Ingdirect Faqs~Do Not Post Referrals Please!

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I figured it was worth a try. If it doesn't sell, that's fine. I don't think I even KNOW 25 people so I would never get rid of them otherwise. :)
Does anyone know how many accounts you can be the jopint account holder to ? I have signed up myself from a referal from these boards and have signed up my husband as well as my son and I am the joint with my son. My mom wants to get in on this but give the free $25 to my son. Does anyone know if she can open one and list me as the joint so I can link it to my account? Does she have to have her own account? Thanks
Originally posted by tigger12jb
Does anyone know how many accounts you can be the jopint account holder to ? I have signed up myself from a referal from these boards and have signed up my husband as well as my son and I am the joint with my son. My mom wants to get in on this but give the free $25 to my son. Does anyone know if she can open one and list me as the joint so I can link it to my account? Does she have to have her own account? Thanks

Hello :)
I'm not sure how many accounts you can be joint to but, it's worth a shot, I don't think it would be a problem, anyone know
for sure?
Maryann :)
I am the joint name on DH's, DD's and DS's accounts. So, the answer is at least 3.

It's not unusual for someone to be the joint name on a spouse's account, as well as accounts for minor children and elderly parents. However, I think it would raise a red flag if you were the joint name on all 25 of your referrals!

You should have no problem being on your mother's account.
Have any of you tried the Virtual Bank almost like ing except you must deposit $100 minimum and referal is 20 instead of 25.
I have not. That deposit amount initially would personally make me nervous. I like the fact that I could start my account with ING with $1.00 if I had wanted to. I actually started it with $10.00 but until I try it out for a while, I personally would not feel comfortable.
Originally posted by AdventurerKat
I have not. That deposit amount initially would personally make me nervous. I like the fact that I could start my account with ING with $1.00 if I had wanted to. I actually started it with $10.00 but until I try it out for a while, I personally would not feel comfortable.

I'm with you there, $100 is alot to deposit, I figured with ING if worse came to worse I'd only be out $1.00 and it's the best $1.00
I've spent in a long time especially when you can make $25 out of it and potentially an extra $250 for just referring people and the fact that you can't just pull it out right away is a great incentive to want to save more and watch the account get bigger and bigger, I'll be pretty set for spending money in June and still have this month and next month to add more money, this will probably be our last trip for a bit so, I'm going all out plus my son turns 9 2 days before we leave so, the extra money will be great to do some extra special things for him as well.
Maryann :)
I agree it is the best small change I have ever spent (although I started with $10.00 instead of $1.00) and with the referral $ I will hopefully make it makes it even better. I want to be able to save as much as I can to have more to spend at Disney!!
Originally posted by maryssasmom
I agree it is the best small change I have ever spent (although I started with $10.00 instead of $1.00) and with the referral $ I will hopefully make it makes it even better. I want to be able to save as much as I can to have more to spend at Disney!!

Hello Maryssasmom:wave:
you are going in June too right? we'll be there around the same time if I remember correctly, I hope you can use up some of those referrals as they really help ,money you wouldn't have otherwise
or at least didn't have to do too much to get it lol. I started my account with $10 too, just saying $1.00 is not a big chunk of change to have such a great savings account.
Maryann :)
hi dolphincrazy

I had to postpone my trip due to a possible layoff with my dh so until we know we are just holding tight waiting for the next possible time to go - so if it is later in thr summer so be it - or just another time, gives me more time to save. I am trying to convince my brother to open an account - him saving money is a shock to all of us so maybe I can get him soon to join us in the realm of responsibility!!
OK...I've been lurking on this thread and am really tempted. (please excuse the typos until my fake nails pop off)

I have two checking acoounts with my local bank. Our family checking, of which I am NOT the primary account holder. Then my ebay checking account, where I'm the only name on the acct.

I can open a ING accoint, refer my ebay checking accnt, refer my two DDs (who have no bank acct....what acct would I use for them?)

Sorry if this has been asked before. I am not a financial wizard, but this sounds neet.
Originally posted by Miss Park Avenue
OK...I've been lurking on this thread and am really tempted. (please excuse the typos until my fake nails pop off)

I have two checking acoounts with my local bank. Our family checking, of which I am NOT the primary account holder. Then my ebay checking account, where I'm the only name on the acct.

I can open a ING accoint, refer my ebay checking accnt, refer my two DDs (who have no bank acct....what acct would I use for them?)

Sorry if this has been asked before. I am not a financial wizard, but this sounds neet.

Hi Miss. You don't refer your actual account but what would happen is someone here would refer you to open an account which you could fund from your eBay checking with as little as $1.00. You could then in turn refer your daughters from your same account, listing yourself as joint account holder on each of their accounts.

So you would receive $25.00 from opening your account and $10.00 each for the referrals of your daughters. Your daughters would each get $25.00 in the accounts in their names as their sign up bonus.

I am sure anyone here would be happy to send you a referral so just pick someone and PM them. :)
hi Miss

I used the same bank account for both of the accts on myself and my DD. the company is very reputable (my dh used to work there until the portion he worked under was relocated to des moines) and we actually still know people who work there. I am happy with what I have so far and I think it is a great way to save some $ for our disney trip!! any other questions please let us know!!!
Originally posted by Miss Park Avenue
OK...I've been lurking on this thread and am really tempted. (please excuse the typos until my fake nails pop off)

I have two checking acoounts with my local bank. Our family checking, of which I am NOT the primary account holder. Then my ebay checking account, where I'm the only name on the acct.

I can open a ING accoint, refer my ebay checking accnt, refer my two DDs (who have no bank acct....what acct would I use for them?)

Sorry if this has been asked before. I am not a financial wizard, but this sounds neet.

love the fake nails comment lol. I've had an account with ING for a long time and have never had one problem ;) it's a great way to save money for any reason. if you need a referral just email or PM any one of us and if we have one we will send it out asap.good luck.
Maryann :)
I am just thrilled with my savings account here! I recently went to my local bank to open a savings account with a big commission check I got. They are paying .01%. Yeah, not one percent--point oh one! Holy moley! I said, "Well, on my *** account I am getting 2% so nevermind!" I just put it into my checking account and will transfer it when it clears.
dolphincrazy - I didn't realize I was cheating. I tried to delete my post, but couldn't.

Beanie - Are you able to delete my post?

Sorry to cause problems.
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