Is Sunshine Rewards on the way out?

Again, I was just wondering if anyone else was having these issues. There may be nothing more disheartening than spending twenty minutes completing a survey or ten minutes doing an offer, or spending $200 shopping online only to have it not credit.

Forum posts have done nothing. I get the same lame advice as posted here, clear cookies, in their lists, etc. The bottom line is SR is not crediting for me anymore. I have 22 items on my pending offers sections, and they have been there for weeks.

I am not trashing SR: I have earned over $300 in Disney gift cards, but the quality of the site has degraded. Tricia is awesome, but one cannot deny the loss in quality.

And lastly, I do not believe that it is a big leap to go from something is not crediting for me to SR is on the decline. As a loyal member for years, I have seen my crediting percentage drop from 90% to 20%. That is far too dramatic a drop to just apply to a single member.

I think if you are having trouble getting surveys and shopping to credit, the problem is on your end. I have had one Greenfield daily survey not credit in a year and a half, and I think it actually showed up later because I got two credits on one day. I have had a few OTX surveys not credit because I don't clear cookies every day. All of my shopping has credited except for one order, and since I forgot to save the confirmation e-mail, I didn't even ask SR to check it out for me, which they are very happy to do. Surveys and shopping are easy credits and automatic in most cases. If they are not crediting for you, something is going on with your computer or network. It is not a site issue if everyone but you is getting credit for surveys and shopping.

As far as "lame advice", it is hard to tell why you alone are having trouble without having your computer in front of us. We do the best we can to help with the very limited information you have provided. Maybe you did too many offers at one time. Maybe not - I don't know. Perhaps you are not actually looking for help - you just want to vent your perceived frustrations. That's fine, too. If you are not actually looking for help, then telling you to check out the forum doesn't do much for you. Hardly "lame advice" for anyone who genuinely wants to earn money at SR, though.

I have no idea what you mean about "the quality of the site has degraded". There are more shopping merchants than ever and more survey opportunities than ever. SR is on track for a record number of Supermembers this quarter, so SOMEONE is getting offers to credit. We'd all be happy to help you get there, but we apparently only have "lame advice" to offer. Well, that lame advice has earned me over $600 in a year without even doing offers, so I'll keep taking it! :thumbsup2
I also want to say that it is totally possible that you need to make some changes in order for things to credit for you. I have been a member since February 2007 and I have earned $1396. I have done possibly every freebie offer there is at least once. They have not all credited but at least 80% of them have. I have had to wait 30 days to redo some of them in order for them to credit. I can say that I have made $107 this quarter and I only had $30 at the end of May. This means that I made $70 in the past month. As far as shopping goes I can tell you that I had and sometimes still have a major issue with things crediting. I finally realized that there were two reasons this was happening. First my wireless was switching IP's on me throughout my sessions. I had to call and request a static IP. I also now plug in to my DSL chord when I am going to shop. The other was that I would have my AOL open and running while I was doing SR on IE and AOL would have its own IP that also changes constantly. This was causing my cookies not to record correctly. Now I have to close out AOL and everything else when I am going to shop. I can say that the majority of my shopping credits automatically now. The few that haven't I have filed a ticket for and received credit. The freebie offers are crediting great for me now. I get the majority to credit but I have to go slowly, click on some of the offers to check them out and click on all of the confirmation emails. Hopefully you will have found some of my advice to be anything but lame. If not then I am afraid that your days of earning money at SR and any other site are over. Since they all credit through the same type of system that tracks cookies you won't have much luck on any of the programs unless you get the issue with your computer worked out. Good luck!
I've been a member since nearly the beginning and I've actually found the opposite of you. I have more things crediting now and I'm close to making supermember for the first time. And SR is the only site that has consistently worked for me. Tricia makes a point of trying to find offers that will work up here and adds merchants all the time.

I know if is frustrating when you do all the work and don't get what you were expecting. Try checking with your internet provider about how they assign IP's as I know a few members have had issues with that.

Another common problem is the toolbars that you can download from a variety of places. They often mess up the tracking so that another site gets credit for your actions. I never download anything that hasn't been vetted by an IT person as being clear of spyware etc.
Just wanted to chime in with another data point... since you were asking if anyone else was having problems...
My rate of getting offers to credit is still fantastic... I haven't noticed one bit of problem. I still have the occasional offer that won't credit but the percentage that credit is high... my pending offer list is short.
I haven't noticed any drop in crediting percentage in the year plus I've been with SR.

I love how I can reach SM level with only surveys and offers without doing any shopping (but I do end up doing a little shopping since with the free shipping section I can buy somethings cheaper online than in the local stores).

I thank all the posters who take the time to give advice (and I don't think it is lame) as I've learned so many tricks to keep my credit percentage high...
The confirmation emails have definitely gotten harder (sometimes I have to click on two confirmation of which is doesn't always look like it came from the offer, but I can tell because I use the . google address and each offer gets a unique email)... there is also the silver,gold offer bit at the end which we didn't have to do before.

Good luck to you in tracking down the issue.
OP: As you can tell, SR has very loyal members. I have been a member of QR and MP and I am not afraid to admit it. I use SR 99% of the time and, to be honest, it isn't because things necessarily credit any better than at QR, but it is because SR is just an awesome community to be a member of. The SR team is very helpful and honest. If I were having the same problem as you, I might email them and see if they could help me. But I wouldn't publicly diss them and say they are 'on their way out'. All of us have had times that 'nothing seems to credit' and have felt discouraged. But we are also all there to help each other. You will only isolate yourself by telling people who are trying to help you that they are offering 'lame advice'.

I am not afraid to say that I too have had times that I think ‘what in the #$@$ is going on’…nothing seems to credit, etc…BUT I always figure out why. You cannot have 2 browsers open (msn and IE); you have to run ad aware, spybot, ccleaner, as frequently as YOUR computer requires it. Yesterday, I got credit for 6 offers + 2 surveys. I did an offer, got credit, ran ccleaner, and repeated this all day. I clear cookies and clean my computer a LOT and I have to get things to credit. But then there are some who never clear cookies. I know you have said you have heard this all before, BUT, my point is that I have been as frustrated as you and thought it must be SR…but it wasn’t.

Quite frankly, I have earned more with SR in the last few months than I ever have. I think most of us will attest to the fact that the SR is ALWAYS finding new offers, merchants, games and contests to help their members earn more money.

I am confused by the point of your post. You wanted to know if others were experiencing the same thing, and we have all said no and tried to help but you don’t seem to want to hear that…

With all that being said, if you’re not happy with SR, then I wish you well in finding a better site, but if you do return to SR and talk to us in the forums, we are always glad to help one another figure out what the problem might be.
I used to get tons of credits and spent a lot of time racking them up but I slowed down over the past year when I started a new job. I started working on things again about a month ago and have noticed the same things as far as crediting. I have a number of things just sitting there, not crediting. But I think it has more to do with the industry and not any single site. I know there have been some big changes, companies getting stricter and pickier in the time I took a bit of a "leave" from clicking. It's a symptom pretty much across the board, something all site are dealing with and therefore all members of those sites.

The main draw for most to SR was the service and ease of use. Those are still there. I know there are big QR fans, but I was barely a member before and didn't switch when they made their changes. I recently decided to check it out but the site is still so awkward and not at all user-friendly. I want to go in, find what I need, and click away. I feel like I'm stuck in a maze when I'm there so I already dropped it after 2 days. No offense to QR fans, but just an example of how for some people, like me, SR is still the main preference because of things unrelated to crediting.
I was just posting that, while I have been a member of SR for almost two years, the percentage of the offers actually crediting has dropped to about 20%. In the beginning, I was crediting about 90%.

I do know about clearing cookies, using different emails, etc. I am not a newbie to these sites.

Again, I was just wondering if anyone else was having these issues. There may be nothing more disheartening than spending twenty minutes completing a survey or ten minutes doing an offer, or spending $200 shopping online only to have it not credit.

Forum posts have done nothing. I get the same lame advice as posted here, clear cookies, in their lists, etc. The bottom line is SR is not crediting for me anymore. I have 22 items on my pending offers sections, and they have been there for weeks.

I am not trashing SR: I have earned over $300 in Disney gift cards, but the quality of the site has degraded. Tricia is awesome, but one cannot deny the loss in quality.

And lastly, I do not believe that it is a big leap to go from something is not crediting for me to SR is on the decline. As a loyal member for years, I have seen my crediting percentage drop from 90% to 20%. That is far too dramatic a drop to just apply to a single member.

I had the same thing happen last summer - I went from being on the leader board every month to not near the top ten - all summer. I tried everthing. I do not know why but it was my computer. Eventually it crashed and I got a new one - then everything credited again for many months. It may be slower again but right now I am too busy to try as many offers but I am still averaging about $200 a quarter and I am not doing surveys any more - they were taking too much time. My cash outs are timely and I love the sight. I would think if SR is seeing any issues it is related to economy issues and less internet shopping. I would think that would apply to them and any onther store and/or rewards sight....
Ok, I knew when I posted this topic that I would be bombarded by SR "slappy's", however, I just wanted to voice my own experiences. Things went from great to not-so-great with SR, and I simply wanted to see if anyone else had this same experience. To my expectancy, I was and am, vilified on the boards. For the most part, I have been blamed as if it was my fault. I must have done something wrong. I must not know how to clear cookies, change email addresses, exploit the system as well of those who have replied, etc.

Nevertheless, despite the literal pounding I have taken on the boards, I have received no less than 30 PM's agreeing with me. They have PM'ed me to avoid the pounding I have taken as well, and I cannot disagree with their decision.

I only offered my opinion as to what has happened to me, as well as to many others, looking to see if we were the only ones. While I am glad to see that I am not the only one, I must wonder about the blind obedience paid to those that offer money. It is OK to have a differing, or at least degraded, opinion.

Once again, I can only offer my own experiences, and I would hope that the DIS community would accept them as a valid criticism and concern. We are, after all, supposedly here to help and guide one another. Or maybe I misunderstood the original guise of this site.
Ok, I knew when I posted this topic that I would be bombarded by SR "slappy's", however, I just wanted to voice my own experiences. Things went from great to not-so-great with SR, and I simply wanted to see if anyone else had this same experience. To my expectancy, I was and am, vilified on the boards. For the most part, I have been blamed as if it was my fault. I must have done something wrong. I must not know how to clear cookies, change email addresses, exploit the system as well of those who have replied, etc.

Nevertheless, despite the literal pounding I have taken on the boards, I have received no less than 30 PM's agreeing with me. They have PM'ed me to avoid the pounding I have taken as well, and I cannot disagree with their decision.

I only offered my opinion as to what has happened to me, as well as to many others, looking to see if we were the only ones. While I am glad to see that I am not the only one, I must wonder about the blind obedience paid to those that offer money. It is OK to have a differing, or at least degraded, opinion.

Once again, I can only offer my own experiences, and I would hope that the DIS community would accept them as a valid criticism and concern. We are, after all, supposedly here to help and guide one another. Or maybe I misunderstood the original guise of this site.
Can you blame people for pounding you when you call them "slappy's"(whatever that means) and their advice lame?

Personally, I would contact Tricia or Kevin and try to figure out what the problem might be. I am sure they would be willing to work with you on finding a solution. That is my advice, as lame as it may be...take it or leave it.
Ok, I knew when I posted this topic that I would be bombarded by SR "slappy's", however, I just wanted to voice my own experiences. Things went from great to not-so-great with SR, and I simply wanted to see if anyone else had this same experience. To my expectancy, I was and am, vilified on the boards. For the most part, I have been blamed as if it was my fault. I must have done something wrong. I must not know how to clear cookies, change email addresses, exploit the system as well of those who have replied, etc.

Nevertheless, despite the literal pounding I have taken on the boards, I have received no less than 30 PM's agreeing with me. They have PM'ed me to avoid the pounding I have taken as well, and I cannot disagree with their decision.

I only offered my opinion as to what has happened to me, as well as to many others, looking to see if we were the only ones. While I am glad to see that I am not the only one, I must wonder about the blind obedience paid to those that offer money. It is OK to have a differing, or at least degraded, opinion.

Once again, I can only offer my own experiences, and I would hope that the DIS community would accept them as a valid criticism and concern. We are, after all, supposedly here to help and guide one another. Or maybe I misunderstood the original guise of this site.


First...the title of your original email does not send the message that you were having problems and were looking to see if others were having the same experience. It was questioning the legitimacy and/or stability of Sunshine Rewards. Since you are such an expert you are well aware of the unstable nature of rewards programs. To throw the idea out that Sunshine Rewards in 'on it way out' is of course going to invoke strong feelings from its members.
Second...maybe you should re-read all the previous posts. No one vilified you or 'pounded' you in any of their responses. You were offered MUCH advice. But lets be honest has absolutely NO intentions of taking anyones help or advice. You are an expert, right?
And seriously...blind obedience??... That makes NO sense...What motivation would any member of any program have to publicly support a program that they are NOT having success on?
Am I surprised that you received 30 PM's agreeing with you? Not at all.
The entire enviroment on this board has become very guarded over the past year.
Why you are painting yourself as some kind of vicitim and everyone who responded to you as a group who were out to beat you up..I have no idea.:confused3
You asked for got them....30 agreed with you...those of us posted here had different experiences...THAT is the original 'guise' of this site..Where is the problem?
If you don't want opinions..then don't ask.
I'm sorry if you thought my posts in any way attacked you. It was not my intent... I thought you wanted more data know if you were the only one having problems. I was just offering my experience with SR. I have NO idea why you are having problems with the site, but in a friendly way I wanted to help.

I am very pro SR. I have had a couple of Disney vacations we wouldn't have had without it. I've won a contest on their forum when I usually never win any contest, so it is personal to me. I get nothing for promoting SR.

I respect your opinion... you are allowed to your opinion, and I hope I didn't imply that your problems were trivial (computers can be such a pain in the butt sometimes) I guess I worried a newbie would read your post, and avoid SR without trying it. I enjoy the community at SR forum and would hate to think that someone wouldn't try SR because a some are having problems getting offers to credit. I have no personal stake in if someone joins SR or not... just the friendship and community of the SR forum.

I'm sure EVERY site has people who have problems with it...I myself had a problem with a popular click site, the owner was kind, and tried to help me, but I wasn't having any problems with getting things to credit on SR, so I just went with SR exclusively.

I think we need to continue to talk about sites we have problems with... I count on this forum to tell me about problem sites (NETWINNER comes to mind) This forum has saved me from trying problem sites... I just don't want people to think SR is a problem site when not all of us are having any issues.

I'm sorry you are having problems with SR... I truely mean that. I'm glad you feel vindicated by hearing from some others that also are having problems. I hope everyone finds a click site they can earn money on, and that they enjoy doing.

A proud SR "slappy"
I want to thank Faithhope for the wonderful reply. The understanding shown here was exactly what I was hoping for from true members of the DIS.

I only wondered if others were having the same issues as I. It seems that I am not the only one. I am not trashing SR in anyway, only questioning it's current manifestation. I have earned several hundred dollars in the recent past. I have no ill will.

Open conversation is the only way to discover if these issues are mine and mine alone. Asking a simple question is the best way to discover this. Faithhope understands this, and I would recommend everyone reads her response.

For the record, I am still an active and contributing member of SR. I am still earning, while not as much as I was previously, but still supportive.

Thank you for the validation DIS community.
I only wondered if others were having the same issues as I. It seems that I am not the only one.

You are not the only one. I've basically given up trying to get anything to credit over there. I've cleared cookies, I run Spybot, Adaware etc all the time. I can get everything I do at Mypoints or Quick Rewards to credit, but not at SR. I've had a couple shopping things not credit, and half the time I complete surveys and don't get those credits. I've made almost $400 on SR, but it just kind of hit a wall for me and I can't spend a ton of time doing offers or surveys to not have them credit. :(
I think the longer you are members of any rewards program, the more databases you are going to be in and by the nature of the offers (they are paying for NEW leads) you aren't going to get credit. And if you are doing multiple programs, you can't get credit for the same offers more than once, which is why I only do Sunshine. As to the time the larger offers take pending, that is a necessary evil caused by fraud :(

All that said, I seriously doubt if Sunshine Rewards is on the way out (or even down!). On the contrary, I think SR is going to be one of the few that withstands the test of time because of the integrity of their owners and loyalty of their members.

Actually, looking over my own history (I've been a member since nearly the beginning), this has been one of my best quarters ever with nearly $500 earned!

I guess I can't figure this out since I have a grand total of $3.30 earned. I try both surveys every day but don't seem to qualify. What am I doing wrong?
I guess I can't figure this out since I have a grand total of $3.30 earned. I try both surveys every day but don't seem to qualify. What am I doing wrong?

I think that the key issue here is how much money a person is putting out. I earned $350 last year on SR and a large %age of it on the small no cc required offers that the OP is talking about. The rest was on surveys. Most of the small offers stopped crediting for me last November.

When I see someone on the "Big Board" with $60 or $70 racked up at 3 days into the new month I have to believe that alot of that is from large shopping orders.

So I guess it's hard to gauge how good a person's "earnings" are unless you know they'er spending.

I'm just trying to help nunzia understand some of these numbers she is seeing and I hope I haven't offended anyone in doing so.
To my expectancy, I was and am, vilified on the boards. For the most part, I have been blamed as if it was my fault. I must have done something wrong. I must not know how to clear cookies, change email addresses, exploit the system as well of those who have replied, etc.

Nevertheless, despite the literal pounding I have taken on the boards, I have received no less than 30 PM's agreeing with me. They have PM'ed me to avoid the pounding I have taken as well, and I cannot disagree with their decision.

You haven't been vilified or pounded here. A whole bunch of us have told you what has worked for us. Some of us have told you that we had problems before, found out what we were doing wrong, fixed what we were doing wrong, and then had a different experience.

Saying that there are things you have to do with your computer to get some things to credit isn't "blaming" you; most of us have had to shift the way we work with our computers to get things to credit. I have a Mac and can't use the sad IE for Macs, so things that require IE, I will never get. Not my fault, just the way things are. If I hadn't figured that out, someone would have had to tell me, and it would have been useful information!

Janet gave you some good info about IP addresses and AOL. Perhaps your internet provider is doing to you what hers was doing to her. Simple fix, calling to request a static IP. I personally ONLY use wireless and have almost never had a problem with shopping crediting, but with her computer and connection, she does have a problem. Not her "fault", and if someone had to tell her the problem it wouldn't have been pounding her, just helping her.

That's all I was doing, trying to help you. When we help each other, we can figure out how to get more things to credit for you. When more things credit for you, that makes you happier, and also gives SR more credits. When SR makes more b/c we make more, it helps SR continue to thrive. SR thriving then allows SR to be stronger, and helps us make MORE, and so the cycle continues.

No one wants someone just flailing away, getting no credits but sticking with SR just because. We all want to help each other.

If you want help, post what kind of computer you have (Mac or PC), what OS you're using, wireless or wired connection, do you know if your IP address fluctuates. What sort of security do you have on your computer (I have a Mac and I know that most viruses can't do much to Macs, so I have my security VERY low and haven't had a problem knock wood), have you made sure you have no firewalls? How often DO you clear cookies? Are you following the rules created in February for the Daily Surveys? Are you subscribed to the Daily Survey thread over there, so you can hear peoples' experiences with surveys that don't take you back to the SR site, that don't credit, and so on. After finishing a survey, do you go through as though to take a survey again, so that you can see if that one is likely to credit? When you shop, have you done all your price-shopping before, then clear cookies history and cache, click through, sign into your account with that site, fill your shopping cart/bag, and buy right then? Or do you dawdle, or worse, have your shopping cart/bag already full (a big huge bad thing)?

There are so many questions! Answering those questions can help us help you, if that's what you want.

And none of that is about *exploiting* the system, it's just using the system. No one is exploiting anyone. If you don't get credit, SR didn't get credit. Everyone wants everyone to "legally" (ha) get things to credit, b/c then everyone up the line is happier.

And if the 30 people who PMd you would write their problems out in public, then they could be helped, too!

But if you and others don't want help, then oh well. :confused3
I have pretty much given up on SR myself...very rarely does anything credit for me so I really don't spend too much time on it anymore. When something does credit for me I think -- great -- this is terrific, but then that will be it for a long time. I run Adaware, AVG antispyware, clear cookies, etc. but I spend less and less time attempting to do anything at SR because I get so frustrated by it. I check out the forum and see everyone talking about what has credited for them but I rarely have any luck with it. What I make at SR is pitiful. I used to at least get the points for e-mails in the past but they seem to be few and far in between lately... I get paid clicks and sometimes I am lucky enough to get points on the scratch off.

I am glad people make huge amounts on SR. I wish I was one of them. I don't think the OP is alone.
I think that the key issue here is how much money a person is putting out. I earned $350 last year on SR and a large %age of it on the small no cc required offers that the OP is talking about. The rest was on surveys. Most of the small offers stopped crediting for me last November.

When I see someone on the "Big Board" with $60 or $70 racked up at 3 days into the new month I have to believe that alot of that is from large shopping orders.

So I guess it's hard to gauge how good a person's "earnings" are unless you know they'er spending.

I'm just trying to help nunzia understand some of these numbers she is seeing and I hope I haven't offended anyone in doing so.

Don't know if this helps. So far, I've earned $472 on Sunshine Rewards in the last 8 months and only $22.77 of that is from shopping. I am a very comparative shopper and only buy through SR when it's the best option for my wallet. I only have 21 offers in my pending box that just won't credit. For some reason, the Brandarama and Party With _____ never will credit for me and the MID offers give me some troubles too. Not sure if it has something to do with my Vista, my IP address or who knows what else it could be but I just know that it's a long shot that they'll credit.

I recognize that there are other rewards programs out there but the assistance and personal touch provided by SR keeps me visiting. Please check the forum - I am not techie and, too, had some troubles getting things to credit (allowing cookies, clearing history, etc.) but the helpful folks were willing to walk me through it. There are also some "stickies" on the forum that cover some of the more common issues that prevent credit.

I hope you can figure out how to get things to credit for you - SR is a great way to supplement that Disney account, and who here doesn't like that? :thumbsup2


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