Is two bedroom for four waste of points?


DIS Veteran
Aug 18, 1999
After talking to my DD8 about our upcoming trip with myself partner and DS11, she said she doesn't want to share bed with her brother anymore. I have switched the ressy to a 2 bed instead of a one - only about 50 more points. I thought the space would be nice and they won't have to share. Also - i may have to get an add on in the near future!

Is a two bed an extravagent waste of points for 2 adults and two kids? How do others do it? Do you take a blow up bed with you?
I think if you have the points to do it, then go for it :)

I loved our 2 bedroom at SSR last year. It is so nice as well to have the living area for just living rather then doubling up as a sleep area.

Unfortunately we don't have enough points to do that again anytime soon but like I say, if you have the points and it makes you happy - then you will love it :goodvibes
Well, I think if you have the points, and that's what you want to do with them, then that is what you should do!! You could also bring an aero bed for the youngest child if you stay in a one bedroom again... That's what we've done so far, but I know in a few more years we'll face the exact same question as to whether getting a 2 bedroom is too much for 2 adults and two children...
We are aa family of 4 and usally get a 2 bedroom.
My children are the same sex, but hated sharing.
We love the space and the extra bathroom, helps when its time to get ready in the morning.
We have been struggling with this same issue. My DD13 and DS9 do not want to share a bed anymore. I thought at first it was just my DD being 13 ;) , but then when her brother voiced the same feelings I had to stop and think. We don't currently have enough points to be able to vacation in a 2 BR for every trip, so I think for the longer ones we will choose the 2 BR and for the shorter ones we will take an air mattress for my DS. The previous comment about having an extra bathroom is definitely worth considering, especially with a teenager!

The perfect solution would be to add on so a 2 BR fits into every vacation...wonder if my DH would feel the same? :rolleyes1
IMHO, it's not a waste -I recently got a 2 bedroom with 3 adults. It wasn't so much about the beds as it was about having two bathrooms and having the kitchen/living room free for anyone who wanted to get up early or stay up late. I do not like anyone sleeping in the living room!

Best wishes-
Not a waste at all. DD13 and DS10 NEVER liked sharing a bed. They barely like sharing a room :)

We just got back from a great trip, staying in a dedicated 2BR at BCV. We will never stay in one bedroom.
We used to only book a studio, we felt, we stayed in a "regular" hotel room, what's the difference? Then we were upgraded to a 2bdrm (not sure why) and we now book 2bdrms all the time. My DDs are only 9 and 11 and we love the extra room and they love the feeling of their "own room." I say go-for-it!! :flower:
I agree with everyone else. We've done the studio for a short trip (luckily at OKW), and the one bedroom for a week with four of us (two adults and two kids), but the two bedroom is so much nicer. We just took our in-laws with us and stayed in a two bedroom-- not enough room, let me tell you. :rotfl:

Our kids dd 11 and ds7 have always hated sleeping together, and with one more coming, well we had to buy an add on this week.
2-bedroom is exactly what we do. My DD is 9 and my DS is 12. His voice changed over the summer (in one hilarious weekend!). Now that he's a baritone, ahem, he doesn't share a bed with sis. The 2-bedroom gives them separate beds but lets them share a room for all those giggles and stories that we really shouldn't overhear. (Yes, of course we eavesdrop!) It also lets the whole family have a living room. We love it!
We did 2 bdrm with four+ at VB -- Mom, Dad, two daughters and guide dog. Everyone had plenty of space. The second bathroom alone is enough reason to do it.
It's a waste if you're not gonna spend much time in the room.
IMO 8yo girl and 11yo boy are too old to be sharing a bed except in dire circumstances. Even if the are siblings. Same sex would be okay. But I bet the 11yo would complain. It is funny how quickly kids grow up. One day they don't mind and in a blink of an eye they can't stand the thought of bed sharing.You will love the 2BR. Have a great trip.
Count us in on a big YES also. If you have the points the extra bath, and not having to clean up the sofa bed every day is great. Just the extra bath is worth it for us. It's nice to be able to go to the kitchen and get a drink or something to eat and not bother those in their bedrooms.

Jean and Bob
I was pooled points with a friend and splurged on a 2 bedroom at OKW for 3 adults. It was wonderful to have the extra space. We were going to a friend's wedding and we were doing the favors for the shower. The kitchen was nice to make chocolates in and put together the gift bags.

If you have the points, go for it! It makes the day nice to have the living area not double as a sleeping area and like others have said, the 2nd bathroom is nice
We're a family of three and we're talking about getting a two bedroom soon (as soon as we catch up on our points). Our 12 yr old son really deserves to have a real bed to sleep in at WDW.
We spend our points the same we do our money, on what we want.

We have booked a 2 bedroom before, for 3. Sleeping on a sofa bed is not a vacation for anyone in our family.
Add me to the "2BR for three" list. We're going down this December and our DS (25) is coming, too - this will be our Christmas get-together. We figured that he'll be up a bit later (we're at SSR, so DTD/PI will beckon him) and that, as others have said, he deserves a 'real' bed. And there's no way we're giving up our king/jacuzzi/shower!

We prefer to have the living/kitchen areas of a 2BR as common areas - it's tough to get up, make coffee, grab a donut and go out on the balcony if there's someone in the sofabed.
The 2 questions in this situation are what do you want and what are the rules. Since you are within the rules, it comes down to your personal choice. Many on this list would go for the 1 BR or even studio to save the points, many others would go for the extra space for the privacy, comfort and to free up the LR.
Also, since we reserve the room with points and not with bodies, there is no waste for a larger sized room with fewer bodies. Stuffing a room is not permitted. Giving people room to spread out is. We're still using the points allotted to the villa. I know some people like to make the comment that this is a waste of space and some other poor member would not be able to make their reservation because other members are "wasting space". You still use the same number of points for a two bedroom, whether you have three people or eight people.


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