It's The Magic That Can Happen When It's Autumn! - Animal Kingdom Lodge - Club Level

Wow, I'm impressed with how much you guys accomplished before lunch time! I've never seen the opening show before, or the trolley show. I'm also impressed that Jamie maxed out the score on Buzz. I am truly awful at that one!
Then Jamie got up, we both got ready and left the room at 7:30am!
This was 12:30pm back home, Disney mornings are easy when you're still on UK time :thumbsup2
Morning are always easy when you're going to the happiest place on earth!!

Jamie tested the lid by tipping his mug completely upside down,
And OBVIOUSLY water just flooded out all over the floor.
So yeah, that happened.
I mean, what other way is there to know?!

Our bus came at about 8am.
Guess where we’re going…
There’s only one option for us on day 1!


At 8:20am, we arrived at the Magic Kingdom!
IDK how people can NOT go to MK on their first day!

What’s this?
It’s September 1st… but…

Gah yay!
Maybe they start the fall outfits at Labor Day?

We spun some barrels on the way in, but we couldn’t get all of them going at once for the surprise :scratchin
I DIDNT KNOW THIS WAS A THING!! Now I have my mission for our October trip...

When we exited we figured it was still very quiet in the park so we should get another busy ride done.
So we headed to Peter Pan!

See the emptiness!

Definitely gotta take advantage, that doesn't happen very often!

I’m sure you’ll all be sad to know that this was a thing.
It’s a Small World is closed for refurbishment :sad2:
BUT THATS MY FAVORITE RIDE!!! Said no one over the age of 7... Ever..

After swigging some water from our refillable mugs, we proceeded to a brand new attraction that you may not have heard of.



What a scary tarp.
In fact, it’s such a scary tarp, no one wanted to go near it, so it was a walk on!
I feel like that's just ridiculous lol

Mine would obviously be by something in a quantity of 80 (80 HAUNTED TARPS), and Jamie… maybe by our friend Amy?!
Or maybe Hymie killed by something slimy :rotfl:
We even got a few other people around us discussing what theirs would be :laughing:
(Tell me yours!)
Tori died, and it was something gory!

And on the way, as I was gazing at my favourite mountain, we saw BR’ER RABBIT!


Oh my Lanta.
Br'er Bear yesterday and now Br'er Rabbit?! They must have known you were coming.

When we sat down in the boat a Scottish family were seated behind us.
Jamie being
1) A master of many accents
2) Wildly inappropriate,
heard the family talking and started speaking in a really strong Scottish accent.
Like, kinda loud.
I kicked him to make him stop, and I was embarrassed in case they heard, but Jamie’s just like,


I was really excited because Princess and the Frog is one of my favourite films and soundtracks!
Mine too!! I feel like its often lost as an animated cartoon in a world where Pixar reigns supreme these days.

And since we’re on the dining plan, we also got a master’s cupcake each.

Was it delicious? :rotfl:
Be Our Guest is the best CS in the MK!! My favorite is the triple chocolate cupcake, but I'll have to try to Master's Cupcake next time. I think our first time there our waitress told us about the eat the cupcake while in the wrapper trick, so much easier!
Hey Katie, I've read all of your trip reports. (But I'm more of a lurker...and I have a tendency to be lazy and wait until you complete them and read them straight through.) But, I was wondering about your 2017 trip. Have you announced dates yet? I'm going to be there Oct. 14-22 and was wondering if our trips would overlap.
Mine would obviously be by something in a quantity of 80 (80 HAUNTED TARPS), and Jamie… maybe by our friend Amy?!
Or maybe Hymie killed by something slimy :rotfl:
We even got a few other people around us discussing what theirs would be :laughing:
(Tell me yours!)

On our honeymoon in September (only a few days after you guys left!) we ate at O'hana on our last night, and we composed this little ditty:

Here lies Ken
The fullest of men
He ate too much chicken
And it did him in


We were very proud of ourselves. Love that other people are weird like us, too!

Loving the new TR!!!
You really accomplished so much by 12:00. It really is to everyone's advantage to get there for rope drop. I just love walking right on to rides. Score one for you! :thumbsup2
I'm so glad you're back! I love your reports! Your writing style is hilarious. I always read the Dis while I'm eating lunch at work and always look forward to your updates. Our trip is about 3 months away and this report is making me so excited, can't wait to read more! Are you and Jamie going back this year?
I wondered if maybe I just had a really sick sense of humour :laughing: people gagging is one of my favourite things :rotfl: do you have the show I'm a Celebrity - Get Me Out of Here?! It's where people go to the jungle and have to do tasks for meals, and the most famous task is where they're made to eat.. VERY undesirable things... it is hilarrrrious and always ends in:
I've heard of that show, but I don't think I ever saw it. I think they tried one season of it in the US and I guess that's the one I saw a bit of, but it didn't last. I am, however, a huge fan of Survivor (I actually have a Buff collection) and they sometimes do the gross eating challenge too. I do kind of enjoy it.

I love that you lived in Aberdeen! My dad is from northern Scotland - Inverness :goodvibes
I was in Inverness one day, had to go see Nessie of course. I don't remember a lot about it, but I liked it. I remember the town centre with the river running past, really nice. I did some kind of castle tour. I just remember being in a dungeon and the guide was dressed in a kilt (obviously) and doing a very thick Scottish accent (or maybe that was just his accent) taking about William Wallace and Bonnie Prince Charlie, whom he did not like. It still makes me smile how much the guy was into it.

I've read your latest updates. I'll try to get back with some comments if I have more time...
Hi Katie!!! :wave:


Just popping in to say a quick hello!! We are staying at AKL in September so I'm really intrigued to see what you think about it! Still can't believe you spent three weeks in Disney, you lucky lucky girl :goodvibes So excited to read along!! If it's anything like your last 2 TRs, I'm gonna be like this...


Hello friend! Hahaha that first gif is one of my favourites :rotfl: Yessss I love AKL! :lovestruc I don't want to worry you, but it's best to be prepared right?! - The only problem we had was the bus transportation... Do you have the option to rent a car? Although I am conscious that I've been spoilt with transport options from my last 3 resorts (BC/GF/Poly), but we did have some loooong waits at AKL bus stop. For example, on Day 2 it took us OVER AND HOUR to get to ....... ANIMAL KINGDOM... from the Animal Kingdom Lodge... I don't even know how that's possible :faint: It obviously wasn't bad all the time but :confused3 And other than the buses, AKL has shot up to one of my favourite resorts! Plus it has 3 of my favourite restaurants at WDW :worship: You will have a GREAT time! But incorporate some potential bus waits into your plans please! :goodvibes

Really enjoying your report. Thank you for sharing.

Thanks for reading!

Even just coming from eastern Canada we get an extra hour, and it's GLORIOUS on those rope drop mornings!

Nice! I always vow to keep up the early mornings, but I'm a night owl so unfortunately it doesn't last long for me :laughing:

Hmmm...likely run down by a wagon? (Not much rhymes with kinda have to fudge it a little...)

A wagon could be something for you to look out for..?! Do you ever go by Meg? maybe... AN EGG. :rotfl:

Woooh congrats! I did it for the first time on our last trip and felt like a legend!!

:rotfl: It feels like such an accomplishment doesn't it :thumbsup2

I'm shocked! :)

What can I say, we are wild!!!

I'm joining in, I have really enjoyed your reports, I was glad to see you came back to continue your fun trip reporting. We stayed at AKL in February and really loved it. What a great quiet morning in MK. I love the turkey sandwich at BOG also yummy! I will try a fork with my next cupcake, good idea. Those wrappers really are indestructible!

Yay :welcome: thanks for reading! Hahaha I'm glad we're not the only ones who have struggled with those cupcake wrappers :laughing: it's a neat little trick :thumbsup2
I see you Mad Hatter, throwing up the deuces, actin' all cool and stuff.. :laughing:

I agree BOG for lunch is probably one of the best QS credits to date because that turkey sammie is deeeeeelicious and the grey stuff doesn't disappoint. :thumbsup2 We ate lunch here twice and dinner once (which I'll never do again, bleh..) during our trip last Sept.

Hahaha I hadn't noticed the Mad Hatter! That's funny, nice spot :laughing: ohhh nooo what is wrong with the BOG dinner? I haven't done that yet for some reason :confused3

What a super-fantastic start! You got quite a lot done by Noon!! The turkey sandwich and master's cupcake are the absolute best things at BOG! I get them everytime too!!! I really have no idea how one maxes out on Buzz (so congrats), I can barely get points in the 1,000s-I am sooo useless at this game. LOL!

Yessss that's my BOG lunch meal of choice :lovestruc Hahaha I'm glad I'm not the only one who gets the same thing every single time :rotfl: And there are certain targets on Buzz that are worth A LOT! It's still not easy when you know which ones they are, but it's great when the ride stops for a minute or two and you're right in front of one!!! :thumbsup2


Just one of my random trip-report checking days, and I happen upon this beauty. Just in time, too, so I have something to entertain myself with will my students are taking their final :teacher::yay: And we're staying at AKL in September, so even better! So excited to read!

Woooo yes I am I'm so happy to be back! :cool1: Thanks for reading! Yay you will love AKL! Hope you get a chance to eat at Boma/Sanaa/Jiko? :goodvibes
Wow, I'm impressed with how much you guys accomplished before lunch time! I've never seen the opening show before, or the trolley show. I'm also impressed that Jamie maxed out the score on Buzz. I am truly awful at that one!

I believe they've just scrapped this opening show which I'm very sad about :sad2: there's a new show up at the castle though :) ugh I know Jamie is such a pro at Buzz now, I regret ever telling him where the good targets were :laughing:

Morning are always easy when you're going to the happiest place on earth!!

Too true :thumbsup2

I mean, what other way is there to know?!

RIGHT?! Better to test it on the floor than in my bag :rotfl:

IDK how people can NOT go to MK on their first day!

The suspense would drive me crazy! :hyper:

I DIDNT KNOW THIS WAS A THING!! Now I have my mission for our October trip...

It's really hard to get them all spinning if there's just two of you so you might need to recruit some nearby folks!

I feel like that's just ridiculous lol

HAHA correct. I appreciate that it isn't just a big ugly brown tarp though * cough * current emporium tarp * cough *

Tori died, and it was something gory!

Uh oh!!

Br'er Bear yesterday and now Br'er Rabbit?! They must have known you were coming.

Best welcome ever :love: i love them so much!!

Mine too!! I feel like its often lost as an animated cartoon in a world where Pixar reigns supreme these days.

Omg right! It is great, so under appreciated and the soundtrack is great :love:

Was it delicious? :rotfl:

It was! Don't believe me? Well that's kind of rude, why did you even ask? :lmao:

That is the MOST perfect snow white EVER. Her appearance is just so storybook and I love when that happens.

Every Elsa I've ever seen looks 40+

She definitely does looks like a cartoon character! :lovestruc

Looks like a blast! We almost never stop for the castle show, we really need to.

Yes you should! I'm sure it's on pretty much all day every day so it's pretty hard to miss :laughing:

Be Our Guest is the best CS in the MK!! My favorite is the triple chocolate cupcake, but I'll have to try to Master's Cupcake next time. I think our first time there our waitress told us about the eat the cupcake while in the wrapper trick, so much easier!

I agree it's the best! Yes make sure you try the Master's cupcake some time! It's a lot lighter than the triple choc which is why I like it I think - I'm never hungry enough after my sandwich to eat that one. Hahah I don't know why we didn't think of the wrapper trick before, but I'm glad others have needed to be told too :laughing: :thumbsup2
Hey Katie, I've read all of your trip reports. (But I'm more of a lurker...and I have a tendency to be lazy and wait until you complete them and read them straight through.) But, I was wondering about your 2017 trip. Have you announced dates yet? I'm going to be there Oct. 14-22 and was wondering if our trips would overlap.

Waiting until the end and binge reading is fun, I fully support this decision :thumbsup2 Ooh you'll be there over my birthday! Unfortunately I don't have anything confirmed yet, but I'm hoping to get out there at some point! :goodvibes

On our honeymoon in September (only a few days after you guys left!) we ate at O'hana on our last night, and we composed this little ditty:

Here lies Ken
The fullest of men
He ate too much chicken
And it did him in


We were very proud of ourselves. Love that other people are weird like us, too!

Loving the new TR!!!

Bahahah ok this is great :rotfl: and I am not at all surprised that Ohana could have this effect on someone :laughing: :thumbsup2 And thank you! Glad you're enjoying it :goodvibes

3 weeks at Disney?! I would literally DIE!

Hahaha IT WAS SO GOOD :faint: it was just so relaxing!

You really accomplished so much by 12:00. It really is to everyone's advantage to get there for rope drop. I just love walking right on to rides. Score one for you! :thumbsup2

I know it's great isn't it! We're not usually very good at getting to rope drop because we tend to stay up/out late, but the first couple of days when the jet lag has kicked in, we love a Magic Kingdom rope drop :goodvibes

I'm so glad you're back! I love your reports! Your writing style is hilarious. I always read the Dis while I'm eating lunch at work and always look forward to your updates. Our trip is about 3 months away and this report is making me so excited, can't wait to read more! Are you and Jamie going back this year?

Aww thank you, I'm so glad to be back :goodvibes and I'm happy that you enjoy my reports! :hug: yayyy 3 months will come around so quickly! Where are you staying? Hopefully we will be back this year at some point, but nothing is confirmed... yet :thumbsup2 hope your planning is going well?!

I was in Inverness one day, had to go see Nessie of course. I don't remember a lot about it, but I liked it. I remember the town centre with the river running past, really nice. I did some kind of castle tour. I just remember being in a dungeon and the guide was dressed in a kilt (obviously) and doing a very thick Scottish accent (or maybe that was just his accent) taking about William Wallace and Bonnie Prince Charlie, whom he did not like. It still makes me smile how much the guy was into it.

Wow that's very cool! I think I've only been to Inverness a couple of times, and I don't remember much of it. I remember looking for Nessie though!

I've read your latest updates. I'll try to get back with some comments if I have more time...

Thanks for reading! Don't worry about coming back for comments if you're busy, I'm more than happy for people to read at their own pace :goodvibes

We made it out alive, thank goodness.

Well hello little Mr. Toad.
Hit by a car
And squished in the road.



That sounds like an anti-climactic way to go!!

I mean.. it could be something cool and exotic.. like an ostrich egg?! :lmao:
That's so cool I would love to do the Halloween/Christmas crossover and go to both parties :love: yaaay what ADRs have you got? ADR planning is one of my favourite things to do :laughing: I guess Keys to the Kingdom does have the potential to ruin some magic, but as long as you're prepared for what you're going to be doing I think it would be fine? I'll have to post a spoiler alert before I write about it :goodvibes And Cogsworth made it back perfectly, thank you!! I moved recently and boxed up all of my belongings and piled them into our cars, but Cogsworth was one of a few items thats rode up front with me!

The new ones we're doing this year are Yachtsman, Jiko, Teppan Edo and Yak and Yeti! The rest of ours are just back to old favourites, Kona, Ohana California Grill etc :cool1: I had to make all the ADRs this time because Karen was away.. it is so stressful :scared1: And she's already practically switched all of them around so I stressed out over nothing :rotfl2: Yeah exactly, I'm excited to see the backstage bits! Hahaha I love that Cogsworth got VIP treatment :rotfl2:

We went to the lounge to get breakfast and it was carbolicious.


Jamie had hard-boiled eggs, a croissant and a chocolate milk, and I had a bagel with cream cheese and two muffins!


I was really impressed with this club lounge and the offerings.
They recently extended the counter area so there was room for more food.
Clearly they heard we were coming.


OMG, I think I need to stay club level here at some point! I love that there's so many options!! Not that I don't already eat way too much at Disney but still :rotfl2:

After breakfast we went to The Mara to fill our mugs with water.
Jamie tested the lid by tipping his mug completely upside down,
And OBVIOUSLY water just flooded out all over the floor.

:rotfl2: There was only one way to find out in fairness!

We got a spot near the front on the left hand side and waited for the Welcome Show!
One of my favourite things!

At about 8:40am…


I am SO sad that this is no more :worried: I probably shouldn't judge the new welcome show until I've seen it but I just loved waiting outside, seeing the welcome show and the train pulling in and then finally getting to walk down mainstreet! The welcome show was the perfect build up to walking down mainstreet for the first time so it'll be so weird walking to the hub to see the new show.

And on the way, as I was gazing at my favourite mountain, we saw BR’ER RABBIT!


Splash! we just found out they're closing Splash for refurb early this year so it's down for our whole trip!! WHY!!

After Pirates we came out to the hub to watch the brand new castle show, but first, the trolley show was out...

We just caught the end so we followed them up Main Street to watch the full show!
(The things Jamie does for me.. :laughing: )

Things are gonna hop this summer!

I was livingggg.
I’ve only ever seen the autumn show and it’s one of my favourite things at Disney.
I’m so happy to have caught what I assume was the last day of the summer version!


I don't think I've ever took the time to watch this in full but I think I need to next time now! I love their outfits!!


I didn’t do well at all, but Jamie maxed out his score!
First time woo!


Wow Jamie's a pro! :worship:I finally maxed out last year and then we were told they don't do the buttons any more... apparently something about the standard of how they were done varied so they stopped doing them. The CM that told us pretty much said his were always terrible when he made them :rotfl2:

You will never guess what we had…


We both had the turkey sandwich, one with fries and one with beans.
(We have this every single time. We love this sandwich :lovestruc )

And since we’re on the dining plan, we also got a master’s cupcake each.


Ok now I'm hungry! I don't think I've tried the turkey sandwich before it looks so good! I agree it's such a good use of a quick service credit! Although the last couple of times when we went at lunch the service has been so bad so I think my parents my take some convincing to go back again for lunch :worried: I'm with you on the cupcakes, we've tried splitting it in half many times and it just doesn't work, I think using a spoon is the only way to go :rotfl:
Yay! So happy you have a new trip report going on!! Loving it so far! I realized that after starting it, that it's your TRs that make me want to try WDW in the fall (we only go in the winter!). Hopefully someday I will :)

Love that you did so many of my favorites on the first day, go to MK first thing, the opening show (RIP :(), BOG lunch . . . and I also love the Princess and the Frog soundtrack SO MUCH. Randy Newman is king in my book.
The new ones we're doing this year are Yachtsman, Jiko, Teppan Edo and Yak and Yeti! The rest of ours are just back to old favourites, Kona, Ohana California Grill etc :cool1: I had to make all the ADRs this time because Karen was away.. it is so stressful :scared1: And she's already practically switched all of them around so I stressed out over nothing :rotfl2:

Yessss Yachtsman and Jiko are two of my favourites, I hope you like them! Hahahah this doesn't surprise me, I bet I would do the same if I left someone else in charge of making my ADRs :rotfl:

OMG, I think I need to stay club level here at some point! I love that there's so many options!! Not that I don't already eat way too much at Disney but still :rotfl2:

RIGHT. We were on the dining plan so that PLUS club level food for three weeks was absolutely ridiculous and completely unnecessary :rotfl:

:rotfl2: There was only one way to find out in fairness!

HAHAHA yes I enjoy this logic :thumbsup2 better on a floor that's easy to dry than inside my bag!

I am SO sad that this is no more :worried: I probably shouldn't judge the new welcome show until I've seen it but I just loved waiting outside, seeing the welcome show and the train pulling in and then finally getting to walk down mainstreet! The welcome show was the perfect build up to walking down mainstreet for the first time so it'll be so weird walking to the hub to see the new show.

GIRL :sad::sad::sad: I'm sad about it I loved that show. That's where the excitement started! And getting your first look at the castle with the welcome music still playing. Sadness :sad2:

Splash! we just found out they're closing Splash for refurb early this year so it's down for our whole trip!! WHY!!

Nooooooooo!!! Yeah I heard they're doing a stupidly long refurb :confused3 I'm wondering if/when I might get out there this year and it's making me want to postpone until like January or something.

Wow Jamie's a pro! :worship:I finally maxed out last year and then we were told they don't do the buttons any more... apparently something about the standard of how they were done varied so they stopped doing them. The CM that told us pretty much said his were always terrible when he made them :rotfl2:

Wooo go you!!! But OMG. If this means they stopped doing them because someone complained about the artistic standard of their free galactic hero button I will be mad :headache: :laughing: The marker pen rubbed off if you accidently touched it anyway!! :rotfl:

Ok now I'm hungry! I don't think I've tried the turkey sandwich before it looks so good! I agree it's such a good use of a quick service credit! Although the last couple of times when we went at lunch the service has been so bad so I think my parents my take some convincing to go back again for lunch :worried: I'm with you on the cupcakes, we've tried splitting it in half many times and it just doesn't work, I think using a spoon is the only way to go :rotfl:

Seriously no one really cares about this turkey sandwich other than me and Jamie, I think we just have really low standards for sandwiches :confused3 :lmao: Oh no we'e always had good/fast service! Was it slow or were the CMs rude? Gah I hope you can convince them!! Hahaha I'm so glad others have had the same experience with these cupcake wrappers :rotfl2: At least it's a common problem and we're not just totally dumb!

Yay! So happy you have a new trip report going on!! Loving it so far! I realized that after starting it, that it's your TRs that make me want to try WDW in the fall (we only go in the winter!). Hopefully someday I will :)

Love that you did so many of my favorites on the first day, go to MK first thing, the opening show (RIP :(), BOG lunch . . . and I also love the Princess and the Frog soundtrack SO MUCH. Randy Newman is king in my book.

Wooo thank you! Glad you're here! :goodvibes I hope you can get out there in autumn too, if anything for the low crowds! I would also love to go during winter and see the christmas decorations :lovestruc Yesss we're always very productive on our first day, I love rope drop but I also love park close, and park close always ends up taking over as the trip goes on :laughing: I loooove that they've included Princess and the Frog in the castle show, and also a tiny little snippet in the new firework show too :hyper: so good!!


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