lucky enough to be one of the kids to get pulled up on stage. Well my parents had let me know we were going to Disney a week or so before...not such a great idea. Well Santa asked me what I wanted for Christmas...I went ahead and let him and everyone in the entire audience know that I didn't want anything because "I'm going to Mickey's house HAHA!" Yes I was that kid...but hey atleast I was honest :cool1:

Anyway...on to our actual trip plans! We will be leaving promptly at 6:30 pm on 9/5 right after we both get off from work. (we work together too! so its kinda convenient) We're driving from Tennessee so we've got a good 14 hour drive ahead of us. We are driving all night & will only be stopping about half way to grab some steak and shake because my mom has been craving it for ages. Then we will be back on the road again! I'll include some basic trip plans in this main post and if time and attention span allows I will add in some extra details :rotfl:

--Take Pictures/Obtain Autographs With All The Characters
--Ride All The Rides & Take A Picture At The Signs
--Try New Foods From Every Park
--Buy My Mom A Dolewhip

Friday 9/6

We will be arriving around 8:00 am to check in hopefully early at Pop Century! After unpacking and taking a quick nap we will begin our trip by seeing the sights around our resort! We both love photography & scrapbooking so we will be taking advantage of all the photo ops. We also have plans to visit The new Art of Animation resort before heading off to Magic Kingdom! I guess this would be a great time to mention we were selected for FASTPASS+ AND MAGIC BAND testing! I'm so excited to get to test this new system out! We're also on the Dining plan so be prepared for lots of food! Okay...where was I....OH Magic Kingdom! So we will be heading there after we're done touring all of the sights around the resorts & use our 4 Fastpass+ choices for the day! After we've got those used up we are going to hop on the monorail and head on over to Epcot which has EMH until 11:00pm. However, we aren't going in the park...just catching a bus over to Animal Kingdom Lodge to check out the scenery and scope out Thomas & I's honeymoon location :-) The animals are just a plus for people like us. We're also going to grab a quick service meal at one of the hotel locations. Then we are gonna head back to POP for some much needed rest and relaxation. Pool time possibly?

To Be Continued...
Just a small update to take my mind off of this crazy diet i decided to do...
Mine is pink of course! And my mom went with blue. (finally posted pictures). I also finally received my 'official' invite to the testing! I'm so excited to be part of such a huge change that may be coming to Disney :rotfl:
Here's The outside of 'the' box :D

Another view of 'the' box

My Mom's Band

My Band!

Also got pin mail yesterday! I'm a pin trader of course and have around 300 pins...I've lost count. :-)

I'm attempting to collect a few pins from every disney movie I like and put together shadow boxes for my soon to be Disney Movie Room. (I also collect Disney VHS & currently have over 200 different titles) So as you can see I've got a few different ways that I keep my Disney fix from going crazy :lmao:

I'll update on our plans later tonight as well. It's time to head back to the real world and make vacation money!

Ta-Ta For Now :wave2:
I'm back! As i stated in my first post its likely I will be distracted a few different times before I finish this trip report. But never fear! I have returned!

Just a few small updates (and I will update with pictures tonight from my last post)...I've now made bleach pin t-shirts for everyday of the trip with awesome disney quotes from all my favorite movies :) And I've also finished 2 autograph books and our custom pin trading lanyards. The only thing I've got left to finish is my leggings for my Vanellope Von Schweetz costume for MNSSHP. :dance3:

I've laready started packing and have also started making day by day plans for our wonderful trip!

Did I mention we are down to single digit days!


pixiedust: pixiedust: pixiedust: pixiedust: pixiedust: pixiedust: pixiedust:

As you can tell we are both super excited to head for the castle!
I must head back to the real world.
Updates later.
See ya real soon!
Is anyone out there? :rolleyes1

Well if you aren't you're about to miss out on the best trip report ever. Plain and simple.

So this will be a quick update for now as I need to get a little sleep as I only have tonight and tomorrow before Disney world! To be exact it is 1 day 19 hours and 25 minutes before departure.
Am I packed? YES!
Is my mother? NO :eek: (will most likely be a reoccurring theme. it drives me NUTS :crazy:)
Would this trip even happen if it weren't for me? that's a negative ghostrider

I finished packing last night and finished up my Vanellope costume as well. I'm so excited about how it turned out. Now if only Vanellope actually had a M & G at MK.

If things go as planned we will have the car packed and ready for Disney by tomorrow night before bed. Seeing as how we're leaving at 6:30 Thursday and I don't get off from work until 6:05 that's the only way we can stay on schedule. As if this would really happen..my mom is the worst person at staying on task.(she distracts easily) And is habitually late for EVERYTHING. if we actually make RD at all this trip it will be a miracle.

Anyway I will attempt to do a mini update from WDW or maybe even the road!
A 12 hour drive plus breaks should be entertaining. I always end up picking the sketchiest rest areas.

popcorn::Stay tuned for more magic popcorn::


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