Interview the Person Below You

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At the moment Gym clothes as I will be heading for the gym shortly

Where are you going to spend Christmas this year?
Its not on

What are your plans for this evening?
Going our for a meal & drinks with some friends

What are you having for dinner?
Beef Patties with a creamy shallot sauce, potato croquettes and whateve vegetables DH brings home.

What will you be doing on New Year's Eve?
Nothing planned ,

Will you be celebrating on new years eve
That's tough as I have seen many good films this year, but probably the latest Harry Potter film

What is yours?
I think I agree with you, although Inception was a close second

What are your plans for the rest of the evening?
Not a lot, just on the internet and watching TV.

What are you up to this evening?
Mine is a ladybird soft toy I have taken on all my holidays since I was about 7 :goodvibes It's my international ladybird :laughing:

and you?
At the moment my new sports car that I bought last week. I've wanted it for the past 11 years!

What kind of car do you drive?
We took my daughter on a tour round Abu Dhabi and had a nice lunch out, chilling at home now.

Are you going out anywhere tonight?
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