Invited service men and women for Thanksgiving... UPDATE


DIS Veteran
May 3, 2001
from Lackland AFB here in San Antonio. We're on a list of volunteers to bring men and/or women to our house for Thanksgiving. Other than letting them have control of the tv to watch whatever football games they would like, what else can we do to entertain them? I have unlimited long distance, so they may call as many loved ones as they want. But what else can we do to make them feel at home and special for the day?

11/30 - Update
I just wanted you all to know that this past Thanksgiving was absolutely, hands down, the best one ever!! The two airmen we hosted were wonderful - friendly, courteous, talkative, engaging and just terrific young men. They stayed with our family until the very last minute possible before we had to get them back to base. Unfortunately, they weren't able to take food back with them. However, since I have unlimited minutes on my long distance, they were able to talk to many family members and friends throughout the day. I also let them use my digital camera to take photos which I downloaded and copied to cd's for them.

One of the young men knows for sure he will do his Tech training her in San Antonio and we made him promise to call us when has privileges to leave base so that we can take him around SA.

This is definately a new Moreno tradition and we are excited about doing it again next year! There were apprx. 1000 young men and women who signed up to leave base. And even more San Antonians eager to host them.

We miss Ricky and Travis and they are in our prayers daily.

Vicki Moreno
Thats a great idea!
We live about 15 minutes from an AFB here and we have several friends that live on base.. 1 guy is over for every holiday and is even moving in after his next deployment..he started bringing over his roommate and then some other guys that couldnt go home for the holidays.

Its not quite the same situation,since we know Steve, but alot of the times, he brings over guys we dont know--We definitely do the football game-we take sides and everyone fights over the game! We always get them leftovers to take back to the base as well
First of all - I think that is AWESOME!! As for what to do - I think just giving them a home cooked meal and letting them watch some football will make their day :thumbsup2 Thanks for what you are doing!!!!
I did that the years my dh was deployed so my house would not feel empty. I went with my neighbors so we picked up 12 kids total. After dinner, a few went out to play frisbee golf, the rest just dropped on the couch & waited for the phone. I took one group to the Texaco to fill up on junk food! Just do what you normally do, everyday is programmed for them so the down time is the best. But maybe e-mailing some digi shots to their folks would be fun too.
hollybearsmom said:
I did that the years my dh was deployed so my house would not feel empty. I went with my neighbors so we picked up 12 kids total. After dinner, a few went out to play frisbee golf, the rest just dropped on the couch & waited for the phone. I took one group to the Texaco to fill up on junk food! Just do what you normally do, everyday is programmed for them so the down time is the best. But maybe e-mailing some digi shots to their folks would be fun too.

I love the idea of emailing photo's!!
I think if I were having them over, I would send them home with something freshly baked...cookies, pie, something sweet. Those things usually don't cost much to make, and it's something they just can't duplicate without home.
What an awsome thing to do! Glad it turned out so great :goodvibes

I just have to let you know that is so sweet of you. I have been there for the chow hall or now called dining facility thanksgivings which they are nice I have to say being with people in a home means so so so much more. Thank you so much for all you did
Wow! The Moreno family rocks!!!!!!!!!

My brother did his basic and tech training at Lackland 3 years ago. What you did for these airmen is so special. I would like to thank you from the bottom of my heart on behalf of the families of these airmen and women.


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