Internet in Apts

one of the CP alums I talked to today said that she and her roommates bought wireless and that they were all able to use their laptops at once instead of just 2 at a time....I don't really know much else about the situation though. But she did say that they paid monthly for the wireless access and it was worth it.
Its a DSL connection. Each apt. has 4 ethernet jacks. You'll have to provide your own ethernet cable.

(if you're very good with computers*, i'm sure it's possible (but probably not encouraged) to set up your own wireless ... but if you're not good with computers, don't do it, you could end up screwing up the connection for your whole bldg, and then ppl wouldn't be happy with you.)

(* easy test: If the phrases TCP/IP, NAT, WAP, WEP, and DHCP mean nothing to you, I wouldn't advise you to set up your own wireless. If you know what all of them are, and can explain how they work together, then go ahead)
our wireless is set up to pick the nearest site. so if there is one available it will pick it right up. but if there isnt wireless setup at the complex then it will be ethernet. thanks for the help.
I brought a router down for my apartment, and we were all able to use our computers at the same time.
Do you mean if you don't do the wireless only 2 persons can be on the internet at one time? I thought there were a bunch connections all you needed was a cable. Is there a fee for the wireless? I see someone said there was a fee. We don't pay extra at home for the wireless. we just hooked up the router and off we went, as many computers as you want offthe one router.

How did you set up the router? At home we run it thru the cable modem. Do you just run a cable from one of the lines in and put the cable into the router?
sorry for all the questions, but don't want him to get there and can't get hooked up right?
I'm not very computer savy, but in the apartment (at least in Chatham), there is something that you connect the router to. Then it should work. If there is someone out there who knows about computers, help me out here! Also, you don't have to pay extra for the wireless. The wireless comes with the apartment. That goes for cable too. You pay one price for the apartment and everything comes with it.
It isn't really that difficult to set up a wireless router, and you can probably find someone in your building--if not in your apartment--that knows about computers to help you. The boys next door to me (in Chatham) have a wireless router connected and everyone on our floor connects to it. You can also pick up connections from all over Chatham. I have at least 5 options in good weather. We all keep our cables close though; when it rains all wireless systems seem to go down.

There is no way to pay for wireless...the only thing you can pay extra for is the broadband without the firewall, and I think it costs like $9 a month. You have to call SmartCity who sets up all the internet stuff. I've heard the internet at Chatham is faster than the connection at Vista...but I really don't know.
If you don't have a wireless card in your computer (or a wireless router), then you can use a standard router and have more connections for that single DSL jack. All computers (should) have an ethernet port, and it's much cheaper than going the wireless route. It's pretty useless to have wireless unless you're using a laptop (or I guess if you want the whole building sharing your connection, which isn't very good for security).

All you've got to do is get a Category 5 cable and plug it from the DSL jack into your router, then use a cat-5 cable to connect your ethernet port to the router. It's very simple. A standard router has like 4 ports plus the DSL one. No software necessary. I'm not sure what wireless routers involve, because I've never used them.
wow, have things changed since I was a CP! We had to run a phone chord from the telephone across the room from the kitchen, taped to the ceiling to my computer that was setup on the floor in the living room at Vista Way....apartment 306!

Those were the days.

Anyone here live in 306? I was always curious who moved in after us!

Jungle Josh


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