It’s Always Sunny in California!..Eh?...L’il Bit!

I noticed a few walked out to the pool area, so I did too.

Back into the lobby to wait. I love this picture and I am actually thinking of making it bigger to put on my wall at my house.

On to the room tours.

After we toured a few rooms we headed back to the lobby to wait for the rest. I was talking and one of the head guys of the Courtyard asked me if I was from Michigan. I said, no, Ohio, and he said he was from Ohio too and he recognized my “accent”. I laughed, as I am told this often. I told him I never really think I have one, and one of the girls in our group said she had noticed I had a l’il bit of one too. Of course, I think she was from Texas, so I noticed hers as well. LOL.

As we waited, I took a few more lobby pictures.

Back on the bus we went to our next destination, The Hampton Inn and Suites. Again, I circled where this is located and it is further away. I personally would not want to stay this far from the parks.

We all gathered around in the lobby. We had been making good time and were a bit early, but they soon got tour guides ready for us.

We had some head lady as our guide. Let’s just say she needed some make up tips. I looked at her and I swear it was the scariest thing I ever saw. Way too much eye liner and lip liner. I thought it was just me, but Cass said the same thing and she said she saw others looking at her strangely too.

Our first stop, the workout room.

Business center.

The patio.

With pool behind it.

I think we had to go down this hallway to get to the pool.

The pool.

This room is off the lobby, but closed off during the day. They have breakfast here.

And cookies were brought out for us. YUM!

Nice to see the area. I am partial to Hampton but I would feel so far away I think especially after staying at GCV.
I'm with Pat; I am partial to the Hamptons too, but that does seem far. I'm not sure where we are going to stay next year. I'm so confused.
Again, great pics of the good neighbour hotels.

We stayed at the Desert Inn last time and even though it is not 5 star, I would stay there again in a heartbeat - cross the street and you are right at the main entrance - can't beat that location. ;)
Nice to see the area. I am partial to Hampton but I would feel so far away I think especially after staying at GCV.

It really is much further than I would like.

I'm with Pat; I am partial to the Hamptons too, but that does seem far. I'm not sure where we are going to stay next year. I'm so confused.

I do suggest onsite. ;) But if not, one of the ones across the street if you can snag one.

Again, great pics of the good neighbour hotels.

We stayed at the Desert Inn last time and even though it is not 5 star, I would stay there again in a heartbeat - cross the street and you are right at the main entrance - can't beat that location. ;)

I have heard good things about the Desert Inn. I really think location is important here.
We then made our way to tour some rooms.

We toured a lot of rooms here and most were pretty much the same. This one had a small closet sized area that had a small bed with a TV for kids. It was really kind of weird to me, but the lady sang its praises.

The room number signs were cute.

I believe this was a suite.

This seemed to take forever here. It was a nice place, but just too far away for my tastes and I didn’t like how pushy the makeup lady was. The cookies were a highlight though!

On again we went to the next stop, The Marriott Suites!

Here it is on the map….way at the bottom.

We all piled into the lobby. It was huge! This place really is nice, but again, not very close.
This was in the lobby and really pretty.

Again, rooms look nice and I would love to stay there if it was closer to the park. :lmao: Considering HOW far some of the hotels are from the parks in WDW, this sounds so weird. :rotfl2:
We had arrived at the Marriot VERY early and they were not ready for us at all. We did a lot of waiting around and I walked around and took pictures.

Fruity water must be the big thing in this area.

I am not sure if you can tell by the picture, but this had water running down the sides and the lights changed on it.

The restaurant.

I am not a patient person and I was getting antsy. We really did wait quite a while before they were ready for us, but eventually they did and they gave us each a little Marriott bag. I think it might have had a pad of paper in it too, but really it was too small of a bag to use at the grocery store. (It was like the ones you use to bag your own stuff, but a much smaller version)

We headed up and again, we were in smaller groups, but not everyone can fit in one elevator, so I waited at the top.

Nice view.


We wondered what this area was. It was themed to Small World in structure, but kind of looked like it was an abandoned area now. We did see meet and greets there later in the trip, but my guess is it was used for something else in the past.

I really have no idea, but if I had to give a guess... Did DL ever have one of those sky rides? Looks like it could be a loading area for that.

I loved reading about all of your freebies- the cute condiment bottles pilfered from the tray, the vendor gifts and FREE TAMPONS!


What a helpful tour of the Good Neighbor hotels. I'm with you, though. Location is everything. I want to be in walking distance!

Good gosh Jen, you knew that I was on vacation yet you continued to post update after update so I'd have to read like a madwoman when I got back. :rotfl: Seriously, great updates! I really enjoy looking at your pictures of the various resorts/hotels. Oh and I had to laugh at you snitching the mini sized condiment bottles. We did that when we ate at The Plaza at the Magic Kingdom. They are just too darn cute to not take them.
I really have no idea, but if I had to give a guess... Did DL ever have one of those sky rides? Looks like it could be a loading area for that.

I loved reading about all of your freebies- the cute condiment bottles pilfered from the tray, the vendor gifts and FREE TAMPONS!


What a helpful tour of the Good Neighbor hotels. I'm with you, though. Location is everything. I want to be in walking distance!


That is a good thought. That could be!
Gotta love freebies...even if they are tampons!

Caught back up wheew I was behind a lot

I am trying to push through. I've got some other things going on later this year, so I want to at least get this done and a good start on my WDW/DCL one too. ;)

Good gosh Jen, you knew that I was on vacation yet you continued to post update after update so I'd have to read like a madwoman when I got back. :rotfl: Seriously, great updates! I really enjoy looking at your pictures of the various resorts/hotels. Oh and I had to laugh at you snitching the mini sized condiment bottles. We did that when we ate at The Plaza at the Magic Kingdom. They are just too darn cute to not take them.

I hope you had a great time. I don't know if you used the links but I think I am about 4 updates behind on updating that page.
And guess who is finally taking the plunge and staying at CBR on her next (quick) trip????? :thumbsup2
The pictures are posted over on the new CBR resort thread. They look very Poly'ish to me.

I'll have to go look!
I just booked a standard, is there any special request I should make? I am going to request first floor, but is there a building/section you think would be good....I will be alone by the way...conference at Dolphin, so I thought what the heck!
I'll have to go look!
I just booked a standard, is there any special request I should make? I am going to request first floor, but is there a building/section you think would be good....I will be alone by the way...conference at Dolphin, so I thought what the heck!

Our favorite section of the resort is Jamaica and that's where the refurb has begun. Jamaica Bldg. 41 is done and reports are that they are working on 42. They must be moving along at a fast pace as one of my Dis friends was there a week before me and they started when she arrived and they were open for guests the day after we left which was on the 7th.

If you will be using the buses, Jamaica is a good village to be in too. It's sometimes the first to pick up and drop off. If you don't request Jamaica, then I'd say ask for one of the non-preferred Martinique buildings since they are the other side that picks up and drops off first.
I would love to stay on site, but not sure by the time we know our dates we will be able to rent points due to availability and the cost scares me.

That carpet at the Marriott actually made me want to was just a tad too much.

I hate when people are late when they are expecting you.
Holy updating machine Jen! Are you trying to get this one finished so you can finally start the other one?

Yes, we had heard about Alice. DS and I were very sad, as he had watched quite a few of the reruns and he was really getting into that show.

I don't have it in my ticker, but we are doing the single digit dance, we leave on Sunday for our offsite visit. Can't wait! We're just going to spend time by the pool and shop! I can't wait to see how you did with off site.


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