"It All Started With A Mouse" UPDATED 6/1/09 CASTAWAY CAY PT 2


DIS Veteran
Sep 14, 2008
Ok, so really it started with a proposal but that led us to the mouse :goodvibes Unfortunately, I did not get married at Disney World, but I had a great wedding nonetheless and it was followed by a perfect Honeymoon in Disney World.

Now, first I have to admit that I'm a little late with writing this, our honeymoon ended six months ago, but sadly I did not know these boards existed until recently. You can bet they are now my "bible" for planning our upcoming Anniversary trip :woohoo:

Ok, with that out of the way, I guess some introductions of the cast are in order:

We will start with myself. My name is Shannon and I am 26 years old. I have an increasing love for Disney and wish every day that I was back in the "world" instead of being stuck in reality. We all feel that way right? My favorite movie is the Little Mermaid followed closely by Beauty and the Beast. I am a sucker for the sappy love story.

Next is my Husband. His name is Candido but everyone calls him Candi for short (yes, like the kind of sugary stuff you eat). He isn't exactly what you would call a Disney Lover, but had a great time on our trip and it was his idea to go back for our Anniversary. He claims not to have a favorite Disney movie and holds his "soft spot" for the villians :scared1:

So that you can have a face to put with the names here is one of our engagement pictures:


Ok, now to the good stuff. Our Honeymoon was spent at the Wilderness Lodge from May 26 - June 1 followed by a Disney Cruise from June 1 - June 5. We know we were very blessed to be able to do both and I look forward to sharing all the fun with all of you. I just hope I have some readers :rotfl:

Throughout this trip report I will cover the following:

May 26 - Arrival Day, Downtown Disney, Shula's Steakhouse
May 27 - Morning at Magic Kingdom and CRT, evening at Hollywood Studios
May 28 - Epcot
May 29 - More Epcot
May 30 - Animal Kingdom and Hollywood Studios
May 31 - Epcot and Magic Kingdom
June 1 - Embarkation Day
June 2 - Castaway Cay
June 3 - Nassau, Bahamas
June 4 - Castaway Cay
June 5 - Debarkation, go home:sad1:

So, hopefully you guys will enjoy the "ride" with me as I re-live my favorite memories.

I hope you don't mind but I am going to end with a couple of my favorite wedding pictures


A little side story about why I love this picture. That morning getting ready was a nightmare. I spent the entire morning hearing people tell me that they didn't like my dress, my hair etc etc. When I was posed for this picture was the first moment I truly felt happy and knew that it didn't matter what everyone else thought. It was MY day and I was going to be marrying the man I love.


I just had to post this one. Our flower girl is my husband's cousin and Goddaughter. And right before this picture she leaned over and whispered in my ear "after we leave church today you get to be my cousin too" Talk about turning on the waterworks for me. So precious!


My absolute favorite picture of us, my heart melts every time I see it :love:

Ok, that's it for now. I will start the first "chapter" soon!
I cant wait to hear all about your trip..I hope it will come with more pictures!!!!!:banana:
by the way your dress was lovely:goodvibes

Yay my first subscriber...this is exciting :cool1: And thank you so much for the compliment on the dress!

Your pictures are beautiful!! Can't wait to hear more!
Thank you for the kind words. First "chapter" is coming up today, thanks for reading :)

And you were a beautiful bride!
Oh my goodness, thank you, thank you, thank you :flower3:

I cant wait to hear all about your trip..I hope it will come with more pictures!!!!!:banana:
No worries, I am completely addicted to pictures so there will be tons! I'm not a professional by any means of the word but they keep things fun! Thanks so much for reading
I'm new to the board as well- thus the lack of pictures and um fun items, but I can't wait to read all about your honeymoon!!

Your dress and hair were LOVELY I don't imagine why anyone told you differently!
Ok, so just to give you guys a little background before the start of our trip. We got married on Saturday and agreed that we wouldn't leave for our Honeymoon until Monday. We figured this would give us all day Sunday to rest and recuperate from the wedding....yeah right. You all saw that coming right?:rotfl: Our wedding ended at about 2:00 am and we had already thought it would be wise to meet everyone for breakfast at the buffet at 8:00 am. Yeah, smart thinking Hubby....don't worry I still love you:laughing: So less than 6 hours later I pull my tired, aching body out of bed and had a fantastic breakfast with all those who were able to pull themselves out of bed too. Truly, in the end I was super glad we did it (a lot of guests were from out of state and were heading home that afternoon). So, I guess the Hubby is smart after all :idea: Anyway, as I'm sure you all can guess that entire day was filled with last minute "to do" lists before leaving for the Honeymoon. After packing, buying last minute things, repacking, going back to buy the things we forgot the first time, and packing again....well, when my parents showed up at 4:00 am on Sunday morning to take us to the airport our heads had yet to hit the pillow.

Well, one layover and 7 hours later we made it :woohoo: And, I wasn't even tired...hello, I was on my way to Disney World. However, DH didn't quite share in the same wide awake excitement as me. He was tired, hungry and GRUMPY! So, we get off the plane and start trying to figure out the darn ME map to find the counter to check in and board the bus. Now, maybe I need to go to "map reading" school but I could not find this darn place. This was not making my grumpy hubby any happier. It might be smart to note, that he wasn't very excited about the idea of leaving the airport without our luggage in hand and sharing a big Disney bus with lots of other people to start with:scared: Finally, about 30 minutes later (and I so wish I was kidding) I saw the most miraculous thing in the whole world at that minute


That sign seriously might have saved my marriage at that very moment :rotfl2:

So, I grab DH's carry on and he joins the sea of people in line to check us in...ok, I might be slight exaggerating here. He walked straight up to the counter and we were escorted to our bus in less than 5 minutes. Who's the smart one now hubby :laughing:


This is the "you were right, I will never doubt you again" happy face.

So, we go outside and load onto this super exciting "lead me to paradise" vehicle

I have to stop here for just a second and say, I know there are a lot of mixed reviews on here about the Magical Express. But, we loved it, we didn't have any problems and received our luggage within an hour or so of checking into our hotel.

Ok, I think at this point with the super happy bus driver and the little video you watch my DH started to let his excitement kick in. WAHOO, he was starting to see that this was going to be great. However long later, I seriously don't remember I was too excited, we pulled up to our beautiful resort and Hubby actually says to me "this is going to be perfect":cloud9:


We were both in complete amazement from the moment we pulled up to the Wilderness Lodge. There are just not words for how beautiful I thought this place was. I guess I should give credit to DH as this was his choice of hotel. It took a little bit of bribing to get me to agree, can we say honeymoon suite anyone?:rolleyes1 Anyway, I realize he made the perfect choice and we go up with a sweet CM to the concierge level to check into our room. I have to say from start to finish all of the WL CM's were absolutely incredible and only added to the magic of our honeymoon. So, we get checked in and we are shown to our room. Of course, I run to look at what really matters to me in this room:

Yes, I have a strange addiction to whirlpool tubs. Hey, my tub in my apartment is barely big enough for me to sit in (and I'm only 5' tall). So, we look around the rest of the room and decide on plans for the rest of the evening.....
Beautiful pics! Can't wait to hear about your Disneymoon! :)

Thank you very much! I am super excited to be writing this and so glad people are joining me for the ride.

I'm new to the board as well- thus the lack of pictures and um fun items, but I can't wait to read all about your honeymoon!!
Your dress and hair were LOVELY I don't imagine why anyone told you differently!

Yay for the newbies :woohoo: I have been having so much fun learning how to add all sorts of fun stuff to my signature and such. Glad you joined in for the fun! Thank you for the nice comments. Unfortunately, I learned that certain people in our families feel better about themselves by putting others down. I let it get to me at first and then realized it wasn't their choice how I did my hair and stuff it was mine. But, if I could change it I would have only allowed my sister and Mom to get ready with me :rolleyes1
Whoever said they didn't like your dress was out of line, wrong & it sounds like me a bit jealous. Just remember there is always a "Debbie Downer" in the crowd.

I look forward to more of your report.:thumbsup2
Whoever said they didn't like your dress was out of line, wrong & it sounds like me a bit jealous. Just remember there is always a "Debbie Downer" in the crowd.
I look forward to more of your report.:thumbsup2

It's funny because even as they were saying those things I knew it was dumb, but it was such a stressful morning to start with....oh well, as soon as I saw the tears in DH eyes I knew I made the perfect choice (shhh, don't tell him I told his secret :rotfl: ) Thank you for continuing to read, I should have an update posted today:surfweb:

Yes I do I'm not terribly good at keeping it up working and going to class online but that'll be over in dec!! soo ..


Yay for almost being done with classes :woohoo: I just went over and read through your journal. I love what you have decided so far. Super cool that the location is a surprise to your guests!
Ok, so last time I left off we had just checked out our room and the super exciting whirlpool tub :woohoo: The only question we had was, "what do we do now?"

Well, being the super great wife I am I offered to let DH take a nap :hug: Of course I had ulterior motives, I knew he would be grumpy all night and we couldn't have that for our first night at Disney could we? Not to mention I had been stuck on a plane for 7 hours and needed a shower!! But, why take a shower when there is a whirlpool tub calling your name :rotfl2: So, we made an agreement that he could nap while I unpacked and took a bath. But, that he could not be grumpy when I woke him up to take a shower while I got dressed and such for the night. I honestly don't think I finished my offer before I heard him snoring, so I took that as him saying it was a deal :rolleyes1 Well, about 2 hours later (hey, it was a relaxing bath) I woke up DH so he could shower and we could venture out for a while before our dinner reservation at Shula's Steakhouse. After getting ready for the evening we decided to roam around Downtown Disney before dinner.

Now, I had been slightly worried about how bad the bus system would be as I heard other people I know say they always waited FOREVER. But, luckily for us we never had any issues, YAY:cheer2: In fact, on this particular night a bus to Downtown pulled up as soon as we got to the bus stop. We saw this a sign of luck for the rest of the week!

One bus ride and 3 stops later we made it to Downtown Disney and I easily spot this little slice of heaven :cloud9:


However, I restrain myself from running straight in there and we wander around all the stores we encounter along the way to my desired destination. I found it quite enjoyable to watch this guy work for a little while


If only I were so talented. I make a toddler's scribble look like a work of art :laughing:

I have to admit that even though we weren't really doing anything, it was very relaxing and nice to just be wandering around hand in hand with my husband. Back at home we are always so "go go go" all the time that we don't get a lot of time to enjoy doing "nothing" together. We just strolled along walking in and out of stores and admiring all the little things and the simple but beautiful things such as this


Well, eventually we made it to my little slice of heaven, hey it was calling my name, and did a little bit of souvenir shopping. I just loved all of the figures hanging from the ceiling. This was one of my absolute favorites


Well, after a couple hours and too much money later I heard a rumbly in the Hubby's tumbly and we decided we would see if we could check in for our reservation a little bit early. Originally we had reservations for 8:00 thinking that that's about when we would get hungry since that's only 6:00 our time, but I guess the day of traveling changed all that. So, we hop on over to the Dolphin and check in for our reservations at


They were super nice and promised to get us a table as quick as possible. Man, they weren't kidding, my bum barely hit the seat in the lobby when they were saying "Mr and Mrs ***" I can show you to your table now. I have to admit it was super fun to hear people calling us like that :yay: Now, I am not exactly a die hard steak lover by any means but I knew DH would love to eat here, I mean steak, football and me, what else could he ask for:lmao: . However, this dinner was absolutely "to die for" delish. I ate every last bite without any problems. It was worth every last penny, and as expected DH loved it. He loves sports and thought it was great that I picked a place owned by Don Shula (sadly, I had to look up who that was when I made the reservation :confused3 ). Also, he is a MAJOR steak person (who grew up on a ranch) so he was double thrilled with the choice. Of course, we had to get the obligatory picture with the football menu


Not my finest moment in pictures but my hair freaked out from the humidity and I still hadn't been to sleep yet. Hey, I was in Disney World sleep could wait!

Well, after what is currently our best meal EVER, DH asked if I would like to go back Downtown since we had only gone to half of the stores, I guess that meal worked wonders! So, that is exactly what we did. Now, I know many people have to hit the parks on their first day, but I quite enjoyed just relaxing and walking around all the stores. Of course, we had to go into the Harley Davidson shop. I am way to scared to let DH get a motorcycle (don't hate me, he has broken his ankle twice just by walking from our apartment to his car...shhh, don't tell him I told you he's clumsy:rotfl2: ). Of course we had to stop and pose on the choppers in the window


Sorry babe but that's as close as you'll get to riding:rolleyes1


I was in a skirt so I did what any girl would do and took my 10 seconds of fame as a "model" HA HA

After roaming around for a while longer we decided to call it a night to get some rest because the "real" Disney started tomorrow....Magic Kingdom here I come. So, we load the bus and 3 more stops later we make it back to the hotel. Well, I decide I need a snack so we stop at roaring forks for some sodas and carrots and ranch...don't ask :confused3 but they always sounded so good. That darn Roaring Forks made a killing off me during this trip :scared1:

After picking up my late night snack we head back up to the room and see a letter from concierge on the bed.....
Sorry for the delay everyone. The holidays have been keeping me pretty busy. I hope somebody is still reading :confused3

Ok, so last I left you we had just got up to our room after the end of a perfect first night in Disney World. I walked through the door armed with my yummy snack of carrots and ranch :laughing: all ready for a good night's sleep...finally. Remember, I hadn't slept in almost 48 hours at this point. Well, I walked in to see balloons and a picture signed by Mickey Mouse and a letter. Hmmm, what on earth could that letter be. Well, when I read it I started jumping up and down and screaming random shrieks of laughter (sorry for all the people I might have accidentally woke up at that point :rolleyes1 ). Now, my Husband has often accused me of being a bit of a dork (and rightfully so) but the last time he saw me act like this is when he proposed so he was completely dumbfounded. In between my laughing and jumping I finally was able to tell him that concierge had just informed us that they were able to squeeze us in for a reservation tomorrow morning at


Now, you can call me crazy if you must for getting so overjoyed about this. Yes, I realize it gets not so great reviews. Yes, I know that it is intended for little girls obsessed with the Disney Princesses. But, I had been trying to get this reservation starting at 180 days out and had no success. Until now, even concierge had not been able to do this for me. I was truly on :cloud9: I mean, hello, it was eating in the castle...and on our very first day at the MK...to me it was absolute perfection! My Husband, however, looked at me like I was slightly crazy, but played along in the excitement, because he is such a good husband:flower3:

So, after that little burst of excitement and knowing that we were finally going to a park tomorrow. Not just any park, but THE park, do you really think I could sleep? Yeah, not so much LOL. I tried, I mean I really, really tried. And I felt tired but I was just too excited :banana: I think I finally drifted off to sleep at about 4 am and yet I felt so awake when the alarm went off at 7. Funny how Disney World can do that to a person isn't it? Well, being the good Wife that I am, I let Candi sleep for an extra half hour while I got ready. Then I very carefully woke him up by....jumping on the bed screaming "Time to go to Cinderella's Castle, Time to go to Cinderella's Castle" :jumping1:

Oh, darn it....Hubby needs the computer...hopefully I will add more later...
I am so happy that you updated! How wonderful that they were able to get you a ressie at the last minute, can't wait to hear all about it.


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