It's a Cat World After All! A Sept TR (Updated 8/4 Page 11)

Here I am!!!!:goodvibes

You know I'm here! Let's get this party started:cool1:!

I have enjoyed your previous trips and look forward to following along on this one. As well as being more vocal less lurker!

I'm in...looking forward to hearing about your trip!!

Mind if I join in??? I have been very patiently waiting for you to start this TR Meghan! I am so excited to read all about your trip! :cool1:

I wouldn't miss it!! :yay:

I'm here too!

I'm in! Loved all the outfit picks in the PTR! Can you believe the Bills lost by one point Sunday! :headache: Can't wait to hear more!:)

I'm here, of course!! Can't wait to hear all about your trip!!

I'm in! I need to get rolling on my TR too. :goodvibes

Thank you ALL for joining in! I'm so sorry I've already been neglectful!
Ok, let's get this thing going!

Tuesday, September 18th

I slept a few hours at a time that night and I eventually woke up at 3am. I got myself ready to go and then woke up Tony & Madison. I let Cole sleep while I finished packing the last minute items. Right around 4am, I started getting Cole changed which allowed him to wake up slowly. He was very groggy, but he got excited when I asked him if he wanted to go bye-bye (he loves to go places!).

My dad picked us up at 4:30am and we were at the airport in no time. The check-in line moved quickly and so did security (love that family line!). We were at our gate by 5:20am. Tony got us a bagel to share and walked around with Cole. The gate area was full of people...lots of kids going to Disney on this flight!


Cole was ready to get on the plane


Madison is an early bird!

We boarded between the A's and B's (we flew Southwest) and we were able to sit across from each other in row 3 (we each had an older lady at the aisle seat). Cole did NOT want to sit in his harness I rented, so I just held him. When we took off, I gave him his cup and he had no issues with his ears. It was still SO dark when we took off and Cole quickly fell asleep. He slept most of the flight and woke up in a great mood. He had a quick snack and then it was time to land. I gave him some more juice and he was good to go!

We stopped for a bathroom break to change Cole's diaper and put in our contacts. We then quickly made our way down to Magical Express; I had to pick up our Fastpass+ cards because they hadn't made it to us in the mail. It took no time at all and then we made our way to the queue lines. Our line had NO line at all and we were quickly seated on a bus. (9:20am) I was pretty bummed that we got a plain old yellow Mears bus, but at least we were on our way!


Ready to start our vacation!


Cole loved being on the bus!


This was the best shot I could get of the welcome sign

We arrived at POFQ around 10am and there was no wait at the Online check-in desk. The best part....our room was ready!!! We were in Building 5 on the 3rd floor (just like I requested). Our room was a short walk from the elevator which was perfect. We checked out our room, put on sunscreen and headed out.






We picked up our stroller at Luggage Services (rented from Kingdom Strollers....loved it!) and went to the bus stop. I did like the covered bus stops, but I don't like the mad rush to the bus when it pulls up. I guess I was used to Pop and their separate queues for each park. Anyways....An AK bus pulled up right around 10:45am and we hopped on. Then, we had to go over to POR. And we sat there, and sat there, and sat there some more. There were 2 busses ahead of us so there was quite a back up. Once we got moving, we had to stop at their 3 other stops. This was not the best bus driver we've encountered. He did not know how to brake softly!

After stopping at Blizzard Beach, we finally made it to AK (arond 11:30am). Cole fell asleep on the bus and stayed asleep when I put him in the stroller. It looked like it was about to pour which made me a little scared. We stopped at their camera center to pick up our Photopass+ card and then decided where to eat. Since the skies looked ominous, we wanted to eat somewhere inside. So, we trekked it over to Restaurantosaurus (we've never eaten there before). I picked out a place to sit while Tony got our food. Tony got the burger and I had the chicken nuggets. Madison got the kids cheeseburger. She had a cookie with her meal while Tony and I got the chocolate mousse and the cheesecake. The mousse was good, but the cheesecake was gross.

While we were eating, the skies opened up. Then came the thunder & lightning. The thunder was so strong that it was shaking the building! :scared1: We were seated back by the airstream trailer right by the door. Wet people kept walking by us and the restaurant really started to fill up. It had been pretty empty when we first got there. We waited out the storm for as long as we could; Cole was getting antsy; and then threw on the ponchos. We decided to head over to see if we could get into the next show of FOTLK. Well, Cole HATED the rain cover for the stroller and screamed the whole way there. So, we walked all the way back and decided to just leave AK. Cole was exhausted and miserable and honestly, so was I! We got to the bus stop around 1:30pm.

So, we spent 2 hours at AK and all we did was eat lunch and pick up our Photopass+ card. This was our only scheduled AK day and thinking about that made me so sad. This was not a good start to our trip....Tony was not liking the multiple bus stop thing, I was upset about wasting 2 hours at a park...will this trip get any better??? In case you didn't notice, we took ZERO pictures at AK. ZERO!!!! That never happens! I promise, we did take plenty of pictures on the rest of our trip. Stay tuned to see if our day gets any better!
I know you had to be tired by then too! You had already had a long day,..and what a way to start!!!! I know I had text you that day~I had already been checking the weather for you!! LOL! I had a feeling it was gonna be a wet day! We have had only one really miserably wet day and I really don't know how people drag around all day in that!! I tried to get past it and enjoy it, but none of us liked it was a resort day for us that trip!!!

How are y'all doing up there weather-wise today? I know you are a good ways from NYC,but apparently you have power?!
I'm sorry the trip wasn't off to a great start. I hate when that happens. When it happens to us it is hard to recover. I hope you guys were able to and the rest of the trip was wonderful. :wizard:

On a brighter note -- your POFQ room looks great! :goodvibes So much better than when we stayed there in 2007, I thought it was ugly back then and hated the pedestal sinks. Looks like they did a nice job with the refurb!
Sorry you had such an icky start to your trip!

It definately wasn't a magical afternoon!

I know you had to be tired by then too! You had already had a long day,..and what a way to start!!!! I know I had text you that day~I had already been checking the weather for you!! LOL! I had a feeling it was gonna be a wet day! We have had only one really miserably wet day and I really don't know how people drag around all day in that!! I tried to get past it and enjoy it, but none of us liked it was a resort day for us that trip!!!

How are y'all doing up there weather-wise today? I know you are a good ways from NYC,but apparently you have power?!

We had been checking the weather on our phones the whole time after we landed. The sky was scary!

We're doing good. It rained all day here yesterday, but nothing today. It's dreary, but we didn't really get the high winds they were expecting. They did decide to cancel most schools last night....not sure why!

I'm sorry the trip wasn't off to a great start. I hate when that happens. When it happens to us it is hard to recover. I hope you guys were able to and the rest of the trip was wonderful. :wizard:

On a brighter note -- your POFQ room looks great! :goodvibes So much better than when we stayed there in 2007, I thought it was ugly back then and hated the pedestal sinks. Looks like they did a nice job with the refurb!

It was not a fun afternoon! It really put everyone in a bad mood.

We LOVED our POFQ room! The refurb is just beautiful. Everything was perfect.
We were at Animal Kingdom that Tuesday too. It was ridiculous. We ended up bailing out too. Thankfully we had arrived at rope drop so we were able to do a few things, but that weather was nasty!!
Wow, POFQ is gorgeous! They did such a great job on the refurb. Augh, sorry AK was such a wash! I can imagine the rain gets tough with little ones. I hope your trip gets much better!!
arrival days are always tough, kudos to you for even making it to a park after being up so early and traveling!

My DS HATES the rain cover for the stroller too if it makes you feel any better.

I hope that this was the low point of the trip and things only get better from here!
Coming along for the ride. Rocky start there in AK but things can only get better.

Looking forward to more.
Wow that is an early flight, but it sounds like you guys made it work well. Glad Cole did so good on the flight. I am SO nervous for our flight with Zavier. I just cant imagine him sitting still that long. My entire carry on is going to filled with things I keep buying for him hoping it will be enough to keep him entertained.

Your room looks really nice. Glad you got what you requested.

Sorry for rain and the start of your trip not working out as planned but I'm sure it will get better :thumbsup2
I love Cole's curls. What a doll. :goodvibes

I'm sorry your trip start was so icky at AK, Meghan. It's tough to plan and plan for so long and then a random storm rolls in to mess up those plans!
Hi everyone. Once again, so sorry I've been neglectful. It's been a busy couple of weeks, but things are finally settling down. I will post an update very soon!
Hey Meghan! I'm still hanging around, and whenever you have time for an update, I'll be ready!! :) popcorn::

I've still not finished my TR from March, :scared1: so I totally understand!

Hope you had a nice Thanksgiving with your family and got some shopping done too (I have FB insider info that you did!).
I was at ak that day too! We drove up and due to an accident we didn't get to the park until 11ish so we did one ride and went to eat and got stuck in the horrible rain. On the tram back to the cars the tram attendant was kind of funny asking how we liked the extended Kali river rapids ride they were trying. I could have sworn some of the buildings got hit by lightening it was so close!
Hey Meghan! I'm still hanging around, and whenever you have time for an update, I'll be ready!! :) popcorn::

I've still not finished my TR from March, :scared1: so I totally understand!

Hope you had a nice Thanksgiving with your family and got some shopping done too (I have FB insider info that you did!).

Thanks for sticking around Sheree!

I did TONS of shopping on Black Friday! I got almost all of my shopping done that day.

I was at ak that day too! We drove up and due to an accident we didn't get to the park until 11ish so we did one ride and went to eat and got stuck in the horrible rain. On the tram back to the cars the tram attendant was kind of funny asking how we liked the extended Kali river rapids ride they were trying. I could have sworn some of the buildings got hit by lightening it was so close!

That was a very scary storm. I just couldn't believe that the building was shaking!
Hey girl! So glad I found your TR!

Sounds like it was a rough start to your trip at AK. Hope things turn around!


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