I'm gonna walk to Orlando from the UK!! - Well, not literally!


DIS Veteran
May 21, 2004
I have decided to get motivated (inspired by Queenie) and I am going to attempt to walk/run/jog/row etc. to Orlando from Wellingborough (UK). :eek:

I go to the gym, so I am going to log how many km I do each visit, and keep going until I get there!!

Only problem, I worked that it's approx. 6919 km so I have a lot of work to do, but I needed something to get me motivated to work harder at the gym.

I am starting tonight! Wooh! :cool1:

Will keep you guys & gals updated on my progress!!

Here goes ...... huff....puff.....huff.....puff!!!! :bounce:

You can do it!!!! This is a great place to come to help keep you motivated and on track and get you back on the wagon if you fall off!!!!

Keep on :banana: :banana:
Welcome to WISH. Best of luck!

A cheer:
You can do it!
Yes you can!
We're pulling for ya!
What an awesome plan!
Great job, Tink! You're going to look awesome once you get there! :earsgirl: Thats a lot of exercise.
Thanks for the support. :grouphug:

I did my first 13km last night!
It felt great. :cool1:

We have decided that we are also going to save £1 for every 10km that we do, and put the money in our savings pot for our next real trip to Disney, which we are planning for about 4-5 years time (I hope!).
Can't wait much longer than that but we want to start a family soon so we will have to wait until baby is about 2 1/2 before we go again.

I am going to put one of my little Mickey Pins on my Gym towel so it reminds me why I am there.

I don't need to lose much weight (only about 9 lbs) so I am purely doing this to keep my heart healthy and tone up my chubby thighs! (and to help lose that 9 lbs too!).

Good job on wanting to stay healthy - you definitely are in the right place. And good idea about the pin!!!

Keep on :banana: :banana:


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