Is Sunshine Rewards on the way out?


Jan 23, 2007
I have been a member of Sunshine Rewards for several years now, and have lately noticed many issues. It seems that offers are sitting in in the "pending offers" sections far too long, expiring before they credit. Now I am a veteran and know how to do the offers, but it seems like I do the necessary steps with no credit. It seems as if it is only the surveys which credit anymore. Anyone else had problems with SR? I think I'll try Quick Rewards, which gets nothing but rave reviews from the DIS.
I haven't had any issues at all, aside from the few random that just don't credit well for me. If it doesn't credit I wait the required 30 days and try again....I'd say about 90% of the time it credits on the 2nd try which means that on the 1st time either my email was getting old or my ip / user id was just oversaturated with the advertisers at that point (which would be my fault as I have tendency to get a little gung ho sometimes and do too many offers in one week :rolleyes1 )

I don't think they are on the way out at all, if anything they seem to be adding tons of great stuff lately.
I doubt they're on the way out, as alot of people seem to do quite well. I actually prefer QR because, at least for me, freebies and shopping credit much better than SR. Also, I think QR usually has higher percentages on cashback through shopping. I do a few clicks and offers on SR especially when they're having a contest.
I doubt they're on the way out, as alot of people seem to do quite well. I actually prefer QR because, at least for me, freebies and shopping credit much better than SR. Also, I think QR usually has higher percentages on cashback through shopping. I do a few clicks and offers on SR especially when they're having a contest.

What is QR?
What is QR?

QuickRewards dot net

There are paid emails, daily Trivia, Guess the Number game 3 times a day, the best paying surveys and Shopping. They also have lots of offers and Blogs where you can read hints and suggestions from others and add your own posts to on-going threads.

Dmitry gives the best customer service of any rewards program. I highly recommend QR!
I think the longer you are members of any rewards program, the more databases you are going to be in and by the nature of the offers (they are paying for NEW leads) you aren't going to get credit. And if you are doing multiple programs, you can't get credit for the same offers more than once, which is why I only do Sunshine. As to the time the larger offers take pending, that is a necessary evil caused by fraud :(

All that said, I seriously doubt if Sunshine Rewards is on the way out (or even down!). On the contrary, I think SR is going to be one of the few that withstands the test of time because of the integrity of their owners and loyalty of their members.

Actually, looking over my own history (I've been a member since nearly the beginning), this has been one of my best quarters ever with nearly $500 earned!
I haven't had any issues at all, aside from the few random that just don't credit well for me. If it doesn't credit I wait the required 30 days and try again....I'd say about 90% of the time it credits on the 2nd try which means that on the 1st time either my email was getting old or my ip / user id was just oversaturated with the advertisers at that point (which would be my fault as I have tendency to get a little gung ho sometimes and do too many offers in one week :rolleyes1 )

I don't think they are on the way out at all, if anything they seem to be adding tons of great stuff lately.

I agree with your post. I have very few offers in my pending folder, and the ones I do are probably just because my email addy has become saturated. I just wait 30 days, do it again, and it usually credits. I've been a member for close to a year and haven't noticed any decline. In fact, so far this calendar year I have cashed out for $700 in Disney Cards towards a cruise I have booked.
I mainly do shopping and surveys on SR, so I can't speak specifically to the offers that you have had trouble with, OP. However, I have been thrilled with the customer service and the whole community over at SR and can't believe anything but that they will continue to grow! They have added so many new shopping merchants like Vera Bradley and Brooks Brothers, plus they have so many others like Land's End, Macy's, Omaha Steaks, Travelocity, Coldwater Creek and even Target, Wal-Mart, Circuit City and Best Buy. There are very, very few things that I can't find at an SR merchant, so I am always getting cash back. There is a new shopping section just for free shipping, so I can usually avoid paying shipping and avoid going to a store!

The surveys always credit well, and new survey companies keep getting added. Even without doing offers, I have been a supermember for three quarters in a row and have only been doing SR for a little over a year. I brought $475 in Disney gift cards on our April trip (all from Sunshine Rewards), so I sure hope SR is not going anywhere! ;)
I agree that I have not had any problems with SR. I have been a member since just about the beginning and continue to earn my Disney money! As mentioned, it is just a fact of the game that the longer you are part of a reward site and the more offers that you do on a regular basis, the more your information is out there. That will cause your pending offers to increase, but that is not the "fault" of SR. It's just that you win some and you lose some! Take a little break from the offers and give it another try- I'm sure you'll have some good credits.

I looked at my account for this past month and I have made over $65. Out of that, 50% of it has been from surveys, 25% from offers and 15% from shopping. That is pretty good in my opinion! None of these reward sites are meant to be a "get rich quick scheme"- those are the type of places that would go under quick! Sunshine Rewards has a focus on online shopping which is much more sustainable! I would rather continue to earn money on my shopping and a few offers here and there and have SR around for the duration than have a site that throws out tons of huge offers and closes it's doors shortly after! Since I started with SR, I have made over $1400- most of which have been converted to Disney gift cards for our vacations. I've lost track of how many times I have been a Super Member.

I have NEVER had any issues with Sunshine Rewards on any type of payment or customer service issue! I honestly don't see that SR is going away or having difficulties. SR has a lot of good things going for it!
I don't think SR is going anywhere but up! I've actually noticed more of my offers crediting lately in SR probably because I'm doing them slower and making sure I look for any confirmation emails before I put them into pending. I made super member status for my 3rd quarter in a row by doing offers and surveys with very little shopping. When I first started doing rewards programs in 2006 I was doing 4 different programs. SR is the only site I do now! I'm going to cash out for $325 for my Disney trip in August and this was all earned since my trip in December!
Crediting problems on ANY rewards program is usually due to your info already being 'out there' through similar offers. Advertisers are paying for unique information and once they have your info for one offer, you are already on their list for other similar type offers. I'm assuming that since you have been doing rewards programs for any lenght of time, then you are doing the usual cookie and temp file clearings, trying new email addys, etc. Unfortunately, none of us get credit for every single offer with any rewards program. Personally, I have found that I get credit for most offers that I try through SR, but I am very careful to clean cookies and temp files before EACH offer that I do. Many of the smaller freebie-type offers are fast crediting and should credit on the top of the hour so I wait until one credits before clearing cookies again to try any other offers. Also, if you do any other programs, you need to keep track of the offers you do. You are not allowed to repeat offers and most likely will not get credit.

I can say that I do not believe for one second that SR is "on it's way out" though! To jump to the conclusion that the program is dying due to crediting issues that you may be having really isn't a fair assumption. Crediting issues can be caused by so many things such as spyware, tool bars, adware, security settings, firewalls, viruses, and, as I already explained, completing similar offers. I have been doing rewards programs for a long, long time and have seen MANY programs go under. SR has earned my respect and trust and Tricia is an absolute genious at coming up with new ways to perk up her program. I definitely feel they are in it for the long haul and truly do their best to run a program that is on the up and up.
OP, if you are not a member of the Sunshine Rewards forum, you should check it out. There are tips to help offers credit better, as well as a long thread on which offers have credited well for other members. Many offers are fast crediting and are marked as such, but some are manual and might take a few days to credit. As several PPs stated, your info is probably out there already. Maybe a new e-mail adress would help?
OP, if you are not a member of the Sunshine Rewards forum, you should check it out. There are tips to help offers credit better, as well as a long thread on which offers have credited well for other members. Many offers are fast crediting and are marked as such, but some are manual and might take a few days to credit. As several PPs stated, your info is probably out there already. Maybe a new e-mail adress would help?

I'll second that. Also, maybe you need to clean your computer more often to get rid of cookies, spyware, etc.

Our family went to Disney, last month, with an extra $800 earned in about 10 months thru surveys, offers and shopping. These days, with the cost of gas, SR has really made me look at shopping online more aggressively. I save on gas, sometimes sales tax, I'm finding great deals plus earning money back to cash in on Disney gc. I am always planning and saving for my next Disney vacation. :woohoo: And, this month, I have seen a great increase in offers, many which have credited.

Don't give up. Everyone hits a slump, but as someone was just saying the other day, when you look at it over the long term, things are better than you thought.
I have been a member of Sunshine Rewards for several years now, and have lately noticed many issues. It seems that offers are sitting in in the "pending offers" sections far too long, expiring before they credit. Now I am a veteran and know how to do the offers, but it seems like I do the necessary steps with no credit. It seems as if it is only the surveys which credit anymore. Anyone else had problems with SR? I think I'll try Quick Rewards, which gets nothing but rave reviews from the DIS.

By sitting in the pending offers section, do you mean when you do an offer, then move it to pending. When it credits, it disappears from Pending?

If that's what you mean, that just means it's not a quick crediting offer, that it takes a bit for the offer provider to get the info to Tricia.

If things are sitting in there for 30 days or longer, you're NOT getting credit on that, and you can get it out of pending and repeat it if you'd like. Many people do that and get credit on the 2nd try, after waiting at least 30 days.

I haven't had any issues with SR.

I actually quit, completely (ending my account), QR several months ago, b/c I wasn't doing offers there (not wanting to complicate things by having to keep absolute track of what I was doing between the two sites), not doing surveys there (same wish to not complicate things), and all I was doing were those clicks. The ways they credited were a mystery to me, and the site over all was absolutely incomprehensible to me. I know my mind works in different ways than other people, but that site just blew me away with not being able to understand or navigate it! If you can understand it, more power to you, b/c I can't.

OP, if you are not a member of the Sunshine Rewards forum, you should check it out.


Before quitting anything or starting anything else, spend some time on the forum and get advice from others, read past posts, and so on. The tips there are invaluable. I've read posts by Tricia that tell us that the members that are active in the forums consistently make much more money than non-forum members, and it has to be because of the tips (and contests).
I love SR rewards. I agree if something does not credit the 1st I try it again after 30 days and it usually credits. I have been a member for almost a year. I cannot get over the rewards that I have collected on for my upcoming trip to disney. I also belong the forum and that helps alot to give you tips and other ideas for making money.
I can not possibly imagine SR being on its way out. Of all the rewards programs I will say that they are hands down, my all time favorite. I haven't been active in the forums in the past few months because of personal reasons, but it is the one rewards program that I participate in the most. Tricia and her family run an honest and reputable site. I cashed out a few weeks ago for a $100.00 Disney Gift card, which I received within days. I find their customer service second to none. The communication in the SR community is wonderful and the SR family is always doing fun promotions or contest to make the site fun and profitable for their members. Many rewards sites have come and gone, but I honestly believe that SR will be there for a long long time. I can honestly say I have 100% confidence in Tricia and her team.
JMO :)
I love SR rewards. I agree if something does not credit the 1st I try it again after 30 days and it usually credits. I have been a member for almost a year. I cannot get over the rewards that I have collected on for my upcoming trip to disney. I also belong the forum and that helps alot to give you tips and other ideas for making money.

Hi Jolarache! I think you signed up under me at SR last year or so when they were running a referral contest! I am so happy to hear that you love this site. I am THRILLED with it as I have earned over $700 and that has been with very little effort! The thing I particularly like about SR is the SUPPORT and the forum. You can always get help and answers with NO CANNED RESPONSES as with other sites. It is a warm and inviting place and the majority of members who post there seem to be very happy.

I am sorry that the original poster here is unhappy, perhaps if you dropped into the SR forum with questions we could provde you with some help. That does not mean that every offer will credit and it does not mean that sometimes you won't be disappointed because something did not credit (like I was with a Disney purchase) but SR went to bat for me and kept me advised. I can't ask more than that and the $700++ in my account makes me very happy too. Perhaps you will give it another try and if not I hope QR works for you!!!
I think that is a pretty big leap to go from I'm personally having problems getting credit to a site is on its way out...

I'm sure if you go to the SR forum, people would be more than happy to give you tips on what to try to get more items to credit.

I've been doing clicks/offers/surveys for many many years (maybe I shouldn't admit I'm that old :rotfl: ), and I'm always learning new ways to do offers, as the companies that offer the offers make changes to what qualifies as a "new" person on their list... The companies putting out the offers are constantly changing the game... so we need to keep sharing our information on the forums so we can help each other maximize earnings in a legal way.

There are a couple of good click sites out there...but I stick with SR exclusively so I don't have to keep track of every little offer and I'm not stressed about accidentally repeating an offer between sites (illegal). One site may offer more on this item... and another may offer more on another, but I don't have time to do all the comparing and the math... I like the perks of picking just one site to do all my shopping/offers/surveys.

I've picked SR for the community/forums... the owner is very honest and upfront about the business (which is why I feel good that SR will be around a long time) and she is always adding new features/merchants/games. The other members always give me good advice on good buys through SR merchants, and good tips on how to complete offers.

I understand you are angry and frustrated at not being able to get offers to credit (been there... there are still a few from certain types that NEVER credit for me- but life isn't perfect... a good percentage do credit just fine for me).

I wish you good luck on getting offers to credit whatever site you choose.
I was just posting that, while I have been a member of SR for almost two years, the percentage of the offers actually crediting has dropped to about 20%. In the beginning, I was crediting about 90%.

I do know about clearing cookies, using different emails, etc. I am not a newbie to these sites.

Again, I was just wondering if anyone else was having these issues. There may be nothing more disheartening than spending twenty minutes completing a survey or ten minutes doing an offer, or spending $200 shopping online only to have it not credit.

Forum posts have done nothing. I get the same lame advice as posted here, clear cookies, in their lists, etc. The bottom line is SR is not crediting for me anymore. I have 22 items on my pending offers sections, and they have been there for weeks.

I am not trashing SR: I have earned over $300 in Disney gift cards, but the quality of the site has degraded. Tricia is awesome, but one cannot deny the loss in quality.

And lastly, I do not believe that it is a big leap to go from something is not crediting for me to SR is on the decline. As a loyal member for years, I have seen my crediting percentage drop from 90% to 20%. That is far too dramatic a drop to just apply to a single member.
I was just posting that, while I have been a member of SR for almost two years, the percentage of the offers actually crediting has dropped to about 20%. In the beginning, I was crediting about 90%.

I do know about clearing cookies, using different emails, etc. I am not a newbie to these sites.

Again, I was just wondering if anyone else was having these issues. There may be nothing more disheartening than spending twenty minutes completing a survey or ten minutes doing an offer, or spending $200 shopping online only to have it not credit.

Forum posts have done nothing. I get the same lame advice as posted here, clear cookies, in their lists, etc. The bottom line is SR is not crediting for me anymore. I have 22 items on my pending offers sections, and they have been there for weeks.

I am not trashing SR: I have earned over $300 in Disney gift cards, but the quality of the site has degraded. Tricia is awesome, but one cannot deny the loss in quality.

And lastly, I do not believe that it is a big leap to go from something is not crediting for me to SR is on the decline. As a loyal member for years, I have seen my crediting percentage drop from 90% to 20%. That is far too dramatic a drop to just apply to a single member.

You state that one cannot deny the loss in quality, but I'm not seeing what you are basing that on? Are you saying that because you are personally having crediting problems that the quality of the site is declining? If EVERYONE was having issues with crediting, then maybe I could see that connection, but that certainly is not the case. I haven't seen any decline in quality at SR. Tricia is very careful and selective about which offers she runs and if she sees an offer that isn't crediting well she pulls it down.

Why do you suppose you have seen a drop in your crediting percentage however many other people have not? I agree that a 90% to 20% drop is significant, however, there must be a reason that you are having this issue when many others are not. SOMETHING is causing it and I seriously doubt that Tricia is just picking on you!:lmao: Advertisers are constantly changing how offers are credited and what they are looking for. For example, I've noticed in the last few months that they most freebie offers will not credit if you don't click on an offer or two at the end (on the page where it says, Thank you or congrats on completing this offer, blah, blah). This did not used to be required. Also, clicking on email confirmations 2 years ago was not usually required. However, now many offers will not credit without it. Some advertisers watch how quickly you complete offers or how many you do a day. SOMETHING is causing your offers not to credit. You need to find out what it is or it will most likely effect your credits no matter what program you do. I had a problem getting offers to credit when I switched computers and I know how frustrating it can be to find out what is causing it but if you are persistant you can solve the problem if you want to.

ETA: Offers that are on your pending list longer than 7-10 days most likely have not tracked correctly and will not credit. If it is a paid trial you can file a trouble ticket and SR can investigate, but not with freebie offers. Most freebies are fast crediting (meaning they credit usually at the top of the hour) and manual credits I believe Tricia does at least once a week. Anything pending for weeks and weeks has not tracked. If the offer hasn't tracked properly it will sit in pending which is what seems to be happening to you. Again, you need to find out what is causing so many offers to not credit.


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