Indianapolis DIS Meet - 2nd Annual - All Welcome

Holy cow...there's gonna be LOTS of desserts! :rotfl: No worries on cake folks...i've got that covered!

The ideas have been flying about here in our house for our contribution...I need to start finalizing my plans!! I'm getting so excited! I love the fact that Matthew and I get to celebrate our birthdays with so many of our friends! :cool1: (Aug 31 for me and Sept 7 for Matthew)
My children (18), (15),(14), and (11) and I are attending on saturday. I can come early to help set up if you need help. I will be bringing potatoe casserole and pineapple upside down cake and probably more things once i go through some recipes my sister gave me.She is a fellow diser but unfortunately she has to work and can't make it.
Aaron...there are going to be sooooo many desserts...i'm not seeing actual "real" food. I'm still doing the main cake, of course, but please put us down for a salad as well. Kind of an Olive Garden style salad...we may bring something else, but at least the salad and my cake.
My children (18), (15),(14), and (11) and I are attending on saturday. I can come early to help set up if you need help. I will be bringing potatoe casserole and pineapple upside down cake and probably more things once i go through some recipes my sister gave me.She is a fellow diser but unfortunately she has to work and can't make it.
That's great Melanie! I'll go ahead and mark you down. The food you are bringing sounds very good.

Aaron...there are going to be sooooo many desserts...i'm not seeing actual "real" food. I'm still doing the main cake, of course, but please put us down for a salad as well. Kind of an Olive Garden style salad...we may bring something else, but at least the salad and my cake.
Will do B. I'll mark you down for the salad. Can't wait to see your cake.
We could definately use some more main dishes.

Aaron, we will be bringing a spaghetti casserole
Great! I'll mark it down. Thank you!
Some sad new on my side. See I'm trying to buy a house right now, and that has made my extra spending money tight, and my loan officer called and said since I changed my loan a bit, that requires more closing costs, which I had not planned on. So it looks like I may not be able to make it to the meet. I'm still gonna try my best, as I really want to go, but the house takes priority for me right now.

And to top all that off, my trip I was going on in December with my family, I had to cancel that becuase my sister got laid off from her job. So she can't justify spending money on a vacation, and since she was paying for half the trip, I sure as heck can't pay that part of the vacation that she can't.

However; if things go well, then I will have a new house in a month; and I can still make the DAP part of the trip as of now. Unless even more things change.
Some sad new on my side. See I'm trying to buy a house right now, and that has made my extra spending money tight, and my loan officer called and said since I changed my loan a bit, that requires more closing costs, which I had not planned on. So it looks like I may not be able to make it to the meet. I'm still gonna try my best, as I really want to go, but the house takes priority for me right now.

And to top all that off, my trip I was going on in December with my family, I had to cancel that becuase my sister got laid off from her job. So she can't justify spending money on a vacation, and since she was paying for half the trip, I sure as heck can't pay that part of the vacation that she can't.

However; if things go well, then I will have a new house in a month; and I can still make the DAP part of the trip as of now. Unless even more things change.
Sorry to hear. Please know the meet itself is completely cost free; except for travel expenses you'd encur. And who knows, you may win a prize that might help cover those expenses. There are going to be some nice prizes.
Not that I'm trying to entice you or anything.... ;)

But seriously, we hope you can make, but understand there are priorities. :)
Okay, I can't stand being left out on all the fun. :yay: Aaron, please add me to the list.

And I'll bring fried chicken. :) (There is a Super Walmart next door to the facility, right?)

I am driving and going to make it a sightseeing 2.5 day trip on the way there. Thought I might as well check out Knoxville and Louisville while on my way to Indy. :woohoo:
Aaron~ Put me down for a main dish. I've got my eye on a particular WDW dish but want to make it at home once before I commint (just in case it doesn't turn out the way we remember it should.) I may also have a few items for the auction. I'll PM you with that info once I get done sorting through my stuff.

The meet is just over a week away!! Time sure is going fast. I'm looking forward to seeing some familiar faces and meeting some new people.
Ack! Less than two weeks!

Must come up with donation ideas....Time to raid the Sunshine Rewards prize closet!
Okay, I can't stand being left out on all the fun. :yay: Aaron, please add me to the list.

And I'll bring fried chicken. :) (There is a Super Walmart next door to the facility, right?)

I am driving and going to make it a sightseeing 2.5 day trip on the way there. Thought I might as well check out Knoxville and Louisville while on my way to Indy. :woohoo:

And the closet for some good stuff!!!! :flower3:
Okay, I can't stand being left out on all the fun. :yay: Aaron, please add me to the list.

And I'll bring fried chicken. :) (There is a Super Walmart next door to the facility, right?)

I am driving and going to make it a sightseeing 2.5 day trip on the way there. Thought I might as well check out Knoxville and Louisville while on my way to Indy. :woohoo:
Oh Wow! I can't believe you are coming! It's going to be awesome to see you Tonya! No light saber needed for this meet. ;)

Aaron~ Put me down for a main dish. I've got my eye on a particular WDW dish but want to make it at home once before I commint (just in case it doesn't turn out the way we remember it should.) I may also have a few items for the auction. I'll PM you with that info once I get done sorting through my stuff.

The meet is just over a week away!! Time sure is going fast. I'm looking forward to seeing some familiar faces and meeting some new people.
Awesome! I'll mark you down. Also, let me know what you have for the silent auction. :)

Ack! Less than two weeks!

Must come up with donation ideas....Time to raid the Sunshine Rewards prize closet!
Tricia...Thank you so very much for the donations. We really appreciate your support. :)


And the closet for some good stuff!!!! :flower3:
:yay::yay::yay::yay: :cheer2: :cheer2: :cheer2: :cheer2:
Hi Everyone,

For everyone attending the group dinner on Friday night, DAve & Busters wasn't too cooperative. I stopped in today to reserve some space and they said they can only reserve space for groups who will meet a large food & beverage minimum. I opted not to take the chance.

They said for me to come in around 6:30 or 6:45 and put my name in for a party of 16. They would put us in the next available space provided 75% of our party was there. I'm going to check us in at 6:45PM and wait for you guys to show up. Hopefully, the timing will work out and we can get seated sometime around 7:15 or 7:30.
Hi Everyone,

For everyone attending the group dinner on Friday night, DAve & Busters wasn't too cooperative. I stopped in today to reserve some space and they said they can only reserve space for groups who will meet a large food & beverage minimum. I opted not to take the chance.

They said for me to come in around 6:30 or 6:45 and put my name in for a party of 16. They would put us in the next available space provided 75% of our party was there. I'm going to check us in at 6:45PM and wait for you guys to show up. Hopefully, the timing will work out and we can get seated sometime around 7:15 or 7:30.

That sounds fine with me, I will try to be there by 7:00.
Hi Everyone,

For everyone attending the group dinner on Friday night, DAve & Busters wasn't too cooperative. I stopped in today to reserve some space and they said they can only reserve space for groups who will meet a large food & beverage minimum. I opted not to take the chance.

They said for me to come in around 6:30 or 6:45 and put my name in for a party of 16. They would put us in the next available space provided 75% of our party was there. I'm going to check us in at 6:45PM and wait for you guys to show up. Hopefully, the timing will work out and we can get seated sometime around 7:15 or 7:30.

I will be there as soon as traffic will allow.
Hello Everyone--

I had hoped earlier in the summer to attend the Indianapolis DIS Meet as its not too far from me. However, last week I had to change travel plans from last week to this comming week. Sorry I will not be able to personally meet some of you folks that have been there for me since my husband, Caskbill, passed away in June. I am traveled out for this summer...but need to do this last trip before I am back to work.

Please know that we, Bill's family, heard and felt each kind thought and word that came our way. We are now moving ahead with other things and need to keep going day by day. Maybe next Year????

Hi Everyone,

For everyone attending the group dinner on Friday night, DAve & Busters wasn't too cooperative. I stopped in today to reserve some space and they said they can only reserve space for groups who will meet a large food & beverage minimum. I opted not to take the chance.

They said for me to come in around 6:30 or 6:45 and put my name in for a party of 16. They would put us in the next available space provided 75% of our party was there. I'm going to check us in at 6:45PM and wait for you guys to show up. Hopefully, the timing will work out and we can get seated sometime around 7:15 or 7:30.

I, um, well I'll get there when you get there! ;)
Ok so our move went well so we are now planning on attending. DW (shawn - JCDisneyFan) and myself will be there. I plan to bring a couple of Fruit trays and will be bringing my immense collection of Disney Pins as well as my Video Camera.

Is it to late to get in on the fun on Friday night?


DisRailFan (Milford)

PS. We are now living in Noblesville again.
Hi Everyone,

For everyone attending the group dinner on Friday night, DAve & Busters wasn't too cooperative. I stopped in today to reserve some space and they said they can only reserve space for groups who will meet a large food & beverage minimum. I opted not to take the chance.

They said for me to come in around 6:30 or 6:45 and put my name in for a party of 16. They would put us in the next available space provided 75% of our party was there. I'm going to check us in at 6:45PM and wait for you guys to show up. Hopefully, the timing will work out and we can get seated sometime around 7:15 or 7:30.
I can be there pretty much anytime...DH plans to go home and change before heading out to join us, so I assume that he can be there by 7pm...


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