"I'm NOT a Princess, I'm Izzy!" - May '15 Land/Sea ~ Updated 6/4: Link to Disneyland TR!!!

So sorry to hear the news about your mom. Glad she seems to be doing better though and that mentally she appears pretty sharp. Must have been very scary though and I am sure it must have just been added stress thinking about your trip. Glad that worked out in in the end though. Lot's of thoughts and prayers to you all

And Happy Birthday, birthday buddy!
I have been MIA around here for a very long time! I'm back and catching up once again, even though Im still reading your TR, I wanted to let you know Im sorry to hear about your mom and I hope things continue to improve!
I'm so sorry to hear about your mom. :( How scary!

I'm glad you were able to go on your trip. I've missed your updates! Take care! (And happy birthday!)
How fun that you and Dug got to meet up with some friends! Being a local and heading to Epcot for dinner sounds nice...
It was really nice to meet up with them. And I agree that it would be awesome just to be like, "Hey, let's go to dinner at Epcot tonight." :thumbsup2

I'm impressed with that glass of milk for Izzy. Rory is 3 1/2 now and is just drinking out of an open cup. We only let him have water in it because he manages to spill every time!
I was super nervous about that glass, but somehow we made it through that one. Izzy is almost 4 1/2 now and still spills most drinks that are not in a spill-proof cup (and even some that are!) :sad2:

Nice job transferring sleeping Izzy to the stroller so she could continue her nap! Too bad that the wakeup didn't go very well. I hope the meal still goes okay!
Well, it's a rough one, but still glad we did it.

Sounds like a fun time on Jouney Into Imagination

That reminds me of a scene in the show The Office:
That is probably my favorite Office quote that I randomly bring up sometimes! :goodvibes

Cute pictures from the Character Spot - especially the ones with Mickey tickling Izzy. Though did make me think how strange this would look to aliens or something that didn't know anything about Disney "And then a 6 foot tall rodent tickled their daughter ... and they let it happen!"
:rotfl: She loved it, though. He's a smart rodent. :laughing:

That's great Dug met up with one of his co-workers ... and yeah, I'd be done with being able to just hop over to EPCOT for dinner whenever the mood struck us.
It was nice to meet up, since they all work remotely and seldom get to see each other in person. And I'd love to just skip out to Epcot for a random Tuesday night dinner or something. :thumbsup2

And great too that you got a DISMeet in! Always nice to meet people, even briefly, that you have interacted with online for a while
It was really nice to say hi - wish I didn't scare off so many of my DIS-meets from the boards. :rotfl: (Okay, I don't think it was me, people come and go, but still...I miss them!)

I was going to say that it was great you were able to transfer Izzy to the stroller and that she slept through the travel, etc. - but sounds like it had a negative side too

I hope the meal wasn't too bad with crabby Izzy - especially since it was something you were so looking forward to!
Well....it's probably one of the roughest meals we've ever had with her....but there are still bright spots.

Oh wow, I was WAAAAAYYYYYYY behind!!!
Ha, no worries, I've now given you plenty of time to catch up. :rotfl: I was making a push to finish before our trip, but obviously that didn't happen...still gotta get this thing wrapped up soon, though, if I can!

I'm not a fan of Star Wars, but it looks like your deluxe package day was a hit! Izzy looked like she was really having a blast. Sorry she was such a grouch at the dessert party though. That had to put a damper on things for you!
I'm so glad we did that package. It was a good value for a Disney package and helped our day go much more smoothly than without it. But, yeah, that dessert party wasn't a joy. On the bright side, we just did the current version of the SW Dessert Party on this recent trip and that went much better! :thumbsup2

Did you enjoy breakfast at Akershus? Seems so, but I'm just thinking ahead to when DD is ready for a princess meal. CRT is sooooooo expensive, but none of us are adventurous eaters so the Norwegian fare freaks me out a little. lol Was there enough "typical" breakfast food? Izzy seemed to really enjoy the princesses!
Oh, yeah, there's plenty (even mostly) normal Disney food. I think I only took some odds and ends from the buffet, but the platter had most of what I ate (eggs, potatoes, etc.) I'm not super adventurous, but there were plenty of good options. And who has time to eat with all those princesses visiting anyway? princess:

Yikes, those lines for Nemo!!!! I've never seen it look like that!
Me either! :scared:
I feel for the characters having to do that..
I'm always impressed when they do, though. :thumbsup2

Awesome! I'd be broke and weigh about 600 pounds.
:rotfl: Impressively, this couple didn't seem to meet either of those criteria.

They always do...

I'm glad you posted that. Haven't seen her around in quite a while. I hope everything is ok.
Me too. I think the last I saw was her posting (quite a while ago now) she had a new boyfriend, so hope she's busy with good things. :goodvibes


Stroller naps are good.

Wait, what? You wanted to wake her up?

Ok, I get it. Trying to gently urge her awake before the ADR. I think I'd be tempted to just try to carry her in still asleep and let her sleep while you eat. In fact, we've done that with our kids before. You can actually enjoy a meal that way. :rotfl2:
In retrospect, I wish I'd done that. But this was a long-awaited character meal, so we weren't even thinking about the option of having her miss out. Like I said, though, I wish we'd done what you suggested. Would have been an overall better experience. :rolleyes1

:faint: indeed.

That's awesome that you and Dug had so many meets in one afternoon. It can be fun comparing your trip to others and sharing in the Disney excitement.
It was really fun meeting up with others. This particular trip was a good one for that! :thumbsup2

Poor Izzy. With such a short nap and the heat, I'm sure it was pretty hectic for everyone. I hope she was able to calm down and you got your photo with Jedi Mickey!
Eventually...but it was a rough meal.

I'm so far behind I'm going to have to read and comment in waves-- but, MAN. You ate HARDCORE. I love the parks right before closing, but going out at 1 am to hit Test Track is beyond my abililies. (Bows down in worship....:rotfl2::worship:)
:rotfl2: At least Epcot is a quick and easy walk from BWV, so wasn't too bad going to Epcot. But MK in the middle of the night wasn't really worth it. Luckily, I am a night owl (um, it's 1:30am right now), so it wasn't too against my nature or anything. :rotfl:

MK looked fun (and busy fir the middle of the night!). And now I want a pretzel! I'm really impressed that you had the stamina to do all that. I would have been snoozing and missed all the fun!
Mmmm, I want a pretzel too! Ha, I probably should have been snoozing, but seemed like a once in a lifetime thing to be at the 24 hour day. Not really worth it, though. I wouldn't do it again. But empty Epcot was a blast. :thumbsup2

Looks a little messy... but then...
... you posted that.

Meh. Not steak, so... doesn't matter.
:rotfl: Now that is one food item I've never seen them growing in there.

Holy crap!
:faint: Just... no.
It was kind of a nutso day of lines. :earseek:

Oh, well... You got on so that's okay.


I remember when DW and I rode it for the first time. We burst out laughing when Peach spoke.
I think we may have on our first ride too. :laughing:

I was a bit surprised that they had the same ones from my last visit. I was told that one was due to be returned to the wild soon.
Hmmm, interesting. I don't know anything about them really. Except that it was fun viewing that day.

That's kind of a scary thought actually!

Nice of them.

:lmao: That video is hilarious!
I just wish I had video of her saying it initially, but better than nothing. Still cracks me up. :lmao:

Awwwwww! those pics are so sweet.
She loves her Minnie. ::MinnieMo


Jenny! I miss her. She hasn't posted in almost a year.

Wow. That's one tired little girl!

Oh, dear.
Oh, no.....

Aw the meal at tutto gusto looks great!! I haven't been there in so long!
It was a nice change of pace and fun to try something new-to-us at Disney.

but oh no on Izzy's mood later on, eek! That is never easy with the nap times and all that :( good she got some more time to nap but that quick wake up with the table being ready must have been interesting.
Yeah, this whole scenario didn't play out so well. We're still not very good at making sure she gets enough sleep on trips, but she thankfully handled it better this last time (just had a tiredness-related breakdown at the airport after getting home, and then the next night at home, but did mostly good on the trip itself).
OMG. I've been trying to get caught up and post for like three days-- you were waaaay ahead of me! What an awesome couple of days! The Star Wars stuff is not my thing, exactly, but I have a child who has claimed to be Darth Vader's "cousin" since long before he ever saw the movies, and he would have DIED to hang with Dug all day. We did a SWW when he was about four-- he was really too little, and it was HOT. I am so sad this isn't a choice anymore, because he would be so into it! Speaking of, I love how happy Dug looks in all these pics- it's adorable! And, having finally gotten to see the SW fireworks, I think this might be one of the few dessert parties I would spring for in the future, if they offer it. Those fireworks are so good! What a bummer Izzy was so tired and over it--and that you had to be her arm-chauffeur for the day. The one part of parenting I will never miss is toddler-hood.
Agreed - toddlerhood is rough! Also agree on wishing SWW was still an option. I'm really glad we did what we did with this trip - who knew it would be the end of some of these things? Dug loved it and was definitely in his happy place. :goodvibes

Your Epcot day looks... Crowded. I am scratching my head that anyone would wait 45 minutes for Nemo, but I guess that's a good gauge for park levels! And SO good you had the rider swap! (Also-R.I.P. old Soarin.) poor Izzy looks so done--I guess a park-cruise-park trip will really wear you out! Eager to hear more about your meal!
Yes, I don't know that I'd ever do park-cruise-park again - it is draining! (at least the way we did it :laughing:) This last time, we did cruise-park and I felt better about that. And, yes, I just can't imagine waiting in those dreadful lines, but I guess people do it. :confused3

Hiiiiiii!!!! :wave:
I took a very extended break from the boards but I'm back and trying to find some of the TRs I've been missing! :thumbsup2 Can't wait to catch up on your adventures.
Welcome back! :goodvibes Glad you are here! Hope you're doing well.

:rotfl2::rotfl2::rotfl2: I can only imagine! I've only read your intro so far but I'm going to try to catch up as quickly as possible!
No worries, I've been offline for most of the last month, so nothing new to keep up with. I do hope to get this thing up and running again soon...I have too many other trips I want to write about too!
Oh my! I hope your mom gets better soon. That has to be stressful for all of you. Glad you still got to do your vacation. Sounds like a blast.
Thank you - she does seem to be improving each day. It's been super stressful, though. We really needed that vacation and had a great time.

I had no idea about your mom - I'm so sorry, but glad to hear she is doing well with therapy and such. How stressful! I saw a few photos on Facebook so it was neat to follow along for that, can't wait to see more pics and hear all about it :)

I know, I haven't shared anything about my mom on FB or anything, but figured I should explain my absence here. :goodvibes It's been a wild ride and I'm hopeful that the outcome will be reasonably good, but it's been rough. I was reading through an article tonight on recovering from a traumatic brain injury and it really made me realize what a long way she's come and all the stages we've been through.

Trip was great - I only managed to post a couple things during the trip (and Dug did some more), but as usual, we have a ton of pics and fun things to share. I still need to make my notes, though! :eek:

Thanks for the birthday wishes.

I'm sorry to hear about your mom, but glad that she is doing better now. I hope that she continues to make improvements.

Happy Birthday!!

I'm excited to hear about your trip whenever you get a chance to update. We booked Rivers of Light for May - how did Izzy like it?
Thanks, she does seem to be doing a bit better every day. It's a long recovery process, though.

Thanks for the birthday wishes!

I'm excited to share more about the trip, but I suspect it's not going to be anytime soon. I have so many trips to cover! I'm still dying to write about Disneyland and that was a year ago already! :eek: As far as RoL, I wasn't sure if Izzy was enjoying it, but she turned to me at the end and essentially said, "Thank you for taking me to this. I really enjoyed it and I'm glad we did it." :thumbsup2

What an intense and scary time! I know you must have been so worn out and scared-- I guess a trip in the middle of all this really was a good relief from reality. I hope your mom continues to improve and that you find a good living situation for her. Sending all the best wishes for a rapid recovery!!
Thanks so much! And that's exactly right - worn out, scared, overwhelmed, etc. This last month has seemed like about 5 months. I really am trying to get myself back to "normal" as much as possible now (going in to work, being on here, etc.) and it's such a relief. But, at the same time, things still aren't normal, as I have to take off work next week to accompany my mom to a CT scan, etc. But it's getting better. And the trip was much needed, though awkwardly timed.

Sending positive thoughts, hugs and prayers your way! :hug:
Thanks so much, I appreciate them. :goodvibes

So sorry to hear the news about your mom. Glad she seems to be doing better though and that mentally she appears pretty sharp. Must have been very scary though and I am sure it must have just been added stress thinking about your trip. Glad that worked out in in the end though. Lot's of thoughts and prayers to you all

And Happy Birthday, birthday buddy!
Thanks, it's been a rough month. But she's come a long way and I'm working on getting back to "normal" here, so that helps. But there's still a very uncertain path for the future - brain injuries are so challenging. And, yes, the trip really added stress, but I'm glad we did it.

Hope you had a good birthday! :goodvibes

I am sorry to hear about your mom. I hope everything turns out ok. I always say, being an adult sucks!
Agreed! Adulting is hard. I keep telling Izzy to enjoy being a kid when she goes into her "life will be awesome when I'm a grown up" monologues. :rotfl: I don't feel like I'm even old enough yet for the types of responsibilities I've had this past month. And my mom's only 62, so I really wasn't planning on this caregiver-type life phase occurring now. But we're getting through it, step by step.

So sorry to hear about your mom! I hope she continues to improve.
Thank you! She's come a long way, but there are still challenges to overcome. I'm happy to see her mostly acting like her old self and working to improve, though. She told me today that she's been dressing herself, eating better, getting around better, etc. Progress!

I have been MIA around here for a very long time! I'm back and catching up once again, even though Im still reading your TR, I wanted to let you know Im sorry to hear about your mom and I hope things continue to improve!
I'm glad to see you back on here! :goodvibes Are you writing anything right now (or planning to?) Thanks on my mom - I know you've been though a worse scenario and probably understand a lot of the feelings. :hug: Enjoy catching up on the TR!

I'm so sorry to hear about your mom. :( How scary!

I'm glad you were able to go on your trip. I've missed your updates! Take care! (And happy birthday!)
Thanks! It's been scary and overwhelming, but I feel like we're coming out of the other side of the tunnel, hopefully. And the trip was much-needed. And Izzy insisted we need to go back on the Wonder, as she loved it so much (as you know, there is a chance of that happening ;)). I miss updating! And thanks for the birthday wishes. I was okay with this particular birthday taking a backseat to everything else. :rotfl:
I'm so sorry to hear about your mom. I will keep your family in my thoughts as she continues to recover and you guys try to establish a new normal.
I am glad to hear you kept your trip and got some time on a cruise and WDW. I hope it was a chance to catch your breathe and decompress from the stress at home.
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Agreed! Adulting is hard. I keep telling Izzy to enjoy being a kid when she goes into her "life will be awesome when I'm a grown up" monologues. :rotfl: I don't feel like I'm even old enough yet for the types of responsibilities I've had this past month. And my mom's only 62, so I really wasn't planning on this caregiver-type life phase occurring now. But we're getting through it, step by step.
I am in a similar boat in some ways. My mom is doing ok, but she basically needs to stop working sooner than they had planned. And all of the grownup worry that comes with it is just not what I was expecting so soon!

Ugh, and let me tell you about the girl wanting to be a teenager! I have a 6 year old who is "working on" getting a boyfriend! And a 8 soon to be 9 year old starting very early signs growing up! All of it makes me want to run and hide!

I guess we all learn how to adapt. And probably why we all love Disney so much. It's an escape from all of the real world problems!
So sorry to hear about your mom. That must be so difficult for you and your family.

I love reading your trip reports and seeing all the pictures. Thanks for sharing. Izzy is adorable! Such great memories you have created for her on your Disney trips.
I'm so sorry to hear about your mom. I will keep your family in my thoughts as she continues to recover and you guys try to establish a new normal.
I am glad to hear you kept your trip and got some time on a cruise and WDW. I hope it was a chance to catch your breathe and decompress from the stress at home.
Thank you! :goodvibes The cruise in particular was really nice to get away from the stress a bit and decompress. :thumbsup2

I am in a similar boat in some ways. My mom is doing ok, but she basically needs to stop working sooner than they had planned. And all of the grownup worry that comes with it is just not what I was expecting so soon!

Ugh, and let me tell you about the girl wanting to be a teenager! I have a 6 year old who is "working on" getting a boyfriend! And a 8 soon to be 9 year old starting very early signs growing up! All of it makes me want to run and hide!

I guess we all learn how to adapt. And probably why we all love Disney so much. It's an escape from all of the real world problems!
Sorry about the issues you're dealing with regarding your mom too! It's rough to have to be the "grown up". And yikes on the kids trying to grow up so fast! :scared: Izzy's favorite topic of conversation is "when I'm a grown up", but at least it's pretty innocent stuff about wanting to build a house next door to us and ride the bus to work with me, etc. :rotfl: A co-worker was just telling me about his 14 year old daughter the other day and I'm terrified for about 10 years from now. :eek: And, yes, I think that's a big thing we love about Disney - a chance to get away from the real world challenges and be transported into a happy place. pixiedust:

So sorry to hear about your mom. That must be so difficult for you and your family.

I love reading your trip reports and seeing all the pictures. Thanks for sharing. Izzy is adorable! Such great memories you have created for her on your Disney trips.
Thanks so much! It is a rough time, but I feel like the intensity of everything has been lessening and I can catch my breath a bit. Glad you are enjoying the reports! :goodvibes I love being able to give her magical childhood vacations and hope she carries memories/good feelings with her forever.
We’re Gonna Need that Jedi Force, Please! :darth:

So, we left off heading into Jedi Mickey’s character buffet dinner with a 2.5-year-old that was woken up suddenly from a much needed nap. :scared1: The Photopass CMs told us to come back later for the pictures with Jedi Mickey and brought us right to our table. This is a pretty accurate look at how we were doing:

I popped a pirate rubber ducky out of my bag o’ tricks (leftovers from what we gave on the cruise in Fish Extenders):

I guess Izzy thought he looked tasty :confused3 :

Given that scenario, I pulled out some of the leftover little candies (Disney shape sweet tart things) that we put in the Fish Extenders and had her munch on those. While she was doing that, Leia Minnie showed up:

You can see how thrilled she was. :rolleyes: And here is the most disinterested she has EVER been in a Minnie meet:

We were supposed to get placemats that could be rolled into lightsabers, which could have been a fun diversion for her, but those took forever to show up. :headache: But, at the same time, we couldn’t find a good moment to go up to the buffet, as the characters were making the rounds of our section. (Even though Izzy didn’t really care to see them :sad2: ). Thankfully, Chip managed to get her to crack a smile:

And the video, including Dug cracking an Endor joke :duck: :

(click to watch)

Nice to see her looking a slight bit happier:

Dug managed to run up to the buffet at that point to get some food for Izzy and himself. Izzy’s plate:

And Dug’s plate:

And then Darth Goofy came around:

I guess he tried to use his powers on Izzy :rotfl::

She is showing off another pack of that candy we brought (and some exciting straws :laughing: ):

In an act of extreme generosity (or succumbing to the forces of the dark side :scared:), she shared it with Darth Goofy:

This must be when Dug cracked a joke:

Then Goofy used the force to make Izzy vanish:

And then she reappeared for a hug:

Here’s the video of us trying to tear her away from straws and candy to meet him:

Next up was our savior of this dinner, good old Ewok Dale:

As you can see, he was great! :thumbsup2:thumbsup2:thumbsup2 Dale really spent some time trying to get smiles out of her with tickles, etc. We were so happy with this meet. Here’s the video:

Such a great meet! Dale was a bright spot of this evening and really the whole trip, for that matter. :goodvibes And we’re not done with him just yet… :rolleyes1

After that, I FINALLY got to go get my food, about 6:15pm! I also grabbed a treat for Izzy:

Chocolate covered marshmallow on a stick was a hit with her!

This is what I ended up with:

I couldn’t tell you much of anything about it for reasons you’ll see in a bit (but, essentially, that I had to scarf it down amidst madness).

Continued in next post…
Continued from last post…

Pretty much right after I returned from the buffet, Stormtrooper Donald showed up:

Donald was clearly no match for the marshmallow :laughing: :

Since Izzy wasn’t interested in him, I gave Stormtrooper Donald a hug:

And the extreme close up I got in the process :donald: :

He said goodbye to dessert-focused Izzy before moving on:

“Hmm, was that a duck?”:

I guess Dug said something that angered Donald, based on this video:

Minnie returned to our table right after that (and Izzy was holding the placemat lightsaber that she and I apparently made sometime during all this):

Gotta love the chocolate face. No video worth posting of that (just Minnie leaving).

4 minutes after that, Chip was back to admire our unconventional dual handle lightsaber :rotfl2: :

And the video:

It appears that Dug went up for seconds then:

Meanwhile, I remember the waiter coming by to inquire how the food was and I responded that I’d only had time to eat like 3 bites. I think he brought me another Diet Coke, though, as I’d had time to drink in that 45 minutes or so before I first could make a break for the buffet. But I was starving and ready to eat at this point. Which, of course, meant that Izzy was DONE. :sad: Considering the awful state she’d started the meal in, things had gone reasonably well up to this point. But now, she was screaming and crying and inconsolable – nothing in my bag o’ tricks was helping. I know we were getting looks from other diners and I heard someone at a nearby table say, “I’ve been there.” Since we couldn’t calm her, and she was loud enough to be distracting, I felt that she had to be taken outside to calm down.

We’d already seen all the characters, so I wasn’t worried about her missing anything. And she’d eaten as much as she was going to, most likely (though really not much food), so didn’t need to stay at the table. But she really wanted to be on my lap while I ate, which just wasn’t going to work with her screaming and me starving. :headache: At least Dug had consumed a plate of food, so I suggested that he take her out while I finally got to eat something. Well, given the tension of this whole meal, I probably didn’t make that request in the nicest way and he overreacted, jumping up and loudly stating (like where other tables overheard :o ), “Fine, since you think I’m not doing anything to help, watch this…” He took Izzy, who was now screaming even louder, and headed out. Leaving me to look foolish and just eat my food sheepishly, hoping the other diners would look away. :guilty:

After I finished my meal, I went up for dessert. This was a pretty cool display:

My plate of goodies:

I also grabbed a cookie (or 2?) to have ready upon Izzy’s return:

So, the process of taking her out was rough, but you know what? It worked. She calmed down outside and then decided she wanted to go potty (gotta see all the Disney potties, remember?) Dug brought her in and actually ran into our friend Danielle (@IheartDDuck ) and her brother Jason, as they were sitting near the restrooms. I’d known our ADRs overlapped, but with everything going on, I hadn’t had time to even consider texting her. At 6:52pm, Izzy and Dug returned from a successful restroom visit (and don’t they look thrilled? :lmao:):

Izzy liked her cookie and was in much better spirits now. As was I, since I’d actually had a chance to eat something. I think Dug finished up the seconds he hadn’t gotten to eat yet. Dug was also in a better mood and suggested I go chat with Danielle while he and Izzy hung out. So, I did and we had a nice little visit. :goodvibes Good to talk with an adult (that was seated far enough away to not know of our troubles) after all that. On my way back to the table, I stopped for some delicious blue milk ice cream. :thumbsup2

While I was gone, I guess Donald and Minnie stopped by yet again. I love this incredibly serious looking picture :rotfl2: :

More fun:

I guess this is all we have of Minnie, haha:

(click to watch)

Once I was back, Goofy returned while Izzy was digging into her ice cream (licking her lips, even!):

He couldn’t compete:

But still cute:

And I got a hug:

So did Dug:

And the video:

Continued in next post…
Continued from previous post…

Mmm, this blue milk ice cream was really good:

Izzy pointed out to me that there was a little Tinkerbell on her cup :tinker: :

And then our BFF Dale returned again, full of the same wonderful antics and totally delighting her:

Chip came by toward the end of the meet and completely diverted her affections :rotfl: (as you’ll see in the video):

On the way out, despite it being like 2 hours later, the Photopass people remembered us (guess we were that memorable :laughing: ) and we got our Jedi Mickey photos. Well, right after this awesome family with amazing plushes:

Then Izzy ran up:


We finally walked out of Jedi Mickey’s about 2 hours after walking in. :faint: It was now 7:30pm and we had, um, another ADR to get to. :confused3 :lmao: When the whole Rebel Hangar thing was announced, I’d grabbed two times, since I didn’t know which one would work out better for us. Well, given how rushed we were our first time there, we decided to keep this second time as well, just to enjoy it and have a drink. But it was odd, rushing from a buffet to another food/drink venue. o_O Worth it, though. Jedi Mickey’s was a TOUGH meal for us. In fact, as I wrote this, I just mentioned it to Dug and he immediately was like, “That was one of the hardest meals we’ve ever had!!!” :earseek: So, I guess it left scars. But, it did have bright moments and I am glad we did it, as they no longer have these Star Wars/Fab 5 characters to meet. But, luckily, things go much better at the Rebel Hangar. :thumbsup2

Up next: Glow cubes and more!
First, I can feel through the whole thing how tough this meal was! It has me sort of freaking out over our upcoming trips as we take Maya at that age lol!

This is the saddest picture lol

And then THIS happens and it's all worth it, right?!??!

Pretty much right after I returned from the buffet, Stormtrooper Donald showed up:

I quoted this because I wanted to remember to say I am totally impressed by how many characters they have here! I think that's more than I've ever seen!?

“Fine, since you think I’m not doing anything to help, watch this…”

Eeeek. Oh man. We've been there. Just the stress of the whole evening piled up. I'm glad it didn't cause you guys to grab the check and leave -you still got to enjoy some desserts and end the dinner on a high note

But it was odd, rushing from a buffet to another food/drink venue.

LOL this is hilarious. Hope Izzy was in better spirits.
I'm so sorry for what you've been dealing with regarding your mom. Thoughts and prayers for a speedy recovery.

We've all been there with a fussy toddler. Not much you can do about it. I recently took a short break from my family at Epcot when everyone was tired, hot, crabby, and hungry. Sometimes you just need it.

There were really a lot of characters at that meal! That's pretty cool that some came back for a second visit.


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