Interview the person below you ..

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Cropped jeans and red Mickey Mouse t-shirt

Have you got any plans for the weekend yet ?
We have a residents barbecue where I live on Saturday and I am hoping for a lazy day on Sunday.

What is your favourite musical?
Cheese scone & water

What are you having for dinner?
Don't have any yet

What are your plans for this evening?
No plans as I was originally working but off sick due to my back. Relaxing catching up on my sleep.

What is your favourite song?
Probably around 11:30

What do you usually have for breakfast?

what was the last film you saw?
indelible by karin slaughter

whens your next night out ?
I worked in the offices at Sainsbury's for one day, I was an Accounts Clerk and they wanted me to be an Accountant :rotfl2::rotfl2:

What is your fave dessert ? (I've got food on the brain tonight ;) )
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