I'm so glad my friend ignored all of us.


If you have any poo to fling, now is the time.
Nov 1, 1999
I just got this Email from a friend of mine who just got back from his honeymoon at WDW.
he was the one that Introduced me to the DIS a couple of years ago. he mostly Lurks and avoids all the "negative" posts.

I found his first sentence funny, but at the same time kind of depressing, like maybe we should all just cram it. Of course I know there are valid points to be made, I'm just glad someone was smart enough to not let us ruin it.

Hey there! First of all I'm glad I've given up on the rumor board, because we had a Greattime at Disney. Yeah the parks closed early, but it didn't matter
because you were right: The Polynesian Kicks A**! We loved the Poly. The staff, the view,
everything was awesome.

Plus he points out the Obvious, Polynesian is the best hotel. :)
and there is no EE or Enights.... Do you think he got out of the room? :D :D
I don't get this musty smell business... IMHO, the lobby is the only section that had a "smell" and it just smelled like lush, wonderful vegetation.
As for dark... don't get that either. The decorating, theming, the staff, all first class.
Yes, its an older property but it has character and personality.
But.... to each his own.
I suspect that people are noticing the vegetation when they talk about a smell with it being more obvious when new mulch is spread. We had a bit of that at DXL one year but I didn't mind since I knew what it was! :D
Yes, the Poly rocks!

And, yes, the smell is "tropical rainforest" .......all part of the theming. Our room there last year was light and very relaxing...felt just perfect.

I'm glad your friend had a wonderful time. And I will admit I don't want my dh to come on this board....he would pick up a lot of negativity (not that I think there are many really negative posts here, just that my dh tends to see the bad in things overwhelmingly when they are pointed out to him) But that's also why I enjoy it here...I can express some of my concerns without hearing "I don't even want to go now!" or "how much do you think we can get for our points if we sell?" To him its gotta be all good or all bad.

LOL and my dh is the WDW fanatic in the family! So, as you said, I don't want to ruin it for him!
Man, weren't they disapointed that there wasn't a boat to downtown disney?

Man, weren't they disapointed that there wasn't a boat to downtown disney?
...perhaps Roy wouldn't feel the need to defend his opinion so vigorously if you were to stop poking at him.

Just a thought.

That musty smell is always being debated on the hotel board. I never smell it, ive stayed there in the suites and in the regular rooms like four times.

Some people smell it some people dont.

p.s. thanx gcurling for the tip on editing users.
I have visited the Polynesian for meals, drinks and tours every year for the past 6 trips) and never smelled anything other than the good food wafting from the restaurants and the fresh breezes along the beach and tropical pathways. Never got to stay at the resort until this last August. We were in one of those rooms with "the" smell. It is definately a strong organic moldy smell and was in the hallway as well though not as strong. After a few minutes in the room it is not as noticible and after an hour I forgot about it until I would return from the parks. I didn't ask to switch rooms even though the resort was no nearly full. It wasn't that bad. I was skeptical about this odiferous part of some peoples stays here until I experienced it for myself.
Originally posted by JeffJewell
...perhaps Roy wouldn't feel the need to defend his opinion so vigorously if you were to stop poking at him.

Just a thought.


Wow. I didn't write that thinking of Roy in particular, but more towards the complaints of the cutbacks at wdw since 9/11 in general. However, I can see that it may seem that I was singling out someone, and I apologize for that. I guess I am frustrated about the situation as well and perhaps I am taking that out on people that don't deserve it. I didn't mean to be taken that way, but if I have I'm sorry for it.

I guess I am frustrated about the situation as well and perhaps I am taking that out on people that don't deserve it. I didn't mean to be taken that way, but if I have I'm sorry for it.
...yeah, at some level or another, I think we're all frustrated with the situation (and likely running at an above-average stress level, in general, for a couple months, now); we all just exhibit that frustration and stress in different ways. I posted in this thread only because the "DD boat" issue is one that seemed to be a particular sore spot for Roy, and it seemed from the last few posts in the other thread that both of you were looking to let it go.

Back on topic, I'd like to say I'm certainly glad that YoHo's bud had a good time in WDW, but rather disappointed that he felt the decision to go required ignoring or giving up on the Rumors Board.

I'm well aware that I'm considered one of the negative posters, but I've never suggested that someone else should cancel their trip based on my perception of the current "value" of a WDW vacation. I don't remember that kind of language at all, except in a couple posts where someone was obviously venting. When heads cooled, it seemed to me that the "cancel trip" posts were folks wrestling with their own concepts of "value," just here in front of everybody.

True, I've complained about Disney taking down the December hours: I don't think it's unreasonable, sixteeen days away from my trip, to expect to be able to make some plans. I've also pointed out that we (and Disney) should not be surprised if a lot of folks _do_ decide to cancel based on reduction of perceived value.

I believe there are times when guests have legitimate complaints against Disney. It seems to me that the legitimate complaints are all too often tossed in the "that guy's just out to get Disney" bin.

I remember preparing for our November 2000 trip; I'd done all my planning and research, and one thing I discovered was that Big Thunder Mountain Railroad was going to be down most of that month. When I saw posts with folks asking questions about BTMRR for trips around that time, I thought I was doing them a favor by letting them know about the closure ahead of time, so they wouldn't be in for a big disappointment.

Boy, was I surprised at the reaction I got for trying to do that "favor." CRO was not informed of the closure until after it actually happened, so I (and others. This secret wasn't held in national security type confidence or anything) just got dumped on repeatedly for "trying to ruin" other people's vacation and making things up to suit my "ulterior motives," because "Disney says it will be open" and I didn't know what I was talking about.

Sure it's petty, but there were a couple particularly belligerent nasty-grammers that I kinda hope ended up consoling crying children in front of the closed coaster, just because they wouldn't listen to something they didn't like hearing.

There's an old story about a bird that flew too high and froze its wings, then fell in a pasture to die. A cow walks by and drops a heaping, steaming load right on the bird. What a way to go, huh? Well, it turns out that the manure was so warm that the bird's wings began to thaw, and soon after, the bird was singing happily again. The moral of the story: Not everyone who dumps **** on you is your enemy (the story goes on to explain how a cat hears the bird singing, digs it out of the pile and eats the little sucker. The second part of the moral is: Not everyone who helps you out of **** is your friend; but this part of the story has less connection to the topic at hand).

I just wish that more folks would realize that, just because someone ****s on Disney on the boards or elsewhere, does not mean they have it in for the Company or the folks who don't see it that way.


PS: d-r, very little to none of this is supposed to be aimed precisely at you. I do think you gave Roy a bit harder time than you needed to in order to make your point (I know. I've really been tossing the 'scoop some softballs, lately), but you certainly weren't taking part in the vicious kind of stuff I got talking about (and besides, it seems like you two got a little lovefest goin' on at this point, anyway ;) ).
Jeff, I too have seen those who simply won't believe the rumours, but I think there is a fundimental difference between informing people that a ride is closed for repairs and what my friend is avoiding. Just FYI, he stopped being active here before the move from the old UBB boards. He's the kind of person who as someone else mentioned here would only see the negative. Walt Disney World is like a Giant set of Rose Colored glasses for the world and thus he doesn't want his rose colored preception of Disney World Shattered. Its a perfectly valid way to look at things. He's well aware of the mistakes being made on an intellectual level, he just doesn't want to here us *****ing about it. He went down being completely ignorant of what the hours were, what rides were closed and what hotels were opened.

Finding all of it out the day they got there didn't have a negative effect at all.

Of course I suspect he has similar vacation habits to me and thus would be less affected. Still. it is an interesting take. Someone who is ignorant of the changes yet Disney savvy had a great time and felt nothing was missing.

Of course it was his honeymoon too. :) Aparently the "Musty" room smell didn't bother them;)
Oh, the "musty" smell is supposed to be in the rooms? hmmm...

We stayed in Samoa (smoking building) so all we smelled was smoke....it was pretty bad when we checked in but after a good airing out; ie. opening the balcony doors and turning the air on high; it was fine. It was however one of those "note to self...do not request a smoking building again" occasions.

Well anyway, I'll be thrilled to stay at the Poly again to try to find that odor!
I love the Poly and never notice a musty smell.

YOHO, I am glad that your friend had a good time. While the crowds are down, the elimiation of EE may not make that big of difference. Each person needs to make their own choice on this matter.


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