It's Good to Be Bad. A Villainous Adventure--Updated 1/28x2!

Since we were in the neighborhood, we figured that a visit into “the boys” would be much appreciated by all right about now! For anyone that knows us, we LOVE some Pete’s Silly Slideshow! The later in the day, the better! We’re both super sad that they’ve started closing it early, because we would go back past 8pm and it’d be dead empty and we’d play charades with Goofy & Donald for a solid 10 minutes before anyone else would come by! We love those boys, so we stopped in there next!

Immediately upon arriving at the front of the line, Goofy grabbed my hand and took me right up to the meet area, completely ignoring Steven, he kissed my hand and got me to kiss him on the nose, which he then covered up with his ears!

We’re cute….no big deal! He eventually let Steven come in, but kept pushing him out of the photo and sassing him as we took pictures, including bunny ears, to which the attendant was all “Hey Goofy! That’s not very nice!”

We said goodbye to Goofy, only for me to be attacked by Donald! Bahaha!

He gave me huge hugs and kisses, and even pulled me behind the little curtain they have to keep giving me more kisses in secret! Bahaha

Steven really wasn’t getting any love from the boys today, as Donald didn’t really want him in any pictures either. Steven said it was fine, and he’d just go over to Daisy if this was the case, so Donald calmed down and let him in the pictures.

With one last big kiss from my favorite Duck, we laughed our way out of Pete’s Silly Slideshow (it certainly had been silly today!) and made a stop in the Garden to see Steven’s favorite princess, and were MORE than thrilled when we saw how she was “feeling” today!

Merida immediately asked “WHERE HAVE YOU BEEEEEEEN?!” Since it’d been 4 months since she’d seen either of us, and we’d been there practically once a month earlier in the year…and the last time she’d seen Steven he told her he’d gotten a job with Disney. He explained that he had to turn down the job because he hadn’t had the money to move down right then, and they wanted him in the next few days after the interview.

She’d been worried that he’d been turned into a bear, and then commented that he’d be a VERY tall and lanky bear. Steven brought up that he just had to get his tattoo completely removed before he could fully be considered for a face role, or a food & beverage role, and Merida brought up a friend of hers that was having that done & it gooed GREEN last time, and she hoped that wouldn’t happen to either of us!

We seriously love that lass….she’s just so perfect! With some final hugs, we circled through the hub with the attempt to see Tiana, but the line was cut, so back to in front of the castle we went.

Move It Shake It Celebrate It started right on cue at 5:40 and we sort of danced along to it on the sidelines, but it was WAY too hot to be out there in the sun this week! We were mainly watching Scott be a derp, which is hilarious all in its own, lol. At the end of the dance party he called me up to the street and we joked about how I thought it was way too hot, #Canadaprobs and he joked that he wasn’t hot at all, nope, totally not dying while up on stilts. We had a nice little chat and then followed the parade down Main Street on our way out of the park. Also hilarious moment to see as they passed out the ribbons at the end Scott’s definitely broke and he just derped around for a bit until someone passed it back up to him to fix, bahaha.

It was super nice to see MiSiCi, especially knowing that we didn’t have that much time left before it changed! It was odd to see only 3 floats, and have the Mad Hatter down in the crowds dancing, but since they’re trying to slowly paint the floats one by one instead of closing it for a few days, it made sense.

Steven & I followed it out of the park, waved “see ya” to Scott and then headed back to the hotel, we had a special date night to get dappered up for!
Steven & I arrived back at the resort a little later than we had originally planned. I had wanted to be able to actually swim in the Big Blue Pool that trip, but since we stuck around for MiSi we were too late, so we relaxed for a bit. To help in said relaxation, I picked up a bottle of beer from the food court, and apparently it’s a new rule that if it’s a glass bottle they have to open & pour it for you? I’d never had it happen before, and like, what if I was saving it for later? The other problem…when we got to the room, I put the cup down on the table, flipped my suitcase open…and DOWN went the beer…I hadn’t even taken a sip out of it…if it’d still been in the bottle it’d be fine…. #saddays

We changed, took some pictures with our favorite Prince, and headed out to Epcot!

But Daddy I love him!

Originally when planning the trip, we’d thought about getting together with some Florida friends and going to the Hoop De Doo that night since I WAS DYING to get back there, but no one really seemed to be able to confirm if they could come, and I didn’t want to indulge in “all you can drink sangria” with Steven being the only other guest at 19….so we changed to Epcot!

One side of Spaceship Earth, and then the other!

I mean, it has no bad sides, and we looked all nice, so why not get all the pictures we could!?!

We were a little early for our reservation, but there were Grand Marnier slushies in our minds, so over to France we headed!

Our matching back packs go so well with our nice clothes, hey?

Slushies in hand, we wandered back towards our dinner destination. I’d been wanting to go back here for AGES, and since October was closing in quickly, I figured I should re-aqquaint myself with the pavilion a little bit!

Hello new home!!

I’d never been up to the back of the pavilion on the upper level, so it was super nice to see. We’d just started exploring when the rain started to pick up, so we checked in, and they told us we could wait near the kid cot area, so off we went to color a Duffy!

While we were down there, I jotted over to the cast member to see if she could sign/stamp the Birthday card for my Mom, and then asked her how she was liking the program, as I was starting in a month! She was super nice, and after helping out a couple of families, came over to where Steven & I were coloring and gave me her facebook and phone number in case I had anymore questions! YAY! NEW FRIENDS!

Shortly after that our buzzer went off and we were escorted down in to Le Cellier!


Our server was around pretty quickly, she was SUPER nice and friendly, and sadly, on her last week of her program! I wish I could remember her name, but there’s no luck there lol! We looked over the menu briefly, I told Steven what I recommended (the filet) and told him I was going to order the Cheddar Cheese Soup as an appetizer for us to share. New tidbit about the menus? They GLOW! A little backlight/ipad type thing is built in (you can see the glow on Steven’s face in the picture above) I’m guessing they had a lot of complaints about not being able to read the menus in the dim restaurant.

I also ordered a glass of Malbec to go with dinner, and we put all the orders in at once. We both got the filets, mine rare, and actually WITH the risotto this go around. I decided to give it a go, so we’d see how it went!

Obviously, the soup & pretzel bread were AMAZING, Steven’s first bite in was a “yuuuuuuum” response, so we guzzled that down before our entrées came out!

I know the pictures are a little dark, but I just don’t like using flash in places like that, and it doesn’t really make the food look any better! Lol. The filets were both absolutely amazing! I honestly couldn’t tell you what the risotto is flavored now, but it was delicious! It complimented the dish so well and everything was an ultimate WIN tonight! Our server came back and asked if we had room for dessert, well, I had saved some space just for this, so I didn’t even need to see the menu….

Like…look at it…it’s a chocolate moose, made of MOUSSE! It makes my life complete, and is SUPER delicious, and a nice light dessert after a heavy meal of steak & cheese & risotto, lol.

At the end of our very excellent meal, we chatted with our server for a bit, discussed the Cultural Rep program, and a few other servers stopped by to introduce themselves when they overheard that I was doing food & beverage, which was super cool! I paid the bill, and we slowly meandered out of Epcot, opting to skip Illuminations for some more rest back at the hotel.

However our night definitely didn’t end there! Steven had made a new internet friend throughout the day that he wanted to meet up with, so he headed out to Downtown Disney to see if they could catch a movie, while I headed over to a friends for the evening.

We all had seriously lovely evenings, we shared a bottle of wine and spent a good few hours chatting about various things, Disney mainly lol. How the entertainment department was being run, thoughts of moving on, dreams of Tokyo or Hong Kong, you know, the usual. We ended up staying up much later than anticipated so it was beyond great that Steven & I had made plans to meet up later, around 10:30, 11:00 at Magic Kingdom the next day!
Ah Pete's Silly Sideshow Goofy!!!!!! Totally agree with the awesomeness. The first character to recieve a Thank You card form me.

Merida is still one the list. I'm looking forward to the day when she is in a FP enabled area, lol.

Seeing the real Move It Shake It just breaks my heart. :(

Awww, that UK/France bridge photo is adorable.

PERFECT choice for dinner. Great way to get reacquainted with the new home, and meet some fellow cast members. :goodvibes
Awesome greets with Goofy and Donald. I always end up seeing them then skipping the girls because their line is usually long.

Oh Le Cellier, that pretzel bread is calling my name. This board really needs a drooling smiley. :rotfl: Despite having a bad experience there in February I still want to go back. I like the cheese soup too but I discovered that it really doesn't like me back. I'm slowly coming to the conclusion that Cheddar is one of the cheeses I need to avoid. :sad:
That purple dress is amazing! Love it.

Epcot is so pretty at night. Thank you for sharing that adorable dessert. I've added it to my things to eat list. :)
Ah Pete's Silly Sideshow Goofy!!!!!! Totally agree with the awesomeness. The first character to recieve a Thank You card form me.

Merida is still one the list. I'm looking forward to the day when she is in a FP enabled area, lol.

Seeing the real Move It Shake It just breaks my heart. :(

Awww, that UK/France bridge photo is adorable.

PERFECT choice for dinner. Great way to get reacquainted with the new home, and meet some fellow cast members. :goodvibes

Bahaha they are amazing back there! Mainly the boys, lol.

Really?! Shes so wonderful. Though that line usually does look tortorously long lol

DON'T EVEN WANT TO TALK ABOUT IT. The new one has grown on me the slightest little bit, but not by much...

Thanks!! lol, yeah, it was a fabulous time!

Awesome greets with Goofy and Donald. I always end up seeing them then skipping the girls because their line is usually long.

Oh Le Cellier, that pretzel bread is calling my name. This board really needs a drooling smiley. :rotfl: Despite having a bad experience there in February I still want to go back. I like the cheese soup too but I discovered that it really doesn't like me back. I'm slowly coming to the conclusion that Cheddar is one of the cheeses I need to avoid. :sad:

They're awesome! Bahah yeah, the girls line is way longer all the time!

Bahaha, pretzel bread is super delicious!! That's good! I know I always like to give places a second chance, if the second experience is bad, then i'm probably not coming back anytime soon.

I absolutely ADORE that purple dress. Where did you get it?

Thank you! I got it online! I think it was dress lily?

That purple dress is amazing! Love it.

Epcot is so pretty at night. Thank you for sharing that adorable dessert. I've added it to my things to eat list. :)

Thank you!!

It's gorgeous! Bahha, it's so good too!
Our next morning, as I had stated, began rather late. And this trip, was having some problems with communication. See, Steven leaves his phone turned on while in Florida, and mine’s on airplane mode. So he can text, while I can only I message, or Facebook message, and he KEEPS FORGETTING THAT FACT. So it’s a hassle to get a hold of each other sometimes.

Luckily, I connected to the Wi-Fi at Scotts, and with the alarm set for 10:30, started getting ready. Steven was running behind, but that was made up for when he said Corey & he would come pick me up as I was a mere 5 minutes behind MK!

We parked over at the Contemporary and walked over to the park, and eventually arrived around noon…WOW…seriously…no jokes…on our Magic Kingdom day #doingdisneywrong. Since none of us had had anything to eat yet, we stopped in at Cosmic Rays for some lunch…breakfast…brunch?

I opted for the kids turkey sandwich as it seemed like enough food for the moment, and it was freaking adorable. We took our time eating and enjoying the air conditioning, took a bathroom break, and slowly meandered over to Frontierland. Too early for parade, we took the time to head on in and pay our favorite bear family a visit!


I can’t even.

The little derpy bear that just sits there on the main stage rocking back and fourth, so derpy, so cute, by far my favorite! Also the part during someone else’s song when Big Al decides it’s his turn to keep singing Blood on the Saddle….also like…every song in the show, listen to the lyrics, they’re just hilarious.

Enough time killed we waited a bit in the shade, then crossed the street to claim parade spots for Festival of Fantasy. They were in the sun, but I’ve found you can wait in the shade by Pecos Bill until after the Philharmonic has gone past, and then still get a rope side spot because no one wants to sit in the sun!

Since I narrated in song lyrics last time I guess I’ll narrate in my thoughts this time…lol. The Swan Court costumes are probably my favorite of the whole parade! They’re just so gorgeously beautiful, so elegant, the choreo is great, simple, graceful, just perfection, a fabulous way to kick off the parade!

Oh! Totally forgot to mention…today’s Disneybound was brought to you by Frozen, I was doing Elsa (with a new dress and actual hair snowflakes) and Steven was doing Anna (and he’d bought the Anna boots of Etsy, and decided to layer with the correct colors rather than fabric painting the Arendelle coat on a shirt).

SO! Anna freaked out when she saw he had matching boots, and it was super cute and we got a ton of interaction from the Frozen sisters.

Also had a hilarious/awkward moment with Peter and the family beside us. The little boy was dressed up as Peter Pan, and the parents were attempting to “show him off” when the Neverland Unit came by, and thought they got a response from Peter…where as he was definitely talking to us #awkward. It’s not so bad when it’s a kid, we’ll let them have it, it makes their day when a character waves/blows a kiss to them in a parade, it’s cute. It’s not so cute when it’s n obnoxious family/group of teenagers that are freaking out because “Flynn’s totally flirting with them”….. #truth.

Hatter also came right up to his when his choreo was looping around, we definitely got a lot of attention with our Disneybounds today!

The parade was wonderful, as always! I THINK it might have been Corey’s first time seeing it? I could totally be lying, bahaha! A little background information on that too, since we’re at that point, bahha…Corey’s a CM, currently on his DCP working attractions over at Star Tours, but since Hollywoodland has been taken over by Arendelle he was working the sing a long over the summer. He was a lovely guy, and him & Steven did decide to start dating somewhere in there, so he’ll be popping up here & there for the rest of this TR and a bit of Septembers too!

We cut through a couple of the shops and hit up the pin trading stations on the way out, and I couldn’t resist a hat with my favorite boys on it!

Yup….I’m a derp….

After Festival of Fantasy, Corey either had to get to work, or over a class, or something, so he took off with promises of meeting up with us later, and Steven & I continued on our adventures!
Steven & I’s adventure took us further into Adventureland, and over to the veranda, where we jumped in an empty line to see Peter Pan. We had to wait a bit since the main Lost Boy clearly has to get off parade route before he can come say hello!

We chatted about various things, lost boys, Neverland, a VERY long flying trip, and BIG adventures…like ones taking place over in Tokyo ;) for a bit, and Peter got distracted by the “mirrors” on my head….

Legit I had no idea what was going on but he was attempting to see himself in my sunglasses. We posed like we were flying off to Neverland for our pictures!

To say goodbye Peter went to fist bump me or something, maybe he said that a guest had taught it to him earlier in the day, but his string got caught in his hand as he went to do it, and I definitely thought he was attempting to hand me the string, which is super weird, bahha.

I then asked if the string had a barcode, and we discussed barcodes for a bit and Peter said he didn’t have any of those, that he wasn’t a robot of anything.

We said goodbye to Peter, VERY thankful for the amazing interaction. This friend of his had flown off to Tokyo Disney for a while, but ended up coming back early, which made a lot of people very happy. He’s just such a good friend of Peter’s that we were very happy to have caught him that day!

Next on our list was, surprise, more characters!! Way back when, I met a girl at auditions who got all the way through, and she did a CP in entertainment, then moved to seasonal, and eventually part time. She’d freaked when she found out we were in the Kingdom today, and said that we HAD to come see Rapunzel, so with set times in hand, we headed off to Fairytale Hall.

We approached the fast pass line & asked to talk to a captain or a loader, and they just sent us through the fast pass line once they knew the situation, and Rapunzel was very excited to see us! Steven let me go up for some girl talk first before he jumped in.

We talked about the basics, Flynn, satchels, frying pans, smoulders, how it doesn’t work on blondes, you know, and Rapunzel was SUPER adorable and kept holding my hand for the entire meet and greet which was just beyond cute and perfect. She posed me in her favorite pose and we took some girl pictures!

Steven then jumped in for some hugs & fun as well!

With more big warm hugs and lots of love, we said see ya to the Blondie and headed over to say hi to Cinderella, who, recognized us, and comment on our Disneybounds. She asked something about if I’d been making it snow, and I said it was just too hot for my ice powers to be working!

I mean, a little breeze would be nice, nothing like a flurry, no snow, we’ll leave that in Canada!

Cinderella wished us a good day and hoped she’d see us again soon, and we made our exit from Fairytale Hall back into Fantasyland. We had a while before our fast pass would arrive, and had some time to kill, so why not circle back through Storybook Circus? After all, we hadn’t seen the girls yet!

They were cute, the usual hug & kiss & picture standard. Seriously, I don’t think I’ve ever had a stellar interaction back here, they never really seem to into it, but it’s always fun, and it’s air conditioned, so it’s a good place to chill out for a while!
Don't even get me started about the Country Bears or I'll never shut up. :rotfl: Big Al is just one of the loves of my life. :thumbsup2

Awesome parade pictures, I swear I notice something different every time I see pictures.

I was :lmao: at the picture with Peter looking in your "mirrors". You look like "What the heck is going on".
my daughter had gotten the same sandwich at Cosmic Rays - it is super cute and I think a great idea to offer that vs regular bread. And with all the extra stuff you get with the kids meals (grapes, etc.) one can really fill up on them

Glad to hear you had another fun experience watching the parade

Sounds like a few awkward moments with Peter Pan but also that just seemed to make it a more fun M&G

Glad things worked out with you meeting up with Repunzel at that time!

"and it’s air conditioned, so it’s a good place to chill out for a while!" .... I see what you did there ;)
YES YES YES COUNTRY BEARS!!!! And YES YES YES a highlighted Big Al!!!!! Day made.

Oh my goodness, I just love your FoF photos. You are so right about the beginning being so beautifully elegant.

Plus, you always capture such great facial expressions.

HAHAHA, that Peter checking himself out in your glasses... It looks so awkward. :lmao:
Don't even get me started about the Country Bears or I'll never shut up. :rotfl: Big Al is just one of the loves of my life. :thumbsup2

Awesome parade pictures, I swear I notice something different every time I see pictures.

I was :lmao: at the picture with Peter looking in your "mirrors". You look like "What the heck is going on".

Lol, it is fantastic! I absolutely love it, and always will!

Thank you! Lol yeah, there's always fun stuff to see in there!

my daughter had gotten the same sandwich at Cosmic Rays - it is super cute and I think a great idea to offer that vs regular bread. And with all the extra stuff you get with the kids meals (grapes, etc.) one can really fill up on them

Glad to hear you had another fun experience watching the parade

Sounds like a few awkward moments with Peter Pan but also that just seemed to make it a more fun M&G

Glad things worked out with you meeting up with Repunzel at that time!

"and it’s air conditioned, so it’s a good place to chill out for a while!" .... I see what you did there ;)

It is super cute, and I'm glad it comes with so many different things so I can snack on them later lol.

It's always a fun experience watching parade. lol, peter's always so much fun that even the awkward moments are hilarious haha!

Finally! lol, it's always a hassle to get in and see that blondie, i don't know why!


YES YES YES COUNTRY BEARS!!!! And YES YES YES a highlighted Big Al!!!!! Day made.

Oh my goodness, I just love your FoF photos. You are so right about the beginning being so beautifully elegant.

Plus, you always capture such great facial expressions.

HAHAHA, that Peter checking himself out in your glasses... It looks so awkward. :lmao:

Bahaha, i think of you everytime we're in there lol. oh big al!

Right?! Lol, thank you so much!

Hahaha! He's awkward...

I adore that blue dress. It's definitely an Elsa disneybounding dress.

Thank you! I'm so glad to have found it!
What fun updates!

Also, the Peter in the parade is gorgeous. Like, can we take a moment?


If he's not in the parade next time I go to WDW I'm suing tbh

Keep updating!!! I love all of your character interactions!!!
Looks like you guys were having a blast! And I'm LOVING the Disneybounds! Your Frozen-inspired blue dress is gorgeous! :love:I hope work is going well - I'd love to hear more about it!


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