"I'm NOT a Princess, I'm Izzy!" - May '15 Land/Sea ~ Updated 6/4: Link to Disneyland TR!!!

Following along! Can't wait to read more. I also can't wait to hear more about Izzy acting like a true toddler. Oh toddlers, aren't they fun!
She was about 4 months away from turning 3. And I totally agree with everything you just said! I mean, she's been more of a challenge at home lately too, but nothing like she was during the trip (and not that she was terrible for the trip, but as you said - used to a docile child at home).

That's almost exactly the age Caden was on our trip. He was 3 months before 3.

Haha about pooping at night! Caden does that too! He poops every morning in his diaper! Lol
I think he's pooped in the toilet 2x and his pants 2x. And he's been potty trained for almost 3 months now. :P
I can't wait to read the rest of your tr. I gave a 14 month old Izzy that is going on her first trip next week. Your Izzy reminds me a lot of how mine is!
I was hoping it would help prepare her, as she was constantly putting off the trip (i.e. – “not now!”, “later!”, etc.) It seemed to work, as she was agreeable the next morning. :thumbsup2

I'm so glad that she agreed to the trip! That would have been a pretty big disappointment in Princess (not a Princess) Izzy decided it was a no go that morning! :rotfl:

As is standard for me, I set a goal of being in bed at a certain time and did not achieve it. :rolleyes:

Hmm...this sounds familiar. I'm taking the boys on a road trip tomorrow and I'm supposed to be in bed in 15 minutes. :rotfl2:

And I say “only” because I feel like we were perpetually behind schedule for the entire trip.

That is my entire life.

I have to say that I really have no idea how people travel light on a trip with a kid(s).

YES! I think we are going to be sticking with Southwest because when we fly with them we get 10 BAGS! Plus a carry on each. Not that we bring that many...but we could. The only thing stopping us is figuring out how to maneuver 10 bags, 5 carry ons, a stroller, a car seat, and 3 kids through the airport.

I know I ranted before, but I will never understand people who recline on airplanes without any regard for those behind them (or the parents that allow/encourage it).

This would have really bothered me too. It would be different on an overnight flight when most people are reclined/sleeping, but this was totally different.

But it does sound like Izzy was pretty happy with her entertainment options during the flight! You can't beat flying Minnie! ::MinnieMo

By 11am (Minnesota time), we had pulled out the sparkly pipe cleaners and made triangles, circles, squares, and hearts:

I love this idea! Adding it to our airplane bags next trip!

Excited to read more about your trip!
It was the night before our trip,

And all through the house,
Not a creature was stirring,
For they'd soon see a mouse.

so I took some sandwiches home for a quick and easy (and free) pre-trip dinner that night. :thumbsup2

Free. That's the best kind.

:lmao: OMG! It's Grumpy Cat's cousin!!

As we had been doing for the prior couple weeks, we pulled one Magic Band off of our countdown chain before Izzy headed up to bed (this was before taking that night’s Magic Band off):

I like that!

What I do know is that I was awake at 4:30am and got less than 5 hours of sleep. :faint:

That's more than... well, everybody else on the DIS manages.

I know, I’m weird.

No comment.

I don't know you well enough yet.

Oh, I have plenty... just not going to relate them.

I mean, I like WDW, I really do – but I also REALLY like sleeping. ::yes::


Okay. I get that.

That's such a cute pic of Izzy following Daddy.

(like her pillow, white noise machine, etc.):

Ah yes the white noise machine.
As a shift worker, I've tried it, but I found I was waking up with headaches.
My machine did all kinds of sounds, but the weirdest was the waves sound.
Normal, except once in a while you'd hear a seagull cry out, or a buoy bell ring.

Yeah, if that didn't jar you out of sleep, nothing would.

guess I missed that pocket in front with the luggage tags for the cruise, oops! :scared:

Oh, no!

She also wanted to put her Magic Band on when we pulled it off the countdown chain. Sure, why not? I think we all put them on, at her insistence:

Seems perfectly reasonable. You are going to Disney after all.

I think Dug purposely took this picture to show that I had not yet slowed down to the required crawling speed :drive: :ssst::

Yeah. Didn't need to see that. I just this afternoon got a speeding ticket.
The limit is 35 then down to 30 for one... ONE block, then back up to 35.
Got clocked at 41. Great. That's $260 plus points on the licence. Terrific.

I have to say that I really have no idea how people travel light on a trip with a kid(s).

We just let our kids live in squalor.
Worked well for us.


Izzy had a chocolate chip cookie

That thing's as big as her head!

Izzy enjoyed pushing elevator buttons (as directed) throughout the whole trip.

First thing I thought of????

I know you said "as directed" but I can't help but think of this...

Now, did we save any time doing this? I don’t know. But we saved frustration and stress, so that works for me.


She said she learned this when travelling with her grandkids. I thought that was odd – why wouldn’t she have learned it in the training for her job as a TSA agent?!

You're right. That is strange.
How'd you like your surgeon to say that?
"I'm going to operate on your brain. I learned about it from a CSI show I watched."

As Dug was paying, Izzy "needed" to climb up on the big barstool and succeeded:

Aaaaannnndddd..... Scaled!

And we got there and she went through all the motions before declaring that she didn’t like that potty and didn’t want to go.

Hey, a girl's gotta have standards.

The gate agent had announced that they were taking carry-on bags and checking them for free...
And she told me, “We’re done.” Um, okay. :confused: I guess that was a very limited time offer to check extra bags

You mis-heard. She said they were taking carry-on bag.
You missed it.

I flipped it just right and found the FAA label, hidden underneath.

That's odd. You'd think they'd put it somewhere really obvious and visible.

Fortunately, this time Izzy decided that very same potty was acceptable and actually used it.

Standards may change based on necessity.

Izzy started in on that forbidden milk:

Sounds like a plot for an adventure movie.
"Izzy Jones and the Forbidden Milk."

Since I'm knew around here, that's the first picture of you I've seen!

Love how happy she looks! :goodvibes:

The Coke Zero hit the spot, as I am not a coffee drinker, but it was early and I needed some caffeine.

You sound like my DW. Always Diet Coke in the morning, never coffee.

Naturally, the woman in front of me reclined her seat at the first opportunity :sad2::

Ugh. I always make sure to "accidentally" bang the seat-back. "Oops. Whoops. Oh, dear. Whups."
Usually, they decide to un-recline. Don't know why. :rolleyes:

I mean, probably only a small percentage of people actually recline their seats on a plane, right?

I have no idea, but I suspect you're right.

Two very happy ladies. :)

Dug was in the aisle seat and his notes say that he listened to part of a Jim Hill / Len Testa podcast of a walk-through of the Epcot resorts, listened to some web design podcast, took a brief nap, and had some coffee. Sounds nice. :cloud9:


But she’s happy to watch the movie without sound, so whatever:

Really? Huh. I guess she knows the story and doesn't need the sound?

I could see since her mom was reclined, of course:

Whew, we are respectable parents! :cool1:


She was sitting forward and just enjoying more space around her.

So why recline? Because her mother is too stupid to figure it out and that's what she's teaching her daughter.

That does not look comfortable.

The flight attendant said no to the restroom and then critically told me that Izzy had kicked the seat in front of her during the two seconds I turned to look at the flight attendant.

"Oh, I know! Isn't it terrible? You'd think this airline would provide us with proper legroom or prevent self-absorbed passengers from reclining into other's personal space. Well, I really appreciate your kind offer to upgrade us to the seats with more legroom, but the flight's almost over so we'll just sit tight. Thanks."

Honestly, if you’re going to selfishly recline your seat into someone else’s tiny bit of space (or allow your child to do so), then you need to assume you’re going to take a few blows. :upsidedow

::yes:: See above comment.

Dug was not enjoying the descent, as he had pressure in his ears that wasn’t being helped by chewing gum, yawning, etc. :listen: He’d had a cold recently and it was probably still causing issues.

Oh, too bad. Our youngest DD had the same thing when we flew to Hawaii. She was miserable for the entire flight.

Luckily, it cleared up on the Magical Express and didn’t cause any trouble afterwards. Scared him, though.

Glad it cleared up and I can see how he'd be worried.

Izzy was happy to be on her feet again:

Sure! She hadn't been able to move them for a while!

We decide to change into shorts at the airport – what could POSSIBLY go wrong?! :lmao: (Hint: “threenager”)

Oh, oh. Should make for an interesting read! Thanks for the chapter! :goodvibes
We also worked on getting Kitty all loaded up with extra food and water. Dug’s friend would be coming by a few times throughout our trip to play with her, refill food/water, etc. She did fine and enjoyed having an old friend come to visit (Dug was roommates with his friend when he adopted Kitty about 14 years ago :earseek: Yes, she's a senior cat).

With the title of this excerpt, and the intro, I had major fear that kitty died while you were gone! Glad (I now get that you were talking about the people on the PLANE reclining. Duh.)

you notice that little cruise booklet on the table in the last picture? I left it open there, as it had emergency contact info for the cruise ship. I figured that would be a good place for it, as we had Dug’s friend coming to our house while we were gone and he’d be able to reach us if there was an emergency. ::yes:: Well, leaving that whole book there was a rookie mistake. :eek: I didn’t see anything in it that we needed or didn’t already know – guess I missed that pocket in front with the luggage tags for the cruise, oops! :scared:
Oh no!!!

I think Dug purposely took this picture to show that I had not yet slowed down to the required crawling speed :drive: :ssst::


I have to say that I really have no idea how people travel light on a trip with a kid(s). :confused: I mean, we did laundry halfway through the trip, so we didn’t even bring clothes for each day, but we still maxed out our luggage allowances. We had two large checked bags, stuffed to the gills (we got those free, since we each have the Sun Country credit card), then we had the stroller, carseat, 3 carry-on roller bags, 2 backpacks, and a purse/bag. Oh, and a little bag with raingear (stroller cover, umbrellas, rain jackets, etc.) that I put in the stroller bag once we got it ready to gate-check (my sneaky trick for things you can't fit in a checked bag! :cool2:)

I don't know either. The only thing I will say is that the length of the trip doesn't really matter. For a 1 night trip I will bring 70-80% of the stuff I would bring for an 8-night trip. I like the idea of the cruise ship for this reason... get all the gear to one spot, then let the world move around you and you'll always have your stuff within reach. But, yea, it's CRAZY! It's always funny to me how much I can carry and load into the bottom of the stroller... I have been able to get everything in on one trip on a few occasions! One of these times I should just try to bring one bag.... no stroller, no pack and play, no crazy amount of clothing... just see how it goes! HA. Probably will never happen!

Everything went smoothly, except for one thing. We had a couple of thermoses full of milk for Izzy. She’d want some with breakfast and on the plane. I’ve done this every flight with no issue – they just want to open it and test it, no big deal. Well, this TSA agent said that she thought the cutoff is age 2 and you have to buy milk in the airport after that, unless there is an allergy, etc. She said she learned this when travelling with her grandkids. I thought that was odd – why wouldn’t she have learned it in the training for her job as a TSA agent?! :confused3 And, for the record, I have looked at the official guidelines and I’ve never seen a specific cutoff age. She was nice enough, though, and said she’d “let it slide” this time.


The gate agent had announced that they were taking carry-on bags and checking them for free. I had packed one that I knew would be fine to check, in case they gave us a free third one, so we brought that up a few minutes later. And she told me, “We’re done.”


In all the flights I’ve brought this carseat on, nobody has ever once inspected it for the FAA approval label. That was about to change. I knew 100% for sure this was FAA approved (I’d made sure when I bought it, since I was getting it specifically for air travel), but I had no idea where the sticker was. The gate agent said the TSA would want to see it and they had to make sure or we couldn’t bring it on. So, she and I were flipping it around and trying to find the sticker. She was reading all the fine print on the obvious label and couldn’t find anything. Finally, at the last minute (she was about to say we couldn’t bring it on, I think), I flipped it just right and found the FAA label, hidden underneath. Whew, we were good to go! :faint: I was panicked for a bit there, as I know from past experience that the more restrained Izzy is during a flight, the happier EVERYBODY will be. ::yes::

UGGGGGGH! You are so patient!! I would have LOST IT at this point. Seriously, people with kids need just a LITTLE bit of extra help... with a carry on, with a car seat, with TSA. Sorry you can't RUN to the front to check your bag, or don't know exactly where an FAA approved sticker is. SERIOUSLY, how many car seats AREN'T FAA approved??? LIKE TWO??? ALSO, why does it EVEN MATTER WHEN PEOPLE HOLD THEIR NEWBORN TO TWO YEAR OLD BABIES ON THEIR LAPS??? WHERE IS THE STICKER ON A MOM WHO IS HOLDING HER BABY ON A FLIGHT? "Excuse me ma'am, can you take off your pants, because I need to look for your FAA approval sticker." Good lands!!

Okay, now I'm calm. Seriously, so impressed by your patience.

Naturally, the woman in front of me reclined her seat at the first opportunity :sad2::

Nearly every flight that I have taken with Izzy has been like this. I mean, probably only a small percentage of people actually recline their seats on a plane, right? I mean, most people don’t want to crowd their fellow travelers. :crowded: But I always get one of those few that feels they are more entitled to that few inches of space than I am and reclines without even a glance to see who’s behind them. It really used to bug me when I had Izzy on my lap. Now I’m just used to it, but it makes it really hard to get things from under the seats. (And I’m seriously not kidding – you can go back and look at my other TRs and nearly all have a reclined seat in front of me and/or Izzy).

This drives me so crazy that I almost always pay the extra money for a bigger seat. If you can't tell already, I find air travel very frustrating... especially with a child, so I provide myself with a little luxury! It's AMAZING how little space they can legally provide you, and how people just don't seem to care if they take a little bit more of that space.

[Potty Story Alert!]
At some point, Izzy said she had poopies and was making uncomfortable gestures. Oh no, I hadn’t planned for this! :scared: I was slightly panicked as I told Dug what was going on. Spare clothes were in the overhead compartment, so we might have to get down a bag. She was just in underwear (and pants) since she had peed beforehand and only poops overnight (seriously, she insists on only doing that in her diaper – night or naps). She also smelled. Uh oh. Took her to the restroom, filled with dread, and…nothing. :worship: I think we tried the potty, but she didn’t even pee. I had a pull-up in the diaper kit (oh, yeah, forgot to mention we carried that on too, attached to the purse/bag), so put that on her, just in case there were pending poopies. She liked the pull-up – I think it was Sofia the First, so she granted approval of it. :thumbsup2 Back to our seats and silent Frozen.

Truly terrifying. We had a blowout on the plane when Maple was just 3 1/2 months (we were moving to WI). I didn't know it was a blowout until I got into the bathroom (they did have a changing table, thank GOODNESS)... and I ended up bringing her out of the bathroom with nothing but a diaper on! Everyone thought it was cute though, so it made up for the angry glares from the guy who was waiting for the bathroom for awhile. UGH, people on planes are seriously HALF HUMAN. :furious:

Towards the end of the flight, Izzy started saying she needed to potty again. I knew we were beginning our descent and I didn’t think we could get up anymore, but I asked the flight attendant that was passing by, as Izzy was getting really upset and me telling her she had a pull-up on was not calming her. :headache: The flight attendant said no to the restroom and then critically told me that Izzy had kicked the seat in front of her during the two seconds I turned to look at the flight attendant. Well, of course, there’s .2 inches of legroom and she’s upset. o_O Honestly, if you’re going to selfishly recline your seat into someone else’s tiny bit of space (or allow your child to do so), then you need to assume you’re going to take a few blows. :upsidedow

Do you think all of this rudeness/lack of helpfullness is the airline? Maybe I'm just reading into it "darkly" because I can't stand airline service (outside of Southwest... THE BEST), but this all seems REALLY bad!! Is it really necessary to add in that comment? Can you REALLY not stand up and use the bathroom? I alway see old priveledged white guys just getting up 5 minutes before landing and no one says anything. I think I need to go have a glass of wine, because this wasn't even my experience but I'm irate about it! :headache:

Dug was not enjoying the descent, as he had pressure in his ears that wasn’t being helped by chewing gum, yawning, etc. :listen: He’d had a cold recently and it was probably still causing issues. He was worried his eardrum would burst or something. Luckily, it cleared up on the Magical Express and didn’t cause any trouble afterwards. Scared him, though.

Glad it didn't last. Getting sick or feeling bad is always my worst vacation fear! And because I fear it so much, I often AM sick for a day before our trip and the first day of our trip... because I make myself sick. Stupid brain.

Glad you made it to MCO! I might not have... they would have landed in Nashville and made me get off the plane for yelling at a flight attendant!! :teeth:
I'm here! I had a chance to sneak onto the DISboards and read your updates during my conference, but didn't get a chance to officially check in.

The night before traveling always tends to run away for me... I always have the best intentions to get to bed at a decent time and it never happens. :sad2: I hope you weren't too tired later in the day!

I'm glad Izzy was agreeable to leaving AND to wearing her Minnie fleece. The fleece is adorable!

How stressful about the carseat! :scared: I'm glad you were able to find the elusive sticker!

I feel like I remember from prior trip reports that you didn't used to drink caffeine? I'm glad you've come over to the dark side! :laughing:

Sun Country used to offer breakfast sandwiches or hamburgers (depending on the time of your flight) from what I remember. What a bummer that they no longer offer any snacks!

That's too bad about the reclined seats. I'm afraid I've reclined my seat once or twice, but it's always been on super early or super late flights (when most of the plane was sleeping, including me). I hope I didn't cause too many issues!

And, you've arrived! Hooray! :yay:
Oh wow, sounds like a bit of a stressful airport/flight adventure!
You know, it really wasn't too bad - certainly not any tougher than some of our other flights. But it's never a relaxing paradise to fly with a toddler and all their stuff, either. I have had one flight on my own since Izzy was born (for work) and it was SO EASY! :cloud9: I do miss that type of flying experience.

I hope everything was still okay with your luggage for the cruise without the luggage tags!
It worked out okay, but I don't think the porter was too pleased with me. :sad2:

I'm with you on the seat-reclining thing - so annoying. I never recline my own seat and get so frustrated when the person in front of me does it, usually all the way back at the first chance they get.
Yep, same here!

I love the selfie of you and Izzy on the plane - you two look so happy!
Thanks, she really loves taking selfies. Seeing herself makes her laugh. :)

I'm glad that Dug's ears started feeling better quickly!
Me too, he was really scared for a bit. That would have really thrown off our plans.

I have had that happen ONE time too! The TSA agent basically said the same thing. IMO they don't offer enough milk options beyond security for them to say ANYTHING about it - they test it and that should be it. I hate when people are on a power trip.
I agree - and it really bugged me that she said she "learned it from traveling with her grandkids". :headache: Hey, that's nice that you went on a flight with your grandkids, but I've been on a lot of flights with my own kid and nobody has ever taken issue with this.

I think if the line is short for the regular security, you might save about 30 seconds total via Pre-Check - the reason I like it is basically for the shorter line (but I always wear easy shoes and carry no toiletries).
I just like avoiding the hassle. I'd rather not do anything more than I need to in getting through security. It's a special treat. :rotfl:

Poor you guys, and poor izzy! That trip must have been hard with all the potty breaks you took. I hope it got better though and she is doing better now.
It was really draining to keep making unnecessary potty runs. :faint: It was pretty consistently bad on the trip, but she's gone back to normal at home. :confused3

Phew! I have never been asked nor do I have a clue where it is. I'll put this on my to-do list for France though just in case, as that will be a TERRIBLE flight if she can't sit in the seat. Glad you found the label!
Yes, definitely take a look, I'd think they'd be more likely to check that on an international flight. Not that I have a clue, but still, good to know where it is.

LOL that sounds like a nice flight?! Andrew gets the same treatment bc he claims his knee hurts. It's just his right knee, so if we sit on the right side of the aisle I can make him sit in the middle and be Aria's playmate, but if we are on the left he insists on being in the aisle.
Ha, at least his hurting knee is consistent - I'd get worried if it switched back and forth. :rotfl: Well, as long as you're in charge of seating, it should work out okay. ::yes::

That is good she likes it without sound at least! Luckily Aria loves her headphones. This reminded me of this family who goes to Aria's ballet class. The girls bring their ipads and listen at full volume during the ENTIRE class while I am sitting there watching Aria. It is SO SO SO annoying!! (I KNOW that isn't what you guys were doing AT ALL, it just reminded me of them. Thankfully tonight is her last class!)
Ugh, that would drive me nuts too! :headache: I always notice when a kid is watching an iPad movie with even low volume on the plane, so I have it all the way off. She was totally content to just watch it and talk about it with me. You'd think she'd miss hearing the songs, but nope. :confused3

Rude! Geez, if the family in front complained that might be one thing (though the girl sitting forward is super annoying too) but how rude of an attendant to say that. Plus usually they are very accommodating with a toddlers potty needs! Glad she held out though!
I was really taken by surprise at that flight attendant. I mean, I was keeping Izzy from kicking, for the most part (I mean, with the reclined seat, just moving her feet was a light kick, since it was up against her toes), but I had to look at the flight attendant to ask her about the potty that Izzy was screaming for and crying about - and the judgy tone she gave me was totally unnecessary, especially since she was denying this upset kid what she needed. >:(

Ugh! I can't even remember when this happened to me - thinking Texas in April? - it IS scary though! It hurts! I was in tears on the flight and walking to get the bags, when it finally clears up (which it feels like that will NEVER happen) it is such a relief. I'm glad it cleared up for him! As a kid, this happened to me on EVERY flight (and we flew a ton) - I was so worried Aria inherited that but thankfully she's never had a problem.
Sorry that happened to you too! Dug was really not doing well for awhile there. Luckily, it did resolve itself, but we were nervous. Glad Aria didn't inherit that issue!

Whew. I didn't think it was possible, but I think your solo trip late last summer was less stressful than this airplane ride. That's saying something...
Haha, maybe about equal. I didn't feel like this was too bad. Having a seat and having her contained is about a million times better than trying to hold a squirmy toddler, so that made it seem more pleasant than some past flights.

No milk over 2? That sounds strange. 2 year olds need milk just as much as 1 year olds and some kids (mine) only drink one specific brand. (The most expensive stuff, naturally.)
I agree. And what business was it of hers to inquire on the type of milk I had? I didn't cover this, but she asked about breast milk - so what if it was? I told her honestly it was just regular milk, though, but I did nurse Izzy (at night, at least) up until 25 months, so it's not a crazy thought that someone might do that. It was like she was trying to crack down on people who weren't bringing special enough milk. It was weird and overly personal to me.

I was laughing at your food pyramid comments. I think all parents of toddlers have been there. I'm pretty sure Landon eats a month's worth of grapes and apple slices on Disney trips because that's all he wants to eat. So I'm usually like, just give it to him so we can go!
Grapes and apple slices sound a lot healthier than cookies and pretzels. :rotfl2: But, yeah, as long as she's eating something, it's a win.

A kid definitely didn't need to recline their seat. Yeesh. I mean, if they were gonna nap or something then maybe. But just to do it cuz moms doing it. No way. Poor Izzy.
Exactly! That's the main issue I have - just doing it to do it. If she really needed a nap, fine, but neither mom nor daughter was napping or trying to.

You guys are in Orlando now! That's exciting. Almost to Disney!
Almost there! Only one giant meltdown first! :rolleyes1

Your post cracks me up. I should share it with my 2 sisters who both have kids 2 and under. They have never been on a plane with them. I kept telling them, what could go wrong!!?!
I'll just tell them, lots of ipad, toys, pipe cleaners, and diapers/pullups!
Haha, it's not too bad if you are prepared. The ideal is a sleeping kid, but I like having a bag full of novelties to distract them. It's a lot easier than trying to get them to read the in-flight magazines the whole time. :rotfl:

Glad you made it there ok and that your DH's eardrums didn't pop! That would not be a good start to vacay!
Thanks, so glad he was okay. It was a bit nerve-wracking for a while there.

Yay! You made it!!
Yay, Florida! :cool1:

I was wondering how Sun Country would work out when you mentioned them in your PTR. It looks like less leg room than other planes (even before the recliner fiasco :mad:) and no snack? Boo!
I'm not sure how the legroom compared - seemed similar to Delta, I think. And all snacks were an extra charge. :sad2: At least we were prepared.

We had a recliner in front of us and I have to agree with you. On one hand, I blame the airline for designing the plane in a way that one person's comfort takes away from the next person. But people know that and still choose to do it so I agree that it is rude! The same person also stuck their bag under their seat and pushed it so far back that it took up my DH's area for his feet. The flight attendant did make them move it so that helped. :yay:
Totally agree that the airlines are trying to cram in as many people as they can and sacrificing comfort/personal space to do so. Wow, I can't believe that bag thing - how do they not know it's the seat in FRONT of you. :confused3 Glad the flight attendant stepped in on that one!

Yay for pre-check even though you ended up having some other delays with the milk. I ended up getting a pat down at both airports!:rotfl2:
Oh no! :eek:

They said (in Pittsburgh) that it was because of the shirt that I was wearing. It was a longer flowy shirt and the extra material on top of my jeans didn't allow the machine to xray (or whatever) the entire way through. I made sure to wear a different shirt that I thought would be better on the way home but still got a pat down! :confused3
Wow, I've never heard that about the long shirts. Bummer that they still did it again on the way back! :sad2:

Can't wait to read more about your trip!
Thanks! :goodvibes
I guess we know where Izzy's "Later"s come from! :rotfl:
:rotfl2: Good point!

Quite a victory. :thumbsup2

Such a comedian. :rotfl:

Meh its vacation. Sometimes you just do what you gotta do.
Yep, you will definitely see that throughout the trip. Macaroni for every meal? Oh, yeah! :rotfl2:

Which can be more valuable than time anyways!
Agreed. ::yes::

You would think.
That one kind-of baffled me, but I didn't want to challenge her on it.

:rolleyes: indeed.

:rolleyes: Two year olds!

Ugh! Rude!

Whatever works.
Yep, no need to push the headphones on her if she was happy with no sound. She should have been born in the silent movie era. :rotfl2:

Bannana to save the day! :banana:

OMG!!! So it isn't just Little MIss?!?!? Its why we haven't switched to underwear yet.
Oh, that's good to know it's not just her! We have her in underwear most of the time, but still diapers for nap and nighttime. And that's when she does her business. However, just in the last few days, she's gone poopy in the potty twice, so maybe she's finally coming around. She had been telling me that "poopies are yucky", so I've been trying to convince her that putting them directly in the potty is great, because you can flush them away and not have to have them in your diaper for hours. Maybe it worked. :confused3

You know its bad when the two year old doesn't have room.
Yep. Of course, the carseat pushes her pretty far forward, but still.

::yes:: Yeah years back DH and I were on our way to Hawaii to see relatives. We had already been traveling for 10-11 hours when we boarded the plane to Oahu. I had just enough time to lower the tray table before the chair in front of me reclines and shoves the table into me. I couldn't even raise the table. I had to shift to make things work. About half way through the trip he had the gall to turn around and complain that I was bumping his chair. If looks could kill....DH had to jump in and resolve the situation before I said something and caused bloodshed. :rotfl:
Ugh, so sorry that happened to you! We had one flight where the same thing happened to Dug with the tray table. He was none too gentle about shaking it around to dislodge himself, but the person never even turned around, despite their chair shaking wildly. :confused3 At least he managed to get the table back up, but then couldn't use it during the rest of the flight. :headache:

What a hectic morning! Sorry about all the rude people you encountered. :(
Thanks, it didn't strike me as too bad at the time, but now I see the pattern a bit and I guess it wasn't the best morning for the air travel crew.

What type of car seat do you use for flights? Is it lightweight? When we flew with DS at 4, we didn't use one, but DD will only be 3 on our next trip... (Baby will be in lap.)
I have heard many good things about the Cosco Scenera for travel, but I ended up getting the very similar Evenflo Tribute instead, as I was able to catch a very good deal on it (around $30 and it's normally $50-$60, I think). It's very lightweight and has served its purpose well. We use it for travel and as a spare when a grandparent needs one. It's not fancy, but it's safe and reasonably comfortable and easy to deal with. It's very nice to not have to mess with the Britax Marathons we have in our cars - we just leave them installed and use this for other vehicles. I would just look at the limits on whatever you get. I don't know your DD's size, but some of the cheaper ones like this have lower weight/height limits than the nicer seats. I just noticed that Izzy is only an inch away from having to forward face in this seat vs. our regular one that she won't outgrow rear-facing until she gains 5 more pounds. Then the travel seat only goes to 40 pounds forward-facing, I think, vs. our regular one is like 65. But, for our purposes now, it's worked great and surely worth the small price we paid. :thumbsup2

I hate it when people recline, especially if the seat just comes crashing back toward you. Once, DH was getting something from below the seat when someone did this in front of him. He ended up getting smacked really hard in the head and trapped. He had to push the seat back up to be able to sit up. The guy in front just muttered under his breath and rudely glared at DH. He didn't even apologize. He's lucky it was DH and not me. I have a temper and don't care about making a scene.

Usually though, we just end up with our drink, hopefully iced and not hot, in our lap or the laptop takes a nosedive or almost gets crushed.
Oh no! :headache: I had a close call like that once, but thankfully escaped being smacked in the head. Poor DH! Super annoying about the drinks and laptop too! :sad2:

It sounds like you survived the inhumanity of flying without being arrested or embarrassed in front of your daughter:) Now onward to the inhumanity of being in public with a child that is potty-training:)
That's right! ::yes::

11 minutes behind schedule is about 1/2 ahead of schedule is "people with toddlers" world. Seriously, we have events with my wife's moms group and no one even bothers giving a heads up unless they are more than an hour late as everyone run late
:rotfl2: That does make me feel better. I was feeling pretty bad at how late we kept showing up to things.


hey, that is actual sustenance ... I think you are doing great!
Thanks! :goodvibes

Just a note that with multiple kids handling "who pushes the elevator buttons" becomes as complicated as the treaty of Versailles
I believe it. I am following an Aulani TR with two kids that's called, "My turn for the elevator button!" (or something like that) - it was an ongoing battle for them.

Not sure about time saving, but anything that makes going through security easier is worth it in my book - just so much stuff to worry about!
Yep, totally agree.

Ugh, I hope that isn't her attitude towards everything. "I learned on a trip I was taking with the orphan choir I teach that you aren't allowed to take loaded handguns on the plane ... but I'll let it slide this time"
:lmao: It just seemed like such a strange thing to say. :confused3

Um, you'd think at the point Dug would at least pretend he had a terrible flight ;)
Well, he does pull it out at the end with the ear pressure issue. ::yes::

Oh my gosh, my kids always go crazy over ice cubes. We don't drink soda so usually comes from ice water but sometimes they make a grab for cubes in the empty mixed drink glass or something :crazy2:
I've had to stop Izzy from going into alcoholic drink glasses too. :rotfl:

If it is an overnight flight or very late/very early and you are trying to get some sleep I can see reclining the seat ... but knowing that the little girl in front wasn't even sitting back would definitely annoy me
Yes, I agree - if it's a sleeping situation, I get it. But a little girl playing? Not so much.

Well, you made it - an no disasters yet or anything (well, at least I hope the fact you forgot the cruise luggage tags wasn't a big deal :scared:)
We made it and that will work out. Spoiler: they still let us and our luggage onboard. :thumbsup2

uh oh! interested to see how this plays out
It will be okay. Just awkward. :rotfl:

Yay! I totally get the jacket thing. A few days ago, I threw a light jacket in with the stuff we brought with us to Hersheypark, and when DS saw it he insisted on wearing it throughout the afternoon/evening; it wasn't as hot as it had been in the morning but it was still too hot for a jacket!
We have struggled with this all spring. She was wearing her hat, mittens, winter jacket, and boots on 60+ degree days. We eventually worked her down to more reasonable attire.

me neither!! We usually do road trips, and it's always touch-and-go how we're going to get everything in the car, LOL!! :rolleyes1
I like road trips - nobody makes you cram things into certain sizes of bags and separate your toiletries, etc. :thumbsup2 Just limited by the space in your vehicle.

Yeesh! That's exciting (and stressful!) for your in-laws, but potentially a bummer for you to lose your easy airport trips!
Well, the good news is that they are hoping to buy in the same area and continue the airport rides. Hope it works out! They have a good possibility right now.

Hey, bananas and milk have lots of nutrients! Pretzels are really no different than cereal, right? As for the cookie, it's what vacation is for! :-)
Thank you for the justification help! :goodvibes

Good luck with this - my 4YO still refuses to do "that" anyplace but in his pull-up. When I try putting them away entirely he just withholds for days at a time, so I relent because I don't want the greater health issues. But at this point he's big enough that he will go into another room and just get it and put it on himself! :sad2::scared:
Oh no, that is totally something I could see Izzy doing! She can wait a long time, if needed. That's wild that he goes to get them on his own. :rotfl: Not sure if it will keep up, but Izzy did go in the daycare potty a couple days ago, then here tonight in the potty. Here's hoping she learns it's a good option.

I really LOVE this picture! She's so adorable :flower1:
Aw, thanks! It turned out pretty cute considering she'd just been upset and in tears a few minutes earlier.

I had a similar experience a number of years ago flying into Jacksonville; it was just a weekend trip and while I didn't have any actual damage, I did have affected hearing in one ear for all of the weekend and then some. Just an annoyance but REALLY annoying!! Glad his cleared up!
Oh, wow, the whole weekend! So glad it cleared up for you!

duh duh duh...:rolleyes1
The Mickey/Minnie fleece is super cute!! I wish it came in an adult size!
I know, isn't it adorable?! That was from the Old Navy outlet on Oahu - we picked it up after landing in Hawaii, as the fleece we brought went missing during our layover. I'd like one too! :thumbsup2

I do not miss the early days of a potty-trained child. All of the begging and pleading to go potty before we get in the car/go to the movie/go to a show/go on a ride!
Sounds like this "potty training" thing goes on much longer than I ever imagined. :faint:

You really do handle things like a pro!
Aw, thanks! :flower3: Just doing the best I can to muddle through, really.

You don't have to beg and plead about the restroom anymore? What's your secret? DS is 9 and still thinks going to the bathroom is a punishment:(
You guys are starting to scare me...:scared:

So... you got the Panera, but didn't have to go to the meeting??? Sounds like a win to me!!!
Haha, true! Most of our meetings that involve food are with clients, so it's the sales reps and important people. Our accounting group has few meetings and they almost never involve lunch. But we are all really good about running for the scraps. :rotfl2:

Oh my gosh. That picture could be the next great cat meme. :rotfl2::rotfl::lmao:
Haha, kitty can go viral! :thumbsup2

Thank goodness it worked! The way you kept mentioning it during the PTR I was afraid it would never be "later."
Me too!

Uh oh... I take it that it must have worked out though?
It did, but I felt bad about it.

I know exactly how you feel. :headache:
Glad I'm not the only one! You guys are making me feel better! I like to be on time for things and this trip was rough in that department.

Hey, gotta make up time somewhere!
Haha, yes! Justified!

We did the same thing with the carseat we checked. That bag was stuffed with all sorts of extras.
It's a good trick! :thumbsup2 Also a good reason to use a bag to check a carseat or stroller - doesn't just keep it cleaner/safer, but doubles as a storage device!

You're in an airport and you're keeping her happy. That's all anyone can ask.

They don't.
:rotfl2: This also makes me feel better. I feel like I've read a lot of TRs that are like, "Then we packed one bag for our family of 5's 10 day trip..." :faint:

I know you said "as directed" but I can't help but think of this...

:lmao: I was afraid that might happen, but thankfully she was feeling pretty obedient the whole time and only hit the ones we asked her to. :thumbsup2

Did you happen to see that story a couple of weeks ago about something like TSA agents failing to detect something like 95% of fake explosives and weapons that agents tried to sneak past them? I think the training might be a little lacking.
I did see something about that! Yes, they apparently could use some additional training. :eek:

I always get that too. They usually come to an abrupt stop and get whiplash before they lean back too far when they slam into my knees.

I'm glad you were prepared and it all worked out.
Me too!

That really helps the situation. :headache: :sad2:

I keep hearing that term lately and had to use it! :rotfl2:

:wave2:Hi! I followed along on your PTR but I didn't realise you had started your TR!
:welcome: Glad you made it over!

I must be weird too because I LOVE sleeping and even WDW can't compete! Christmas...maybe! But then I'm like five! :rotfl:
Yay, sleepers unite! :goodvibes :rotfl2:

:lmao:That's hilarious!
I wonder if he has jokes prepared for all destinations?

Such a cutie! And that cookie looks awesome! ::yes::
Thanks! And, yes, it looks tasty!

Hey, sounds about right to me :thumbsup2

I love that! :rotfl2:
I keep hearing that and it describes things well. :rotfl:

I think 10 is the magic age!
It is only in the past six months that she has decided to go when I go without my even asking her! Or even bring up the bathroom on her own!!
Wow, so I only have another 7 years or so of potty training?! :faint: :rotfl:

I always enjoy reading your travel updates because they are so blow by blow. Poor Izzy. Nothing like having to poop on the plane. I can't believe the flight attendant gave you crap for Izzy kicking the seat in front of her. For real?
Glad that you enjoy them! Not sure if they are boring or interesting that way - guess it depends on how much detail one wants. I like details, though, so why not? I couldn't believe that flight attendant and the judgy way she said that. I mean, I'm not controlling her every second. She is a person and you are denying her bathroom privileges and her feet are less than an inch from an unnecessarily reclined seat. :headache:

And OMG to having to find the tag for your car seat. Ugh - can you imagine if you couldn't find it?????
I was really scared I wouldn't find it - I was actually trying to pull up the seat online to show her, but then I found the sticker. They were definitely going to make me check it otherwise. :sad2:

I cracked up when you said you like Disney but you REALLY like your sleep. :rotfl2:
:rotfl2: It's so true, though. I always have to convince myself to get up, even at WDW. I have conversations in my head that involve, "Oh, you can probably do Test Track later..." and then talking myself out of that.

I almost forgot - your sweet cat! Did she try to jump in your suitcases. That's what mine always does. Cats know when their owners are about to go on a trip.
She usually does get in a suitcase and make herself comfortable. Not sure if she did this time - I didn't notice, but maybe when Dug was packing. She hates it when suitcases come out because, as you said, she KNOWS and she is not pleased.

OMG your cat glaring at you is so cute! My cats don't glare when I'm packing, they just come in the bedroom and inspect everything, it's ridiculous!
Haha, Kitty does like to inspect, but she also lets her displeasure at being abandoned be known. >:(

You make it sound so easy to fly with a toddler, I see so many people struggling with their kids when we go to Disney, and Izzy is such a pro! :thumbsup2
Thanks! It helps to be prepared/over-prepared in order to keep them occupied. But it's a lot of work to keep them happy sometimes.

Ummm...so I had no idea it was rude to recline your seat on a plane. :scared: I always see people doing it, so I always do too...maybe now I'll pay more attention to see if I'm annoying the person behind me. I really never gave it much thought, and I like to think I'm a pretty considerate flier. :confused3
I understand - I never really paid much attention until I had a baby in my lap and the seat came flying back at her. I think that late/early/overnight flights are totally okay to recline without a care, as it's expected. Otherwise, I think I'd always just take a peek at who's behind me (as you're boarding or whenever) to see if you have a potential issue. If there is a lap baby, carseat, someone next to a toddler, larger person, etc., you might want to be careful or even just ask if they mind. If you see a person reclined in back of you, go right ahead without a second thought, though. I think the main gripe I have is people who are reclining just cause - like not relaxing/sleeping, just hogging space for the heck of it. Or letting their kids do so, especially when someone else could use it more.

Can't blame Izzy for kicking the person in front of her because she had to poop, I'm sure plenty of adults would want to do the same thing!
:lmao: So true!
Following along! Can't wait to read more. I also can't wait to hear more about Izzy acting like a true toddler. Oh toddlers, aren't they fun!
:welcome: Yes, you'll hear a few toddler stories on here! They are "fun". :rotfl:

That's almost exactly the age Caden was on our trip. He was 3 months before 3.
Well, that makes a lot of sense - given what you experienced on your trip vs. this one. ::yes::

Haha about pooping at night! Caden does that too! He poops every morning in his diaper! Lol
I think he's pooped in the toilet 2x and his pants 2x. And he's been potty trained for almost 3 months now. :P
Glad to know we're not alone! Izzy did poop in the potty at daycare the other day and she did at home tonight, so progress, I hope! Let's just pray she keeps it up! I hope Caden catches on too!

I can't wait to read the rest of your tr. I gave a 14 month old Izzy that is going on her first trip next week. Your Izzy reminds me a lot of how mine is!
:welcome: How cool that you have an Izzy too! :goodvibes Our first trip with ours was at 14 months, so that's a great time to go! (Not sure if you saw that completed TR already, but link is in signature if you're interested). I hope you have a wonderful trip with your Izzy! Let me know how it goes! :goodvibes

I'm so glad that she agreed to the trip! That would have been a pretty big disappointment in Princess (not a Princess) Izzy decided it was a no go that morning! :rotfl:
I know, can you imagine how depressing it would be to cancel all those ADRs? :rotfl:

Hmm...this sounds familiar. I'm taking the boys on a road trip tomorrow and I'm supposed to be in bed in 15 minutes. :rotfl2:
Haha, hope you got some sleep! Where did you go?

That is my entire life.
Nice to know we're not alone.

YES! I think we are going to be sticking with Southwest because when we fly with them we get 10 BAGS! Plus a carry on each. Not that we bring that many...but we could. The only thing stopping us is figuring out how to maneuver 10 bags, 5 carry ons, a stroller, a car seat, and 3 kids through the airport.
Wow, that's a LOT of bags! I think it would be quite an impressive feat if you could get all of that in a car and through the airport! :rotfl2:

This would have really bothered me too. It would be different on an overnight flight when most people are reclined/sleeping, but this was totally different.
Absolutely agree. Overnight is a different situation. Just goofing around while awake, that's the annoyance.

But it does sound like Izzy was pretty happy with her entertainment options during the flight! You can't beat flying Minnie! ::MinnieMo
Yes, the stuff we had along worked out really well and she was generally amused!

I love this idea! Adding it to our airplane bags next trip!
I saw it recommended somewhere before our trip and had some old ones laying around, so tossed them into the bag - glad I did!

Excited to read more about your trip!

And all through the house,
Not a creature was stirring,
For they'd soon see a mouse.
I like it! :thumbsup2

Free. That's the best kind.
100% agree. To quote Captain Oblivious' TR, "If it's free, it's for me!" ::yes::

:lmao: OMG! It's Grumpy Cat's cousin!!
:rotfl2: The funny thing is she's normally a very sweet, pleasant cat, but she lets you know when you've angered her. :scared:

I like that!
Yes, that was my "non-crafty person's countdown chain". :rotfl2: I had all these Magic Bands laying around, so figured I'd put them to good use.

That's more than... well, everybody else on the DIS manages.
True, everyone else is so excited they just can't sleep. :faint:

No comment.

I don't know you well enough yet.

Oh, I have plenty... just not going to relate them.


Okay. I get that.
Sleep is awesome. :thumbsup2

That's such a cute pic of Izzy following Daddy.

Ah yes the white noise machine.
As a shift worker, I've tried it, but I found I was waking up with headaches.
My machine did all kinds of sounds, but the weirdest was the waves sound.
Normal, except once in a while you'd hear a seagull cry out, or a buoy bell ring.

Yeah, if that didn't jar you out of sleep, nothing would.
That sure would! :eek: Ours is just a very basic one that only has the fan-like noise and nothing else. Works pretty well, so we just keep on using it. She can sleep without it, but we keep using it, on the chance that it helps her (and therefore us) sleep better.

:eek: Oops.

Seems perfectly reasonable. You are going to Disney after all.
Yep, makes sense. ::yes::

Yeah. Didn't need to see that. I just this afternoon got a speeding ticket.
The limit is 35 then down to 30 for one... ONE block, then back up to 35.
Got clocked at 41. Great. That's $260 plus points on the licence. Terrific.
Oh no! Sorry! That's a huge bummer! :sad2: So annoying about the one block too. Sometimes I think those things are solely to give out speeding tickets. :scratchin

We just let our kids live in squalor.
Worked well for us.

Seems reasonable. :rotfl:

That thing's as big as her head!
Just about!

First thing I thought of????


You're right. That is strange.
How'd you like your surgeon to say that?
"I'm going to operate on your brain. I learned about it from a CSI show I watched."
:lmao::lmao::lmao: Love this! Good comparison - that's how it felt to me.

Aaaaannnndddd..... Scaled!

Hey, a girl's gotta have standards.
She does indeed.

You mis-heard. She said they were taking carry-on bag.
You missed it.
I think that must have been it. :rotfl:

That's odd. You'd think they'd put it somewhere really obvious and visible.
I know - that's why it was so tough to find - just seemed like it should be in a main area. :confused3

Standards may change based on necessity.

Sounds like a plot for an adventure movie.
"Izzy Jones and the Forbidden Milk."
I'd like to see that one.

Since I'm knew around here, that's the first picture of you I've seen!
Hi! :wave2: (Technically, I am in the intro post, but I'm being overshadowed by a large Wookie, so you may have missed me. :rolleyes1)

Love how happy she looks! :goodvibes:
Thanks, she loves her little "friends."

You sound like my DW. Always Diet Coke in the morning, never coffee.
Yep! I've been doing a lot of Diet Mountain Dew in the morning lately. I mean, there's orange juice in it, so must be a morning drink. :rotfl2:

Ugh. I always make sure to "accidentally" bang the seat-back. "Oops. Whoops. Oh, dear. Whups."
Usually, they decide to un-recline. Don't know why. :rolleyes:
Solid strategy! :thumbsup2

I have no idea, but I suspect you're right.
It always seems like it's just the people in front of me and NO ONE else (that I can see, at least).

Two very happy ladies. :)
Selfies are fun! :rotfl:


Really? Huh. I guess she knows the story and doesn't need the sound?
I guess so. :confused3 Maybe she is tired of hearing "Let It Go". :rotfl:



So why recline? Because her mother is too stupid to figure it out and that's what she's teaching her daughter.
Exactly. Why consider others? I even saw the daughter glance back at one point and seem hesitant, but mom didn't care a bit and fully encouraged it.

That does not look comfortable.
Nope. She literally couldn't move her feet around at all. :sad2:

"Oh, I know! Isn't it terrible? You'd think this airline would provide us with proper legroom or prevent self-absorbed passengers from reclining into other's personal space. Well, I really appreciate your kind offer to upgrade us to the seats with more legroom, but the flight's almost over so we'll just sit tight. Thanks."
:rotfl2: I will admit that Dug said something similarly passive aggressive at that time - something about how the people in front of us were crowding her, so of course she kicked them. ::yes:: They didn't seem to hear/care.

::yes:: See above comment.

Oh, too bad. Our youngest DD had the same thing when we flew to Hawaii. She was miserable for the entire flight.
Poor thing! So scary and uncomfortable!

Glad it cleared up and I can see how he'd be worried.

Sure! She hadn't been able to move them for a while!
So true!

Oh, oh. Should make for an interesting read! Thanks for the chapter! :goodvibes
Thanks for reading!
With the title of this excerpt, and the intro, I had major fear that kitty died while you were gone! Glad (I now get that you were talking about the people on the PLANE reclining. Duh.)
Oh, geez, sorry to scare you! :eek: But, no, Kitty is totally fine. :thumbsup2

:headache: I felt stupid later, but it all worked out.


I don't know either. The only thing I will say is that the length of the trip doesn't really matter. For a 1 night trip I will bring 70-80% of the stuff I would bring for an 8-night trip. I like the idea of the cruise ship for this reason... get all the gear to one spot, then let the world move around you and you'll always have your stuff within reach. But, yea, it's CRAZY! It's always funny to me how much I can carry and load into the bottom of the stroller... I have been able to get everything in on one trip on a few occasions! One of these times I should just try to bring one bag.... no stroller, no pack and play, no crazy amount of clothing... just see how it goes! HA. Probably will never happen!
I agree with this. Many items need to come along regardless of the trip length. And I love cruises because of how your stuff follows you around too. I'd always be worried that I'd urgently need something I don't have if I just brought one bag.

UGGGGGGH! You are so patient!! I would have LOST IT at this point. Seriously, people with kids need just a LITTLE bit of extra help... with a carry on, with a car seat, with TSA. Sorry you can't RUN to the front to check your bag, or don't know exactly where an FAA approved sticker is. SERIOUSLY, how many car seats AREN'T FAA approved??? LIKE TWO??? ALSO, why does it EVEN MATTER WHEN PEOPLE HOLD THEIR NEWBORN TO TWO YEAR OLD BABIES ON THEIR LAPS??? WHERE IS THE STICKER ON A MOM WHO IS HOLDING HER BABY ON A FLIGHT? "Excuse me ma'am, can you take off your pants, because I need to look for your FAA approval sticker." Good lands!!

Okay, now I'm calm. Seriously, so impressed by your patience.
:lmao: This is hilarious, but also so true! Pretty much all carseats seem to be FAA approved. The sticker doesn't change that approval. And is my kid REALLY safer in a big airplane seat with only a lap belt that they can easily undo (it's a toy to them) vs. being strapped into a 5-point harness of a non-FAA approved seat?!:confused3

This drives me so crazy that I almost always pay the extra money for a bigger seat. If you can't tell already, I find air travel very frustrating... especially with a child, so I provide myself with a little luxury! It's AMAZING how little space they can legally provide you, and how people just don't seem to care if they take a little bit more of that space.
You can pay for bigger seats? Well, I know like a class upgrade, not sure if there are other options. It is a nice luxury, though! :thumbsup2

Truly terrifying. We had a blowout on the plane when Maple was just 3 1/2 months (we were moving to WI). I didn't know it was a blowout until I got into the bathroom (they did have a changing table, thank GOODNESS)... and I ended up bringing her out of the bathroom with nothing but a diaper on! Everyone thought it was cute though, so it made up for the angry glares from the guy who was waiting for the bathroom for awhile. UGH, people on planes are seriously HALF HUMAN. :furious:
That is my nightmare to deal with that! Glad her cuteness could diffuse the situation. :goodvibes

Do you think all of this rudeness/lack of helpfullness is the airline? Maybe I'm just reading into it "darkly" because I can't stand airline service (outside of Southwest... THE BEST), but this all seems REALLY bad!! Is it really necessary to add in that comment? Can you REALLY not stand up and use the bathroom? I alway see old priveledged white guys just getting up 5 minutes before landing and no one says anything. I think I need to go have a glass of wine, because this wasn't even my experience but I'm irate about it! :headache:
Hope you enjoyed the wine! :rotfl: I agree, there was a lot of unnecessary negativity from people on this flight. Especially that comment and the tone she used with me.

Glad it didn't last. Getting sick or feeling bad is always my worst vacation fear! And because I fear it so much, I often AM sick for a day before our trip and the first day of our trip... because I make myself sick. Stupid brain.
Ugh, I HATE being sick on vacation. Totally the worst. I understand the fear. ::yes::

Glad you made it to MCO! I might not have... they would have landed in Nashville and made me get off the plane for yelling at a flight attendant!! :teeth:
:rotfl2: Thankfully, we kept our cool, for the most part.

I'm late, but I'm here!
:welcome: Glad you're here!

I'm here! I had a chance to sneak onto the DISboards and read your updates during my conference, but didn't get a chance to officially check in.
Hope your conference went well and glad you're back on! :goodvibes

The night before traveling always tends to run away for me... I always have the best intentions to get to bed at a decent time and it never happens. :sad2: I hope you weren't too tired later in the day!
Same here. I held up okay.

I'm glad Izzy was agreeable to leaving AND to wearing her Minnie fleece. The fleece is adorable!
Thanks! I'm glad she's willing to wear it these days!

How stressful about the carseat! :scared: I'm glad you were able to find the elusive sticker!
The whole thing was so strange, since I've flown with it so many times before and never been asked. Glad I spotted it, finally.

I feel like I remember from prior trip reports that you didn't used to drink caffeine? I'm glad you've come over to the dark side! :laughing:
Wow, you have a fantastic memory! :eek: I actually considered mentioning that fact, but didn't think anyone would remember/notice. I actually didn't drink caffeine for several years, but the long nights of no sleep with a baby and getting up early for work really did me in. I started in again out of desperation and haven't been able to fully kick the habit again yet. I'm trying to slowly cut down, though (and get more consistent sleep). I don't like being dependent on it like this, which is why I gave it up in the first place.

Sun Country used to offer breakfast sandwiches or hamburgers (depending on the time of your flight) from what I remember. What a bummer that they no longer offer any snacks!
They did have breakfast sandwiches for sale, just not free.

That's too bad about the reclined seats. I'm afraid I've reclined my seat once or twice, but it's always been on super early or super late flights (when most of the plane was sleeping, including me). I hope I didn't cause too many issues!
I think that's understandable when there's the expectation of sleep. It's just the people who do it for fun that bug me. Of all the ones who've reclined in front of me, the one "closest" to sleep was a woman who was just really relaxing while she downed her many airline drinks. :rotfl:

And, you've arrived! Hooray! :yay:
Yay! :cool1:
:rotfl2: The funny thing is she's normally a very sweet, pleasant cat, but she lets you know when you've angered her. :scared:

She certainly does! :laughing:

Sleep is awesome. :thumbsup2

What is this "sleep" that you speak of?

She can sleep without it, but we keep using it, on the chance that it helps her (and therefore us) sleep better.

That's a pretty darned good reason to keep using it!

Sometimes I think those things are solely to give out speeding tickets.

Gee... Ya think?!?!?!!?

(Technically, I am in the intro post, but I'm being overshadowed by a large Wookie, so you may have missed me. :rolleyes1)

Or I may just be too stupid to remember.

Probably that.

I've been doing a lot of Diet Mountain Dew in the morning lately. I mean, there's orange juice in it, so must be a morning drink. :rotfl2:

Makes total sense.

I guess so. :confused3 Maybe she is tired of hearing "Let It Go". :rotfl:


Exactly. Why consider others? I even saw the daughter glance back at one point and seem hesitant, but mom didn't care a bit and fully encouraged it.

And the collective intelligence of the planet goes down by a tiny fraction.

I will admit that Dug said something similarly passive aggressive at that time - something about how the people in front of us were crowding her, so of course she kicked them. ::yes:: They didn't seem to hear/care.

Good for Dug!
Hi there! I found your most recent TR so I'm going to follow along. Yay! I'm going to take time to go back and read your others as I have time, because I just can't believe how old your daughter is! I have to hear about her other WDW adventures.

This update reminded me so much of flying with Dylan when he was 22 months old. All of the luggage, the snacks, the toys, the movies on an electronic device, poop (oh, the poop!). He's 7 years old now (can you believe it?) and I have forgotten about diapers and planes. I'm so glad you survived.

I also had an ear issue like Dug about 3 years ago. I had 2 sinus surgeries to clear up breathing issues, and my first flight after my surgeries...I was fighting a cold. We flew all the way across the country and had 3 up and downs on the plane. By the time I got home I was almost in tears it hurt so bad. I couldn't hear anything in one ear. I woke up the next morning and it hadn't popped. I went to a dr 2 days later and he said the fluid from my cold had gone to my ear and got stuck. His words were " your eardrum hasn't ruptured yet..." It was miserable. I now use ear plugs when I fly and it helps a lot.
I also love sleep. I applaud your ability to get to bed at least close to your goal - I always end up staying up really late the night before and get next to no sleep. So...I'm super cheery on travel day! :thumbsup2

I can't believe how squished poor Izzy's legs and feet were! I always peek behind me and if the person is asleep I do a half way recline. Otherwise, I just leave it! Also, what's with the snarky flight attendant? Ugh. Traveling is already stressful enough without the attitude!
Uggh to the reclining. When DS was 21 months old we were returning from WDW and there was a family of three in front of us. The teenaged son reclined but DS fell asleep before the flight took off so he didn't seem bothered by it. He literally woke up as we were descending 2.5 hours later and started screaming because his ears hurt. Well as I spent about 15 minutes trying to calm him down the woman ( and I use that term loosely, I would rather call her the name of a female dog) in the family in front of us turned around and YELLED at DS ( who was UNDER 2) for kicking her son's ( who was 6 feet tal) seat the WHOLE FLIGHT. Uhm he was asleep the whole flight you evil monster. Who yells at a BABY. I was so livid I actually stood up and told her to sit down and may have accidentally spilled some water I was drinking on her seat when I did ( it was actually an accident but I was kinda happy she had to sit in my ice cube mess the rest of the way. The whole plane booed her and the flight attendant told her to mind her business. I mean who YELLS at a baby. _
Oh no, that is totally something I could see Izzy doing! She can wait a long time, if needed. That's wild that he goes to get them on his own. :rotfl: Not sure if it will keep up, but Izzy did go in the daycare potty a couple days ago, then here tonight in the potty. Here's hoping she learns it's a good option.

yay!!! :goodvibes :goodvibes
I'm here for your newest TR!

I agree with you on people that recline. I'll never understand that self-entitlement people have!
Joining in! I can't believe how Izzy has grown :) She's a cutie-pie. And who could blame her from kicking that seat in front -- some people are just not considerate travelers :confused3 not cool!


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