Immune System Disorders- Invisible and common symptoms


Earning My Ears
Apr 27, 2010
One of the invisible illnesses that effects many and frequently is not diagnosed is one of the primary immune system disorders. This umbrella of more specific disorders often takes several years for primary care physicians to pinpoint. Common symptoms are reoccurring infections such as colds, ear infections, bronchitis and pneumonia. For children, these common infections seem part of growing up but it is the combined history over a period of years which helps to identify the disorder. Primary immune system disorders are more common in males and can have an onset in the 20's or 30's. My son was diagnosed two years ago after doctoring for many years for the common infections, fatigue and "not feeling well". There are now tests available to check the immune system functioning, even for babies. My grandson was recently tested and his immune system rated a 7 out of 14, boarder line-where 6 would be a strong indication of an immune system problem. At four, he has the symptoms of frequent or constant infections.He was tested at my son's request by his immunologist. If you have a child or an adult in mind with frequent infections, you might mention possible testing for primary immune disorders. Hopefully this information will save years of doctoring before discovery and help for the person.:sick:
I am sorry your son has this illness and it sounds like you have all been done a long frustrating road.:hug:

Thank you for sharing this information it is not something that I have heard of before and I am sure your sharing will be helpful to others working to resolve health issues.

Best wishes to your son and grandson, I hope they stay happy and healthy:grouphug:



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