Is anyone else worried about opening up again

I’m really happy how our area is handling things. The leaders make all their decisions based on advice of medical professionals. They don’t plan on rushing anything and will open things very slowly when Public Health says it’s ok.

You mean they aren't making decisions by watching the no nothing talking heads on cable tv "news". I wish the rest of our leaders could follow the same path as yours did.
I’m really happy how our area is handling things. The leaders make all their decisions based on advice of medical professionals. They don’t plan on rushing anything and will open things very slowly when Public Health says it’s ok.
Are all medical professionals in complete agreement...lockstep?
We live in TN, &, yes, I’m concerned.

Our county though is one of the ones “exempt” from the governor’s order of opening back up on May 1st. But I’m not sure exactly what that will mean.

I told our kids that, for us, May will look a lot like April, & we will continue to shelter at home & wait to see what happens once people start going back out.

I realize too that there are a lot of people out of work, so I understand wanting the economy to open back up. And I realize we’ve been fortunate since DH is an essential employee & has continued going to work.

But I still worry. I wish people would take social distancing recommendations seriously - even after things begin opening back up. But they won’t.
Yes, we are also in an exempt county and our mayor is one of the 4 major metro mayors that formed a group to coordinate opening cities. I still worry because all the surrounding counties are not exempt and a lot of residents in more rural counties come in for shopping/working/ etc... Our city mayor has been more aggressive with closures, but our county mayor is more lax than our governor. He didn’t even want the stay at home order until April 30 since it was too “harsh”... We live in the county but not city limits, so places immediately around us may open next week as well. We will treat May just like April...
At some point things have to open, that was the plan all along. Is that time now? I am not sure. I don't plan to change my routine. For now I will continue to go to the grocery story every other week and get take out on Fridays. The temptation to get a haircut will be strong though.

It all depends on how many people have really been exposed and the real mortality rate.
Of course I'm concerned. I don't want the Month of stay at home we just did to have been for nothing. I also own a small business that has been shut down since the end of March...and I just found out this morning that I'm being let go from the part time job I had as well. Apparently while GA is throwing open the doors, my state is grasping harder. I know waiting is the right move. But we are feeling the pinch. Hard.
The purpose of the shut downs was the decrease the medical surge to keep hospitals from being overwhelmed. By doing that we prolonged the virus. It isn't going to just go away.

NH avoided a real surge, both in medical needs and in deaths (current total in the 30s). It has been implied that the bulk of our deaths were in nursing homes, a group that theoretically should have been more protected by nature of the measures put in place. So how well did the measures even really work?

Are we going to see a spike when we reopen? Yes. But since way more people get it than know about it, the surge probably won't be as big as this last one because more people than we will ever know have already had jt. And I think we all have learned some stuff. I also think we have developed some habits that won't just up and go away. No one said opening non essential businesses meant you stop wearing masks. And I probably will wear a mask for awhile. I also will only go to very small restaurants for awhile, both because of safety and because they need my business the most.

If I lived in a more densely populated area, I would be more concerned. I live in a pretty rural area though, so I'm more of the "we have to learn to live in its presence" mentality.
Where did I say I wanted to change course on a dime?
I understand the reasoning for continued social distancing and closures.
I was simply poointing out that the intent was not to find a miracle cure/vaccine in the begining..

And I'm simply pointing out that there are plenty of people who understand what the intent for social distancing and shutdowns was, who don't think we should stay shutdown until a vaccine is developed, who recognize certain things can probably reopen gradually with precautionary measures taken and who are worried about the danger presented by self entitled rebels without a clue who want to invalidate the sacrifices that have been made to try and keep our medical system afloat and make it possible to save more lives.
And I'm simply pointing out that there are plenty of people who understand what the intent for social distancing and shutdowns was, who don't think we should stay shutdown until a vaccine is developed, who recognize certain things can probably reopen gradually with precautionary measures taken and who are worried about the danger presented by self entitled rebels without a clue who want to invalidate the sacrifices that have been made to try and keep our medical system afloat and make it possible to save more lives.

Thank you so much for putting this into words so much better than I can right now. This is spot on.
Its a cover up of an old faded tattoo.
He did all the outline and shading but needs to do all the coloring to ensure you no longer see the old tattoo.

View attachment 489688

Keep in mind this is the pic from the day it was done so of course it looks "fresh".
I haven't had a pic of it taken fully healed yet.
View attachment 489689
The sun is under baby Yoda? I can't see any trace! Amazing!
The sun is under baby Yoda? I can't see any trace! Amazing!

I should take another pic because as it healed you can still see it which is why I"m chomping at the bit to get it colored so you really won't be able to see it :)
But yeah if I didn't post the original you probably would never have known which is the sign of a good cover up.
Yes, we are also in an exempt county and our mayor is one of the 4 major metro mayors that formed a group to coordinate opening cities. I still worry because all the surrounding counties are not exempt and a lot of residents in more rural counties come in for shopping/working/ etc... Our city mayor has been more aggressive with closures, but our county mayor is more lax than our governor. He didn’t even want the stay at home order until April 30 since it was too “harsh”... We live in the county but not city limits, so places immediately around us may open next week as well. We will treat May just like April...

Same. We live outside the city limits in the county. Our county mayor has seemed to be more willing to go w/ whatever the city is doing. However, we’re surrounded by more rural counties, & many people from those counties come into our county for working & shopping.

But, if our county doesn’t open things like hair salons & restaurants, then I can see people from our county going into those counties that do have those kinds of places open.
Just remember a few things:
the second surge of the 1918 flu was worse than the initial outbreak,
your mask protects others, not you,
it’s the covidiots that will be first out (look at how they behaved while demonstratin), and
there’s no guarantee of a vaccine.

If there's no guarantee of a vaccine then what do you suggest we do? Socially isolate forever?

It sounds like it will be a gradual process. There's a big difference between having baseball games or opening theme parks and letting businesses open safely.
I live in GA and I don't even know what to say. How can all the business that are set to open on Friday involve touching people. I mean massage parlors, salons (hair and nail) and tattoo parlors? On a good day people are concerned with cleanliness and hygiene at some of these places.

I agree that we need to start opening up some different spots, but these do not seem logical to me. I could much better understand non-essential stores (like clothing stores or some of the other bigger stores) than what has been recommended. For example, the LOFT at the outdoor mall a few miles away could open and social distance with little problem, in my opinion. Even if they suspended using the fitting rooms for now.
I keep hearing how the quarantine is working and the curve is flattening. I worry that when we start to slowly open things up again we will see a spike in the virus. Once we all start mingling again and going to restaurants, movies, hair salons etc. Won't we just start spreading it again? The virus did not disappear while we were all inside. I know we still have to social distance and things will be more spread out, but people are having a hard time following the rules now. Once the boundaries are relaxed, people will just go back to old habits I think. OTOH, we can't stay inside forever.



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