Is there any reason to take sweatshirts/long pants to HH next week?


<font color=blue>Horseshoe Mesa - 3 miles, 31 swit
Aug 17, 1999
Getting started on the laundry/packing for Hilton Head next week. DH says I overpack :rolleyes:, but he always appreciates it when I have what he did not want/bother to carry. ;) I debating on whether to pack sweatshirts or long pants (unless dressy for restaurants) for my 6 & 7 year old sons. Please let me know if you think I will regret not having these items.
Just got back from HH this week.....I don't think we ever changed out of bathing suits except to sleep!!! LOL!!

I wouldn't bother..I packed a sweatshirt for each of us and it stayed in the suitcases. It was hot, but we LOVED it...

Have a great trip! We can't wait to go back.
Personally I always pack one warm outfit just in case!!
A few times we have been glad! Sometimes need it for air conditioning!

My mother was my girl scout leader and loved the motto be Prepared! :earsboy:
I usually never pack long sleeves for my summer trips but this year I brought along a long sleeved blouse for the trip down. A/C is always too high for my taste.
Well I got terrible sunburn and by dinnertime I was freezing. The sun had gone down and there was a storm coming and the wind was picking up. That long sleeved blouse was the best thing I brought with me and the rest of the family was so jealous. Of course that gave them a good reason to buy themselves new Disney sweatshirts. Peggie
We recently went to a NASCAR race and I packed raingear, jackets, etc!
Well it rained and we were in rain delay. The race finally started at 11:30 pm and ended close to 1 am! By then it was CHILLY- lots of the girls were wearing bikini tops and short shorts! They were frozen-- I put on my sweat shirt and jacket and was still cold! Several people saw me bundled up and commented that they wish they had been prepared for the temp. change from the warm afternoon!

On our disney trip last week we carried the ponchos every day and never used them.
Other trips we lived in them -- infact if you ever see our family picture at community hall at OKW we are the family in the yellow rain ponchos. I labled the picture we love WDW rain or shine!

I would never pack sweats for South Carolina past March. However light weight, quick dry, loose fitting long pants (or long skirt) & long sleeves would be a good idea. This is usually sufficient for air conditioning & mosquitos. It shouldn't be an especially loose weave (guys clothes usually aren't anyway) because it won't do you any good in air conditioning if it is.:rolleyes:


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