Is there a time-lapse on login?


<font color=green>Resident Mariah Expert<br><font
Sep 6, 2000
Find myself having to login in several times throughout the day.

Usually don't have problems if I reply to a string of threads. But say I take a 10 minute break and come back, I find myself having to login again.

And it's even gotten to the point that I have to login for no reason even though I might have responded to a thread just a few seconds prior.

Am I missing out on something here? Is there a way of solving this problem? It's just a nuisance having to type my P/W in all the time. SIGH. Thanks!! :)
Kevin, make sure you answer yes to both of these questions in your user cp > edit options.

1) Automatically login when you return to the site? (uses cookies) yes no

2) Browse board with cookies?

Clicking yes will use cookies to keep your id for this session. Clicking no will send it through the links. (Selecting no may cause problems when sharing links with people behind the same proxy as you)

Strange, both options are 'yes'. Yet I find myself sometimes have to re-login. Could this be a problem with my browser itself? IE?
I assume that you didn't have this problem on the previous boards.

Have you changed anything in IE properties, in particular under the security tab?

Never had a problem with the previous boards.

Thing is, two weeks ago my entire system crashed. Had to reformat my HDD and reinstall everything. INstead of Windows 98, I installed Windows 2000 and with it, IE.

I'm taking a look at IE security settings, but nothing seems to out of the ordinary. Just strange. :rolleyes:
Did you start seeing this problem after the Windows 2000 and IE install? I also used Windows 2000 Professional and IE 5.5. Security is much different on Win2K over 98.

On the security tab in properties of IE, did you click on the Custom Level button and look at those? There are two cookie settings in there. One for "stored" and one for "per-session" cookies. Mine are both set to Enabled.

I don't know if that has anything to do with your particular problem, just trying to eliminate some of the possible issues.
Took a look at IE security settings. Both are enabled as you previously posted.

Problem is, I don't have a reference point to compare. When my system crashed the boards had already made the switch. So I really can't compare.

However, once I installed Windows 2000 and IE with it, the login has been a slight problem. Mind you, it's just a slight inconvenience, but I won't die if it doesn't get solved.

BTW, thanks for all your helpful advice so far. Really appreciate it.


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