Is anyone else worried about opening up again

I am not really worried. Especially when I saw the report just now that one of Germany's hardest hit states, (NRW) that had in March the biggest outbreak and Covid deaths, reported that for the month of March there were 18.800 deaths for all causes.. In 2019 is was 19.100. Comment from health minister is they are finalizing their conclusion if the wide majority of Covid deaths were actually deaths that would have happened in the near future anyways due to other deadly conditions.

Of course there are the rare , younger healthy deaths...
Yesterday Iowa announced that as of May 1st 77 counties (out of the 99) would be able to open retail stores, permit inside dining and other activities. There are restrictions and guidelines in place. Hair salons still remain closed along with some other businesses. This is on a county by county standard depending on statistics. The larger urban areas remain as before at this time. I am comfortable with this. If I feel unsafe I have the option of not going. I would assume if there is a spike in the numbers that action would be taken but we are dealing primarily with sparsely populated rural areas with few reported cases.
Looks like part of the country is staying shut. And the rest are waiting to see how it turns out for those that opened. In two more weeks we should see.
Sounds like local politics to me. I live in a town that is very conservative, but the police officers are not locals. The folks in my town would all act like idiots, and some have. But the cops are enforcing the policy, so they have had to follow the rules. I wonder if these officers will be fired when this is over and done with.
We have multiple police chiefs in my state saying they won't enforce anything having to do with Safer at Home because they don't agree with it. :sad2: :sad2: :sad2: :sad2: Can we fire them??
These kinds of statements seem like they are just there for shock value purposes.
I didn’t read that as shock value. I think there are some states waiting to see what is happening in those with more cases. I also think some states are watching places like GA and TX to see if after reopening they do see a spike in cases after two weeks or if there are no spikes, then they may be looking to reopen as well.
Not sure much is being done in the town I live in. But in the city I work in, neighbors are reporting large gatherings and police are breaking them up.
Here in Massachusetts our Governor just extended our stay at home advisory until May 18. It was set to expire May 4. I think he is doing a very good job and is very measured in his decisions.

I'm in NH and am pretty sure our Governor will follow suit. I believe that most of the New England Governors are trying to stay on the same timeline given that the states are so close together.

I also heard that masks are mandatory out in public in Somerville and Cambridge.
I didn’t read that as shock value. I think there are some states waiting to see what is happening in those with more cases. I also think some states are watching places like GA and TX to see if after reopening they do see a spike in cases after two weeks or if there are no spikes, then they may be looking to reopen as well.
I don't disagree with you on that but I was basing on their other posts throughout various threads.

Seeing raw numbers and knowing where those numbers are coming from are different things. It's easy enough to immediate assume any increase possibly measurable is only and directly attributed to any form of phased opening allowed anywhere OR that a state is so ill prepared they are crazy to even think about reopening. I would hope health officials in one's area take the time to investigate things further out and gives that information to their state or county and other states or counties get access to that information if they are going to use this data for their plans.

The incubation period is up to 14 days but when people get tested and when the tests results come back and when the tests are reported in the state's numbers are all different; it's why some places have phases of 4 weeks in between because it's not just 2 weeks unless someone shows symptoms or gets tested on Day 1, results done right then and those test results are immediately accounted for and attributed to the likely known exposure. So saying we should know in 2 weeks isn't even accurate for the vast vast majority of situations.

I saw comments from people who saw the increase in positives listed last Friday for my state as like "say what why are we even talking about phased reopening". Well if they were informed, as it appeared they wanted to be, they would know the state and health department warned an increase was due to increased testing in the SW part of our state (rural counties) and meat processing facilities and that the state is not concerned about those numbers; they expect them, they hope to find more asymptomatic people, etc. 210/295 cases came from the rural communities alone across 4 different counties with 1 counties taking the testing amount they have and doing agressive contact tracing and those cases are across the state way from us. Discussing state level reopening vs community level reopening makes a big difference where the numbers of coming from IMO and to the outside public.


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