I'm NEVER staying home for March Break again! FINISHED 07/17 Just in time!

March 21, 2012, Part 13 the rest of the Tower of Terror (and in between) pictures…

Ariel's Grotto by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

A Bug's Land by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

Flik's fun fair by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

Box by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

Box by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

Love the bathroom signs!

Bathroom sign by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

Fastpasses again by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

I’m back in line in the fastpass line… I think this is the time Blanche had a diet coke and sat and waited for me… Blanche, do you remember?

Tower of Terror again by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

Tower of Terror again by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

Tower of Terror again by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr
March 21, 2012, Part 14: Pixar Pals and A Bug’s Land

After I rode Tower of Terror a second time, we saw the Pixar Pals travelling by. I, naturally, snapped a bunch of pictures, right?

Pixar Pals by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

Pixar Pals by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

Pixar Pals by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

Pixar Pals by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

Pixar Pals by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

Pixar Pals by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

I think we just wandered around thinking about what to do and just enjoying the sights and sounds.

Sign by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

Bug by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

I really love the light fixtures. They remind me of Ray from Princess and the Frog… “Just follow my butt!”

Praying Mantiss by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

We decided not to ride this one as it was too scary for Blanche (hee hee hee):

Kiddie Ride by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

Kiddie Ride by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

Watermelon! by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr
That is great you are doing WDW! I will have to be sure to follow that TR as well. We are getting closer to our trip, and then 2 mths later, I get to have a girls weekend. We are just watching flights now.
That is great you are doing WDW! I will have to be sure to follow that TR as well. We are getting closer to our trip, and then 2 mths later, I get to have a girls weekend. We are just watching flights now.

:thumbsup2 I can't wait. We talked again today and Blanche is planning on taking more breaks this time. It will be more relaxing for her, which is great to be at POR. She'll like that! Good luck on the flights! Do you have many options? We don't have a lot of options out of PEI.
March 21, 2012, Part 15: Mickey's Fun Wheel

We ended up returning to Paradise Pier. I knew I really wanted to ride Mickey’s Fun Wheel and we had the fastpasses for California Screamin’ to use.

Ferris Wheel by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

Ferris Wheel by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

Screamin by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

Ferris Wheel by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr


Woody by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

Buzz walks so fast you can’t get a good shot of him!

Buzz Lightyear by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

mmmm…. FOOD!

Boardwalk Pizza and Pasta by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

Pizza by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

Pasta by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

This is what I got, and it was too much. It’s a 2 person pizza in my mind!

Flatbread Pizza by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

Paradise Pier by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

Look what line we got in?

Ferris Wheel by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

Ferris Wheel by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

Ferris Wheel by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

Ferris Wheel by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

The water looks better before the WOC thingies pop up.

Ferris Wheel by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

Ferris Wheel by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

Ferris Wheel by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

Ferris Wheel by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

Ferris Wheel by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

It looked like they were fixing something.

Ferris Wheel by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

Ferris Wheel by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

I can’t wait to see this! But I have to wait… I’m not rich… It’s definitely already pushing it by doing WDW this summer… TWO Disney Parktrips in one year!

Ferris Wheel by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr
March 21, 2012, Part 16: The rest of the Mickey's Fun Wheel pictures and a funny story

You can see really far up there!

Ferris Wheel by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

Okay, so here’s the thing. We were in our seats and they got a man and his daughter in with us. We go around once and Blanche is holding on to the “cage” the whole way around. We get to the end of loading (we were the first car to be loaded) and the man looks at Blanche and asked why we weren’t getting off. She told him that the ride didn’t start. Well, he didn’t believe her and looks at me and says “Is this true?” Oh my gosh it was funny! We were in the swinging gondola and Blanche kept saying “Holy Lord love a duck, oh no!” And this like that. I just kept screaming with laughter. The many says “It’s okay” to the little girl, who was bored out of her mind on his lap. And Blanche says “No it’s not!”

We get to the end and we kept swinging. I’m still laughing because Blanche is saying “Why won’t it stop?!?!” The CM then asks us (jokingly) if we want to go around a few more times… Blanche yells “NO!”. It was so funny. We were both nearly crying, me from laughing so much, and Blanche from how scared/sick/nervous she was! Hee hee hee :rotfl: Sorry Blanche!

Ferris Wheel by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

Ferris Wheel by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

Ferris Wheel by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

Ferris Wheel by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

Ferris Wheel by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

Ferris Wheel by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

Carsland! by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr
:thumbsup2 I can't wait. We talked again today and Blanche is planning on taking more breaks this time. It will be more relaxing for her, which is great to be at POR. She'll like that! Good luck on the flights! Do you have many options? We don't have a lot of options out of PEI.

We are a little more fortunate, there are many flights out of both Edmonton (me) Calgary for my friend. I wish there was one just a hour later, cause then I would probaly go the night before, but I might just do a 630 am one!
We are a little more fortunate, there are many flights out of both Edmonton (me) Calgary for my friend. I wish there was one just a hour later, cause then I would probaly go the night before, but I might just do a 630 am one!

I'm glad you have options! I'd prefer to go the night before (especially during the school year), but we don't usually have that option. So I always go for the really early flight that gets me to WDW (or DL this time) as early as possible. It's not so bad to get there around noon.
March 21, 2012 Part 17: Redwood Creek Challenge

After the hilarious, yet apparently life threatening ride on the Ferris Wheel (which by the way, has no seatbelts! Even I was just a little bothered by that.), we headed for California Screamin’. Blanche decided that she should not ride this, so I went up to the fastpass line and asked if they had a single rider line. The wait was possibly 90 minutes, and I had two fastpasses; I wanted to give them away if the single rider line was shorter. I guess the CM didn’t really understand that I wanted to be nice, and told me to use my fastpass. Oh well, the thought was there, I guess!

After riding the roller coaster, with no music, because ours was broken, the person beside me explained, we decided to head towards the park exit.

Lightening and Mater by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

Water by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

I wanted to see what the Redwood Creek Challenge Trail was, so Blanche sat on a bench and waited while I ventured in for some pictures.

Red Creek Challenge by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

Big Sir by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

Cool Tree by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

We have these! (Ever been sprayed? It’s not fun!)

Skunks! by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

We do NOT have these:

Bear by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

Spot the prints by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

Tracking by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

Waterfall by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

Fun for kids by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

Paw prints by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

Fun for kids by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

Fun for kids by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

After a few minutes, I tried to find my way out without going down a slide! Now, don’t get me wrong, I’m willing and able to play in a playground, I just didn’t think parents or Disney would like that I was playing in the kids playground when I hadn’t brought any kids with me! So eventually I found my way out by backtracking. It does look like a great place for kids to play, but if they’re little (or not so little) I’d follow them closely as it is pretty confusing!

Bridge by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

Look down by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

After mastering the challenge of escaping the Redwood Creek Challenge, Blanche and I wandered through some shops.

Cute top! by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

Jacket by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

Nice Display by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

Cute mugs by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

Bye DCA by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

March 21, 2012, Part 18: Fireworks!

Yes, instead of heading back to the hotel and getting some rest, we decided to watch some fireworks. We’d seen them from our balcony, but we wanted to see them from Main street.

Balloons by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

Waiting for fireworks by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

I attempted to take some pictures without a tripod. Not a good thing to do. But fun nonetheless.

Main Street at Night by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

Main Street at Night by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

Main Street at Night by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

Main Street at Night by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

Fireworks by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

Fireworks by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

Fireworks by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

Castle at night by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

After the fireworks, we decided to ride Jungle Cruise. It’s so different at night!

Jungle Cruise by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

I was trying to figure out if that was a real bird or not.

Jungle Cruise by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

It was.

Jungle Cruise by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

I don’t think we did much else after the Cruise. We went back to our hotel for a rest. Well, for the night
Purchases for March 21st:

At 8:36am, I bought the Space Mountain 5x7 picture with the download for $16.11

In case you’re wondering, the chilli in the bread bowl and a diet coke was $13.23. Blanche either got a bigger diet coke, or paid less for hers! It was very weird.

At 12:47 I made a large purchase at the Pioneer Bonanza

Red Capri gym material pants $34.95
Red top to go with pants $34.95
Mickey Mouse Fuzzy Dice for my car $7.95
Mickey Mouse Crocs (that look more like moccasins) $49.95
Minnie Mouse pink polka dot wallet $19.95
Mickey Mouse shape scissors $9.95
Something that says “DLR SOFT ONCE UPON” $7.95 (I can’t remember what it is. I’m thinking maybe playing cards?)
Black Mickey Mouse tote $13.95
DL watch $17.95

I ended up returning the red outfit. It was cute, but I just couldn’t think of spending $70 US on one little outfit to maybe wear to the gym or just around. If it was a dressy outfit to wear to something fancy, MAYBE, but I just couldn’t do it. It was adorable, but I didn’t “love” it for that price.

The popcorn bucket was $12

The ice cream cone (chocolate waffle cone) I bought was $4.51.

The flatbread pizza and pop was $11.83 And I can’t believe I didn’t take a picture of it!
Oh right! After the fireworks, we went to Pooh’s corner and got treats. I bought an oreo brownie that cost $4.26. It was yummy. Blanche bought some treats too.

Then we stopped at the Mint Julep Bar again and I bought a hot chocolate in a souvenir cup (I love the cups! I have tons) for $6.24.

Here’s the outfit. I was going to e-mail my sister’s and ask what they thought. (Sorry, they were both taken with my phone... a Blackberry, not the best for camera phones!)

Returned outfit by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

And the crocs, that I wear almost every day they are so comfy! I’m not a fan of regular crocs, but these are great! (And they hide my toes! LOL)

Cute crocs by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr
March 21, Part 8: Pirates again and important news!

You think THAT was all I had for guilt? I don't think so! Well, it depends on the mug you bring me home...................

You really need to learn how to quote properly! :rotfl: You want a mug, a towel... what else have you mentioned? You really want me to "buy" forgiveness? Plus all the work I already do for your books... Sheesh, you drive a hard bargain!
Great pictures of DCA, I was too chicken to ride the moving bucket on Mickey's fun wheel. Have fun on your upcoming trip, where are you staying?
Great pictures of DCA, I was too chicken to ride the moving bucket on Mickey's fun wheel. Have fun on your upcoming trip, where are you staying?

Thanks! The swinging gondola was a lot of fun! I really loved it. You might need to see if Blanche chimes in to respond or not to see what she thought though! :thumbsup2

We're staying at Port Orleans Riverside this time. I am still trying to stay at as many resorts as I can. Even if eventually I make it one night a trip at some of the Deluxe resorts, then I will in order to try to check them off. I want to go back to the Grand Floridian one day too and really spend time there.
March 22, 2012, Part 1: Oh no!

Blanche would read her Kobo late into the night and I’d try to fall asleep before her. She’d use her little light on it and that was fine. It wouldn’t bother me until I’d wake up and see that it was all still on, and she was sound asleep. One night, I got up and tried to put it away for her, but I sort of woke her up. I say sort of because she did not remember it the next day. She woke with a start, and started cursing at me! I guess it took her a second to know that it was me because she said that she didn’t know who I was when she woke up and I was standing over her bed. I felt bad, but at the same time, I was roaring laughing. She kept cursing at me and I kept laughing saying sorry!

Most nights I slept very well, and this past one was no exception. Poor Blanche did not though, and I hadn’t noticed. She had gotten up through the night sick. When we got up, she got all ready, we snacked on something in the room, she got dressed (and probably changed her shirt!) and then she said she’d better stay back that morning. We were going to meet in the plaza between the parks at a certain time.

Remember how every morning I’d get up to check our view… it wasn’t as crazy as you thought, because while we were getting ready, I decided to check on our view… and it was GONE!

Missing Matterhorn by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

Foggy Morning by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

You could see clearly down below, at least. That would have been just a little too creepy for me otherwise!

I can see clearly now by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

Missing Matterhorn by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

But, before I left for Disneyland, the view was slowly coming back.

Starting to clear up by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

The walk was still short, but lonelier without Blanche. I was walking up the middle of Main Street USA by 8:55am. Because it was less wet that morning, they had people eating outside at the Plaza restaurant. I wanted to ride Star Tours again, so I was in line before 9am.

On my way by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

Love this sign by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

Main Street by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

Captain Hook by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

In line by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

Star Tours by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

Star Tours by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

Star Tours by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

Space Ship by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

I looked at this line, and I had no idea what it was for. I think it was actually a line to see Tinkerbell, but I could be wrong. I guess if I went with kids more often, I might end up in those lines, but for now, I like finding my characters at meals and in shows and parades, not waiting for 40 minutes or more to see them.

A huge line by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

Bus by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

Castle by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr
March 22, 2012, Part 2: Indiana Jones

I decided I wanted to ride Indy again, so I went over and asked if they had a single rider line. They did, and I had to walk in the exit. I found it very confusing. At one point, you went up an elevator, turned left and then went down another elevator. I was kind of lost then, because I thought I was at a dead end!

Frontierland by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

Untitled by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

Untitled by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

Untitled by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

Tom Sawyer Island by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

Tarzan's Treehouse by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

Tarzan's Treehouse by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

Indiana Jones by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

Have I mentioned lately how much I want to go back to California? Especially to DL? I love to travel, and I always want to go back to where ever I’ve been… going through all this REALLY makes me want to go back! Don’t get me wrong, I get all jumpy and “eeekey” when I think that I’ve got 2 days and 3 sleeps left before I go to WDW, but DL was a pretty amazing place too!

Indiana Jones by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

It was weird walking “backwards” and some people looked at me really funny, but it sure made for some people free pictures!

Indiana Jones by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

Indiana Jones by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

I really do love the Indiana Jones ride. I think they should keep the show at Hollywood Studios (because it’s fun) but get the ride too!

By the time I got off Indiana Jones, I realized it was time to head to DCA. I wanted to get in line for Toy Story Midway Mania because I had to ride it once. I don’t understand exactly what the huge deal it is, why the lines are always so long (kind of like Soarin’), I like the ride, but I’m not going to wait an hour or two for it!

Main Street by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

City Hall by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

Untitled by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

Untitled by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr
March 22, 2012, Part 3: Following the herd (crowd!) to Toy Story!

I entered California Adventure and went straight as in Do not pass go, directly to TSMM. Well, as straight as could in a park that was under construction and that I didn’t know all that well!

Untitled by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

Untitled by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

Untitled by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

Untitled by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

Untitled by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

Untitled by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

Untitled by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

Untitled by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

Untitled by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

IMG_974 from raw by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

I think everyone was heading there. I just followed the majority of the crowd.

Untitled by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

Untitled by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

Untitled by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

Untitled by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr
March 22, 2012, Part 4: Toy Story Midway Mania
I finally made it to the standby line (no fastpass at DCA for TSMM) before 10:10. The wait time posted was 40 minutes, and that was about right, because at 10:53, I took my last “on ride” photo.

Untitled by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

Untitled by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

Untitled by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

Untitled by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

Untitled by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

I took tons of pictures of the posters. There are others I didn’t post on here.

Untitled by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

Untitled by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

Untitled by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

Untitled by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

Untitled by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

Untitled by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

Is that good?

Untitled by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

Well, I bet the non-existing person beside me!

Untitled by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

How do they do this?

Untitled by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

Untitled by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

Untitled by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr
March 22, 2012, Part 5: Looking for a purse and Soarin’ over California!

Untitled by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

Untitled by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

Untitled by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

I decided to head back towards the park entrance as it was getting closer to the time to meet Blanche (12pm I think). I got a fastpass for Soarin’ over California, snapped some pictures of the restaurant menu in case we wanted to eat there, and then got in the fastpass line for Soarin’. Like I said earlier, I like Soarin’ but it’s not an absolute favorite, and I won’t wait an extreme amount of time for it. I waited 60 minutes ONCE for it, and that was because my nephew really wanted to ride it the day we arrived and there were no fastpasses left. The trip was mostly for him, so we did. He was tortured by some little kid while I chatted with his mother! He still talks about it, 5 years later! And by talks about it, he talks about the child, not the ride!

Untitled by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

Untitled by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

Untitled by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

Untitled by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

Untitled by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

Untitled by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

I waited for Blanche in the wrong spot, and it took us a while to find each other, but it was a nice day. I actually called home on my cell, and chatted with a few people. I liked have that long distance thingy on my phone. I’d never phoned from my cell before, so I had always been tied to pay phones or hotel phones, this was nice.


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