"Is there a waterpark, Mum?" 24-29 May 2009.


DIS Veteran
Jul 29, 2006
The Cast:
Me: Joanne 37, travel and photography loving stay at home Mummy to two pink ones.
DH: Richard 41, Theme park, holiday loving IT geek. Earner of all the spondoolies
DD: Anna 6, fun loving, giggly, sporty chatterbox.
DD: Poppy 3 (and a half), tough, strong willed, giggly teenager in practice.

Pre trip report here

Day 1
Sunday 24 May
We are heading down to Folkestone for an early Eurotunnel departure, I have seen the weather forecast and it’s going to be hot today. Summer clothes.....yay!
We told the girls in advance we were going out on a big shopping trip early as Daddy needs new suits for work and we need to choose some new things for the house.
We wake them at 5.45 and they are tired, we’re out of the house pretty sharp after a “dry” dairy free breakfast (Poppy has a tendency for early start travel sickness). Richard has changed the voice on the sat nav to Chip and Dale and after a while the girls smell a rat. We don’t get far before we reveal all. The girls are so excited and the first “first” for all of us is the Eurotunnel.
After a stop over the other side for our early packed lunch and toilet stop Poppy falls asleep for the last 90minutes of the journey and Anna passes the time with her DS.
We arrive at the Cheyenne around 1pm and our room is ready. I ask for early 7am breakfast but we only get one 7am ticket, the rest are various times.


Following a rest in Cochise 1283 and some unpacking we head for Disneyland Park. Cochise is an excellent location, not too far a walk to breakfast and very near the walkway to the parks. It was very quiet too.


It is a very hot afternoon and after the usual photo stops we head for Buzz Lightyear.


This ride never fails to amuse, even after a 35 min wait. After an Ice Cream stop we head for Pirates which is a virtual walk on and have fun in the shop after.




Next, we visit the playground and a good walk around Adventure Isle. We have a water stop and head for Main St. The early start and heat is getting to the group so we stroll out of the park slowly and head for Annette’s for dinner.



We are sat downstairs just past the stairs. After a while of perusing the menu and getting over the shock of the prices, Richard has a cheese burger and I have the avocado and bacon burger. The girls both have the chicken nuggets children’s meal. Drinks are a coke float (6.50e) and traditional lemonade for me. The food came too quickly which I always find unsettling, we had barely taken a sip of our drinks! Very rushed. Burgers were thin and much smaller than the bun; the bacon on mine was fatty and not crispy as I thought it would be. Richard’s cheeseburger was average. Fries were the same thin type as McDonalds. I guess I thought for the price I was going to get a thick “homemade” style burger. The girls rejected their nuggets saying that they tasted “funny”, we split open the nuggets and they were the poorest quality grey looking pulped formed things I had ever seen that were so greasy. A McDonalds nugget is better quality than these. Whilst Poppy was eating her ice cream and Anna her pancake the server tried to push us into having coffee three times. I think a 65e bill for a meal of this poor quality is a rip off. Sadly, we won’t be visiting Annette’s again.
After baths we all got to bed early as tomorrow was a 7am breakfast.
Day 2
Monday 25th May.
The alarm sounds and we do make it down to breakfast a 7am, usual continental fayre which was more than adequate but nothing special.



After popping back to the room to brush our teeth, apply sun cream and pick up our bags we walk to the park early.


We’re on Peter Pan by ten past eight. We ride Peter Pan twice, Dumbo, the Carousel and the Teacups.


We then head over to Buzz Lightyear and Orbitron. I get to go on Space Mountain whilst Richard takes the girls on Buzz again.


After a drink and snack stop we head over to Small World which excites Poppy beyond belief!


It’s 1030 now and we decide to get in line to meet a Princess, Richard now takes his turn to ride Space Mountain. It’s a scorching day and the long wait takes its toll on the crowd and the pushing and shoving doesn’t help. We finally got to see Belle and the Beast and it was all worth it as the girls just lit up.


As we’d had an early breakfast we thought an early lunch might be in order. Richard fancied the look of the Cowboy Cookout BBQ so we headed to Frontierland. After looking at the menu we decided that it would be heavy as we had the Silver Spur booked for dinner. As we were leaving the area Chip and Dale came out so a quick character stop was in order.


Anna decided she wanted to ride BTM so we got fast passes and headed to Colonel Hathi’s Pizza outpost for lunch instead. We split two pizza meal deals between us and experienced our first, but not last Mickey chocolate doughnut! Yum yum.....and the band played, which was a lovely surprise.


We did the Robinson tree house to walk off lunch, then we started heading back to Frontierland.

After a cruise on the Molly Brown it was time for BTM, we got four fastpasses so that Anna could ride twice, whilst those not riding waited in the shade of Fuente Del Oro with ice cold drinks.
BTM was awesome and Anna loved it, it was a real favourite of the trip.


After a rest and drink stop for everybody we queued for Phantom Manor, we all went on but Anna and Poppy really didn’t like it so it was our only visit of the trip.
It was turning into a really full and busy day, we still had a few hours before our Silver Spur reservation so we headed over to Discoveryland. We got in line for Autopia, the wait time was shown as 45min, this turned out to over 1hr and 20mins, the queue was hot and we were a grumpy gang when we left the ride. Needless to say we didn’t ride Autopia again.
We watched Party time with Mickey and Friends before heading to Silver Spur for dinner. We were fifteen minutes early but we were seated. We were very impressed with this restaurant and the choices available to us on the half board plus plan. We both had the shrimp cocktail and the rump steak both of which were lovely. Our puddings were equally delish. The girls had fish, rice and vegetables (not a nugget or chip in sight).




We walked slowly back to the Cheyenne and I swapped all our breakfast slots to 7am.


After a little unwinding, for the adults with the aid of wine that I’d put on ice that morning, for the children with paper and pens, we all had an early night.
What a very busy first two days you had!

Such a shame about your meal at Annette's. We eat there every trip and haven't had a bad meal yet although the portion sizes are on the decrease. We haven't had a kids meal from there but I doubt that Kacee would have eaten those nuggets, he just about eats the ones from McDonalds :headache:.

Glad you managed to meet the princess:. Shame you didn't feel that Autopia was worth waiting for again, I think this is a lovely little ride (which I only discovered again in May) however the waiting times get rediculous very quickly due to the slow loading and the long ride time. I urge you to give it another go when the wait times are below 20 minutes...it really is worth it when you aren't hot and bothered!
I really hated Annettes aswell, I wish i had spent my money in Mcdonalds instead.

I love the pic of the girls in the bandstand on Main Street, a lovely photo!
Great TR and photos :thumbsup2 I too wasn't overly impressed with Annettes tbh but the rest of our party enjoyed it. My DD1 too wouldn't eat nuggets like that - she doesn't even like the McDs ones! :eek: Can't recall what she ate at Annettes - I think perhaps she shared our meals (as there were 4 adults).

Sounds like you had a good time at the Cheyenne - I think in a few years they'll be good for us too (our DD1 is just turned 4 and our DD2 is just turned 1 so similarish gap to yours)....

Can't wait to hear the rest of your trip esp as it was half term here - we will have to start 'doing' school holidays from this Sept and it fills me with dread :scared1:
what a great two days i cant wait to hear more. what did you think of the choices for half board plus were you happy enough with them. i am thinking about getting them in november. i will never again eat in annettes ash has twice had a kids meal and ate nothing there except the ice-cream. my sister and mam tried a chicken nugget each and they said they were awful. i know a lot of people like it but its not my cup of tea
Great trip report so far & lovely photos. Your girls are gorgeous & they have such pretty names too! I agree about the nuggets in Annettes (and everywhere else at Disney except Inventions), my girls won't eat them either, so I always choose for them (I get them the salmon meal at Annettes). Looking forward to reading more.
What a very busy first two days you had!

Such a shame about your meal at Annette's. We eat there every trip and haven't had a bad meal yet although the portion sizes are on the decrease. We haven't had a kids meal from there but I doubt that Kacee would have eaten those nuggets, he just about eats the ones from McDonalds :headache:.

Glad you managed to meet the princess:. Shame you didn't feel that Autopia was worth waiting for again, I think this is a lovely little ride (which I only discovered again in May) however the waiting times get rediculous very quickly due to the slow loading and the long ride time. I urge you to give it another go when the wait times are below 20 minutes...it really is worth it when you aren't hot and bothered!

Very busy two days, it was so quiet it wasn't rushed at all.

I agree, Autopia would have been much more enjoyable had it been a shorter wait.

I really hated Annettes aswell, I wish i had spent my money in Mcdonalds instead.

I love the pic of the girls in the bandstand on Main Street, a lovely photo!

Thanks Em;)

Great TR and photos :thumbsup2 I too wasn't overly impressed with Annettes tbh but the rest of our party enjoyed it. My DD1 too wouldn't eat nuggets like that - she doesn't even like the McDs ones! :eek: Can't recall what she ate at Annettes - I think perhaps she shared our meals (as there were 4 adults).

Sounds like you had a good time at the Cheyenne - I think in a few years they'll be good for us too (our DD1 is just turned 4 and our DD2 is just turned 1 so similarish gap to yours)....

Can't wait to hear the rest of your trip esp as it was half term here - we will have to start 'doing' school holidays from this Sept and it fills me with dread :scared1:

For half term it was quieter than I expected, it wasn't French HT so the majority of visitors were from the UK.
The bunk beds worked out very well, and we were impressed with the Cheyenne:thumbsup2

what a great two days i cant wait to hear more. what did you think of the choices for half board plus were you happy enough with them. i am thinking about getting them in november. i will never again eat in annettes ash has twice had a kids meal and ate nothing there except the ice-cream. my sister and mam tried a chicken nugget each and they said they were awful. i know a lot of people like it but its not my cup of tea

I was very happy with HB+ and the costing, apart from when we used the vouchers for their face value in cafe Mickey on the last day we were happy that we could find something we liked on the set menus.

Great trip report so far & lovely photos. Your girls are gorgeous & they have such pretty names too! I agree about the nuggets in Annettes (and everywhere else at Disney except Inventions), my girls won't eat them either, so I always choose for them (I get them the salmon meal at Annettes). Looking forward to reading more.

Thank you:)
Tuesday 26th May
WOW! The most almighty thunderstorm kept Richard and I awake until late night, the girls slept peacefully through it. This storm has a serious impact on the temperature. Although a bright morning, it’s chilly.
We manage to get down to breakfast again a little after 7am and intend to hit the park for EMH’s.


Once we get to Fantasyland we hit the usually classics and ride each of them more than once, Poppy’s favourite has to be Buzz Lightyear, and I think the whole family agrees that it will never fail to entertain. Another big fave is Peter Pan. The same CM’s see us every morning and are starting to recognise us. We also enjoy watching the artists repainting the flowers and other details on the beams, their progress throughout the week is slow but precise.
Since arriving on Sunday, my friend Jayne and I have been texting each other to see if we are ever close to each other for a meet. They did the studios yesterday and we’re thinking of going there today, something tells me we’ll be in opposite parks again today.
We go up into the castle and the girls love the stained glass windows and as Sleeping Beauty is Anna’s favourite princess she wants to spend ages here.




After being told by a CM in Snow White that is doesn’t open until 11am (despite the sign showing 10am) we head over to see if Alice’s labyrinth in open. We are disappointed to see that this doesn’t open until 11.30am and also that storybook isn’t open again. Disappointed with the staggered openings, we decide to head over to the studios and change our scenery.


Anna is keen to conquer Tower of Terror again, so we get in line whilst Richard and Poppy go off to ride Aladdin’s flying carpets. Tower of Terror breaks down whilst we’re in the queue so we decide to get out of line and go around to get four fastpasses instead. The fastpasses are for 12:30 so we just have some time for lunch in en coulisse. We shared 2 adult meals between the four of us and the en coulisse tower burger was far better and tastier then the Annette’s burger we had on Sunday night.
It was time for our ToT fastpasses and we have decided that Richard should take Anna on first.
Poppy and I head for the Backlot to watch the High School Musical float as it travels down to production courtyard.



Richard and Anna are ages in ToT and as HSM is over and it starts to rain lightly Poppy and I head into the ToT exit shop to wait for them. Sadly they don’t make it out within the 30min slot so I miss out on ToT. Anna is adamant she doesn’t want to ride again anyway. In Richard’s opinion it’s scarier than the WDW version.
The rain is a little heavier now so we see that Cinemagique is just letting the last few in so we make a run for it out of the rain. We all love it and despite it having a more grown up theme, the girls giggle their way through it.
Poppy hasn’t used the buggy (stroller) at all since we arrived and the walk from the Cheyenne alone is enough for a three year old but she has kept walking and apart from spending a little time on either mine or Richard’s shoulders her stamina has impressed me. Then we got out of Cinemagique and everything changed, it was like she hit the wall. The rain was heavier and I felt that this day in general wasn’t going so well. We needed a change. I suggested a visit back to the ranch for a nap, Richard didn’t like the idea to start with but gave in. We all got into bed and pulled the curtains at about 2pm, next think I know I wake at 4pm! I didn’t think I would sleep but we all did, we also slept through quite a heavy rain shower. We had hatched a plan to meet our friends at the last Playhouse Disney Show of the day at 5.30 so we needed to get going, we changed into warmer clothes and I suggested taking the buggy for the last part of the day and Poppy agreed. As we re-entered the Studios we managed to catch Animagique before heading over to Playhouse Disney. Animagique is great and it reminds us all a little of Philharmagic at WDW. As we’re walking over to Production Courtyard I spot my friend and her boys at a refreshment stand and say to Anna wouldn’t it be funny if you came all this way and saw somebody you knew. As we walked past them, I asked her if she knew that boy over there and she and Poppy were jumping in excitement when they saw their friends. Richard and I took all the kids to meet with Nigel who was in the queue for Playhouse whilst Jayne queued for their snacks.


After Playhouse Disney we all headed into Stitch Live! which was hilarious, particularly as I was picked as Stitch’s girlfriend, the whole group said I went along with very well, and my DD’s and DH found it so funny.
We watched Stars and Cars and headed out of the park to the village.





We had a 7.15 reservation for the Steakhouse and they had a 7.30 for Cafe Mickey as it was their last evening, so it’s at the doors of the Steakhouse that we say goodbye.


Upon entering the Steakhouse I am struck by the decor and theme, I didn’t expect that behind that horrible entrance.
We are seated in the middle of the restaurant and the girls have pasta followed by apple cake with cream. Richard had Ocean City Cassolette, steak and Baileys Creme Brulee. I had Caesar salad, Tuna steak, roasted veg and mash, followed by the Baileys Creme Brulee. I had a delish champagne cocktail.

This day started with a few stutters but ended really well in the end after our nap and meeting with our friends, the day was rounded off nicely with a lovely meal.
Jayne, Nigel, Finley and Hayden are seated in the conservatory of Cafe Mickey and we see that Mickey is with them when we walk past. After a final wave we’re Cheyenne bound for baths and bed:goodvibes


Another great day & lovely photos. Glad to hear you all felt better after recharging your batteries.
Wednesday 27th May
Overnight was uneventful, it is sunny this morning but chilly again. Again, we are down to breakfast a smidge after 7am and in the Park for EMH around 8.15.
In addition to Buzz Lightyear and Orbitron, all the Fantasyland favourites are done. We also did our photos in Alice’s chair:thumbsup2



As we get back to the hub just after 9am the double decker open top bus is loading to go back to Town Square, so we jump on. I have never used Main St transportation and it was a fun bumpy ridewith all the tooting and waving.
We decide to head over to the studios for opening and head straight for Crush’s Coaster. Richard and I would both like to ride it and Anna would like to as Finley was talking about yesterday when they met. Sadly, Poppy is doesn’t meet the height requirement.


We all get in line and intend to do baby swap, and after a 40minute queue we get to load, we tell the CM we want to baby swap but he goes and gets the height measure, Poppy comes in at about an inch under and he says we can take her on if we want – no way! That height restriction is there for a reason. I was really shocked and it kind of changed the whole experience for me, but Anna and I got to ride whilst Richard and Poppy waited by the exit. Wow! I loved the ride, Anna was pretty scared and half way and said that she didn’t like it, I held her hand but by the time she got off she was buzzing to get on again. When Richard and Anna went on I saw Sully coming out to meet and greet and we ran over and were the first to see him.



After all doing Flying Carpets and the cars ride we realised it wasn’t warming up as we’d expected and it clouded over quite a bit and although we all had cardigans or jumpers on it wasn’t enough. So cups of coffee and hot chocolates are in order, we walk around to the Backlot express for a warm up and an early light lunch, stopping off to see Remy on the way. Poppy wouldn't go near the table:rotfl:


As we have an early evening meal at Walts, the girls just shared a Mickey Pizza and Brioche, Richard and I shared a baguette. Carb crazy!


We have noticed every time we’ve visited the studios this trip that the Backlot tour has had 120min+ wait time. After lunch we got into the Art of Animation which is interactive funny fun, if you know what I mean!



When we leave, the wait time for Backlot is 25mins (everybody is having lunch and it’s got colder) so we get in line. We discuss going to the shop and buying fleeces for the girls when we’re finished here as the temperate is dropping. After our 40min wait we sit Anna where we know she will get the best from this attraction, Poppy is not keen on loud noises so we sit her in the middle. They both really enjoy it and are not scared at all.


We are all pretty chilly now so Richard takes the girls back to the “Cowboy house” (as Poppy calls it) to get warmed up and I ride ToT as we noticed it only had a 10min wait when we passed.
I am a great fan of WDW ToT and hadn't read much about this verson but I loved it, our ride bellboy CM was a rather scary female who acted the part very well and made it so funny. Thumbs up for DLP ToT:thumbsup2:thumbsup2


After changing into jeans and sweaters we head back to the Park for our 4pm Walts reservation. The lovely CM that is on the welcome desk downstairs gets us seated at a window table after a bit of table “juggling”.


Although I can’t remember our starters (might have been goats cheese:confused3) I do remember having a delish salmon dish and Richard had Chicken which he said was average, for our mains. Our puddings were really yummy. Anna had Princess pasta and Poppy had a fish dish. They both had a apple pudding dish which neither was keen on. The meal was nice but not the best by far. Watching the parade whilst seated was exciting for the girls but made the meal a little disjointed.


We left Walt’s and went around to fantasyland to ride Snow White, as we haven’t been on it yet (due to its late opening). We also go on Small World.


We decide to take a walk around to Star Tours as we haven’t been on it yet. Richard and Anna go on whilst Poppy and I watch the Stitch show. After five mins Poppy decides she doesn’t like the noise and asks to go in the Star Wars shop. She has been after a Buzz Lightyear gun since she went on the ride for the first time so now seemed a good time to purchase, as you can see she is very happy.


Anna and Richard exit Star Tours, Anna loves it and can’t wait to take me on, and becomes very disapointed as the ride is now closed. There's always tomorrow.
On the way out of the park we decide to go in the shops properly for the first time, the girls had a set 30e each to spend and have both already spent some but want to check out the sweet shop. They have their eye on a couple of items but don’t purchase!



Anna makes her mind up when we’re passing Once Upon A Toy so she buys the teapot teaset and Daddy has to carry it home.


We go home to a BBC news catch up and an early night, ready for tomorrow and our last full day in the parks......
loving ur report!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! sounds like u had a good time & sum good rides - crush is sumthin i wud like to try, and maybe when we get to go again cayden will be big enough - actually hes big enuf now lol

ur friend has good taste in her childrens names - not far off my 2 finlay & cayden lol even more spooky my middle name is jane!!!

cant wait for ur last day.....
Love the photos, your DD's are very pretty.

I look forward to hearing about your last day:goodvibes
Thursday 28th May
We wake to a slightly chilly and overcast day. We get down to breakfast a little after 7am and afterwards decide to check out the Cheyenne a bit before we leave. The girls enjoy the tepees and generally running around.



We arrive at Fantasyland slightly later to ride the faves, Poppy has absolutely fallen in love with Peter Pan and once is not enough! After Fantasyland it’s over to Buzz and Orbitron.


As it’s almost 10am we head up to Star Tours as Anna can’t wait to take me on. Richard and Poppy go into Videopolis to watch toons.


We catch up with them and after going on Small World we head into Alice’s labyrinth. The girls love running around the Labyrinth which is in tip top condition.


One thing we have never seen in our visit to Disney Parks is Motors Action Stunt Show. Richard and I really fancy catching it today and there is one starting at 12:30 in the Studios so we decide to head over.

We go into Backlot Express (again) for a Croque. Myself, Richard and Poppy share two (one of each) between us as they are pretty big, Anna isn’t keen on melted cheese (just about the only thing she doesn’t like) so we get her a simple sandwich instead.

After fun with Mummy’s camera and other games! We decide to get in line for the stunt show.
Poppy took this picture of Me and Anna, please bear in mind she is three years old and my camera is a DSLR! Pretty impressive huh!


We are seated centrally, quite near the top, but still the view is great. We are blown away by the show, very impressive indeed. I thought it would be all screeching brakes and spinning cars but the technical explanations and insight was really impressive and interesting.


It’s raining a little now and we head straight into Armageddon – mistake!! The girls find it truly upsetting and are a bit shaken by the experience. I didn’t like it much either. Won’t be going near that again.

Stitch Live! is about to start again and as we found it so funny before we all want to head in again. We entered via the left door again, and again we got right down the front (this time on the right) and again I get chosen as Stitch’s Girlfriend! WHY?!?!?! Again, DH and the girls find it hilarious, the jokes are slighty different this time but get the same positive response.


We decide to head out of the Studios and back to Disneyland Park for our last afternoon.


We go into the Relay shop in the station to get some sweet treats and bottles of water, we indulge in our snacks in one of the gazebos before entering the park.


After a few more photo opportunities we head to Nautilus which is uneventful, and we attempt a visit to “Honey I Shrunk.....” there was a technical problem with this whilst we were in line and we decided to cut our losses and head over to watch the parade.




After the parade we head to Fantasia Gelati for an ice cream, followed by Small World! How could you not!



We ask the girls what they want to do and they want to go on Pirates! No problem! Off we go....



After Pirates we go into Skull Rock and Anna asks to go on BTM again. Poppy has asked to go on the “Wobbly bridge” so they go off, whilst Anna and I get in the 35min queue for BTM. We ride from the left side this time and I think it’s even better!

When we get together we all agree we are tired and it’s time to head back to the "Ranch". Earlier at City Hall I made a reservation for the Chuckwagon Cafe buffet. The buffet is pretty good, plenty of choice – the girls didn’t eat from the “childrens” section, instead they tucked into the same as us. Salmon, Chicken, Ribs, salad and rice and plenty of veg!!! yippee.....
The puddings are pretty tasty too!

After dinner we head back to the room.


I pack whilst Richards bathes the girls ready for our last day, and the final surprise........
omg i am loving your tr. your two girls are so cute. it looks like they had so much fun. are they still talking about it. ash never shuts up and we went in february lol.

can i ask where is the once upon a toy shop?
omg i am loving your tr. your two girls are so cute. it looks like they had so much fun. are they still talking about it. ash never shuts up and we went in february lol.

can i ask where is the once upon a toy shop?

Thanks, we had a great break.

Ooopps My mistake, it's "World of toys" in the village - I got confused with WDW:rolleyes:
Friday 29th May. Part One.

We wake to a lovely sunny Cheyenne day. It was explained to us that after breakfast and checkout on our last day we are meant to move the car to the Park car parks. To be honest the Cheyenne car park is so quiet we decide to do the naughty thing and pack it up and leave it where it is. We asked the girls last night what they wanted to do in the morning as we were leaving after lunch – they want to get up early again go for EMH.
We get down to breakfast at 7am and after some more Cheyenne running around and final packing we drop off the key cards and head to the parks.


To be honest after we’ve done the EMH rides we are filling time until our 12noon Cafe Mickey reservation. Buzz broke down whilst we were in the queue for the second time and we ended up waiting for 35 minutes (the longest Buzz wait of the entire trip).


We have a toffee apple and enjoy time walking around (or climbing in the girls case) the park taking in the visual things that we missed in out more rushed days.




We go on the Main St horse drawn carriage and take in the other Main St pleasures whilst it’s still quite quiet.





All of a sudden we decide we should start heading back to the Village for our reservation. It’s a sad goodbye to Disneyland Park, we have had an enjoyable holiday and even DLP sceptic Richard had to admit that we had lots of fun.
The girls are unaware of our lunch date with Mickey and Friends and have been asking all week if we’re going in Cafe Mickey, especially after they saw their friends having their tea in there on Tuesday. We trick them slightly by heading into the Relay shop in the station for snacks and drinks for the car journey up to Calais – they think it’s their lunch as they know we are heading to the Cheyenne for one last time to get the car.
We spring the surprise on them and they are over the moon – Cafe Mickey is really quiet, we are seated within the restaurant near the conservatory.

Friday 29th May - Part Two.

We are happy with our table and we get lots of good Character interaction with most of the characters:thumbsup2







When Mickey comes out he poses quickly for a couple of pictures with the girls but doesn’t sign their books, he spends lots of time instead with the CM’s that are on the welcome desk which we can see from where we are seated:confused3


We do get his autograph and more photos the second time around.


Now for the food - the girls had pasta with meatballs and the pudding buffet, Richard had a Pizza and I had a Pasta dish (I can’t remember the name of it) which was really garlicy with sundried tomatoes and pine nuts. It was yummy, Richard and I often switch main courses half way through and today was no exception. I had some of his yummy pizza and he got the most garlicy end of my pasta dish. We both had a cherry coke and the girls had milk. We nicked some of the girls pudding buffet items from their bowls......:rotfl:
Having never been in Cafe Mickey before we enjoyed the attention to detail, like the wall lights, or should I say Mickeys hand holding the wall lights;)
When I think this meal was only a tiny bit more expensive than the horrible meal we had in Annette's on our first night - we could have done Cafe Mickey twice! We also loved the atmosphere and would be more than happy to return. Our HB+ vouchers covered the meal which was an added bonus.

The final walk to the Cheyenne and the car is earlier than I planned and we get to Calais early and manage to get on an early shuttle.




We got through our front door at 8pm UK time and were happy to fall into bed very content after a fun filled holiday:banana::banana::banana:

Thank you for reading:thumbsup2
That trip report was fab! :thumbsup2 Your girls are beautiful! Fab pic of you and your daughter at the table and love the pic with the chocolate mouth!:)
lovely report!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and i do agree with u - cafe mickey is lovely and u can make it as cheap as u want it to be!

as for the parking - we have done the same, and not left til after 5pm :scared1: and even then there are plenty of spaces.... so, have never worried!! (and weve been and done it 3 times, so think its ok lol)

love all ur pics, ur girls are gorgeous!!!! looks like they had a great time too... when u going back?? :lmao:


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