Inflammatory Breast Cancer


"more like guidelines"
Oct 12, 2008
I am very nervous... had a biopsy yesterday to see if I have inflammatory
breast cancer. Apparently it is a rare and very aggressive form of breast
cancer. I get the results on Mon, but until then I am :worried:. Does anyone have any firsthand knowledge of this cancer??
Unfortunately yes, my Mother in Law is battling IBC at the moment.

She had been going for regular Mammorgrams, but Inflammatory BC doesn't show on them. She got kicked in the breast by my nephew and that's how the doctors ultimately diagnosed her because the bruise it left behind on her breast didn't go away.

She was diagnosed the day before Thanksgiving at Stage 4 (Metastized to her bone and spine)and was getting Chemo treatment at her hospital in PA. Lets just say the doctor whom she was going to had never treated IBC and she ended up hospitalized twice due to the huge dose of Chemo she was getting and was sick as a dog.

We set her up with the Cancer team at Hunterdon Medical Center and she moved in with us. In the 2 months she has been here she's done a complete 180. They not only did a full physical exam (her other oncologist never even examined her breast!) but tested her blood to see what would work best to kill the cancer without making her so sick. I would easily say she could most likely even go back to work PT now at this stage in the game but her work is in PA. Due to her unique form of IBC she is given a hormone Herceptin along with her low dose of Chemo that is working wonders. Her levels dropped from the 50's to the 40's which show her body is starting to fight back the cancer. She will never be cured of the cancer, but she could go into remission. After her chemo is done in August they will do a double Mastectomy then 30 days of Radiation. Oh, and she is 61.

I won't sugar coat Inflammatory Breast Cancer, unfortunately it is very rare and extremely aggressive. I will say a prayer for you that you test negative but please PM me and I could very easily provide you with the doctor info at our hospital if you need more information.
So sorry you're having to go through this. The waiting is the worst part. I had a breast biopsy two weeks ago and turns out everything is okay. Scary though my mom died of breast cancer 3 yrs ago at 64.

I don't know anything about inflammatory breast cancer, but there is website and right under Community Knowledge on the right is a Discussion Boards link. When you click on that there are all different forums much like the DIS boards. There's a forum called "Not Diagnosed but Worried" and one called "Waiting for Test Results." This is a wonderful website and I continue to visit it pretty regularly. The ladies there are compassionate and very helpful.

Best of luck to you and I'll keep you in my prayers and hope for the best.

JerseyGirl53, :hug:to you while you are waiting for will be in my thoughts and prayers that everything will be ok...

Hillbeans, :hug:to you about your mother-in-law...I pray she will go into remission. It is very loving of you to have her move in with you, I know no matter how much you love your dear ones, it's hard.

Kathy C I'm glad everything turned out ok for you...:hug:

JerseyGirl53, :hug:to you while you are waiting for will be in my thoughts and prayers that everything will be ok...

Hillbeans, :hug:to you about your mother-in-law...I pray she will go into remission. It is very loving of you to have her move in with you, I know no matter how much you love your dear ones, it's hard.

Kathy C I'm glad everything turned out ok for you...:hug:


Thank you minniebeth!
Hi~ I don't have first hand info about IBC but there is a blog that I have been following for a couple of years and it is a woman's story of her journey (and now remission!) with IBC.
I thought you might like to see it:

Good luck to you and I hope you get great results on Monday.
JerseyGirl, we have a breast cancer survivors thread here on the Dis. Come hang with us if you like, we've all been through the biopsy/waiting process. (Internet reading is really scary. You naturally think the worst. I probably wouldn't read a lot unless I found out I had IBC and HAD to read it. No two cases are ever exactly alike.)

Hillbeans :hug:
I really appreciate everyone's support... I knew I could count on my fellow
disboard members. I am keeping a positive attitude. I know that is important
as I just spent 4 years with my son in treatment for childhood leukemia. He is
1 1/2 years out of treatment and cancer-free. He is very upset with all this.
Anyway, my sister is going with me to the dr on Mon. I am supposed to go to WDW
with her in Oct. (We are both Disney fanatics), and we are not changing our
plans. She feels I will get a good report.
I got the results today and it was NOT cancer. Thank you to everyone for their prayers and thoughts!!:goodvibes
Wonderful news, JG. :hug: Prayers and best wishes for your son, hoping is is in remission forever.

Hill, good wishes and prayers for you MIL.
What GREAT news! Thanks for keeping everyone posted.

(Climbing up on my health educator soap box for a moment....)
Now, to all those ladies (and gents) that might be reading this thread still....please, if you don't know anything about IBC please take a moment to learn about it. ( IBC is a very rare form of BC, but a very serious one. IBC is almost always Stage IV at diagnosis. IBC presents differently from 'typical' BC in that there is no lump. I repeat...NO LUMP. So for everyone getting their mammos...IBC would not show up on a mammo as a lump (it may show up as a thickening of cells on the surface of the breast, but not as a lump). For everyone doing their self exams and getting a clinical exam, again, you would not feel a lump. (very different from what we have always heard and learned - to feel for a lump) So ladies, know your b@@bs! Know what's normal for you, and report any changes to your doc asap. And again, the Komen website is a great place to go for more info.

Sorry for hijacking the thread momentarily, but BC education is near and dear to me. I lost a friend at 36 and have become very involved in fundraising, awareness, and volunteering. I can't let a golden opportunity to educate pass by.

OP - again, soooo happy to hear your good news!!!
all women should go to the discussion boards at

this is a forum where women can discuss what's going on, surgery, recovery, etc. A good site for all.


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