It's Thursday - where'd everyone go and who are you

Okay here goes

Hi my name is Kayla
I am addicted to the DIS
and Disney

i haven't been around much cause Real life has been very busy but I hope to remedy that soon

I am 35
married for 14 years to a DH who can cook thank God cause I don't
and have two DD 13 and 10 who are also addcited to Disney however not as bad as me

We have 2 black Labs
live in upstate NY

I love to read (anything I can get my hands on) DIS; plan trips to WDW even if they are for other people ; cross stich and recently started tracing my DH's family tree

I have been two WDW 4 times once as a child and 3 times with my family
we are planning a trip back in Dec our first ever onsite stay

as for work I work in a local store parttime just to keep my sanity
gotta have some time out of the house :rolleyes: :rotfl:
I'm so happy to "meet" all of you!

I am Mary Beth, and I live in Mt. Holly, NC (just outside of Charlotte). We moved here a year and a half ago from Raleigh, which is where we really want to be but DH couldn't find a full time job there! Hopefully we'll be back there in a couple of years. I'll be 30 in September.

Anyway, I've been married to Jason for almost 3 years, and we have a 3 month old baby boy, Jonah. Jason is a software developer and I am fortunate enough to be able to stay home with Jonah. Prior to motherhood, I had a variety of agent, office manager, recruiter, and Disney CM. My college degree is in "Recreation and Leisure Studies"...doesn't that sound like fun?!?

We have two cats, Dixie and Vidalia, who absolutely rule the house. They haven't really acknowledged Jonah yet, though sometimes their curiosity gets the best of them and they will sniff at his toes.

My hobby is scrapbooking. That's about it these days. I love to read, and don't really consider that a hobby as it's been an integral part of my life since I was in kindergarden. We like to travel, but haven't done a lot of it lately. In college I studied abroad in Wales and since then have taken several European trips (when I was a travel agent), but I don't see anything like that in the cards for the near future!

I was a Cast Member in college on the College Program, and continued to work off and on for a few years. Prior to working at WDW I had taken around 15 trips with my family to WDW. Since then I have been about once a year, with 2005 being the only exception (I didn't get to go as we bought a new house and I was pregnant). DH had never been when we got married, but I took him to Disneyland one month after we were married, and WDW two months after that. He was hooked! We stayed at POR (Dixie Landings) and he loved it. We went the next year with my mother, and are returning in December with Jonah and my mother.

I love this thread and can't wait to read the rest of the responses!
I am Sandy. I have been married to Mickey (RealMickey on the DIS) for almost 21 years (Aug 31 will be 21). We live in Central Alabama but I grew up in Central Mississippi. We both went to college in Hattiesburg at USM. DH is a photographer for the local paper.

I am 46 years old. We have 2 furry purry children - Emmie who is 7 and Eva who is 6, Both solid black - I love black cats. I think they are just beautiful.

I do computer junk for work so I sit in front of a computer all day - been working at the same place for almost 18 years. (I usually say computer junk because people have no idea what I am talking about when I tell them what i actually do)

I keep pretty busy - like I haven't been home for the evening any night this week - between sorority, church, women's group at church, working as treasurer for church, lately showers and parties for a friend getting married, and other things i stay pretty busy.

I like to read - mostly Sci-Fi, vampire, mystery. I also study world religions as a hobby - not an every day type of thing but 2 or 3 times a year I will find something that interests me and I will read a few books on it. I like sudoku puzzles and crossword puzzles but the crosswords usually frustrate me - there will be two or three words that I just can't get so I can't finish the puzzle.

I love to scrapbook and usually do the scrapbook for my sorority chapter - we do a scrapbook each year as a gift for the chapter president. I used to be a CMC way back when they didn't have so many tools and cool stuff. I had to quit when my duties at work changed and the possibility of spontaneous overtime made it difficult to schedule classes - this was during the Y2K stuff.
I love swaps but don't have time to do many of them.

Love Disney - the parks and the cruises!
BernardandMissBianca said:
Hey I know where that is! And I even know how to pronounce it! :teeth:

Yes, I live in one of those crazy Massachusetts towns - like Woburn, Worcester and Gloucester.

For those of you wondering, it's not Pea-Body, it's Pea-buddy and don't get it wrong or we will correct you!
:wave2: Hi everyone. Been really busy at work today and had a migraine last night so I just stopped by to read everyone's intros. I really like knowing more about everyone and wondered if maybe we should do anything else? Maybe a swap of some kind? Sorta a secret pal based on hobbies, interests etc?

I don't know anything about running a swap - what do you guys think?

We could do a circle journal? That would be cool!

Oh, btw.. here is my "intro"

My name is Stacy, i am 28 yrs old.. married to a wonderful deputy sheriff- Dave- for 8 yrs (in aug), we have a beautiful 5 yr old girl, Caitlin. oh, and 2 furbabies, a yellow lab (Summer) and a black lab (Petra).

We live in Rhode Island.. I own a bath and body (gift type) shop in Tiverton 4 Corners ( ) -hope it's ok to post that link! I have been making my own bath and body products for about 3 yrs, after working in salons, so i can be with my dd more.

This is our third family trip to WDW in a row. And me and dh went in 1999 as well. We stayed at the BC the last 2 yrs, and staying at YC this nov. Also first time we are going to HHI in Feb.

We are all Disney nuts, my in-laws have been going for 20 yrs in a row every thanksgiving.. so we are tagging along-- how many of you would turn down a free conceirge room???????? LOL

My fav characters are Tink, Cinderella, and Stitch (luv his attitude!!)
I am addicted to this forum, and caffine!

My hobbies are scrappin (use to teach at a LSS and at Camp Memory Makers) , and other crafts.. would someday love to learn to sew- there are just so many great fabrics out there!

Nice to "meet" you all!!
Quick since I Am at work :rolleyes1

My name is Michelle :wave: and I am new to DIS. My husband is the disney freak and he suggested I look at this board to look up things/ get excited about our vacation at the end of this past May. It worked but now I think he may regret telling me about it as he says," you're doing ANOTHER scrapbooking swap!!!"

MyLittle Piglet is 1 1/2 years old and DD. I also have a 11 year old D(step)D.

My hubby is the disney freak but I am slowly joining him. WE jsut becamae DVC members.

Hobbies: knitting, crochet, scrapbooking, sewing.... anything crafty I'll try at least once. Just look creating.
Hi everyone, I'm Sophie, 19 and from Leeds, West Yorkshire in the UK. I live with my best friend Scott (31) and our two cats Jinx & Tinkerbell.

Scott is a Senior Finance Manager at the local hospital, he's worked at various levels within finance at the NHS for almost 12 years. I've just become a TLC consultant and am now selling on Ebay - only started 2 weeks ago so it's not really got going yet. My dream is to be a stay at home mum when I have kids and I hope this business will give me just enough cash to have some financial independance if I get to do that.

No kids yet but my sister has a beautiful 4 year old daughter who I spoil rotten, she starts school in Sept which will be a major scrapping opportunity!

My hobbies are scrapbooking, watching TV, planning Disney trips and researching my family tree which is now back to the 1700's on one line. I'm a Disney nut since Scott and his parents invited me to WDW for the first time in 2004. We went back for my 19th birthday last year, are going back this Sept and are already planning for my 21st in Oct 2007 (multi stop including Vegas, DL AND WDW!!!!) I've also visited DLP once for NYC 2004/5.
Scrapbookers have been doing circle journals for a while, although no new ones have started up lately. A circle journal is a book that you create, and then pass on to other people for them to add to. You get a group of people and each person makes a basic start on a book. Then, each month or so, you mail it to the next person in the circle. Each month you mail whatever book you have to the same person, and eventually you get back your own book full of other people's additions. There are a few Disney CJ's going around right now. Some are general Disney, others are Cruise books. Lots and lots of fun.

And as for New England towns, you can't forget Leominster! And no, it isn't Leo-minster, it's lemon-stir.
I've never done a circle journal before. That might be a cool thing to do--a good way to learn more about the people we "talk" to everyday! :surfweb:
vanyel said:
Caitsmama said:
We could do a circle journal? That would be cool!


What's a circle journal?

I'll try to answer that for you. A circle journal is a scrapbook that you create that makes its way around a circle of people over the course of a period of time. You create the theme of your album and start the book out with an intro section including an explanation of your theme and "Sign-in" pages for the participants. You would then do a layout for your theme. Then you mail it to the next person in the circle who then creates a layout on your theme with their own pictures and journalling. If you have a group of 12 scrappers and mail once a month, at the end of a year you will get your own book back full of your new friends' pages.

I'm in one right now and I love it. It's a great way to get to know people and see different people's styles. It's really helped me to expand my scrap horizons.

It's a BIG COMMITMENT though. Our group has had some rocky times. We started out at 15 people and lost 3 along the way. One person who went MIA actually still has 2 other's books and there is no sign of her ever returning them and that is very NOT COOL. :guilty:

The bulk of your work is getting your book ready for the initial mailing. Each month you would only have to create a 2 page layout so it's not terribly time-consuming after that initial setup. But each month you have people counting on you to get it out on time.

I would definitely like to join another one - I'm already anticipating withdrawals for when this circle is complete - I only have 4 more books to work on.

If there's interest, I'd be willing to help set the group up. Our group right now has 2 moderators/leaders and I think that works well. I wouldn't want to do it alone. Let me know what you think.
Hi Everyone!

I'm new to all of this so I hope you don't mind my jumping in!!

My name is Colleen and I live in Burbank, CA (within walking distance of Disney Studios).

I have been married for 20 years and am a stay-at-home mom.

I have two kids - Breezy who just graduated from college with two AA's and will continue on to earn her BA in Business.

My son, Rick, just graduated from high school and will be attending UCLA next year as an Applied Mathematics major.

I love to read, mostly fiction and mysteries. I also love crafts - tole painting, crocheting and now starting serious scrapbooking.

We live close to Disneyland and I've been going there all my life so I have no idea how many times I've been there, but it's a lot!

My daughter and I went on the 3-day Wonder cruise last September and loved it. In April she and I went to WDW for a week and then took the 4-day cruise to celebrate her 21st birthday. Now we want to go to Disney Paris so we are saving our pennies.

Our dog is a Maltese named Tucker who is our precious baby. We also have two cats, Toby and Missy and a finch named QuanChee (that is what happens when you let your 8-year-old Mortal-Kombat-fan son name one of the pets!).

We all love Disney but my daughter and I are the big fans. Breezy collects several different Disney "things" and is slowly working herself out of any spare space in her room. :)
Hi everyone!! It is so fun to read about everyone.
My name is Amy, I've been with my husband for 16 years, married 12. We have 3 boys, my oldest will be 9 in August and we have twins who are 5. I'm a stay at home mom. We live in Alabama, about an 8 hour drive from Disney World. We have a dog, Minnie, a cat named Callie, and a guinea pig. I've taken my boys to DW 3 times and my husband won't go with us. So we go have fun without him. We have our house for sale and received an offer on it today. :banana: We are moving to the country and building a house when we sale this one. I love scrapping and swapping. I'm really having fun with all of the swaps on here, but I'm trying to control myself, especially with our house for sale. I'm addicted to the DIS and check out the boards several times a day. :)
New England Eeyore said:
One person who went MIA actually still has 2 other's books and there is no sign of her ever returning them and that is very NOT COOL. :guilty:

yeah, mine was one of the ones that was 'stolen'. :sad: :furious: :sad2:
(and this reminds me, I need to get to work and get another one mailed!! :blush: )
MomOf2DisneyKids said:
yeah, mine was one of the ones that was 'stolen'. :sad: :furious: :sad2:
(and this reminds me, I need to get to work and get another one mailed!! :blush: )

That's horrible! Why would someone want to keep your books? :confused3
Hello! I am Beverly from Illinois, born in Missouri.
I don't scrapbook or swap. but I love reading the posts. It seems like a fine bunch of folks here!
Married 24 years in October, 2 children. Retired postal worker, going to college, guess my life is lived in reverse. :wave2:
I've heard about the circle journals. I wanted to do the cruise one, but chickened out. I just worry that mine wont be "up to snuff" you know what I mean?

How difficult is it to jump into someone's journal? You use your own pics? What if you don't have anything that matches the theme? I guess I don't really understand the whole concept...but I'm always up for trying new things, so I'd be willing to play. Can I have a "Circle Journal Mentor"?
New England Eeyore, I would definately help moderate with you if you are interested.. I have never done a circle journal swap, but have been in / hosted tons of other swaps.
ddavis860 said:
I've heard about the circle journals. I wanted to do the cruise one, but chickened out. I just worry that mine wont be "up to snuff" you know what I mean?

How difficult is it to jump into someone's journal? You use your own pics? What if you don't have anything that matches the theme? I guess I don't really understand the whole concept...but I'm always up for trying new things, so I'd be willing to play. Can I have a "Circle Journal Mentor"?
I'm in my first circle journal on another forum. My theme is life's little luxuries.
Here's an example:
I'm A and your B. I choose my subject, my current one is Life's Little Luxuries. After I do my 2 page layout(in January) I mail it to B(you) you use your own pics and paper to do a layout in my theme(in February). Your book is Favorite Disney Moment, you do yours(in January) and mail it to C to do hers (in February) in your theme. It's basically a round robin. When all is said and done with our example group we would have our books back in 6 months with one page from each of us.

As for not having pictures, they don't always need to have pictures, one of the ladies in my group is doing pot luck recipes.
Go to and search circle journal in the peanut gallery, you'll find tons of stuff.


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